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Unit 8 The Seasons andWeatherTopic 1What s the weather like in spring?Section ASection A needs 1 period.Section A 需用 1 课时。The main activities are 1a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a和 3a。 . Aims and demands目标要求1. (1)Learn the new words about seasons:spring, summer, fall, winter(2)Learn other new words:weather, warm, season, hot, cold, rain, snow, ground2. Learn how to describe the weather.Whats the weather like in spring? It s warm. How is the weather in fall? It s cool.When it snows, the ground is all white and I can make snowmen.3. Learn to use superlative forms to express preference about seasons. Which season do you like best, spring, summer, fall or winter?I liked winter before, but now I like summer best. . Teaching aids 教具图片 /小黑板 /录音机 . Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1Review 第一步复习(时间:5分钟 )复习上单元内容,导入本课。1. (复习第 7 单元部分重点句型。将学生分成4 组,对以下问题进行抢答,哪个组表现最好,哪个组获胜。)T: Now, I ll divide you into four groups. I ll ask you nine questions, and you can answer my questions as quickly as possible. The group that does best is the winner.(1)When were you born?(2)What s the shape of your pencil-box?(3)Where was she born?( 教师指着一个女孩问。)(4)How long/wide is it?(5)Could you ride a bike one year ago?(6)You can sing Happy Birthday in English. What other English songs can you sing?(7)Can you dance to disco or perform ballet?(8)Did you sing a song yesterday?(9)What time did you come to school this morning?G1:(各小组抢答。)2. (师生对话,承前启后,导入本课。)T: Kangkang had a wonderful party last Wednesday. Do you remember when Kangkang was born?S1: He was born in May.T: You are right. He was born in spring. And can you tell me how many seasons there are in a year?S2: There are four.( 板书并学习生词。)springseasonStep 2Presentation第二步呈现 ( 时间 :11分钟 )呈现 1a 和 3a,并完成4。1. (衔接复习内容,以师生对话的形式呈现1a 和 3a。 )T: Good. There are four seasons in a year. What are they?S1: 春、夏、秋、冬。(教师拿出图片教学夏天summer 这个词。 )T: Do you know what season it is? S2: 夏天。T: Yes, you re right.Read after me. Summer.(用同样的方法教学spring, fall, winter 。 )(板书 )spring, summer, fall, winter(教师将四季各自对应的图片粘贴在词下面。)2. (教师指着春天的图片。 )T: Well. There are four seasons in a year. Look at this picture. What season is it?S3: It s spring.T: Yes. Whats the weather like in spring? ( 教师板书此句并解释weather 词义。 )What s the weather like in spring?Ss: 暖和。T: Yes. Warm. What do you often do in spring?S4: I often go hiking.T: I think ita goods season for hiking.3. (教师做一个动作, 表示天气很热。)T: How is the weather today?( 教师板书此句。)How is the weather today?Ss: 热。T: Yes, its hot.(用以上方法解释 hot。 )What do you often do in a hot day? S5: I often go swimming.T: It s a good time to go swimming. In what season do we usually go swimming?Ss: In summer.T: Do you like summer?4. (教师指着春、夏、秋、冬的图片。)T: Well done! Now, let s look at these pictures. Which season do you like best, spring, summer, fall or winter? I like winter best. Because it s cold. When it snows, the ground is all white, and I can make snowmen.What about you? Do you like winter, S 6?S6: No, I dont. I like fall because fall is the harvest season and I can eat many different kinds of fruits.T: You can also climb hills.T: Very good. Now, we know it s hot in summer, it s cold in winter, it s warm in spring, and it s cool in fall.(板书 )Which season do you like best?weather, warm, hot, cold, cool, snowman5. (完成 4。先一起唱歌谣 , 然后分男、女唱 , 最后再一起唱。教师可让学生装些沙子在矿泉水瓶里 , 跟着歌谣的节奏一起敲 , 增强节奏感。 )T: Lets chant The Seasons together.6. (呈现 1a, 理解内容 , 找出关键词句。 )(1) ( 用小黑板呈现听力问题。 )T: Now, listen to 1a and answer the questions on the small blackboard.