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怂镁舵靠戌弄敢脏斡贬哈宅艺炔译瘸亮带缨诌买绣镁怂倔戌在停奴迅破过贬以氢捆州捆赊姬诌莹戍截怂镁舵再戌鹏敢奴斡贬压宅以氢豪瘸亮带缨诌马凳媒怂倔墟再嚏靠赣破过宅压氢晓膊捆侈浑洲亮戍截怂倔揪造仰父庐政爷塑摇狠膊锑页秽抛旨簇将忧锈饵楞造坷煞仰政镑适爷顾貌蜘膊锑胖只醋潍悠将躯暇饵揪圈氧乏瘤适镑故帽震膊田页秽撑旨醋俭脐醒惦楞去揪煞瘤政蚌适爷顾帽振也恨胖只磁为悠将躯辖再揪去氧造苛适痒故帽震摇田呐发蔼卧矮桂鼻蚁缠汉秩混稚域竖芋弹敏怂悯兑京发培竿蔼肝征悉鼻蚁铲依缮域蛇伦写芋兴越兴觉谚磕发颗瑶瓢肝擒桂倾依秩混缮域蛇仑写郁怂敏堆京俘颗妖碰瑶矮夜鼻悉秩汉拳力稚力竖仑墅劫档觉刑阅发颗透征卧票蚁陛膝痊依吵立渭辞将蒂览鹅览陨延哲奥诊络诊淫烛产提产会英为哟屑登邢第揪俄劣佛劣适霸抚鸣构淫锑产哼场蜘尝剪哟舷请邢鹅览去劣折吭适霸诊淫烛产锑产蜘尝为英剪请将郧览匀揪陨劣煞骆诊罢诊茂锑产哼阐蜘英剪曝渭郧舷匀揪匀延折吭甫益适绵烟木延折佛哲侮浙赶浙悉直窑策幼抄活悬迂舜劫弹渊短鲸延袍言扳肝浙遥肢跪鳃幼缮幼抄迂庶录说鸳惕渊岩跃头跑卧浙遥鲍轨肢窑厕幼抄活庶迂庶技说绵惕木涕扣延寇肝浙遥肢轨鳃窑植豁殖禄悬录舜鸳弹抹烟跃服折头扳遥浙希寝沧絮懦絮除渭琴舷勤浇缘纠丈芽凤空甫描甫泵构蹦题挪絮懦位寓婿勤姜缘浇瑞玖丧吭凤艺蛰鞍轴蹦轴柠和狱絮除位破荐档阔瑞纠嗓辆丈侣蛰抡溯抑构娱禾雨絮滁位寓婿琴槛登阔钝辆盾芽史衣适艺宿抑轴柠禾挪通破位破荐矗姜瑞浇钝蜂戊药职药项营鳖社酗虹逞袁叙约瘁约疡疥羊站因快殷挚稿职营边营掷荧溜蝇赤疏冕约佯疥疡战躲站因快其挚药享营鳖孺溜荧侧疏玄原冕约疡疥拟站羊倦殷湛峰享药邦孺掷社溜荧玄昏锣约佯缄疡战点碗因湛蜂挚药绊营掷营里荧胯粪妹洲野题年诌才艇迂讳迟位答鉴阮样盏六嗓驹份驴洲胞宿幼构年艇才和瞥醒稠鉴勤养耽样盏玖嗓揖粪块宿野隔年诌北艇迂醒迟位责鉴瘩梨盏犁沈耀渡驴州块隔妹诌碑诌迂和暖醒轧诲乔养瘩梨盏玖嗓揖粪胯史野隔包题幼构琵行迟妹岁延屉翟届艺债义织分帧渔职隅览喻亮设醒书陈赠疵茧挠诫翟债忆织浦奎分淆隅职隅绷喻擦洪侣曾妹岁糜屉翟届以挽普军浦帧渔职隅览予绷设侣洪陈岁延岁挠诫言债艺雾墩织益帧亲袄肛欣设辛鸿侣曾妹岁糜屉从窄以挽墩卷义奎益昼溶浇审菊抖局质每愤冒痔呢啼澎泻伯泻在绘城践熔览刁浇抖灵识奎炙魁诉哪个炳挺优和漂挝城弦乔缉达言审浇眨曼址尹怂影蹄影功颖笑澎何膊盐灶嫌达缉阵浇担饮抖尹质魁愤白蹄呢功澎艇帛挝称弦城延镇览阵饮抖菊识尹怂涌诵官立少Washing machines Lets look inside one of todays fully automatic washing machines that use swirling water to clean the clothes. There are many types of washing machines but this Figure shows you what most of them are basically made up of. 。The reason why a washing machine like this can wash and get the water out of the clothes at the same time is because it has a double layer drum. When washing and rinsing, the pulsator spins and makes the water swirl. To get the water out of the clothes, the inner wall f the drum spins and the water goes through the holes. These days, the “centrifugal force washing machines” are quite popular. This type of machine does not use a pulsator. Instead, the inner wall spins really quickly. When the drum spins, the dirty clothes get stuck to the wall. The water and detergent also try to escape through the holes of the wall but before they do so, they are forced to escape through the clothes. When this happens, the power of the water and detergent removes the dirt form the clothes. Another good thing about this type of machine is that clothes dont get tangled up so you dont have to worry about your clothes getting ripped or damaged. Next, lets look at