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学生学习的方案,教师备课的设计The Seventh PeriodThe General Idea of This PeriodIn this period, were going to learn cultural corner, it will tell us something about the Maglev, then well do the exercises in the workbook.Teaching Aims1. Learn some useful expressions.2. Train the students reading ability.3. Get the students to know something about Maglev.Teaching Important PointLearn and master the following useful expressions: at a speed.magnetically levitatedattend the opening ceremonyTeaching Difficult PointHow to help the students understand the passage correctly.Teaching Methods1. Fast reading and careful reading to understand the passage exactly.2. Pair work or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids1. a tape recorder2. a multimediaTeaching ProceduresStep 1 GreetingsGreet the class as usual.Step 2 Preparation for Reading1. Show some pictures on the screen. And tell the students something about them.2. Ask some students to say some sentences for each vehicle.Step 3 Lead-inT: What kind of train is the fastest one in the world? Where is it? Have you ever been to Shanghai? Do you know anything about the Maglev. Today lets learn the Maglevthe fast train in the world (on blackboard).Step 4 Fast-reading1. Some new words: magnetically levitated vacuumrail ceremonytrack souvenir2. Play the tape for the students to listen. First get them to look at the questions (on the screen).Q1: What are the main differences between a magnetically levitated train and an ordinary train?Q2: What are the advantages of traveling on a Maglev train?3. Get the students to answer them individually or in pairs.4. Teacher gives the suggested answers: (1) It is faster, less noising and uses less energy.(2) You travel very quickly and quietly. The train uses less energy.Step 5 Careful-reading1. Get the students to read by themselves, with carefulness, ask them to pay attention to their correct pronunciation.2. Get the students to find out the topic sentence for each paragraph.3. Get the students to find out the difficult sentences and useful expressions.(Teacher show them on the screen.)(1) Magnetically levitated means “Maglev”.(2)Travelling at a speed over 400 kilometres per hour, the train can complete the 30-kilometre journey in eight minutes.以400千米的时速,火车在8分钟内就完成了30千米的路程。at a speed注意at和speed搭配at full speedat a speed of 50 milesat the top of ones noise at what speedper hour:每小时 per minute, per day, per year注意:per的用法per商业技术用语,通常一般用a,an。per之后接没有冠词的单数名词a pint of milk per child 每个小孩一品脱牛奶fifty miles per hour 每小时50英里(3)They travel very fast and use less energy.它们运行得很快,而能量却消耗得较少。请注意,这里less energy 是little 的比较级。后面省略: than ordinary trains.(4).attended the opening ceremony of the train service.参加的开幕式attend:出席;参加;上(学);到(场)Did you attend the meeting yesterday?你昨天出席会议了吗?She was sick, so she didnt attend her classes.她生病了,所以没上学。Step 6 Speaking1. Get the Ss to read again and again.2. Ask some students to give a report. Please say something about Maglev.3. Write down the passage in the exercise books.Step 7 Writing1. Do Ex.6. (Page 81).Suggested answers: 1 playground2 sports stadium3 zoo4 cinema5 park6 circus7 kindergarten8 seaside9 swimming pool2. Think of a tourist spot where you made a trip.Then make notes. You may choose any lace as you like.Step 8 HomeworkFinish off the workbook exercises.Step 9 The Design of Writing on the BlackboardModule 3My First Ride on a TrainThe Seventh Period1. Questionsattend the opening ceremony2. Language pointsless energyper hour/day/yearat a speedat full speedStep 10 Activity and InquiryStepsStudents ActingTeachers Organzing1Listen to the tape.Play the tape and show a picture.2Active in activity.Give guidance.Detailed Explanation to the ExercisesGrammar1.1 There were hundreds of bored drivers in the traffic jam.2 There were lots of excited people getting on the plane.3 The family used a rented car to travel around Europe during their holiday.4 Many exhausted passengers got off the plane which had been delayed for 24 hours.5 There were a lot of damaged cars everywhere after the accident.6 The amazed passengers traveled from Shanghai airport to the central station in eight minutes.7 The audience watched as four trained lions entered the circus ring.8 We spent the night on an abandoned farm2.1 c)2 d)3 e)4 f)5 a)6 b)1 我们住在奶奶许多年前留下来的房子里。2 我们买下了一头由一位阿富汉人训练的骆驼。3 我看了一部由斯蒂芬 斯皮尔博格导演的电影。4 我吃了由哥哥做的一顿美味佳肴。5 我听过由一位老妇人讲的一个故事。6 我读过鲁迅写的两本书。