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Unit 7 Topic 3 知识点总结一、 语法:一般过去式1、概念:表示过去发生的动作、事件、情况,而现在已完毕,也可以表示过去时间里经常性或习惯性的动作,或主语过去的性格和能力。2、常见的时间状语 yesterday ,yesterday morning/afternoon/evening just now 刚刚 in the past 过去 the day before yesterday 前天ago 短语: a moment ago, an hour ago, three weeks ago, two months ago, four years ago等 in+时间点: in 2000, in 1995, in 1880 last 短语: last week 上周 /last year 去年 /last month 上个月 /last night 昨天晚上二、 记牢下面的表格:是 be 动词 肯定句:主语 +was/were+ 其他。如: She was at home last night.时 You were born on June 7 th.主语 +wasnt/weren 其t+他。如: She wasnt at school today.They weren t in Nanyang yesterday.一 般 疑 问 句 : Was/Were+ 主 语 + 其 他 ? Yes,主 语 +was/were.No, 主 语+wasn t/weren t.you 12 last year? Yes ,I was. No ,I wasn t.句:特殊疑问词 +was/were+ 主语 +其他e were you born? I was born in June.是实义动主语 +实义动词的过去式+其他时间、地点等 。词时yed games yesterday.语 +实义动词原形 +其他如:句: _+主语 +_+其他? 肯定答复 :Yes,主语 +did.否认答复: No,主语 +didn t.u sing a song at the party? Yes, I did./ No, I didn t.句:特殊疑问词 +_+主语 +_+其他?did Sally do last night?三、 重要词组1、 at the party 在聚会上2、 recite a Chinese poem 背汉语诗3、 perform magic tricks 表演魔术4、 enjoy oneself=have a good time玩的愉快5、 miss the chair 坐空椅子6、 fall down 摔倒7、 hurt yourself 伤了你自己8、 at once 立刻9、 sth happened to sb 某事发生在某人身上10、 at that time 在那时11、 come back home 回家12、 lie to sb 向某人撒谎13、 tell sb the truth 告诉某人真相14、 go to the party with sb 和某人一起去参加party15、 last night 昨天晚上16、 tell a lie to sb 向某人说谎17、 make sb angry 使某人生气18、 lose the game 输了比赛19、 buy lots of food and drinks for sb为某人买许多食物与饮料20、 each of us 我们每一个人21、 make the card by hand 亲手制作卡片22、 a big birthday cake with 13 candles 带 13 根蜡烛的大生日蛋糕23、 make a silent wish 默默地许愿24、 blow the candles out in one breath 一口气吹灭蜡烛25、 it s your turn轮到你了26、 it s one s turn to do轮到sth某人做某事27、 enjoy doing sth=like doing sth 喜欢做某事四、重要句型1、 How was Kangkang s birthday party? It was very nice康康.的生日party 怎么样?它很不错。2、 Did you recite a Chinese poem? No, I didn.你背中文诗t了吗?不,没有。3、 What did Sally do? She danced. 萨利做了什么?她跳舞了。4、 He performed some magic tricks. 他表演了一些魔术。5、 Did Kangkang enjoy himself? Certainly, he was very happy.6、 It s one s turn to do轮到sth某.人做某事。7、 I missed the chair and fell dowm. 我坐空了椅子,摔倒了。8、 Did you hurt yourself? No, I didn你伤了你自t.己吗?不,我没有。9、 Go and wash them at once. 马上去洗它们。10、 What happened to him at the party?他在聚会上发生了什么事?11、 What time did you come back home last night? 昨晚你们何时回来?12、 You were not at home at that time. 你那时不在家。13、 How can you lie to me? 你怎么能向我撒谎?14、 I didn t play video games at我all根.本不会玩电子游戏。15、 Everyone had a good time, so we all forgot the time.每个人都玩的很开心,因此我们都忘了时间。16、 Why didn t you tell me the truth? I won为何tdo你不itagain告诉我.真相?我不再那样做了。17、 He told a lie to his father yesterday. 他昨天向他父亲撒谎。18、 It made her father very happy. 他使他父亲很快乐。19、 His parents bought lots of food and drinks for us. 他父母为我们买了许多食物和饮料。20、 Kangkang made a silent wish, and then he blew the candles out in one breath.康康默默地许了愿,然后一口气吹灭蜡烛。五、本话题出现的动词过去式有:要反复落实playlie撒谎forgetsitsingplanlikefallbring recite think beginperformgocomelie位于standhaveblowdancehearhurtbuyrungivedomakegetstopenjoycomemissputtelllosewash四、 本话题有几个需要注意的知识点1、 What s the matter with sb? = What happened to sb?某人怎么啦?2、 make sb/sth + 形容词“使 -处于某种状态make me happy 让我快乐make me angry 让我生气3、 lie撒谎过去式: lied现在分词: lyinglie动词to sb 向某人说谎 = tell a lie 名词to sb如: He told a lie to his father yesterday. = He lied to his father yesterday. lie“躺,“位于lay过去式lying 现在分词如: The boy is lying on the floor. 那男孩正躺在地上。He lay on the sofa last night. 昨晚他躺在沙发上。4、拓展: be angry with sb 对某人很生气be angry at sth 对某事很生气5、 enjoy oneself = have a good time = have a wonderful time玩的愉快6、反身代词:I -myself 我自己we-ourselves 我们自己you-yourself 你自己you-yourselves 你们自己she-herself 她自己they-themselves 他们自己he-himself他自己it-itself 它自己7、 each of “中的每个人 做主语、谓语动词用单数,each 可单独使用如: Each is different. 不能不能用every、 Each of them/us is different.every 后不跟 of 做主语,做主语时谓语动词用单数Each of us has an English book.Each of the girls _(have) a pink bag.8、 well 与 good 的区别: well 只有当身体好时是形容词:I m very well today.Well 是副词,修饰动词放句末:She can sing very well. good 是形容词,常用来修饰名词或放系动词be 后,表人或事物的质量、品行如: Mr.Wang is a good teacher, and he teach very well.9、 happen 的用法: happen 动词偶然发生: What time did the accident happen? happen to sb 事件发生在某人身上:I want to know what happened to Jane. What happened to sb/sth? 某人或某物怎么了?


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