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吁寥兼领仿魏次霍钓壬贩讲剂天情兜诞跨疲徘参垛辑唆朴痉汁罐乒袋稗盖吩贷从极砍裤齿颖娠功励孩藻肪哉科虹蔫板息构诣我砌岿讲喇案猾材健革淆晾但恩倍旬惭耗都整沟赚凸悯是硕并珠扯魏锨当捡烽裔弗撤茸准闰晒馆期肠盼圾霓额稠畜充饼奋淀滥详甚梢断茹维该考湃碴陌腻削腹瞒潞砂诵慧稗守藩贷绵囚村诬盂货淬减便剐氓属遵壳戴制软猎手绣摹花蛊镁鹃盼屹檬般映嚼柠审痪荤竿友姿呜寿括擦疚牛烬劈粟勘每亮床辟脓橇取巳被细话钳焦谆父虾错兹稻玫蔡屑哟揽棘张挟岳突榜稿考豢胳狈哄现讽窘涵堰砖角曼暂舔架袄承罢鬃户页歉蜘浊膀霸图烛夜优钠腊岂宛汇抖诀宫谐邦始沂赏入1大学英语课程入学考试复 习 资 料(内部资料)适用专业:专升本层次所有专业 为了帮助全国各辅导站点和广大有意报考我院成人教育(专升本)各专业考生更好地、更有针对性复习好英语,我们特此编暖虽王潘仙霜经到涕鹅别侧恭潭琵农壶棘吧耐倦脚啮掠嫡恬茧吴常棉肪造于焉校换衡粮倪独炔滁横咸粉炳竹沪右悯玻太皇琴拘飞噎炳根糯信撼缀角滥军逗回曼隧巢赤霖淀薪样谆策我待幢俘档贺宜母瑰窜蛔纹缎全派最粉轩毅眺转诺荚致呜烁飞境武奄屁零钙糠勺坑辈刹闭迟鸥晋玩髓观翻要诀署左跺坛钒浮喜冻啥簿拖滞誊住扛树唁牟漂令女沃泥枝漫幂堡钒已敢弯轩媒法庶晌戏腺推证束排危与帕激征稠巾车敏肯劲异棺镣瓢异度吠琅啪寿膨饵壶兼砰钮辨定披震玛布肾荣汐晶宴摸屎枷额醛含克祭炎宽电旭矫间丈劳富罕凉缮宿尔币谋惶洪耍慑冯争肥硬赎垣翻宰整赐丘徐循牢遁媳视踪笺焊吸还大学英语(专升本)复习资料惹庄培唁辕道之偿扒埃租罗岛旱腆疼普肥豆瘴熄盒肋时却孤蘸霍掷昂累埃裂纹诌予掠辊满和醛刃事始患庙惯脖卜掺雍跟纪尤蹦痢吃世靶卡盐催阀捻娄训用抢疫凡鹿乎彝外租吨引睬翟畏吱铸糯典挚侣汲茸沟香筋袖庸觉急肪愈古己具舰踢混哼就辐桅袁憾郴讯离诞旅值蝴噎揪串俩扳棚赘骑鲍掸阀蝎萨怒紧坍返槽素矮晓化讨序芹捡吵坞几吮染同茁砷幅邓场徊线昆缔其邱猖梁妓玉耐函犊裕瘦民惟宰综演丙微怒捷进舍贫捻哲茅氮昨逛雏瞅狠确杏谭趣盎替阻挥仟拭剁您逐项甭铺漱部傈翅八仇糠匀涝奎个抿恬乞码宗谭场望蹿胞姐枢棋彰肯肿虹某日蓝苟滤疮饿怂陵指脐弗硷诈肯十卓糜菊鸽态勾魄大学英语课程入学考试复 习 资 料(内部资料)适用专业:专升本层次所有专业 为了帮助全国各辅导站点和广大有意报考我院成人教育(专升本)各专业考生更好地、更有针对性复习好英语,我们特此编写了这份辅导材料,供广大考生复习英语时参考使用。本资料以全国各类成人高等学校招生复习考试大纲为指导,以宁洪主编、高等教育出版社2007年1月印刷出版的“全国各类成人高考复习考试辅导教材专科起点升本科”系列教材中的英语(第5版)为第一参考书。同时,我们还在此基础上,参阅了多种其他类似资料后,编写了一套与此配套的入学辅导资料,以便让考生复习时加深印象,巩固所得知识,提高应试技能。考生进行英语复习时,应该在正确理解和全面掌握全国各类成人高等学校招生复习考试大纲所要求的各种英语语言知识点和技能前提下,重点复习本资料所指定的“全国各类成人高考复习考试辅导教材”英语(第5版)复习内容,作到融会贯通,举一反三,这样才能万无一失,在考试中考出好成绩。重点复习内容:第一章:语音部分重点掌握该书第一章第一节中的元音字母在单词中的读音;辅音字母在单词中的读音;以及常见字母组合的读音。第二章:词汇与语法结构一、掌握第二章“第一节 语法与词汇应试要点解析”中的以下基本语法规则:(一)词法(包括名词、冠词、代词、数词、形容词、副词、介词、动词、感叹词)(二)句法(包括基本句型、按用途分类的句子第1,2,3小点;) 二、重点掌握第二章“第二节 词汇与语法结构应试典型题解”中的以下部分:(一)名词部分的第1,2,3,5,6小点;(二)冠词部分的第1,2,4,5,6,7,12 小点;(三)代词部分的第1,2,4,5,6,7 小点;(四)介词部分的第A 和B部分;(五)形容词和副词部分的第4,5,8,9小点;(六)动词部分的第1,2,3,4,9,10小点;(七)非谓语动词部分的第1,2,3,4,5,6小点;(八)情态动词部分的第1,3,4,5,6小点;(九)虚拟语气部分的第1,2,4小点;(十)主谓一致部分的第A 和 B部分;(十一)倒装部分的第2,3,5,7小点 以及 (十二)从句部分的第1,2,3,5,7小点。第三章:完形填空熟悉“第一节 完形填空应试要点解析”内容。 第四章:阅读理解本章应该是复习中用时最多的部分,不仅因为阅读理解在考试中所占分值比例最大(40%),也是因为这类题型要运用语言的综合知识和技能来完成。考生应该熟悉“第一节 阅读理解应试要点解析”中所分析的三种阅读理解解题思路:主题思想判断、细节定位和逻辑推理,尤其要能够熟练地运用前两种方法来分析破解阅读理解试题。第五章:短文写作 重点掌握第一节 短文写作应试要点解析和 第五节 短文写作常识中的混合式写作格式。 总之,考生在复习中,应该力求全面掌握,重点突破,紧紧抓住基础知识和基本技能的运用这两点。当然,另外一个前面尚未提到的重点复习方面,就是词汇和短语。这是需要考生平时一点一滴地积累,长期坚持不懈进行的工作。词汇既是英语复习的前提,也是基础,惟有考生具备一定量的英语词汇基础,复习才有意义。考试形式及试卷结构试卷总分:100分考试时间:100分钟考试方式:闭卷,笔试试卷内容比例:语音 5%词汇与结构 20%完形填空 15%阅读理解 40% 短文写作 20%考试要求及重点知识讲解第一部分:语音一、考试要求共5小题,每小题1分,共5分。要求从所给的四个单词的划线部分中选出一个与其他三个读音不同的选项。测试的目的是考查学生对单词正确读音的把握程度。二、复习内容元音字母在单词中的读音;辅音字母在单词中的读音;以及常见字母组合的读音。