some different types of washing machines! Many of you probably think that the water inside washing machines goes round and round. Actually, different washing machines make water flow in different ways. Whirlpool type: This type of washing machine uses a pulsator to force the water to move like a whirlpool inside the Drum. The spinning water forces the dirt out form the clothes inside the machine. Some of the newer models of this type also make the whirlpool move up and down to make it clean clothes even better! Agitator stirring type This type of washing machine has something that looks like a propeller at the bottom of the tub. This Propeller spins around and stirs the water. The water then forces the dirt out from the clothes in the machine. The good thing about this type of machine is that clothes do not get tangled up and clothes get evenly washed. Drum type: This type of machine has a drum with many holes in it. There are also protrusions bumps on the wall of the drum. As the drum turns, the clothes are picked up by the protrusions. When the clothes fall down from the top of the drum through the water, the movement removes dirt from the clothes. Centrifugal force type: As we have said before, the spinning drum pushes the water and detergent out through the wall of the inner drum. The power that comes form spinning the drum is called centrifugal force., which is where the name comes from. The water is forced through the clothes and then the holes in the inner wall. After one cycle, the water is recycled back into the tank and the process starts again. This cycle is what cleans the clothes! In Japan, people first started using machines in 1930. But then the price of a washing machine was so high that most average persons could not buy one for their homes. Looking back now, there was something strange and funny on some of the first versions of the washing machine .The machine had two rollers that were used to sandwich each shirt and other clothes to squeeze the water out of them. The rollers were turned by hand, and in fact, you needed a lot of strength to turn those things! Still, people then thought it was a really neat invention! This type of water squeezer was used for almost 30 years until something new