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. 单项选择 (30 分 )1.Mum, I m old enough to washown clothes and. You can have a rest after work.A. my; yourB. my; yoursC. your; myD. yours; mine2.It is important for students to learn how toeach other.A. get on withB. come over toC. stay away fromD. make friends3.Ken alwayshis keys in his office. He is forgetful.A. leftB. droppedC. leavesD. forgot4. Oh! We ve just missed the 8 o clock film. Itl lbeon again in one hour.A. My pleasureB. Have funC. Don t worryD. Good idea5.I haven t seen my grandpa for several months. I m lookinghimforwardsoon.toA. seeingB. seeC. sawD. sees6.Mary often forgetsher English book.A. bringB. broughtC. is bringingD. to bring7.Not only the children but also Mr. OliverChinese food.A. enjoyB. enjoysC. enjoyingD. have enjoyed8.There arestars in the universe. But we can t see them in the daytime.A. 5 millionsB. millions ofC. millionD. million of9.I canswimskate. I m going to have some training next year.A. either; orB. neither; norC. both; andD. not only; but also10. What shall we do this weekend? What about?A. go swimmingB. going swimmingC. to go swimD. goes swim11. Hurry up, or youcatch the train.A. can tB. needntC. mustn tD. shouldn t12. Therea football match and concert this weekend. Which one would you like to go?A. isB. areC. will beD. will have13. How far is it from here to the supermarket? It s about.A. five minute walkB. five minute s walkC. five minutes walkD. five minute walks14. Which team do you thinkthe game? Hard to say. There are still ten minutes before it ends.A. wonB. has wonC. will winD. wins15. Congratulations! You have won the first prize in the English Contest.!A. Thank youB. Good ideaC. Of courseD. Enjoy yourself . 完形填空 (10 分)Anne is a newspaper reporter. She chose this1so she could travel around the world. The work has taughther many unforgettable lessons. She has seen wars, earthquakes and death. But she has2seen courage, hopeand happiness.Last year, she won an award for her reporting in Africa. She was very proud3it. At first, she thought shegot the award because of her good work. But then she realized that she should thank many other people for4help.Anne was born in Jamaica. Her family was not poor, but it was nothard so that she could go to school. At school, Anne was not a good student,5 ,either. Her parents had to 67she enjoyed writing becauseher English teacher said,“ Anne, you are a wonderful8.” The teacher encouraged her allhet time.Later, Anne went to university in Canada and then9for a job. It was very difficult. Then, one day, shewent to see the editor of a newspaper in Ottawa. The editor gave her a job.10 “at Everyonefirst. needs”Heasaid.1.A. bookB. jobC. sweaterD. picture2.A. stillB. neverC. alsoD. only3.A. toB. ofC. forD. from4.A. myB. hisC. ourD. their5.A. richB. newC. smallD. big6.A. studyB. walkC. workD. play7.A. butB. ifC. becauseD. so8.A. farmerB. nurseC. doctorD. writer9.A. lookedB. madeC. joinedD. found10. A. ticketB. hobbyC. chanceD. habit . 阅读理解 (10 分 )In the year 2050, there will be different kinds of materials for clothes. Special materials will keep the clothesclean for ever. They will never get dirty or be worn out. We will have less work because we wonthem. So we can save water and money. And child ren won t worry about what to wear to school every day. They won tgo to school. They llstay at home in front of their computers to study. They can wear their favorite“ Saturday clothes ” every day. It will be fun. Do you think so? What do you think schoolothes and school life will be like in 2050?1. Maybe wewash clothes in the year 2050.A. didntB. needntC. mustntD. won t be allowed to2. Why won t the children go to school?A. Because they ll play at home.B. Because they hate to go to school.C. Because they ll study on the Internet.D. Because they ll wash clothes to make money.3. Will the clothes get dirty in the year 2050?A. No, it won t.B. Yes, they will.C. Yes, it will.D. No, they won t.4. From the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A. There will be different kinds of materials for clothes.B. The children can wear their favorite clothes.C. The children always worry about what to wear.D. The children can study at home in front of their computers. 