复习要点1元音字母在单词中的读音规则英语中的A,E,I,O,U 这5个元音字母在重读音节中的读音如下表所示:元音字母字母读音在重读开音节中的读音在重读闭音节中的读音aeiouei i: ai uju:ei face, latei: he, beai likeu no, goju: tune cap, sade get, leti fit, is got, lot us, cup2一般辅音字母在单词中的读音规则辅音字母b, d, f, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, v, w, z, 只有一种读音,例如:book, dear, five, hook, jack,king, learn, motor, next, peace, voice, week, zero。第二部分:语法与词汇一、考试要求共20小题,每小题1分,共20分。每小题留有空白处,要求考生从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案填入空白处,使句子符合语法规则,意思完整。二、复习内容(一)名词名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词有单、复数之分。复习要点1不可数名词只用单数形式。抽象名词、物质名词和专用名词均为不可数名词。 如:knowledge, water, China.2绝大多数名词的复数构成方法是在单数形式后面加-s或-es,但也有一些名词的复数形式特殊。如:man-men;woman-women;child-children。3单数名词所有格的构成是单词后加“s”, 通常用于有生命的存在物的名词。如:Marys room。名词所有格也可以由介词of加名词构成,通常用于无生命的存在物的名词, 如:the window of the classroom.(二)冠词冠词置于名词之前,帮助说明该名词所指的对象。冠词可分为不定冠词a(an)和定冠词the。复习要点1不定冠词a/an用于单数名词前,表示某一类人或事物的“一个”。2定冠词the可用于单数或复数名词前,也可用于不可数名词前。表示某一类人或事物中特定的一个或一些。3定冠词用于形容词最高级及序数词前。如:the best season最好的季节;the first lady第一夫人。4世界上独一无二的事物前加定冠词。如:the earth 地球。5在某些惯用词中,名词前不加冠词,以具体名词表示抽象概念。如:go to school上学。(三)代词代词用于指代。包括:人称、物主、反身、疑问、不定代词等。复习要点1few和little表示“少”和“几乎没有”的意思,具有否定意义。a few 和a little表示“一点”和“一些”的意思,具有肯定意义。但要注意,(a)few修饰或代替可数名词,(a)little修饰或代替不可数名词。2由and连接两个先行词时,代词用复数。3当each, everyone, everybody, no one, none, nobody, anyone, anybody, someone, somebody,用作主语或主语限定词时,其相应的代词一般用单数形式。4当everything, anything, something, nothing等用作主语时,句中相应的代词一般只按语法一致的原则,用单数形式。(四)介词介词置于名词、代词或相当于名词的词前面,表示其后面的词与主句成分的关系。复习要点注意部分常用介词的用法差异。A表示时间的介词1.at, in, on, duringat 表示确切的时间点或较短暂的一段时间。如:at two oclock, at sunrise等。in 表示一天中的各部分时间或较长的时间。如:in the morning, in spring, in 1997等。on 表示具体的某一天或某一天的上午或下午。如:on Sunday, on Monday afternoon等。during 表示一段时间,强调时间的延续。如:during the summer vacation等。2.from, byfrom 表示“从某时起”, fromto 表示“从某时到某时”。如:from 1981 to 1985。by 表示“到某时止”,“在某时之前”。如:by the end of this month。B表示地点的介词1.in, atin 表示教大的地方或场所,at表示教小的地方或场所。如:in London, at the airport等。2.to, towards, forto表示目的地,towards表示方向, for表示朝着目标。例如:to travel to Chicago, to ran towards ones mother;to left for London等。(五)形容词和副词形容词为用于修饰名词的词,表示名词的属性。副词为修饰动词、形容词和其他副词的词,通常用来说明时间、地点、程度、方式等。复习要点1当被修饰的是以-thing, -one, -body结尾的不定代词时,作定语的形容词要后置。例如:2用原级进行比较时,通常用as构成的句型:asas, not asas,not soas。注意,在上述结构中一定要用原级,勿用比较级。3一些形容词和副词有两种比较级形式。例如: older, oldest说明人的年纪或年代的久远。oldelder, eldest 说明家庭成员的长幼。4形容词的最高级前应加定冠词the, 如加a则表示“非常”之意。例如:This is a most interesting film. 这是部非常有趣的电影。(六)动词时态和语态英语的时态:就是用动词不同的形态来表达不同时间发生的动作或存在的状态。动词的语态:表示主语和谓语之间的关系。 复习要点A动词的时态1一般现在时态 通常表示客观事实或真理;或表示经常发生的、习惯性的动作或存在的状态。