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Families Celebrate TogetherUnit 3 Lesson 14 Happy Memories!第1页/共21页第一页,共22页。课前预习:找出并理解下列词汇 1.例如_ 2.保存美好的记忆_ 3.对有益_ 4.幸福时光_ 5.家谱_ 6. 担心(dn xn)_ 7. 面对面_ 8. 和家人保持联系_ 9. 幻灯片放映_ 10. 参加家庭聚会_such assave good memoriesbe useful for.happy timesa family treeworry about/ be worried about.face to facestay in touch with.a slide showattend a family celebration第2页/共21页第二页,共22页。2.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(1). I can help you save your _( 记忆(jy) .(2). Cameras are useful for _( 记录) videos.(3)._ ( 选择) some photos from your _( 收藏品) .(4). People always _(喜欢,享受) looking at old pictures.memoriesrecordingChoosecollectionsenjoy第3页/共21页第三页,共22页。3.用下列单词(dnc)的适当形式,补全对话 Hobby attend lively collect record A: Did you bring your photo album? B: Sorry, I didnt. But I brought some photos from my _. A: OK. Let me look at them. This one is_.Were you at a sports meeting? B: Yes, my father took the picture for me. His _ is taking photos. He always _my school events. A: Great. Taking photos is a good way to _ life.collectionslivelyhobbyattendrecord第4页/共21页第四页,共22页。Read and answer:How many ways can we use to save our memories according to our book? What are they?2. What can we use to make a slide show?3.What can we do to make a family tree?Three. Record a video of the family, make a slide show,make a family tree.Photos from their collections.Their names, birth dates and hobbies. The photoswrite their interesting stories.第5页/共21页第五页,共22页。Listen to the statements and number the pictures.P371第6页/共21页第六页,共22页。第7页/共21页第七页,共22页。1.such asfor example意思是:例如。二者的区别such as加多例,与后面的例子之间不用逗号,=likefor example加一例,与后面的例子之间用逗号隔开。Eg:例如他是一个好学生。 像约翰和吉姆这样的男孩(nn hi)是很友好的。 He, for example, is a good student.Boys such as John and James are very friendly.第8页/共21页第八页,共22页。2. too.to do sth.太.而不能做., 此句型可以与not.enough to do.以及(yj) so .that.进行同义句转换Eg: 他太小了而不能去上学。 He is too young to go to school.=He isnt old enough to go to school=He is so young that he cant go to school. 第9页/共21页第九页,共22页。3.enjoy +doing 喜欢做某事 Eg: 我喜欢打篮球。 enjoy+oneself玩得开心 Eg: 昨天(zutin)我们在公园里玩得很开心。 4. remember doing sth.记得做过某事 Eg:出门时我记得把灯关了。remember to do sth.记得要干某事如:请离开时记得关灯。另外remember的反义词forge的用法(yn f)跟它一模一样。 Forget doing,忘记做过的事情 forget to do,忘记去做某事,这件事情还没有做Eg: I forget closing my door. Dont forget to bring your homework to school.I enjoy playing basketball.We enjoy ourselves in the park yesterday.I remember turning off the lights when i left home.Please remember to turn off the lights when you leave.第10页/共21页第十页,共22页。5. be useful for 对有作用(zuyng); 对有用; 具有.用途; 对有用处 be useful for sth/doing sth 对于做某事来说是很有用的;Eg: 字典对学习英语有用。 be useful to sb .对某人有用/有益Eg:英语对我们来说是有用的。 Dictionaries are useful for learning English.English is useful to us.第11页/共21页第十一页,共22页。6. When there is a new family member for example, a new baby dont forget to add him or her to the family tree.音乐给我们的聚会增加了快乐(kuil)。我想往咖啡里加些糖。add (.) to . 增加(zngji),把.加到.The music adds the enjoyment of our to party.I would like to add some sugar to the coffee.第12页/共21页第十二页,共22页。接龙(ji lng) 幻灯片上单词出现(chxin)时,同学应迅速读出该单词并说出意思,说不出时,可有5秒钟的现场求救时间(向其他同学),每名同学接受求救不得超过3次。第13页/共21页第十三页,共22页。such asalbumcollectionslidestay in touch withviewmemoryface to facechooseget together pastattendlivelyrecordbirthtouch第14页/共21页第十四页,共22页。注:另附word文档,点此链接(lin ji)第15页/共21页第十五页,共22页。 A)根据句意和首字母完成(wn chng)下列句子 1.When family members get t_ ,they talk and laugh. 2.You can ask family members to c_some photos from their collections. 3.Cameras are useful for r_ videos of the family. 4.Videos are l_ and they help you remember happy times.ogetherelebrateecordingively第16页/共21页第十六页,共22页。 B)用所给词的适当(shdng)形式填空 1.Happy _(birth) to you . 2.Its fun _(make) a family tree. 3.People always enjoy_(look )at old pictures. 4.Family_(celebrate),such as holidays and birthday parties, are always a lot of fun. 5.Its never too late _(learn)birthdayto makelookingcelebrationsto learn第17页/共21页第十七页,共22页。当堂(dn tn)达标练习A.单项选择1.-Dont forget _ your history book tomorrow morning.-Thanks, I wont2.Lily isnt old enough to carry the box. It means _ A.is so young that she can B.isnt young enough to C.is too young to D.is so young to3.The child is _young_ go to school.;to D.to ;too4.He can speak some foreign languages,_English, Japanese and French. A. For example B.example for C.such as D.as such5.If you add ten_ five, you can get fifteen. 6.Please stay in touch _us.BcBCAD第18页/共21页第十八页,共22页。B.短语翻译1. 例如 2.出席家庭(jitng)庆祝 _ _3.聚会 4.从.中选择 _ _5.放映幻灯片 6.和.保持联系 _ _7.面对面 8.把.加到. _ _9.对.有用 10.从某人自己的角度_ _such asattend a family celebrationget togetherchoose . from.make a slide showstay in touch withface to faceadd. to.be use for.from ones own point of view第19页/共21页第十九页,共22页。Preview the words and expressions in Lesson 15A Family Memory (Show and Tell): Writea short passage that describes a special family memory. It can be a gathering, celebration, outing, etc. Where did the event take place? Who was there? Why did the event take place? What do you remember most about it? 第20页/共21页第二十页,共22页。感谢您的观看(gunkn)!第21页/共21页第二十一页,共22页。NoImage内容(nirng)总结Families Celebrate Together。such as加多例,与后面的例子之间不用逗号,=like。so .that.进行同义句转换。幻灯片上单词出现时,同学应迅速读出该单词并说出意思,说不出时,可有5秒钟的现场(xinchng)求救时间(向其他同学),每名同学接受求救不得超过3次。C.is too young to D.is so young to。to D.to第二十二页,共22页。


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