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三年级译林版英语下学期阅读理解专项水平练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 读短文,用“正确”或“错误”表示。Were in the park in summer. Its sunny and hot. Amy can fly a kite. She has a yellow and grey kite. Kelly is sitting on the bench (长凳). She likes ice-cream. Bob and Lucy like to swim in the lake (湖). Amy and Kelly say (说), Dont swim here. Its so dangerous (危险的) ! Im sorry. Theyre good friends. Theyre happy.1It is rainy today. Were in the park.( )2Amys kite is yellow and grey.( )3Kelly likes juice.( )4We cant swim in the lake. Its dangerous.( )5They arent happy today.( )2. 阅读短文,用“T”“F”判断Pandas faces look like cats, but their fat bodies and short tails are likebears. Pandas are very lovely and they are friendly to people. Peoplelikethem very much.Most Pandas live in China. Pandas like to climb trees. Theyusually live in the forests of high mountains, eat bamboo(竹子)and drinkspring water.( )1. Pandas has fat bodies and long tails.( )2. People like the pandas.( )3. Pandas can climb the trees.( )4. In China, we cant see the pandas.( )5. Pandas like eating bamboo.3. 看图,判断句子与图片是否相符。(1)Im a panda. I like juice.( )(2)Ima tiger. Id like an egg.( )(3)Monkey, have some water.( )(4)Im a bird. Im hungry. Id like some bread.( )(5)Hi, elephant. Drink some milk.( )4. 阅读理解,根据短文内容判断正( T )误( F )。Im Linlin. Im a quiet girl. Im eight. Im short and thin. Look at this photo, theyre my grandparents. They werent old then. They were very young. But now they are old. This is their dog. Its hair was short then. Now its long. And its cute.1Linlin is a girl and shes 18.( )2Linlin is quiet.( )3Her grandparents are very young now.( )4They have got a cute dog.( )5The dog is short and thin.( )5. 阅读短文,根据短文内容填空。This is my new friend. She is a girl. She is 10 years old. She is from China. Her name is Li Yan. She is a good student.1. I have a new _.A. teacher B. friend2. Li Yan is from _.A. China B. Canada3. She is _ years old.A. ten B. nine4. Li Yan is a good _.A. student B. teacher5. She is a _.A. boy B. girl6. 阅读短文,判断正误。Hello,Im Linda.Im a girl.Im nine years old.Im from the UK.Im a pupil.Im tall and thin.I like apples,but I dont like pears.( )(1)Linda is a girl.( )(2)Linda is 8 years old.( )(3)Linda is a teacher.( )(4)Linda is tall and thin.( )(5)Linda likes pears.7. 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Here comes a monster(怪兽).Bobby: A monster! Dont eat me.The monster is drinking milk. Bobby: Dont drink my milk.The monster is eating a cake.Bobby: Dont eat my cake.Bobby wears(戴着)a mask(面具). Bobby: Hello! Tina! Dont run.Tina: Sam?!The monster is going away(逃跑).Bobby: Its my cake! Yummy, yummy!()1.The monster is Sam.()2.The monster is Tina.()3.Its Bobbys cake!()4.Bobby is drinking milk.()5.Tina is going away.8. 根据短文内容,完成句子。Im a colourful(五彩缤纷的)clown(小丑).Colour my hair black.Colour my face white.Colour my mouth red.Colour my nose pink.Colour my ears blue.Colour my body purple and green.Colour my arms and legs orange.Colour my shoes yellow.Dont forget my pet dog.Colour it black and white.Im a colourful clown.And my life(生活)is colourful, too.(1)The clowns hair is.(2)The clowns mouth is.(3)The clowns ears are.(4)The clowns body isand.(5)The pet dog isand.9. 阅读理解,判断正误。Hello, Im Danny. Im tall. I like autumn. In autumn, it is cool.The trees are brown. I can fly a kite. I am happy.( )(1)Theboy is Danny.( )(2)Dannyis short.( )(3)Inautumn, it is cold.( )(4)Inautumn, it is green.( )(5)Dannycan fly a kite in autumn.10. 阅读判断。Hello! Im Tim. Im a boy. Im from the USA. Im nine. I have twelve pencils, twenty books, eight pens and five erasers.( )(1)Tim is from Canada.( )(2)Tim is 9.( )(3)Tim has 20 pencils.( )(4)Tim has 8 pens.( )(5)Tim has 6 erasers.( )(6)Tim is a boy.11. 阅读短文,将正确的选项序号写在横线上。Hi, Im Amy. Im from London. Look at this book about London. This is the River Thames. Its very long and wide. This is Big Ben. Its an old clock. Its very tall. And Look at the big wheel. Its the London Eye. Its new and round. Welcome to London.(1)Amy is from _.A. China B. England C. America(2)_ is new and round.A. The River Thames B. Big Ben C. The London Eye(3)_ is an old clock.A. The River Thames B. Big Ben C. The London Eye(4)_ is long and wide.A. The River Thames B. Big Ben C. The London Eye12. 读对话,判断正误。Dad:Its time for lunch. Are you hungry,Tom?Tom:Yes! Im very hungry.Mum:Would you like some vegetables?Tom:No,thanks.Dad:Would you like some dumplings?Tom:Yes, please. My favourite food is dumplings. Dumplings are delicious(美味的).Mum:Would you like some soup,Tom?Tom:No,thanks. Im very full(饱的).( )(1)Its time for lunch.( )(2)Tom isnt hungry.( )(3)Tom wants to eat vegetables.( )(4)Tom doesnt like dumplings.( )(5)Tom wants to have some soup.13. 阅读理解。