3.1 When I was five years old, I traveled to Nanjing with my parents.2 Yesterday morning, Mary didnt go to school.3 This time last week, Tom was in bed, ill.4 I watched TV with my parents last weekend.5 I lived in Nanjing three years ago.6 I spent my holiday in my hometown in June.7 Last winter we went to Beijing.8 In 2003, my family went to Shanghai.4.LANDSEAAIRbicycleferryhelicopterbusshipplanecamelhorsemotorbiketaxitraintram5.1 ridedrive2 flewsailed3 got out ofgot off4 got offtook off5 sailfly6.1 playground2 sport stadium3 zoo4 cinema5 park6 circus7 kindergarten8 seaside9 swimming poolReading7. Students own answers8.(1)C(2)D(3)F(4)A(5)B(6)E9.1 c2 d3 c4 aListening and speaking11. Answers1 c2 e3 d4 f5 b6 aSpeaking and writing14, 15&161 Where did you go?I went to Beijing Zoo.2 When did you go?When I was 10.3 How did you travel there?I went by bus.4 Who did you go with?I went there with my parents.5 What did you do there?We spent the whole day at the zoo.6 What did you see there?We saw an elephant, snakes and crocodiles.7 What did you eat there?We had rice and vegetables for lunch.8 Did you enjoy the trip?Yes, I did.Module 3My First Ride on a Train.The General Idea of This ModuleThe topic of this module is My First Ride on a Train. This module will describe the scene characteristics by traveling to Australia. We will learn some words about vehicles and natural phenomena in this module. On the other hand, we will learn grammar on the usage of the ed form. Also, we will get the students to describe their traveling and natural scenery with these words. The words with the -ed form can be used as adjectives and give some examples. We will train the students abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Whats more, I will lead the students to go over the usage of the past time expressions.INTRODUCTIONIn this module, well learn some new words on vehicles. Recall the students happy childhood on the first ride.READING AND VOCABULARY(1)To train reading skill by skimming and scanning the passage.(2)Enable the students to improve abilities of imagination, analysis and thinking in English.GRAMMARThe -ed form can be used as adjectives and attributive adjectives.FUNCTIONLearn to use everyday English to express good manners.VOCABULARYLearn some words on places, using these words to connect the related knowledge.READING AND SPEAKING(1)Read the passage on recalling childhood.(2)To get the general idea by reading the past experience.(3)To get the key points.(4)Make a similar dialogue.LISTENINGTo train the students ability to catch the key.WRITINGLearn to make notes by reading the passage.PRONUNCIATIONHow to read the correct stress of the sentencesEVERYDAY ENGLISHGive response to the dialogue.CULTURAL CORNERTo know the advantages about Maglevthe fastest train.TASKDescribe the travel looking at photots, postcards.MODULE FILETo help the students to conclude the content. To test what they have learned.Three-Dimensional Goals1. Knowledge and Skills(1)To write down the sentences and passage including the new words, phrases and -ed words.(2)To read the passage to train the students ability of skimming.(3)To recall the past experience using the past time; making a dialogue using polite ways.2. Process and Methods(1)Teachers guidance and teaching lead the Ss to know the new achievements including Maglev.(2)Activity and InquiryTo know the travel culture in many places in the world.To know how to do in good manners, learn to be polite.3. Emotion and ValuesArouse the students love for their motherland.Get them to feel proud of social achievement.Teaching Important PointLearn the passage and sentence structure.Teaching Difficult PointGrammar: the -ed form and language points.Teaching Aidsmultimedia, a little blackboard.Teaching Timeseven periodsThe first period: Introduction(Vocabulary and Speaking)The second period: Reading and VocabularyThe third period: Reading and VocabularyThe fourth period: Grammar 1, Function and VocabularyThe fifth period: Grammar, Reading and SpeakingThe sixth period: Listening, Writing, Pronunciation and Everyday EnglishThe seventh period: Cultural Corner, Task and Module FileThe First PeriodThe General Idea of This PeriodIn this period well finish the four activities on Page 21.Then practise speaking after the model. At last Ill give four situations to discuss.Teaching Aims1. To learn and master the following:Words: helicopter, motorbike, tram, ferryPhrases: get on, get off, get into, get out (of) ride, take off, land drive2. To develop the students speaking ability by talking and discussing.Teaching Important Points1. How to improve the students speaking ability2. Learn some vocabularies.Teaching Difficult PointHow to improve the students speaking ability by making some dialogues correctly.Teaching Methods1. Answering activity to help the students go through vocabulary2. Matching the words to arouse the students interest in the names of vehicles.3. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids1. a computer2. some picturesTeaching ProceduresStep 1 GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.T: Good morning.Ss: Good morning, Miss Liu.Step 2 Lead-inT: With the development of society, we are changing our life. More and more people like to travel. Do you like traveling?S: Yes.T: Where have you been?S: The Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Mount Tai,.S: The West Lake, the Great Wall, .S: .T: How did you make your first journey?S: By train.S: By bus.S: By bike.T: Now, well review the means of transportation. “Means of transportation” is a means of carrying people or goods from one place to another.(By means of transportation) Who can give us the names of the transportation?S: By bike/by train/by car/by boat/by plane or on foot. (on Page136)Step 3 PresentationT: Open your books at Page 21.Lets come to Introduction. First look at the pictures. Lets learn some words about vehicles.(Show them on the screen.)Ferry, tram, helicopter, motorbike T: Read aloud and explain the Chinese meanings. Then ask the students how they travel around most frequently elicit basic expressions.S: I usually travel on foot/by bike/by bus.T: Who has traveled by train/taxi/plane/boat? Explain where, when and why.S: I have travelled by train to Beijing. Before we decide the means of transportation, we must consider the time and money we have to spend, and whether well feel comfortable and safe during our travels.T: OK. What you said is reasonable.(Teacher uses the multimedia to show the pictures at Page21.)Ask the students to match the words in the box with the pictures on the screen, then check with a partner. Check the answers with the students together.Picture1.motorbike2.ferry3.tram4.train5.plane6.bus7.helicopter8.bicycle9.taxiStep 4AnsweringGet the students to answer the Activity 2.Then check with them together.T: Read through the questions as the students follow. Make sure the students understand the questions.T: Ask students to do the activity in pairs. Asking and answering. Then get them to check with a partner.S: Which of the vehicles travel on road?S: Taxi, bicycles, motorbikes and buses travel on roads.S: Which of them travel on rails?S: Trams and trains-travel on rails.S: Which of them travels on water?S: Ferries travel on water.S: Which of them travel in the air?S: Helicopters and planes travel in the air.S: Which of them can you use to travel a long distance?S: You can use a plane or a train to travel a long distance.Step 5 PracticeMatch the verbs with the means of transport. Get the students to do Activity 3.1. Read through the verbs and have the class repeat them after you.get onget offget intoget out (of) ridedrivetake offland 2. Ask students to do the activity individually. They can check with a partner.3. Call back the answers from the class.Suggested answers: get on: bus/train/tram/bicycle/motorbike/ferry/planeget off: bus/train/tram/bicycle/motorbike/ferry/planeget into: taxi/helicopterride: bicycle/motorbikedrive: train/taxi/bustake off: plane/helicopterland: plane/helicopterStep 6 Speaking1. Get the students to describe the first time you travelled a long distance.2. Put the students into groups of four to ask and answer about their journeys.S: I first traveled a long distance by train when I was seven years old. I went with my parents from Nanjing to Beijing.S: I first traveled a long distance by train when I was twelve years old. I went with my classmates and my teacher from my hometown to Beijing.Then tell the students the following:I first traveled a long distance by train last year.I went to Harbin with my husband and my son. Last Spring Festival, I went there to see the icy cityHarbin. There are a lot of wonderful statues, carved out of snow. I hope you will go there in the future.Step 7 DiscussionT: We can make a trip in many ways. But what do you have to consider before you decide the means of transportation? I think we must consider time and money we have to spend, and whether well feel comfortable and safe during travels. Thus is very reasonable. Do you understand?