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Unit 2 The Olympic GamesLanguage pointstake part in 参加take part in, join, join in, attend的区别take part in 指参加某种活动,如体育、比赛、游戏、讨论、战斗等,并积极地起着作用。Join指参加某组织并成为一员。Join in 指参加活动或游戏,和take part in 相当。但join sb. in (和某人一起做某事),不等于take part in。attend表示参加会议(聚会)等。eg: We all took part in (joined in) the sports meeting.compete vi. 比赛,竞争,竞赛compete in在某方面竞争/ compete for为而竞争/ compete with/against 与竞争eg: He believed that nobody could compete with him.competition n竞赛 competitor n 参赛者 competitive adj 竞赛的host vt 主办,举办 n (待客的)主人eg: When do you think China will the World Cup?/ She was away, so her son acted as host.英语中有许多词汇既可作动词,也可作名词:help, shop, talk 等。used to do sth “过去常常做某事(现在已不)”其中used to 看作情态动词,其否定形式和疑问形式为:1)否定:used not(usednt) to+do; did not(didnt) use to+do 2)疑问:used+主语+to+do; did+主语+use to+doeg: She usednt to play computer games, used she?另外,1)be used to do sth.“被用于”是use sth. to do sth.的被动形式,2)而be used to sth./doing sth.表示“习惯于做某事”。eg: 1)Wood can be used to make desks. 2)I am used to the weather in Guangzhou.*Every four years athletes from all over the world are admitted as competitor.Every adj 与数词连用,“每(隔).”,具体用法是: Every+基数词+复数名词(或+序数词+单数名词) 每年:every year 每两年(每隔一年):every two years/every second year 每四年(每隔三年):every four years/every fourth year表示“每隔一“还可用every other+单数名词,如:every other day“每隔几.”用every few+复数名词,如every few metres,每隔几米admit 允许(加入某组织或参加某个活动)常用被动be admitted to(介词) 获准做某事 eg: He was admitted to the club after his tenth try.be admitted as 作为被接受 eg: He was admitted as a member of the baseball team.承认,后接名词、动名词、从句或复合结构eg: 她承认已经看过这些信。 She admitted having read the letter. You must admit the job to be difficult.all over the world (遍及)全世界two sets of 文中译为“两种”,一般译为“两套,两组”*Women are not only allowed to join in but (also) play a very important role especially inallow 可以组成几种短语:1)allow sb. sth. 允许某人某事; 2) sb. in(out) 允许进入(出去); 3)allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事(不能说allow to do) doing sth. 允许干某事。与此类似的动词短语还有:advise sb. to do, advise doing sth. / permit sb. to do, permit doing sth. (encourage鼓励 / forbid 禁止)eg: Passengers are not allowed to smoke in the waiting room. 在候车室乘客不允许吸烟。 We dont allow smoking here. 我们不许在这里吸烟。play a role(part) in “扮演一个角色,在.起作用”eg: 要管理好学校,校长起着重要作用。The headmaster plays an important role in the good running of a school.Not onlybut (also)可连接各种成分,连接句子时,not only引起的部分需要倒装。如:Not only do the nurse want a pay increase, but also they want to reduce(减少) hours.as well as 并列连词1. 既又;也;又。可连接两个并列成分,强调其前面的内容,因此连接并列主语时,谓语应与前面的主语保持人称和数的一致eg: I as well as my sisters am going to the park for a picnic this Sunday.2. 还可作“不但而且“解,相当于not onlybut also,但前者强调的中心在as well as之前,后者在but also之后。eg: It is important for you as well as for me.另外,as well 副词短语,意思为“也”,放在句末。当放在主要动词之前,前面有may, just等时,意为“也好,不妨,还不如”如:He has not only finished his own work, but helped others as well.他不仅完成了自己的工作,还帮助了其他人。You might just as well tell me the truth.*Its just as much a competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win an Olympic medal.在所有参加竞争奥运会承办权的国家中获胜就如同获得一枚奥运会奖牌。此句由as much as引起,第二个as后省略了a competition among countriesreplace 取代;放回;替换eg: he replace the book on the shelf.have (no) chance of doing sth. 有(没)做的机会 go with 伴随,与搭配relate to “.与有关联(相关)”eg: If you relate the results to the cause, you will find things are not that simple.注意:A relates to B A与B有联系; relate A with/to B 把A与B联系起来marry vt(强调动作) : 1)结婚,嫁,娶; 2)使结婚(marryto:使同结婚)eg: 1)He married a pretty girl. 2)He will never marry his daughter to anyone whose family is poor.be/get married(强调状态) to(不能用with) sb 和结婚eg: Hes married to his job. 他全身心都投入到工作。run against 和赛跑 no one will be pardon 没有人能被宽恕hear of 听说promise vt 1)允诺,答应 promise sb. sth.; promise (sb) to do sth. 2)有可能eg: 1)He promised (her) never to tell a lie. 2) The clear sky promises fine weather. vi 保证,有前途 eg: This project promises well. 这个工程大有前途。 n 诺言、字据,充当make, break, keep, carry out 的宾语eg:If you make a promise, you should keep it, you ought not to break it 如果你作出允诺,就得守诺言,不应该违背诺言。make sure +that clause 确定 take turns 轮流 one after another 一个接一个用心 爱心 专心


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