大工春《管理学》在线作业及参考答案(Homeworkspring management online homework and reference answer)

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大工11春管理学在线作业及参考答案(Homework 11 spring management online homework and reference answer)Big work 11 spring, management online homework 1Radio questions (5 questions, 20 points)1., the plan for the realization of long-term and overall major problems in the organization is planned.A. purposeB. missionC. strategyD. targetThe correct answer: C full marks: 4 points2., the system is divided into natural systems and man-made systems, which are divided according to the system.A. natural attributesB. motion attributesC. material propertiesD. feedback attributesThe correct answer: A full marks: 4 points3., the plan is divided into guiding plan and specific plan, according to the plan () division.A. breadthB. clarityC. organizational levelD. organizational functionThe correct answer: B full marks: 4 points4., the early management thought was formed with the emergence of ().A. businessB. agricultureC. animal husbandryD. factory systemThe correct answer: D full marks: 4 points5. the first step in planning work is ().A. sets goals for the whole opportunityB. determine the conditionsC. determine the programD. evaluation programThe correct answer: A full marks: 4 points(a total of 10 multiple-choice questions, a total of 60 points.)1. the characteristics of an artificial system are.A. set propertyB. correlationC. purposeD. integrityE. environmental adaptabilityThe correct answer: ABCDE full marks: 6 points2., the main arguments of the social responsibility model include ().A. companies cant afford a lot of social responsibilityB. the public expects the company to take on social responsibilityC. corporate commitment to social responsibility is a long-term self-interestD. enterprises have the resources and capabilities to solve social problemsE. enterprises are responsible for social problemsThe correct answer: BCDE full marks: 6 points3. the contingency factors that affect the planning priorities are ().A. organizational levelB. organizational life cycleC. organizational cultureThe volatility of the D. environmentE. organizational structureThe correct answer: ABCD full marks: 6 points4., the role of the target is mainly reflected in ().A. points out the direction for managementB. reduce costsC. excitationD. condensationE. assessment criteriaThe correct answer: ACDE full marks: 6 points5. the main achievements of Gilbreth and his husband in scientific management theory are as follows.A. proposes the principles of action research and Action EconomicsB. emphasizes system managementC. presents Gantt chartsD. explores the interplay between work, workers, and the environmentE. proposes management development planThe correct answer: ABDE full marks: 6 points6. according to the position of the manager in the organization, managers can be divided into ().A. top managementB. middle managersC. grassroots managersD. decision makerE. function managerThe correct answer: ABC full marks: 6 points7., the characteristics of the external environment of the organization are.A. simplicityB. complexityC. variabilityD. crossE. independenceThe correct answer: BCD full marks: 6 points8. which processes are included in the feedback process?.A. feelingsB. understandC. analysisD. effectE. decisionThe correct answer: ACE full marks: 6 points9. what are the main features of management?.The purpose of A. managementOrganization of B. managementHuman nature of C. managementThe innovation of D. managementThe art of E. managementThe correct answer: ABCDE full marks: 6 pointsOf the following 10., the conformity to the management definition is ().A. common goal is not only the premise of organizational existence, but also the starting point and final destination of management activityB. creating a good environment is the condition for achieving the target, and also the basic content of management activityC. managers at all levels should formulate organizational goals through planning work, organizational work, leadership and control work to create a good environment for the organization members to achieve their goals efficientlyD. managers must improve efficiency as a management objectiveThe basic principles of E. management apply to all organizationsThe correct answer: ABCDE full marks: 6 pointsJudgment questions (5 questions, 20 points)1., the environment of science and technology not only has space, but also has time, and has obvious times.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B full marks: 4 points2. the philosophical assumptions of MBO must exist.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: A full marks: 4 points3. money is the only motivation to stimulate the enthusiasm of workers.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: A full marks: 4 points4., every basic element of modern management is isolated.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: A full marks: 4 pointsFiveMBO is the result of the development of management science theory.