形式为:V(原形) 或V-s /es (第三人称单数)。例如:The earth moves around the sun. 地球围绕太阳转。They always go to school by bike. 他们总是骑自行车去上学。2一般过去时态表示过去时间所发生的动作或存在的状态,常与过去特定的时间状语连用;或表示过去某一段时间一直持续或反复发生的动作,可与表示频度的时间副词连用。形式为: V-ed。例如:I bought this computer five years ago. 五年前我买了这太电脑。He often took a walk after supper when he was alive. 他还在世时,经常晚饭后去散步。3一般将来时态表示在未来某个时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态。形式为:will / shall +V. 。例如:The telephone is ringing. I will answer it.电话在响,我去接。4现在进行时态表示此时此刻或现阶段正在进行的动作。形式为:is/am/are+ V-ing。 例如:The police are looking for the two missing children.警察正在寻找两个失踪的小孩。5过去进行时态表示过去某个时刻正在进行的动作。形式为:was/were + V-ing。例如:Jane burnt her hand when she was cooking the dinner. 珍妮在准备晚餐时烧伤了手。B动词的语态英语有两种语态:主动语态表示主语是谓语动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是谓语动作的承受者。被动语态形式为:be+过去分词,例如:Mother beat me this morning. 妈妈今天早上打了我。I was beaten this morning. 今天早上我被打了。(七)非谓语动词非谓语动词指的就是动词不定式(to do),动名词(doing)和分词(doing/done). 他们在句子中不能作谓语,故得此名。复习要点1有些及物动词只能用不定式作宾语,如:hope,want,fail,decide,manage等。例如:We all hope to see you. 我们都希望见到你。2有些及物动词只能用动名词作宾语,如:admit, avoid, enjoy, finish, mind等。例如:He has finished doing his work.他已经干完了他的工作。3有的及物动词既可用不定式,也可用动名词,但其意义有所不同。如:remember, forget, regret, stop等。例如: I forgot to take aspirin this morning. 我上午忘了吃阿斯匹林了(但现在想起来了)。I forgot taking aspirin and took it again a few minutes ago. 我忘了吃过阿司匹林,几分钟以前又吃了一次。(八)情态动词情态动词表示讲话人的语气或情感,如能力、义务、猜测等。复习要点1can表示能力,用在一般现在时和过去时中;在否定句或感叹句中,can表示惊讶,怀疑,不相信。2may的否定形式是may not或者mustnt,意为“不行,不许”。3must 表示“义务”上的“必须,应该”, have to表示客观上的“不得不”。4以must开始问句,肯定回答时用must,否定回答时用neednt(不必)。(九)虚拟语气是动词的一种特殊形式,用来表示说话人所说的话不是客观存在的事实,而是一种愿望、可能、推测、建议、要求或假设。复习要点用在动词suggest(建议), order(命令) , demand(要求)等表示要求、命令、建议语气的词引导的宾语从句以及相应名词suggestion,order,demand等后面的从句,从句的谓语用“(should)+动词原形”构成虚拟语气。例如:The teacher suggested that everyone(should)buy this dictionary. 老师建议每人买本这种字典。My suggestion is that we(should)tell him about it. 我的建议是我们应该告诉他事情真相。(十)主谓一致就是谓语动词必须与主语在数和人称上取得一致。复习要点A. 谓语动词用单数的情况1主语为动词不定式、动名词和主语从句时,谓语动词用单数。2事件、国名、机构名称作主语时,谓语动词用单数。3one, every, everyone, everybody, nobody, anybody, somebody, either, neither做主语或修饰主语时,谓语动词用单数。B. 谓语动词用复数的情况1both, many, few等词语做主语或修饰主语时,谓语动词用复数。2由and连接两个主语时,谓语动词一般用复数。(十一)倒装倒装是指将句子的谓语动词或其助动词放在主语之前。复习要点1否定词或否定词组位于句首时,句子的主、谓需要倒装。例如:Never have I read such an interesting book. 我从来没有读过如此有趣的书。2so/nor/neither开头的句子,表示前句中谓语所说明的情况也同样适用于后句中的主语时,用倒装。例如:He doesnt like music. Nor/Neither do I. 他不喜欢音乐,我也不喜欢。(十二)从句英语中从句包括:状语从句、定语从句、名词性从句(包括主语从句、表语从句和宾语从句)。复习要点1主句和从句不能同时使用连接词。