It is eight oclock. The children (孩子们) go to school by car every day, they are going to school on foot. It is ten oclock. Mrs. Sawyer usually (通常)stays at home in the morning, but this morning, she is going to the shops. It is four oclock in the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room. But this afternoon, she is drinking tea in the garden. It is six oclock, In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are not doing their homework. At the moment, they are playing in the garden. It is nine oclock. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night(晚上). But hes not reading his newspaper tonight. At the moment, hes reading an interesting (有趣的)book.1The children go to school _ every day. ( )A.by car B.on foot C.by bike D.by bus2Mrs. Sawyer is going to _ this morning。( )A.staying at home B.go shopping C.drinking tea D.watching TV3Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in the evening at _in the living room. ( )A.8:00 B.16:00 C.18:00 D.21:004Are the children doing their homework at the moment? ( )A.Yes, they do. B.No, they dont. C.Yes, they are. D.No, they arent14. 阅读短文,回答问题。Be quietIt is a rainy Day. Bill and Amy are at home. They are making a cake for their parents. Dad is writing a letter (信).Mum is working. There is big noise. Dad and Mum cant work. They say, Please be quiet. Please go to your room. Now Bill and Amy are in their room. Oh, Bill is playing the violin. Amy is playing the flute. The noise is bigger (更大了).Their parents cant work. So they say, Go and make a cake instead.What are Bill, Amy and their parents doing?(1)Bill is.(2)Amy is.(3)Mum is.(4)Dad is.15. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。This is my room (房间).I have a new desk and a chair.The book is on the desk.The ruler is under the book.My eraser is in the pencil box.My bag is on the chair.Wheres my cat? Its under the chair.Its sleeping (睡觉).( )1.I have a desk and two chairs.( )2.The book is in the bag.( )3.The ruler is under the book.( )4.The bag is on the desk.( )5.My cat is under the chair.( )6.My cat is playing with me.16. 阅读理解。Hello, Im Mike. Im tall and thin. I like monkeys. I like reading and skating. I have a friend, Tom. He is short and thin. He is nine years old. He likes singing and swimming. We like playing table tennis. We also like eating cakes, candy and ice cream. They are sweet. We dont like sour food.(1)Mike likes.( )A. tigers B. monkeys C. pandas(2)Mike likes.( )A. reading B. skating C. reading and skating.(3)Tom is.( )A. tall and thin B. short and thin C. fat and thin(4)Mike and Tom like.( )A. playing table tennis B. playing football C. singing and swimming(5)Mike and Tom dont likefood.( )A. sweet B. salty C. sour17. 读一读,判断句子正()误()。Peter draws a monster(怪物). Its tall and strong. It has a big head and a big body. Its earsand eyes are small. Its mouth is very big. Its teeth(牙齿) are sharp(锋利的). It has two long arms. Its arms arevery strong. It has two big hands. It has two long legs and two big feet. Itcan run very fast(快).( )(1)Peter is a monster.( )(2)The monster has a big head and a bigbody. It is tall and strong.( )(3)The monsters mouth is very big and itsteeth are sharp.( )(4)The monster has two short arms. Itsarms are not strong.( )(5)The monster has two long legs and twobig feet. It can run fast.18. 阅读短文,判断与短文内容是否相同。Bills room is not big. There is a small table by the window. There are two bottles of orange juice and a glass of milk on the table. Bill is drinking some tea. Near the table theres a bed. Bills sister is reading a book on the bed. On the wall theres a picture. There are some students outside the window. The boys are playing games, and the girls are singing. Theyre very happy.( )(1)Bills room is very big.( )(2)There are two bottles of orange juice on the table.( )(3)Some boys are playing games near the house.( )(4)Some girls are singing.( )(5)There is a desk near the table.19. 阅读短文,判断正误。Hi, Im Mary. Welcome to my room. Look at the beautiful kites. How many? One, twoeight! Here is my toy box. Whats in it? Guess! Let me open it and see. Wow! One toy bear, two big balls, four carsAnd I have ten books on the desk. How many books do you have?(1)Mary has eight kites.( )(2)Mary has ten books and five pencils.( )(3)There are two balls and four cars in the toy box.( )(4)The books are in the toy box.( )(5)Mary doesnt have toy bear.( )20. 在他们喜欢的食物下面打“”,不喜欢的食物下面打“”。Li MingLi Mings motherJennyDannyMiss Zhang21. 阅读短文,判断对错。Im hungry. I want some noodles. I like noodles. Its Chinese fast food. But Lingling likes Hamburgers and chips. Shes eating them. Its English fast food.1I want some rice.( )2Rice is Chinese fast food.( )3Lingling doesnt like hamburgers.( )4Lingling is eating hamburgers.( )5Im hungry.( )9 / 9


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