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B full marks: 4 pointsBig work 11 spring, management online homework 2Radio questions (5 questions, 20 points)1., the concept of strategy varies with different scholars, times and angles. Think of strategy as a model or plan that combines the primary purpose, policy, and activity of an organization in a certain order into a compact whole. Who is this scholars view?.A. CibogeB. Ann schoofC. qui KuiD. AndrewsThe correct answer: C full marks: 4 points2., the first historical division of enterprise management organization is ().A. specialization of management organizationsB. the division of labor between the workshop owner and the supervisorThe emergence of C. companyD. from full-time managers to full-time managersThe correct answer: B full marks: 4 points3. each employee in the organization only needs to obey the orders of a higher authority and is responsible only to one superior, and no one or two servants can appear. Describes the principles of organizational work.A. unified commandB. division of labor collaborationC. authority and responsibility are consistentD. combination of centralization and decentralizationThe correct answer: A full marks: 4 points4. the following statements about the organization, the error is ().A. organization is a basic function of managementB. has no division of labor and collaboration, nor can it be called an organizationC. organizations must have different levels of power and responsibility systemD. organizations can have different goalsThe correct answer: D full marks: 4 points5., the mathematical model for scientific calculation, the choice of options is ().A. empirical judgmentB. mathematical analysisC. test methodD. practice methodThe correct answer: B full marks: 4 points(a total of 10 multiple-choice questions, a total of 60 points.)1., the traditional methods of job analysis mainly include.A. task questionnaireB. work diary methodC. observationD. interview methodE. questionnaireThe correct answer: BCDE full marks: 6 points2., the form of integrated growth mainly includes ().A. backward integrationB. forward integrationC. horizontal integrationD. market penetrationE. market developmentThe correct answer: ABC full marks: 6 points3. the main factors that affect the prediction accuracy are.A. the objective situation is constantly changing, and peoples knowledge is always lagging behindB. the development of objective things has a gradual change, there are also mutationsC. prediction research is a young science, and it is still very immatureThere are too many factors limiting D. prediction implementationE. predictions failed to be taken seriouslyThe correct answer: ABCD full marks: 6 points4. modern decision-making system is composed of (), () and ().A. information systemB. target systemC. judgment systemD. think tank systemE. decision systemThe correct answer: ADE full marks: 6 points5., the strategy formulation mainly has ().A. top-down approachThe B. leadership in command in cooperation with specialized business departments to developC. strategy is based on strategic institutionsD. commissioned a unit with certain conditionsThe E. organization works with the consulting unitThe correct answer: ABCDE full marks: 6 points6. macroeconomic forecasts mainly include ().A. market demand forecastB. society future forecastC. price forecastD. science and technology forecastE. economic forecastThe correct answer: BDE full marks: 6 points7., the characteristics of global strategic management include.A. regionalismB. GlobalC. long-termD. integrityE. degenerationThe correct answer: BCDE full marks: 6 points8. among the following, qualitative forecasting methods are available.A. exponential smoothingB. Delphi methodC. user opinion actD. set opinion methodE. regression forecasting methodThe correct answer: BCD full marks: 6 points9. factors affecting management range include ().The nature of the A. positionB. ability to workThe nature of the C. work itselfD. standardization and empowermentE. information feedbackThe correct answer: ABCDE full marks: 6 points10. the basic methods of demand forecasting for managers are.A. empirical estimation methodB. statistical forecasting methodC. job research forecastD. personnel turnover forecastE. attendance forecastThe correct answer: ABC full marks: 6 pointsJudgment questions (5 questions, 20 points)1., the line authority is to ensure the effective functioning of the organizations primary authority.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B full marks: 4 points2., the essence of strategic management is strategy.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: A full marks: 4 pointsThreeDecision subsystem is the instruction center of organization activity. It is a vertical form system composed of production and management units and their leaders and members.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: A full marks: 4 points4., after defining the form of organizational structure, appropriate decentralization and proper authorization should be carried out.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B full marks: 4 pointsThe 5. department should be as many as possible.