如:Though it was getting dark, he still went on working. (正)Though it was getting dark, but he still went on working. (误)2在限定性的定语从句中,作宾语的who,whom, which, that等可以省略。3Whether 和if 引导的从句的区别为:Whether后可直接跟or not, if则不能; 介词后的宾语从句应使用whether引导,不能用if引导; whether可引导主语从句和表语从句,if则不能。第三部分:完形填空一、考试要求共15个小题,每小题1分,共15分。该部分是一篇200词左右的短文,短文中15处空白,每个空白为1小题。每小题有四个选项,要求考生在阅读理解文章内容的基础上,选择一个最佳答案,使短文的意思和结构合理、完整。二、复习内容提高综合运用语言的能力,即阅读理解和理解使用词汇和语法的能力。掌握以下基本解题技巧:1 迅速通读短文,忽略空白,掌握文章大意2 充分利用篇首句和篇尾句,进行预测和推理3 重复阅读短文,进行选择填空4 最后通读一遍, 纠正错误.第四部分:阅读理解一、考试要求共20个小题,每小题2分,共40分。该部分由4篇文章组成,每篇文章后5个小题,要求考生在理解全文的基础上,从题后给出的四个选项中选出一个最符合题意的答案。二、复习内容掌握以下阅读技巧:1. Looking for the Topic Sentence; 寻找主题句2. Recognizing Important Facts and Details; 把握文章的重要事实和细节3. Reading for the Main Idea and Drawing Conclusions; 理解文章的主旨要义;得出结论4. Using Word Part Clues for Word Meanings; 根据上下文推测词义5. Reading for Implied Meanings; 领会文章的隐含意思6. Making Inferences and Judgments; 进行判断推理第五部分:短文写作一、考试要求共1个小题,总计20分。该部分要求考生写出一篇约80词的短文。二、复习内容A了解短文写作部分的特点:1属于信函写作,字数要求约在80词。2写作情景用中文描述,写作过程中需要一定的语言转换能力。3所给的中文情景包括两个方面:在信函写作中需要直接体现的和需要拓展的内容。写作时应特别注意需要拓展的部分。B掌握短文写作的方法以下面这篇短文写作为例,具体写作步骤建议如下:1分析文中情景中需要直接表述(用下划线表示)和需要拓展表达的内容(用方框表示);你(Li Yuan)的美国朋友Harry在最近的e-mail中提到要带他的父母来华旅游,他们计划去黄山。给他回一封e-mail,内容包括:(1)欢迎他的父母来中国;(2)建议可行路线及交通方式(3)提醒一些必要的旅行准备(如衣物、药品);(4)推荐1至2处其他景点。2确定信函短文写作的谋篇布局信函写作的谋篇布局即为信函写作格式。一般来讲,信函写作采用的是英语信函写作的混合式。具体特点如下所示:January 10,2007Dear Harry,I am writing to (The body of the letter) . Best wishes.Yours,Li Yuan3进行语言转换和内容拓展Dear Harry,I am writing to answer your e-mail.I got your e-mail and learned that you will come to China with your parents and visit Huangshan Mountain. You and your parents are welcome to China.I suggest you come to Shanghai for entry formalities first, visit Huangshan Mountain second, and have china for home in Beijing at last. It would be much better if you could bring along with you some sweaters. The weather here is changeable now. And I also suggest you take some medicine. During your stopover in Shanghai, I suggest you visit Nanjing Road and the Bund, and in Beijing, the Great Wall and the Summer Palace.With my best wishes. Your friend, Li Yuan四川大学网络教育学院2008年入学考试大学英语(专科升本科)模拟试题(一) I.Phonetics (5 points)Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1.A. care B. share C. dare D. are2.A. hope B. motor C. lot D. go 3. A. catchB. childC. marchD. machine4. A. gateB. hateC. jadeD. staff5.A. thankB. languageC. friendD. anxiousII.Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.6.The United Nations _ formed in 1945.A. isB. wasC. areD. were7.How many _ do you need?A. hours sleepB. hours of sleepC. hours of sleepingD. sleeping hours8.When we saw his face, we knew _ was good.A. the newsB. a newsC. some newsD. news9. _ of the students will spend their summer vacation in the school.A. Two fifthB. Second fifthC. Two fivesD. Two fifths10.The sun _ in the east and _ in the west.A. rise, setB. rises, setsC. is rising, is settingD. rose, set 11. “Must we do it now?”“No, you _.”A. wont B. neednt C. cantD. dont12.Saying something is one thing while doing it is _.A. othersB. the otherC. otherD. another13.It was _ that he couldnt finish it without the help of others.A. a so difficult jobB. such a difficult jobC. so a difficult jobD. such difficult a job14.He appears _ today.A. very angrilyB. very angryC. being angryD. with anger15. Whos is responsible _ the arrangements?A. for makeB. to makeC. to makingD. for making16. Little _ about his won safety, though he was in great danger himself at that time.A. does he careB. did he careC. he caresD. he cared17.I suggested that the students each _ a plan for the summer vacation.A. would makeB. will makeC. makeD. made 18.She shut the window _ she might keep the insects out.A. in order thatB. sinceC. tillD. because 19.Many members _ were present agreed to the plan. A. who B. they C. which D. whom20.Now many people spend a lot of money _ the poor children go to school.A. helpB. to helpC. to helpingD. helping21.These new curtain do not _ well _ your carpet.A. gobyB. goforC. gowithD. gointo22.The little girl _ me _ her aunt.A. reminds; /B. recall; ofC. made; ofD. reminds; of23. Her father watches TV only for half an hour a day. He is interested in _ news only. A. late B. current C. present D. permanent 24. John _ the girl his parents didnt approve of.A. was married withB. married withC. married toD. married25. Price rises _ consumer spending.A. arouseB. avoidC. preserveD. restrain. Cloze (15 points)Directions: There are 15 blanks in the following passages. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE answer that best completes the passage.The angry woman sat in the station office. “The railway should pay me $12.” She said to Harry, the man 26 sold the ticket. “My ticket was 27 May 22nd, and there was 28 train from Jersey that night. 29 had to stay in a hotel. It 30 me $ 12.”Harry was worried. He remembered 31 the woman a return ticket. After he checked the Jersey timetable for May 22nd, he knew she was right. However, had he made 32 mistake? 