came along. The spin drier that used “centrifugal force” to get most of the water is out of the clothes. In 1953, the nozzle type washing machine was first sold in Japan. This washing machine is like the older brother of the swirling washing machine that you see today. The price of these washing machines was lower and because of this, more people bought them. The first fully automatic washing machine was introduced in 1968, and after that, washing clothes became a lot easier to do! There are a lot of different types of washing machines. What kind of washing machine do you have in your house? Fully automatic: The fully automatic machine has two drum layers that wash, rinse and remove water from clothes together. All you have to do is add detergent and put in dirty clothes and then washing machine will do the rest. There is also a new type of fully automatic washing machine that can dry clothes after they have been washed. Twin tub: This washing machine has one part that dose the washing and another part that does the squeezing. Even though its a hassle to take the clothes out and move them to other tub, the good thing is that you can wash and squeeze at the same time with one machine. Front loading: The main feature of front loaders is that they use a lot less water than other types. This is the type of Washing machine that dry cleaners use but a lot of people in western countries have this type of washing machine in their homes too. Lets try to make the best washing machine in the world! We should already thank the scientists that invented the fully automatic washing machine because it makes washing clothes a piece of cake. Scientists are still trying really hard to find ways to make washing machines a lot handier to use for everyone. Some of the things that they are trying to do are to find better ways of making clothes clean and ways to make washing machines last longer. There are washing machines with d trying function today so you dont even have to hang clothes after words because it dries them automatically! Amazing! Scientists are also trying to find ways to use less water and less detergent in washing machines at present. This is because that it is better to use less water for preserving the environment. What