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领导英文发言稿【篇一:领导开班仪式英文发言稿】ladies and gentlemen:good afternoon!its my great honor to come to east china normal university toattend the opening ceremony of “ 2010 master of education program for developing countries ” in this most beautifulautumn season. on behalf of ministry of education peoples republic of china, please allow me to extend my warmest welcome to all participants coming from afar.i would also like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to ecnu for their hard work.i d also like to say a big thank you to the ministry of commerce for their tremendous support and guidance without which this program will not be possible.nowadays ,developing countries are playing an i ncreasingly important role in the international community.china, along with other developing countries has actively engaged in multipolarizing of world political patterns, democratizing international relations, establishing new international order of justice and fairness, boosting world economy and settling global issues. being a member of family of developing countries,china attaches significant importance to traditional friendship and bilateral relations with other developing countries.to strengthen cooperation and nurture the talent for them in the field of human resources,we have run“ master of public administration program fordeveloping countries ” since 2008 and has received wide praise and recognition.in addition to that program ,the ministry of education andministry of commerce have decided to launch “ master of education program for developing countries ” in 2010.the firstsession of this program is specifically designed for developing countries in africa with the aim to help these nation to train intermediate and high senior educational administrators.nowadays ,development is top priority for each country.education is the foundation stone of a nations revitalizaton and social development ,playing an essential role in social and economic development. the recently released“ chinas national plan for medium and long termeducational reform and development(2010- 2020) ” lays out the direction ofchinese education for the next ten years, demonstrating chinese governments resoluation in building china into strong country of human resources .being educational administrators from different countries and different institutes with great potential leadership,each of you must have you own perspective and insights into education.in this sense,this program provides us with a fascinating opportunity to share among us these valuable experience.east china normal university is a both nationally and internationally recognized comprehensive research university in china,particularly renowned for its excellence in teacher-training.it has nurtured numerous competent teachers and disdinguished educators.i am pretty confident that with the substantial support of ecnu,this program is absolutely going to be a huge success.there are a few points i would like you to highlight here.firstly,i hope you could adapt to this new environment and new role as a student as soon as possible , follow the syllabus and course design, study hard and involved in practice session actively; secondly, i hope you make as many chinese friends as you can so as to have a better understanding of china and chinese peoples desire for peaceful development.thirdly,i hope you could combine what you learn with the actual situation and your work back in your home country and share with us your experience.finally ,i would like to wish each of you a fruitful and rewarding study and and enjoyable stay in china.thank you very much.【篇二:领导人发言稿英译】构建中巴命运共同体开辟合作共赢新征程 在巴基斯坦议会的演讲( 2015 年 4 月 21 日,伊斯兰堡)中华人民共和国主席习近平尊敬的谢里夫总理,尊敬的拉巴尼参议院主席,尊敬的萨迪克国民议会议长,各位部长,各位议员朋友,女士们,先生们,朋友们:今天,有机会来到巴基斯坦议会同各位议员朋友面对面交流,我感到非常高兴。巴基斯坦议会邀请我发表演讲,充分表明了你们对中国人民的深情厚谊,我对此表示衷心的感谢! 首先,我代表 13 亿多中国人民,向兄弟的巴基斯坦人民,致以最诚挚的问候和最美好的祝愿!借此机会,我要向长期以来为中巴两国友谊和合作作出贡献的各界朋友,致以崇高的敬意!巴基斯坦是我今年出访的第一站。这虽然是我第一次来到巴基斯坦,但我对巴基斯坦一点也不陌生。中国有句古话: “与君初相识,犹如故人归。 ”这就是我访问巴基斯坦的真实感受。我年轻时经常听到老一辈人讲述巴基斯坦的风土人情和中巴友谊的感人故事,早就对巴基斯坦心驰神往。一踏上这片美丽的土地,我和我的同事们就沉浸在热情友好的海洋之中,仿佛回到亲如手足的兄弟家中。中国和巴基斯坦的友谊是肝胆相照的信义之交,休戚与共的患难之交,堪称国与国友好相处的典范。巴基斯坦人民将中巴友谊比喻为“比山高,比海深,比蜜甜 ”。中国人民则亲切地称巴基斯坦人民为“好朋友、好邻居、好伙伴、好兄弟 ”。这次访问期间,我同侯赛因总统、谢里夫总理一致同意将中巴关系提升为全天候战略合作伙伴关系。全天候就是风雨无阻、永远同行的意思。这一定位是中巴全天候友谊和全方位合作的鲜明写照,可谓实至名归。女士们、先生们、朋友们!巴基斯坦是一个年轻而又古老的伟大国家。这片热土孕育了辉煌灿烂的古代文明,在近代史上书写了争取民族独立、国家自强的壮丽诗篇。巴基斯坦人民善良勇敢、自尊自信,有着百折不挠、坚韧不拔的民族气质。建国60 多年来,巴基斯坦政府和人民面对复杂的国内外形势,沉着应对各种严峻挑战,在捍卫国家主权独立和领土完整、建设国家和发展经济的道路上取得了显著成就。进入新世纪以来,巴基斯坦身处国际反恐前沿,付出了巨大努力,承受了巨大牺牲,为地区乃至世界和平稳定作出了突出贡献。中国人民对巴基斯坦人民充满深深的敬意。巴基斯坦国父真纳说过: “我们不辞赴汤蹈火,因为相信阳光未来。 ” 未来可以期待,未来也可以创造。当前,巴基斯坦面临着历史性发展机遇。谢里夫总理提出了 “亚洲之虎 ”的梦想,为巴基斯坦勾画出宏伟蓝图。中国人民相信,巴基斯坦人民团结一心、不懈努力,一定能够在国家建设征程中创造新的奇迹、铸就新的辉煌。中国人民将始终同巴基斯坦人民站在一起!【篇三:中英文录入大赛领导发言稿】各位老师、各位同学、各位来宾:晚上好!很高兴能出席电信学院 “中英文录入大赛颁奖大会 ”。首先对所有获奖同学表示衷心的祝贺。电信院根据自身的专业特色成功地举办了这次中英文录入比赛。中英文录入大赛不仅极大地丰富了我们的校园文化,营造了良好的校园科技文化环境,而且有助于提高同学们对键盘的熟悉程度和打字速度,增强同学们的动手能力和学习积极性,同时丰富了同学们的大学课外生活。另外中英文录入大赛也推动了我们的校园文化建设,有助于提高同学们的计算机应用能力。中英文录入大赛主要检验作者键盘操作及中英文文字输入的熟练程度。录入的内容主要包括英文字母、数字、汉字以及一些特殊字符等。特别是英文字母、数字、汉字、特殊符号等混合文本的录入,对操作者的录入技能要求更高。所以同学们在以后的学习中,要特别注重英语的学习;另外、同学们也应该注意此类比赛的细节,诸如数字和一些特殊符号的输入。同学们应该从中学到,无论做什么,都要认真,因为细节决定成败;古人说: “白日莫闲过,青春不再来 ”,希望同学们正确对待成败,珍惜大学学习和生活的时光,以平和的心态,以饱满的热情,积极地投入到全新的大学生活。这样的活动我们今后应多多提倡和举办,它不仅给同学们提供了展现自己才华的机会,更重要的是在活动中升华认识,使广大同学更好地认识学校的教育制度,充分利用现在的学习资源,努力将自己培养成一个创新型人才。活动虽然结束了,但是我们应该从中吸取经验、从中获益,为自己以后的学习打下一定的基础。希望同学们在今后的学习生活中,能够发奋图强,敢于创新。谢谢大家!


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