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: A full marks: 4 pointsBig work 11 spring, management online homework 3Radio questions (5 questions, 20 points)1. of the following options, the explicit content that does not belong to the organizational culture is ().A. valuesB. tissue markerC. work environmentD. rules and regulationsThe correct answer: A full marks: 4 points2. following the concept of control, which describes the error is ().A. control should be based on the given conditions and the intended purpose or assessment criteriaB. controlled objects must have multiple possibilities for developmentC. the development of the object, the state of the target, is possible in all possibilitiesThe purpose of D. control is to make possible space as wide as possibleThe correct answer: D full marks: 4 points3., leadership includes a wide range of styles, from leadership to focus to the following, and democracy and dictatorship are only two extremes. The theory is ().A. three theories of leadershipB. leads continuous flowC. management system theoryD. two dimensional theoryThe correct answer: B full marks: 4 points4. the following are not the cultural differences, the management method is ().A. parochial doctrineB. racial centralismC. culture harmonizing lawD. local protectionismThe correct answer: D full marks: 4 points5., communication is divided into one-way communication and two-way communication, which is in accordance with the communication () division.A. tissue systemB. flow directionC. reversibilityD. methodThe correct answer: C full marks: 4 points(a total of 10 multiple-choice questions, a total of 60 points.)1., the two factor theory divides the factors that influence motivation into ().A. incentive factorsB. health factorsC. demand factorsD. expected factorsE. attribution factorThe correct answer: AB full marks: 6 points2. of the following options, which are not of type A culture, are ().A. short term employmentB. clear controlC. personal responsibility, there is a clear head of everythingD. is responsible for a collective workE. long term employment systemThe correct answer: DE full marks: 6 points3., according to the degree of integration, the budget can be divided into ().A. operating budgetB. general budgetC. financial budgetD. special budgetE. comprehensive budgetThe correct answer: BE full marks: 6 points4., according to the location of the control point, the management system can be divided into ().A. population controlB. self controlC. pre controlD. process controlE. ex post controlThe correct answer: CDE full marks: 6 points5. the following functions that belong to the organizational culture are ().The guiding function of A. organizational cultureThe constraint function of B. organizational cultureThe cohesion function of C. organizational cultureThe radiation function of D. organizational cultureThe motivating function of E. organizational cultureThe correct answer: ABCDE full marks: 6 pointsThe behavior of 6. people, regardless of their age, regardless of their nationality or social class, has its common characteristics. These features are ().A. spontaneousB. for a reasonC. purposefulD. persistentE. can changeThe correct answer: ABCDE full marks: 6 points7. the main methods of financial audit include ().A. audit inspection methodB. audit investigation methodC. audit analysisD. sampling audit methodE. Management Audit ActThe correct answer: ABCD full marks: 6 points8., according to the pathway - target theory, what kinds of leadership can be used by the same leader in different environments?.A. supportive leadershipB. authoritarian leadershipC. participatory leadershipD. guided leadershipE. leadership with achievement goalsThe correct answer: ACDE full marks: 6 points9. general principles of leadership include ().A. the principle of equal rights and responsibilitiesB. principles of democratic opennessC. obedience principleD. the principle of combining collective leadership with individual division of labor and responsibilityE. principles of unified leadershipThe correct answer: ABDE full marks: 6 points10., achievement requires motivational theory. What are the basic motivational needs that people need after they have been physically satisfied?.A. the need for beautyB.s need for powerC.s need for belonging and socializingD.Safety needsE.s need for achievementThe correct answer: BCE full marks: 6 pointsJudgment questions (5 questions, 20 points)1., leaders who are highly organized and caring are most concerned with cooperation between leaders and subordinates.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: A full marks: 4 points2., in order to make the incentive effect, we should master the time and strength of encouragement in the process of encouragement.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B full marks: 4 points3. leadership is the process of influencing individuals, groups, or organizations to achieve desired goals.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: B full marks: 4 points4., the system level is the sum of the process of production and management and the products in the organization which embodies the spirit and culture of the organization. It also includes the substantive cultural facilities.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: A full marks: 4 points5., some organizations can interact with their external environment without communicating with each other through information.A. errorB. correctThe correct answer: A full marks: 4 points


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