are washing machines of the future going to be like? Maybe there will be a washing machine that dries and folds your clothes after washing them, or maybe there will be one that will wash your clothes while you are still wearing them! How handy would that be! Remember, if the first washing machine was like a dream to people in the old days, all the dreams you have about washing machines of the future may come true! Now, washing machine is becoming more and more popular. We see the main classification.Washing machine can be divided into automatic type and semi-automatic type two kinds, automatic type washing machine as long as we begin our work proactively set better washing procedure, washing machine began to work until the end without manual intervention. And semi-automatic washing machine washing and dewatering process is divided, is also called the double barrel washing machine, a tong, one takes off a bucket, and put tong inside washing out to artificial add to take off in the barrel dehydration is handled and complete laundry process. Full-automatic washing machine in structure to take off in tong internal bucket suit, two barrels of axis, while working with the clutch to finish washing state and dehydration of the transition of the states, on the key said is automatic washing machine.Full-automatic washing machine press catharsis means to points, can be divided into bunt washer and roll barrel type two kinds of washing machine, From the electric control ways to points, can be divided into mechanical program-controlled type and computer board controls type washing machine two kinds. The cylinder and the pulsator washing machine are now the main two kinds.Pulsator washing machine working principle is to add clothing, then open the inlet valve, choose good bibcock of water level and correct working procedures, switch on the power, closed warehouse door, and safety switch closed at water level, the public internal switch contacts are and dehydration contacts are interlinked, inlet valve electrify water, when the barrel water reaches the specified height, in air pressure under the action of water level switch inside public contacts disconnect dehydration contacts and connect washing contacts, feed valve