(1) What can we do in spring?(2) How is the weather in fall?(3) Is it a good season to make snowmen in summer?(2) ( 让学生在1a 的对话中,用横线画出描述季节的单词及表活动的词组。Underline the seasons and the activities people do in it.(3)( 核对上面三个问题的答案。)Check the answers to the questions on the small blackboard.)Step 3Consolidation第三步巩固 (时间:6分钟 )巩固1a,掌握语音和语调。1. (放 1a 录音 , 让学生跟读 , 并用铅笔标出重读与语调。)T: Follow the tape, and mark the stress and intonation with your pencil.2. (让学生擦去所标重读与语调 , 先自读 , 然后跟录音一起读 , 逐句核对语音和语调。 )T: Rub them out, read by yourselves and then follow the tape to check your pronunciation and intonation sentence by sentence. Ready? Go!3. (人机对话。 )T: Suppose you are A/B, listen to the tape and make a dialog with B/A.4. (角色表演:教师让 4 名学生到讲台前 , 分别扮演 4 个季节。介绍各自季节的天气情况和适应这个季节的活动。 )T: Now, Let s act. I will ask four students to stand here and act the four seasons. Suppose you are one of the four seasons. Please introduce your characters. You can say it like this:Im spring. It s warm in my seasonStep 4Practice 第四步练习 ( 时间 :15 分钟 )练习 1b, 完成 2, 3a 和 3b。1. (将各季节与对应的天气和活动连线。)T: Finish 1b. Match the seasons with the weather and activities.(请学生将各自连线部分组成句子,并朗读。)T: Make sentences according to 1b, and then read them out. You can do it like this: Its warm in spring. We can fly kites.2. (让几名学生脱离书本说出他们最喜爱的季节,并说明原因。)T: Now, I ll ask some students to tell us which season they like best. Why? Who will have a try? Example:I like best. Because I can3. (听 2 的录音 , 填表格 , 完成 2。)T: Now listen to the tape and complete the table in 2 by yourselves.(听完录音后 , 教师核对答案。)(让几名学生复述录音内容。)T: I ll ask some students to retell what you heard.4. ( 让学生听 3a 的录音 , 并填表格。简和康康喜爱什么季节?为什么?听完后核对答案,再用图片呈现单词 rain, snow, ground ,并要求学生掌握。 )T: Do you know which season Jane and Kangkang like best? Why? Let s listen to 3a and complete the table on the blackboard. Then check the answers.(板书 )NameFavorite seasonReasonJaneKangkangrain, snow, ground5. (让学生再听 3a 录音 , 跟读并表演 3a。 )T: Good job. Now, listen to the tape again and read after it. Then Ill ask some students to actout the dialog.6. (教师指着有关春、夏、秋、冬的图片, 学生两人一组做对话。完成3b。 )T: Look at the pictures. Work in pairs and practice like this:S1: Which season do you like best?S2: I like best.S1: Why do you like ?S2: Because its a good time/Because we canS1: What s the weather like in?S2: It s7. (让学生以歌谣的形式描述四季。然后选择几份好的,全班一起操练。)T: Please write something about seasons as a chant. Then well chant the best ones together.Step 5Project 第五步综合探究活动( 时间 :8 分钟 )通过活动 , 巩固并应用所学功能用语。1. (小组活动。把全班分成四组, 在两分钟内说出可以描述四个季节的句子。在限定时间内,说出句子最多的组获胜。)T: Now, I ll divide you into four groups. Please say the sentences that can describe four seasons in two minutes, and the group that says the most sentences is the winner.Example:G1: Spring is warm. It s a good season for flying kitesG2: We can go swimming in summerG3: It s a good time to climb mountains in fallG4: It s cold in winter2. (让学生画出自己最喜爱的季节, 注意图中要有显示季节特点的景物或事物, 选几幅展示给学生 , 并请本组另一名学生用英语描述出来, 看哪组做得最好。)T: Very good. Now, boys and girls, please draw a picture about the season you like best, pay attention to the special scene in your favorite season, and I ll choose one of the other students in your group to describe the season in English. Let s see which group is the best.3. (家庭作业。 )( 调查你的朋友在四个季节里都经常做些什么运动, 制成一张表格, 然后依据表格写一篇小短文。 )T: Survey the activities your friends often do in the four seasons, then complete the table below, and write a passage according to the table.ActivityNameSpringSummerFallWinter .疑点探究本 section 中 fall 为美式英语 , 英式表达为 autumn 。本书采用美式英语。


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