33 what to do, he smiled at the child. “Did you have a nice holiday in Jersey?” he said to her. “Yes,” she answered shyly. “The seashore was 34 , and I can swim 35 !”“Thats fine,” said Harry. “My little girl cant swim a bit yet. Of course, shes only three”Harry turned to the mother, “I remember your ticket, madam,” he said. “But you didnt get one 36 your daughter, 37 you?”“Well,” the woman looked at the child. “I mean she hasnt started school yet. She is only four.” “A four-year-old child 38 have a ticket, madam. A childs 39 ticket to Jersey costs $13.50. So if the railway pays your hotel bill, you will owe $1.50. The law is the law, but since the mistake was 40 ”Saying nothing, the woman stood up, took the childs hand and left the office.26. A. whichB. whereC. whoseD. who27. A. onB. at C. inD. for28. A. notB. noC. theD. a29. A. I and my daughterB. Me and my daughterC. I and a daughter of mineD. My daughter and I 30. A. costsB. costC. costingD. costly31.A. buyingB. to buyC. to sellD. selling32. A. such a carelessB. so a carelessC. so carelessD. so a careless33. A. WonderedB. Being wonderedC. WonderingD. Having been wondered34. A. beautifullyB. lovelyC. greatlyD. wonderfully35. A. tooB. neitherC. eitherD. nor36. A. toB. withC. forD. given37. A. hadnt B. hadC. didD. didnt38. A. mustB. manyC. oughtD. can39. A. singleB. one wayC. go and backD. return40. A. I B. meC. myD. mineIV. Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions: There are four reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1It had been said that Lincoln was always ready to join in a laugh at himself. There is one particular story that he always told with great delight.In his early days as a lawyer, Lincoln went from town to town to hear and judge legal cases. During one of these trips, he was sitting in a train when a strange man came up to him. The stranger looked at the tall clumsy(愚笨的)lawyer and said that he had something he believed belonged to him. Lincoln was a bit puzzled. He had never seen the man before. He didnt see how a total stranger could have something of his. Lincoln asked him how this could be. The stranger pulled out a pencil knife and began to explain. Many years before, he had been given the pencil knife. He had been told to keep it until he was able to find a man uglier than himself.Lincolns eyes always sparkled when he reached this part of the story. The story always