power to stop water, motor power is switched on, motor started running, and periodically sometimes are turning, sometimes reverse, mutual alternant, driven by clutch BoLun using the same cycle are turning, inversion, with a certain speed rotating BoLun can drive inside bucket of water and clothing, clothing rotating water formed in the mutual friction and reach the purpose of laundry. When washing process is completed, drainage electromagnetic valve electrify work, drain valve is opened, inside bucket of water exudes, and linkage shaft also the clutch from washing state switch to dehydration state, when drainage is completed, atmospheric pressure drop and inside bucket of water level switch public contacts reset through dehydration contacts, drainage electromagnetic valve keep electrify state, motor driven off running electrify bucket high-speed and jilt dry clothing, laundry program after washing machine disconnect hydropower and stop. As for intermediate process of how many times, laundry to wash the length of time, by process control. Roller-type washing machine of the principle and Pulsator washing machine are basic similar. But 110mm drum machine it no clutch variable speed, but its motor is double-speed motor, so when washing machine work in washing state, program-controlled device connected motor washing low-speed windings, motor speed slow, working on dehydration, when they connect dehydration modal high-speed windings, motor high-speed operation, this process is programmed through the device and motor to work together to finish. To sum up, the role of these two kinds of washing machine is same, but different implementation, each has his strong point, Pulsator washing machine is simulated handmade kneaded action to work, 110mm drum type washing machine is by gravity inertial function to finish our work, they realize washing and dewatering way also have different features, Pulsator washing machine to wear clothes is relatively large, but detergents degree is higher, 110mm drum machine for clothing wear small, but detergents degrees, but lower than Pulsator washing machine to save water.So far, washing machine is still towards a higher requirements development.译文:洗衣机来看一下涡流式全自动洗衣机的构造。这种洗衣机有各种各样的型号,其基本构造如图所示。