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第八届国际英语电视大赛暨中央电视台“希望之星”英语风采大赛国际赛广东赛区城市决赛说明及相关样题1. 自选题“英语达人秀”(分值30分,2分钟) 比赛规则:选手运用多种才艺表演形式来充分展现自己,如英语故事、英语歌曲、名人模仿, 乐器,舞蹈,武术,书法,地方戏曲、魔术等;力求内容丰富,形式新颖,充分展 示你是“英语达人”。2.指定题(分值20分,2分钟)1) 小学A、B、C组:情景描述(2分钟)比赛规则:参赛选手随机抽取图片,根据所选图片的情景用英语进行现场描述,使画面更加生动、有趣;立意新、内容丰富,密切联系实际生活,充分体现英语在生活中的应用。请尽可能发掘你的丰富想象力,用最幽默风趣的英语表达你的想法。(范例如下)小学A组情景描述:Example: Look at the picture. I can see a boy and a girl. They are flying kites in the park. They are happy. There are five birds in the sky. They are singing. I can see some beautiful flowers, too. And there are many trees over there. Look at the dog, it is running. I also have a dog and I like it very much!小学B组情景描述:Example: Today I want to introduce my family to you. My Daddy is the tallest in my family. He has short brown hair. And he is wearing a red sweater and a pair of blue trousers. He is handsome. The woman who sits on the sofa is my mommy. She is beautiful.The girl in a red dress is my sister. Her favorite color is red. Her favorite fruit is apple and she always says,“I like apples because apples are red.”My brother Jimmy is wearing a blue sweater today. He likes playing football. Look at the baby, its my little brother. I love my family!小学C组情景描述:Example: My favorite season in the year is summer. The weather in summer is sunny and hot. I often go swimming with my friends at weekends. I like swimming very much. It can make me healthy and strong.I can also wear my beautiful dresses. And my birthday is in summer too. I celebrate my birthday with my family. There is a vocation in the summer. I can go on a trip on holiday. I went to Hawaii with my family last summer. We enjoy the sunshine and have a good time. We are planning a trip to Paris this summer. 2) 初中D组、高中E组、大学成人F组:超级演说(2分钟)比赛规则:选手随机抽取主题进行演说。力求主题鲜明,内容丰富,形式新颖。选手根据组委会提供的主题自备演讲稿。 备考主题:(初中D组)1) My dream 我的梦想2) ValueEveryMinute珍惜时间3) Learn and Have Fun 学习与娱乐4) ThePowerofaSmile 微笑的力量5) Whatshouldwethank? 感恩6) Honestyisthebestpolicy.诚实乃上策7) AMistakeIwillNeverRepeat不会再犯的一次错误8) Thegreatestinventioninmyeyes我眼中最伟大的发明9) My views on chatting on the Internet 我对网上聊天的看法10) TheEarthvillageisbecomingsmaller 地球村在变小备考主题:高中E组:1) The Future Is Now 现在决定未来2) MyFutureOccupation我的职业规划3) MyopiniononTeamSpirit 关于团队合作4) TheSmilebehindtheTear阳光总在风雨后5) Love and Take care of Nature关爱自然6) FindingMe-timeisImportant自我时间7) Harmonious Campus in My Eyes 和谐校园8) WhatkindofapersonIhopetobe? 我想成为这样的人9) The Importance of Keeping Optimistic 保持乐观的重要性10) What would you do if you had only one day left to live? 你会怎么做如果你只剩下一天的时间? 备考主题:大学F组:1) HowtoSellYourself 自信2) Opportunity Around Us 机会无处不在3) Building Trust Between People 人与人之间的信任4) Competition and Co-operation 竞争与合作5) ThemostvaluableInvestment最有价值的投资6) How do wet chat affect our life? 微信对我们生活的影响7) KnowingtheConsequencesofChoice选择的重要性8) WhatCollegeEducationMeanstoMe.大学教育对我的意义9) WhatkindofSuccessIHopetoAchieve我的成功观10) Lets Stand up From Where We Fall Down 哪里跌倒哪里爬起3.即兴展示(分值30分,2分钟)1) 小学A组:单词联想(2分钟)比赛规则:参赛选手随机抽取一个字母,在规定时间2分钟内说出与以该字母开头的单词。(如抽到B-baby, banana等)每说出一个单词得5分,说对6个得满分,满分30分。(范例如下) table, tea, think, time, tie, topic, torch, toe, tree, twin tomato, tomorrow, triangle, to, Thursday, twin, type, true, turn,teenager, treat, Tokyo, temple, travel, try, tidy, tiredT2) 小学B、C组:字母组词(2分钟)比赛规则:选手随机抽取试题,试题上有若干个元音字母和辅音字母。选手自由选择字母进行组词,字母可重复使用。每完成一个正确的单词得5分,完成6个得满分,满分30分。(范例如下)1) e, c, f, g, i, h, m, s, t, yegg, eight, feet, fit, get, hi, hey, high, sit, see, she, he, him, his2) b, d, e, i, l, k, o, p, t, wbill, bed, bee, bike, like, look, will, wow, well, boot, book, bit, toe, too, pot, pet, kite, pie3) d, e, f, g, h, l, o, r, t, udeer, dog, hot dog, door, feet, feel, root, ruler, loud, hot, flute, floor, hut, hug1) e, c, f, g, i, h, m, s, t, yegg, eight, feet, fit, get, hi, hey, high, sit, see, she, he, him, his2) b, d, e, i, l, k, o, p, t, wbill, bed, bee, bike, like, look, will, wow, well, boot, book, bit, toe, too, pot, pet, kite, pie3) d, e, f, g, h, l, o, r, t, udeer, dog, hot dog, door, feet, feel, root, ruler, loud, hot, flute, floor, hut, hug3) 初中D组:比划猜 (2分钟)比赛规则:参赛选手两人一组,抽签决定各自任务,一位选手根据试题上的单词或短语用英语进行描述或做动作,另外一名选手则猜出相对应的单词或短语。每猜对1个,猜中选手和做动作选手各得6分;猜对5个单词或短语得满分。没有猜中,双方皆不得分,也不扣分。技巧:1、与合作选手达成良好的默契; 2、对备考单词非常熟悉; 3、反应灵敏,当选手尚未反应时,选择另一种方式诠释; 4、适当地发挥想象,善于运用肢体语言和周围存在的具体事物; 5、不慌张,不急躁。注意事项:每组参赛选手均有10个单词或短语,参赛选手猜对5个单词或短语即可得满分;此环节只有1.5分钟时间,若比划过程中遇到难度较大的单词或短语,选手可以选择跳过,继续下一个单词或短语向对方做动作,争取在规定时间内取得最好成绩。 4)高中E组、大学成人F组:即兴辩论(2分钟)比赛规则:两人一组,一对一进行辩论,提前1分钟进入考场准备,分组并随机抽取对手及辩题(辩题范围涉及到网络、道德、教育、运动、健康、娱乐等)。1分钟后开始辩论,阐述自己的观点,每个辩手有1分钟时间。范例1:For: Surfing the Internet is helpful for middle school students. 上网对中学生有益。Against: Surfing the Internet is harmful for middle school students. 上网对中学生有害。范例2:For: Setbacks will contribute to success. 挫折有利于成才。Against: Setbacks will impede success. 挫折不利于成才。4. 城市文化现场问答(分值20分,1分钟)比赛规则:根据参赛者的组别准备多种多样的问答题,涉及到科技、天气、喜好、文化、理想、中西特色文化等时势热点问题。


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