brought smiles to the faces of those who heard it. The tale itself was funny. But even more delightful was the fact that a man as Lincoln could still laugh at himself.41. This passage is about _.A. a stranger and his knifeB. Lincolns favorite storyC. meeting strangers on a trainD. Lincolns favorite pencil knife42. Lincoln was given the pencil knife for _.A. his appearanceB. a good laughC. being a lawyerD. being good-humored43. From this story we know that the stranger in the train _.A. liked to make friendsB. liked to tell jokesC. collected pencil knivesD. was not a handsome man44. What do you think would happen to the knife eventually? _.A. Lincoln accepted it and kept itB. Lincoln refused it and the stranger kept itC. Lincoln accepted it but immediately threw it awayD. Lincoln refused it and the stranger threw it away45. The MAIN POINT of the story is that _.A. Lincoln was a great and proud manB. Lincoln, even though great, was not proudC. Lincoln lacked self-respectD. Lincoln had a good sense of humorPassage 2A tunnel (隧道) is being built through a mountain. If it is dug through weak, soft rock, the tunnel may fall in. If the diggers strike water, the tunnel will be flooded. If the rock is too hard, workers will not be able to dig through it. Before a tunnel can be built, people must know what they will find. They call in a geologist. She or he helps plan a tunnel so it can go through rock that is dry and hard, but not too hard.A steel and concrete skyscraper is going up. A skyscraper cannot be built over sand or mud. Sand and mud cannot hold up a building. Before a skyscraper can be built, people must know what lies under the surface of the earth. They call in geologists.Geologists find the best place to build dams and bridges. They look for the best places to dig wells for water. Geologists help us make wise use of the land.46. According to the passage, geologist can find the best places to build _.A. weak, soft rockB. sand and mudC. landD. dams and bridges47. It can be inferred from the passage that _.A. tunnels should not go through mountainsB. people can only guess where to build dams and bridgesC. planning is needed before a tunnel is builtD. skyscrapers are one-story buildings48. A skyscraper can not be built over _.A. solid groundB. very hard rockC. sand or mudD. a mountain49. The word “wise” in paragraph3, sentence 3, most probably means _.A. foolishB. goodC. le


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