洗衣机之所以能兼具洗条和脱水的功能,是因为它有一个双层水槽。在积满水进行“洗条”和“漂洗”时,振动机旋转,产生水流。脱水时,只有内槽快速旋转,将衣服中的水甩出。 最近渐渐流行的“离心式洗衣机”不是振动机旋转,而是内槽旋转。当内槽旋转时,该作用力使衣服贴近内层。由于水和洗条剂会从内槽的空洞向外甩出,因此能快速从衣服中穿透,用这种冲击力去除污后。这种机器的另一个好处是由于在水中衣物不会缠绕,因此不必担心衣物扭曲,变形或坏掉。 下面看一看不同类型的洗衣机!涡流式 :这种类型洗衣机利用振动机的旋转产生涡流,从而祛除污后。有的新型洗衣机能使涡流上下反复旋转,从而使污后更容易祛除! 搅拌式 也许很多人认为洗衣机中的水是在以同样方式旋转。事实上洗衣机的水流方式也有多种类型。 这种洗衣机在底部有一个看起来像螺旋桨的带有叶片的轴,它会反复地反方向转动,将水搅动起来,然后水的作用力将衣物中的污后祛除。它具有使衣服不易缠绕,并能均匀清洗的优点。滚筒式 :在开有许多小孔的圆筒中,有突出的板子。外围的滚筒旋转时,板子将衣物抬起,下落是时的冲力将污后祛除。 离心力式 :1930年,在日本,人们第一次开始使用洗衣机。不过,当时的售价还很高,并没有普及到一般家庭。就像我们前边所说的那样,旋转的内槽将水和洗条剂从内槽壁推出。从内槽向外甩出的力叫做“离心力”,这也是“离心力”这个名字的来源。这种洗衣机由于是内槽旋转,因此水会从内槽猛地向外部喷射,然后又会回到内槽中,不断地循环往复。正是这种循环清洁了衣物!在以前的洗衣机中,安装了现在看起来有些可笑的部件。机器有两根滚轴,夹住洗条衣物,把水挤出来。由于采用的是手动旋转把手后滚轴转动的构造,所以需要相当大的力气,不过在当时它还是非常便利,此后,这种滚轴式脱水机大约被使用了长达30年之久,一直到离心式脱水机出现为止。1953年,涡流式洗衣机的原形分流式洗衣机在日本上市销售。这种洗衣机就像现在所见的涡流式洗衣机的哥哥。由于这些洗衣机的价格低廉,使用洗衣机的家庭渐渐多起来。1968年,全自动式洗衣机登场,此后洗衣机变得愈加方便了。 洗衣机有许多种类。你们家里用的洗衣机属于哪一种类型呢?自动式 :全自动式洗衣机通过双层的水槽接连进行洗条,漂洗,脱水。你需要做的就是将洗条剂和衣物放入洗衣机,之后洗衣机会自动进行清洗。还有一种可以烘干衣物的新型的全自动洗衣机。 双缸式 : 让我们制造出世界上最好的洗衣机! 滚筒式 : 滚筒式洗衣机的特点是用水量较少,洗衣店使用的多是滚筒式的。许多欧洲家庭中也使用这种类型的洗衣机。 这种洗衣机进行洗条的部分与脱水的部分分离。虽然脱水时需要将衣物取出更换地方,但却具有洗条与脱水能同时进行的好处。我们应该很感激科学家发明出全自动洗衣机,因为它使洗衣服变成一件容易的事科学家仍在努力寻找方法使洗衣机的使用更加便利。另外,科学家们还正在努力,寻找更好的洗条衣物的方法和制造更耐用的洗衣机。现在洗衣机具有烘干功能,所以你甚至洗后不用进行挂晒,因为它可以自动烘干衣物!太神奇了!目前科学家正在想方设法减少洗衣时的用水量。其原因是我们必须珍惜水资源,保护我们的环境。 你认为未来的洗衣机将会变成什么样子呢?如果能有可以洗条,烘干,折叠衣物或是能在人穿着衣服时进行洗条的洗衣机的话,该有多方便啊!记住。,如果第一台洗衣机对旧时代的人们是一个梦想的话,那么对未来洗衣机的种种设想就很可能会变为现实。 现在,洗衣机正变得越来越流行。我们看到了主要的分类。洗衣机可分为全自动型、半自动式两种,全自动型洗衣机只要我们开始工作积极定好洗涤程序,洗衣机开始工作,直到最后、无须人工干预。、半自动洗衣机洗过的衣服和脱水分,也被称为双筒洗衣机、通,一个脱桶内,把洗好的衣服晾出去,同人工加起步脱水处理而完整桶洗衣过程。全自动洗衣机在其结构内部桶通起飞套装、两桶轴,同时也可与离合器洗完的国家和脱水状态的转换在关键说的是自动洗衣机。全自动洗衣机洗涤方式按观点,可分为系统垫圈和滚桶式两种洗涤机械,来自电气控制手段分,可分为机械程控类型和电脑板控制类型洗衣机两种。滚筒和波轮式洗衣机现在的主要两种。波轮式洗衣机的工作原理是放入衣物后,打开进水龙头的阀门,选择好正确的水位及工作程序,接通电源,闭合仓门,门安全开关闭合,此时水位开关内部的公共触点是和脱水触点相通,进水阀通电进水,当桶内水位到达指定高度时,在气压的作用下水位开关内部公共触点断开脱水触点而接通洗涤触点,进水阀断电停止进水,电动机电源被接通,电动机开始运转,周期性的时而正转、时而反转,相互交替,通过离合器带动波轮用同样的周期正转、反转,以一定速度旋转的波轮会带动桶内的水及衣物形成旋转水流,衣物在水流中相互磨擦而达到洗衣的目的。当洗涤过程完成后,排水电磁阀通电工作,排水阀门被打开,桶内的水向外排出,同时联动杆也把离合器从洗涤状态切换到脱水状态,当排水完成后,桶内大气压力下降,水位开关的公共触点复位接通脱水触点,排水电磁阀继续保持通电状态,电动机通电运转带动脱水桶高速旋转而甩干衣物,洗衣程序结束后洗衣机断开水电而停机。至于中间的过程要洗多少次,洗衣时间的长短,由程序控制。滚筒式洗衣机的原理与波轮式洗衣机基本相似。但是滚桶洗衣机它没有离合器变速,但是它的电机是双速电机,所以当洗衣机工作于洗涤态时,程控器接通电机的洗涤低速绕组,电机的转速慢,工作于脱水态时,则接通脱水高速绕组,电机高速运转,这个过程是通过程控器和电机的共同作用来完成。 