85. Which of the following may be the best title? A. The Clothes in the Year 2050B. The Students Life in the Year 2050 C. The Students Study in the Year 2050D. The Students Must Save Money . 词汇运用 (10 分 )( )根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。(5 分)1.It was very surprised that her brother found his(钱包 ).2.I don t like those people who(承诺 )to help me but did nothing.3.They(为 欢呼 )loudly for their football team just now.4.Come on! Take a photo with your(照相机 )for me. 21 15.We can t walk acrosse streetth when the(交通 )light is red.( )用所给词的适当形式填空。(5 分)6.It will be(wind)in Sanya tomorrow.7.(2013 兰州中考 )Be careful(not fall)off the ladder.8.There is no(space)on the bus for the old man.9.(work)hours will be short in the future.10. It s time(play)football. Put on your shoes. . 完成句子 (10 分 )1. 我们确信他能通过这次考试。Wehe can pass the exam.2. 你还要别的东西吗 ? 就那些 , 多谢。 Is there anything else would you like?, thanks a lot.3. 我们时刻准备着帮助他人。We are alwayshelp others.4. 我将和愿意与我同甘共苦的人交朋友。I willwith anyone who would like to share happiness and hardship with me. 25. 从现在起 , 我将开始写我的书了。, I will begin to write my book. . 补全对话 (10 分 )从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。A. I hope your dream will come true.B. I hear they need teachers very much.C. Are you good with children?D. I m going to finish high school and college first. 3E. But how are you going to do that?F. Maybe in a college in the city of Beijing.G. Yes. That s a hot topresenticat.A: Hi, Lisa. Do you know that people are talking about the future dreams a lot these days? 5B: 1A: Do you have a plan for the future? I mean what your dream is.B: Yes. I have a lot of dreams. But the greatest one is that I want to be a teacher.A: Sounds nice.2B: Well, I m going to study hard and do well in all the subjects.A: Anything more?B: And I m going to play more sports to keep fit.A: Where are you going to work?B: I m going to work in a village school in the poor area.3I think to be a village school teacher is very great.A: That sounds exciting! But when are you going to start?B: 4A: That s good.5B: I hope so. Thank you. . 短文填空 (10 分 )根据短文内容及首字母提示完成短文, 使短文完整通顺。A poor yo ung man went to Paris, expecting that his fathers friend could help him find a business for living.“Are you g 1 The young man sat maths?”his father2his head.s friend asked him.“How is your history?”“ How3 ayour law?”The young man lowered( 低下 )his head sadly.His father friends asked again and again, but the young man could o4shake his head. He himselfcouldn t find out any advantages.“Then write down y 5address first.”The young man wrote down his address and turned to leave, b6 he was stopped by his father s friend.“ Your name is written very beautifully, which is your advantage. You shouldn t satisfy yourself with f7for living.”Many y 8later, the youngman wrotethe classical worksthat was well-knownin the world. He wasAlexandre Dumas( 大仲马 ), a f9 French writer of the 19th century.There are many ordinarypersons in the world who all have many small advantages, but they can findtt10. In fact, there is a gold mine( 矿 )in every ordinary life. If you re willing to dig, you will dig out treasures thatsurprise yourself. . 书面表达 (10 分 )下个星期天 , 你班将组织一次课外活动。假如你是班长, 请根据下面内容, 用英文写一篇活动计划。内容要点 :1. 早上 8 点在校门口集合 , 下午 2 点返回 ;2. 坐公交车前往寸金公园 (Cunjin Park);3. 唱歌、跳舞、野餐、与老师合影;4. 带齐食物、饮料等 ;5. 注意安全和防火。要求 :1. 包含所给出要点 , 可适当发挥 ;2. 不要逐字翻译 , 词数 80 个左右。 (文章开头已给出 , 不计入总词数 )参考词汇 : at the school gate(在学校门口 ); activity( 活动 ); keep away from fire( 远离火 )21 * 1 Our class is going to have a picnic in Cunjin Park next Sunday.