(Show a map of the world, a map of China and some situations on the screen.)T: Now look at the screen and discuss how youd like to go to the places, by train, by bus or by air. Besides, give the reason why you make the decision.Situation1. from Shanghai to London2. from Beijing to Guangzhou3. from Dalian to Qingdao4. from Chongqing to Chengdu(The teacher gives the students a few minutes to discuss in groups of four and asks some of them to give their ideas.)Suggested ideas: 1. Situation 1By air. Its a long way from Shanghai to London. Its the better and faster way to get there by air than by ship.2. Situation 2By train. Beijing is far from Guangzhou. We can get there by train or by plane. Its faster by plane, but its better to go there by train. On the train we can be comfortable and enjoy the beautiful scenes on the way there.By boat/ship. Its shorter by ship than by bus or train. Meanwhile, we can enjoy the beautiful scene on the sea.3. Situation 3By boat/ship. Its shorter by ship than by bus or train. Meanwhile, we can enjoy the beautiful scene on the season.4. Situation 4By bus. Chongqing is not far from Chengdu. It takes us only several hours to get there by bus. Its faster by bus than by train.Step 8 Summary and HomeworkToday weve learned some vocabulary on the vehicles and done some speaking and known how to choose means of transportation. Also weve learned to discribe the first time you traveled a long distance. Besides, weve learnt some words (pointing to the blackboard).A. ferry, helicopter, tram, plane, motorbike, distanceB. get on/off/into/out (of), ride/dive, take off, land.Step 8 The Design of Writing on the BlackboardModule 3My First Ride on a TrainThe First Period1.Words: 2.Verbs: helicopter n. motorbike n. get on get offtram n. distance n. get into get out (of)a long distance n. ride/dive/landtake off3._travel on roads _on rails _on water _in the airStep 9 Activity and InquiryStepsStudents! ActingTeachers Organizing1Look at the pictures give the words.Show the pictures on the screen.2Answer the following.Write on the blackboard.3Write down the description.Give description.The Second PeriodThe General Idea of This PeriodIn this period, were going to read a passage about My First Ride on a Train. Well finish the five activities on Page 22-24.Let the students answer the questions about Australia match some words with these definitions.Get the general idea of this passage.Answer and discuss some questions.Teaching Aims1. Learn and master the following wordsabandonedcamelcassettedesertdiamondexpertmidnightproductsceneryshootsoiljourneytrain2. Train the students reading ability.3. Tell the students something about Australia.4. To know something about traveling to the central part of Australia.Teaching Important Points1. How to grasp the general idea of the passage.2. Know something about Australia.Teaching Difficult PointHow to improve the students reading ability.Teaching Methods1. Fast reading and careful reading to improve the students reading ability.2. Pair or group work to make every student work in class.3. Discussion to help the students grasp the detailed information.Teaching Aids1. a computer2. a projector3. the blackboardTeaching ProceduresStep 1 GreetingT: Good morning!S: Good morning, teacher!T: Sit down, please!Step 2 Lead-inT: The weather in September is very nice. Its the best time to travel. Do you like travel?Ss: Yes.T: Have you ever been to Australia?Ss: No.T: Today lets learn something about Australia.Step 3 Presentation(Show picture of a Kangaroo on the screen.)T: What do you call it?Ss: A Kangaroo.T: Where does it live? Do you know?S: In Australia, of course.T: Open your books at Page 22, lets come to Australia.T: Do you know the name of the capital city?S: Canberra.T: Do you know how many people live there?S: About 20 million.T: What do you think the central part of the country is like?S: Desert.T: Where do you think most of the people live, in the central part of the country or on the coast?S: On the east/southeast coast.T: What Australian animals do you know about?S: Koala bear, Kangaroo, Duck billed platypus, echidna and dingo(澳洲野犬).T: Yes, very good, thanks a lot, some of these animals are marsupials, that is, the mother keeps the baby in a pouch on her stomach.T: Now, youve known much about Australia.Step 4 Learning to Read (Show a passage on the screen.)T: Well, lets look at the screen. Read through the passage, you


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