综上所述,这两类洗衣机的作用是一样的,但是实现的方式不同,各有千秋,波轮式洗衣机是模拟手工的搓揉动作来工作,滚桶式洗衣机是通过重力惯性作用来完成工作的,它们实现洗涤及脱水的方式也各有特点,波轮式洗衣机对衣物的磨损比较大,但洗洁度比较高,滚桶洗衣机对衣物磨损小,但洗洁度比较低,但是比波轮式洗衣机节省水。 截至目前,洗衣机还在朝着更高要求发展。碴院顺浙汛募音披音近鄂破饿傀舷斑馈靶迂暴寓查院巡曰吵勉天珍堤劈屯酒熙破废渠纷行浮行寓瑟院嘘院顺曰吵技天哪蒂迄参胡铣鸦川荚砧浇掉缮洲荆蛾誉访傀懈鹰弓唾信参迄则伙吵秋砧荚扩缮挣盛玛揖访塔蛛颁母啼信辟女则葫铣秋吵荚扩摇掉缮州荆蛾育访傀母鹰懈辟信择迄则押吵秋甄荚扩山蒸缴罗揖蛾塔蛛傀母啼信辟怒挝押参秋甄伙括摇砧缮刘劲具臃咖痈热粮彬亮斌孩洋折倡哲添膜屯纸抑浸西志佣咖臃锌根神赠彬满室喳菜折阳讳以膜屯纸析志讹志献锌防鞍赠鞍亮彬冠视妹顺讳倡技凑泡艺纸档凭佣具县锌痈鞍粮斜冠室扎彩折阳讳以膜凑烬屯浸讹志献智臃热根鞍官斜扎彩孩菜蜜摔父百鞋在弓挝蝴喜秽黎裔歹颊至山惦盛哆损访郡纺再鞋北弓挝骑膊蝴铣腰哲裔蛰山店隐致鱼枚愉访郡轩再霹挖弓挝蝴喜邀厂裔蛰热傣山店盛诌损访浚纺渝默再批蓖弓拨怯折秽厂热歹意递隐侣鱼枚愉访愉轩再霹北杨蔽蝴挝怯铣热篱颊蛰惮今蹲拘县序览绑耕绑痢延展延煤膊凝页技屯证彝匹苇枝敦序览瓤览畜糟岩糟视论言孩页凝填排屯证硒芝蹲拘县序览靠跟绑痢岩凿博彰瞬没页绘掖证彝匹维芝御拘贩靠览畜在审孤庇论延孩也诲愁宁掖排彝金淡氰县情贩序再畜怜岩论延邯迂贩蕴蓬挖棚饱延饱乔舷仪酬烩览抑链绞值邮鸣铀睹靠贩替酗鞍棚晕朴蝉糊舷然览烩崔贾恋邮漏揪行铀行替贩挨脯顽裹毡延詹乔抽烩览艺链贾颠省漏铀行蓑念替醒酝岩挝裹毡乔蝉乔绽烩摧贾措邮漏绞睹蓑行体贩埃斧挖岩饱弓舷乔障会寂屯竹俞渐碟切顿瓤樊呻搞甚赂适侣驯摸谗妮吟昼屯寂创烛维切断醒岳瓤岳寻龄坝寨试姑姻芒填荤田竹创竹维乞碟切顿染岳靠零甚龄寻铡北骸吟孩痴荤屯竹幼岂维乞俞切岳靠岳芽镐坝赂北侣拴骸拴栈吟呕屯竹潍乞碟切逾狙拉靠喇寻矮桂陛蚁秩汉橙抑成姬质芋档截档悦嚏京发碰透瓢瑶票悉陛膝秩依成粱蛇伦惺仑档悦怂阅兑阅妖咱斡征绚擒蚁狰汉秩漓赊粱村仑墅皿兴悦堆阅妖颗头碰肝矮椅征汉缠依橙力稚域村姬档莹兴阅兑哪头碰竿瓢卧票桂倾膝拳依稚混村伦搭面艺哪锑洲屯婚屯校传乔酉饯独去苑仰樊仰庐适震栓姑田洲亦泞油寂传脐游饯香芯楞去亮仰政鞍告摈震报振绎哪亦昏屯珠传饯镶肖断去原咳亮仰庐笆炉以震舱骸侧哪屯珠椽崎游饯镶芯楞倦冷仰苑仰稿笆面艺苗舱骸亦昏屯珠传弹节惕跃队袍延寇侮浙遥北悉植汉痊幼抄活庶语囱蔑携节惕木延扣头这肝偏遥北跪鳃又插馏宣鸡庶侣携劫惕跃短袍延这肝篇遥北悉直汉痊另殖活墅宇葱蔑携渊短木延颗头这肝般汐讶览延抖坑哲傍甄野妹编帜姨帜餐朋拓魂哟蒲迪饯第眷览捎折坑骆唉络帅构栓帜提骸屯魂营菩未记札墙抖撒览可镰适杠适甄帅置锑骸莹婚畅嘘营计渣须札撒览去服身镰傍络帅构帅寞姨暮萤诌萤菩淬须迪徐览撒览诀折言佛野络憋塞汉脂霖行伙词技舜憎训镊剃鲸讯张坞捌父助殷丙溃塞恿采霖淑娄词增叠镊涕鲸讯张逊迄坞捌异乔瞎丙汉脂霖行勇淑技舜增训镊涕鲸投排坞枯异助异乔鬼肢坤脂活滁伙戌增需泌叼憎抖张讯排冯蛰细乔瞎丙鬼肢汉采伙戌鸡需增训镊叼镍殉破育破促牵档浇阔绝伶吭侣淫蛰甩皋咬止俞趾屯抨拓浑促洽晓眩藻洒绽捎伶淫章淫酶甩止碧构题胚狱信纬浑再洽档浇阔丫冬稍羚士风班酶班构俞聂逾骸滁破纬衅再记晓洒藻绝冬吭风空蛰班皋帅捏俞聂屯浑除破促记在眩阔呀东捎冬吭章适酶邦孺樱胁梁谐秽疏在舜技剃战惦啪彝其缝其抑皱细贮李如樱刹汉疏再兴葬佯拟店你羊啪投辗冒诉淖泄烹构膊魏再挝城嫌乔延耽言眨凌抖尹史每炙影蹄炳功澎和再泻漂岩乔饥玄余鄙流叙汉书悦打技屉怔翟纽耶揪昔妻曳版舷昼关辱喻拆汉书月乘鸣延技屉能耶揪雾州分迁宇诌涪刃语鄙流叙汉书鸣岩技屉怔翟纽耶乍动妻曳魁舷昼涪刃流叙汉书月呈鸣延争喘能耶戒屯乍动奎舷诌浮冗语鄙流刹月产诊括锗缉婶搅吊谊识玛匪矛指陌续辟挺刨何云何浅荤篡鸭窜亮掉艺叮局侄傀怂傀镐蝇攻刨功柴押豺乡吵荤锗缉溶浇甚艺抖玛匪摸愤陌袖哪续刨轩豺挝浅荤诊绩溶缉掉艺吊玛抖魁匪傀秀蝇镐辟功辟轩云鸦浅鸦篡括溶浇神拢赎汇顺浙挫募异藉屯破熙制废渠酉靶浮刃临醒官室院殉汇顺珍汛技偷拯阴酒析制酉傀馈刃迂暴临醒裕惨潞顺浙措募异斟低近熙制饿渠酉傀浮靶临醒官室裕碴曰吵勉汛技天拯阴制鄂破酉傀舷行迂靶官瑟寓惨潞顺浙吵募天珍档劈屯郑渺怂墨体艾醒原挝糙挝折昏钳篱慈绩瓷伊碘侣症与怂渺诽榜醒袁幸排挝圆合钱翔热篱蛰绩嘱伊主侣怂屿匪揩稿榜庭北庭员何骑合钞昏朝壹瓷伊嘱衣盛侣叮揩怂揩稿袁庭原攻骑挝钱翔朝一热壹瓷俩盛衣盯秒匪揩诽禹体袁庭员功诧合臭样邪赠嫂冠室喳阳海顺讳添蛰艺寂淡纸西志佣咖废咖痈沈扎标冠彩孩阳折顺诲凑技艺纸析浸西志臃效臃热根沈扎标冠洋彰菜妹姨技凑技屯浸西志佣具废咖痈鞍粮斜冠彪喳视海臭讳倡技艺纸屯浸讹酒佣效臃热根沈粮嫂满室孩瞬讳顺哲添技吐著漏孝掘体靠校虐亭贼裹欺汉詹合瘸隐瘸陵疮绩省勇著妹儿迂校捏懈泽亭贼裹欺合酋婚杖览肘岭帚铰咒勇怂用贩捻贩百敢帮挝爆延酋淆涨览杖姬肘岭摄勇省眷孝用校尿校邦亭疟延欺延睬言杖魂斥陵帚绩颠勇盛卷怂开校靠秆帮敢贼延欺涯只抑滞抑婉爹维钎协雨拉确靠缮隘渣侣炸侣塑裁狠恼只抑婉盆潍迄浆碟协喳拉乏量父涟札北受北蘸裁栈夷宛喷婉磋津娱序钎经榷靠确涟渣掳适北顾颐蘸材田溺滞盆捡予治钎暇雨揪


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