答案解析 . 单项选择 (30 分 )1. 【解析】选B。考查形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的用法。my 是形容词性物主代词“我的 ” , your是形容词性物主代词“你的 ” ,yours 是名词性物主代词“你的 ” ,mine 是名词性物主代词“我的 ” ,由 You canhave a rest after work. ( 你可以下班后休息一下。)得知前句应该是“妈妈 , 我年龄已经足够大能洗我自己的衣服和 (妈妈 )您的衣服 ” ,所以选择答案B 。 2112. 【解析】选 A 。考查动词词组的用法。句意 : 对于学生来说学会彼此相处是重要的。get on with 意为 “与 相处 ” , come over to意为 “顺便来访 ” , stay away from意为 “远离 ” , make friends意为 “交朋友 ” ,但缺少介词。故选 A。3. 【解析】选 C。考查词义辨析。 leave+宾语 +地点 “把某物落在某地 ”。句意 : Ken 总是把钥匙忘在办公室。他是健忘的。故选 C。 04. 【解析】选C。考查情景交际。句意: 噢! 我们刚刚错过了8 点钟的电影。 不要担心。一个小时之后它将会再次上演。故选C。5. 【解析】选 A 。考查固定搭配。 look forward to doing sth. 意为 “期望做某事 ”。6. 【解析】选D。考查非谓语动词。forget to do sth.忘记做某“事 ”。句意 : 玛丽经常忘记带来她的英语书。故选 D。7. 【解析】选B 。考查主谓一致。not only. . . but also. . .连接两个主语时, 谓语动词遵循 “就近原则 ”。故选 B 。8. 【解析】 选 B 。考查数词的用法。句意 : 在宇宙中有数百万颗星星。但是在白天我们看不到它们。million表示不确切的数字时, 用 “ millions of+名词 ” ;表示具体的数字时, 用 “数字 + million+ 名词 ”。9. 【解析】选 B。考查 neither 的用法。根据句意 “我不会游泳也不会滑冰。明年我要参加一些训练。 ”可知答案为 B 项。10. 【解析】选B。考查固定句式。句意: 这个周末我们做什么? 去游泳怎么样 ? What about . . . ?“ 怎么样 ? ”后跟动词时 , 要用 v. -ing 形式 ; go swimming去“游泳 ”。11. 【解析】选A 。考查情态动词的辨析。can 不t“能 ” needn, 不t“必 ” mustn, 禁t“止 ” shouldn, 不t应“当 ”。根据句意 “快一点 , 否则你就不能赶上火车了。”可以判断用cant。故选 A 。12.【解析】 选 C。考查 there be 结构。由时间状语this weekend 和 Which one would you like to go?可知 , 句子要用一般将来时态; 这是个 there be 结构的句型 , 故选 C。13. 【解析】 选 C。考查名词所有格的用法。 句意 : 从这儿到超市有多远 ? 步行大约 5 分钟的路程。由 five 可知 minute 要用复数 , 而且以 -s 结尾的名词的所有格只加“”。14. 【解析】选 C。考查时态。由答语 Hard to say( 很难说 )说明事情还未发生 , 应用一般将来时。15. 【解析】选A。考查情景交际。对别人的祝贺要表示感谢。句意: 祝贺你 ! 你已经在英语比赛中赢得了一等奖。 谢谢您。故选A 。 . 完形填空 (10 分 )1.【解析】选B。考查名词词义辨析。 book “书 ” , job工作“ ” , sweater毛衣“” , picture图片“”。句意 : 她选择了这份工作 , 所以她可以周游世界。所以答案选B。2.【解析】选 C。考查句意理解。联系前句判断句意: 她见过了战争、地震和死亡 , 但她也见过勇气、希望和幸福。根据but 判断前后句句意形成对比。所以答案选C。 43.【解析】选B。考查短语搭配。固定短语be proud of, 为而自豪。所以答案选 B。4.【解析】选D。考查物主代词。根据句中many other people 判断空处使用 their 。所以答案选 D 。5【. 解析】选 A 。考查形容词词义辨析。句意 : 她的家庭并不贫困, 但也不富裕。 rich 富有的 ; new 新的 ; small小的 ; big 大的。所以答案选A 。6.【解析】选C。考查句意理解。study 学习 ; walk 走路 ; work 工作 ; play 玩。句意 : 她的父母为了能让她上学不得不辛苦劳动。所以答案选C。7.【解析】选A 。考查连词辨析。句意: 在学校 , Anne 并不是一名出色的学生, 但她喜欢写作。根据句意判断空处表示转折意义。所以答案选A 。8.【解析】选D。考查句意理解和名词辨析。farmer 农夫 ; nurse 护士 ; doctor 医生 ; writer 作家。结合前句句意判断 , “ 她喜欢写作 , 因为她的英语老师说她是一位优秀的作家。”所以答案选D。 219.【解析】选A 。考查短语搭配。句意: 后来 Anne 去了加拿大上大学, 然后找工作。固定短语look for,寻找。所以答案选 A 。10.【解析】选 C。考查句意理解和名词辨析。句意 : 编辑说 , 开始的时候人人都需要一个机会(来证明自己 )。ticket 票 ; hobby 爱好 ; chance 机会 ; habit 习惯。所以答案选 C。 . 阅读理解 (10 分)1.【解析】选 B。细节理解题。根据文中的“.because we won t have to wash可知them到 2050 ”年人们根本不需要洗衣服。2. 【解析】选 C。推理判断题。根据文中的句子“ They ll stay at home in front of their computers to study.可知学生不上学是因为在家上1 学习。3. 【解析】选 D。细节理解题。根据文中的句子“ They will never get dirty or be worn out.可知到那时衣服”不会脏也穿不坏。因为clothes 为复数 , 故用代词they, 故选 D。4.【解析】 选 C。推理判断题。 由文中句子 “ And children won t worry about what to wear to school every day.可知 C 项错误。5. 【解析】选B 。主旨大意题。本文主要从衣服、学习等方面讲述了学生2050 年的生活。故选B。 . 词汇运用 (10 分 )( )根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。(5 分)答案 : 1. wallet2. promised3. cheered4. camera5. traffic( )用所给词的适当形式填空。(5 分 )答案 : 6. windy7. not to fall8. space9. Working10. to play . 完成句子 (10 分 )答案 : 1. are sure 2. That s3all.getting ready to4. make friends5. From now on . 补全对话 (10 分)答案 : 1 5. GEBDA . 短文填空 (10 分 )答案 : 1. good 6. but 7. job2. shook8. years3. about9. famous4. only5. your10. them . 书面表达 (10 分 )【参考范文】Our class is going to have a picnic in Cunjin Park next Sunday. We are going to meet at the school gate at 8:00 on Sunday morning. And we will be back at 2: 00 p. m. . We plan to take a bus to Cunjin Park. We will have many activities there, for example, singing, dancing, having picnic and taking photos with our teachers. Iwe will have a lot of fun. I will ask my classmates to take plenty of food and drink. We should pay attention to the safety. And we must keep away from fire all the time.


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