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一年级冀教版英语下学期填空题知识点专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 选出正确的单词。dress T-shirt dress short dresses shirt blouse shorts(1) (2)(3) (4)2. 找出下面单词的意思。 draw A. 黄色的 mouth B. 矮的 yellow C.画画 small D. 嘴巴 short E. 小的3. 仔细看图,选出正确的答案。Hello!Im a(boy / girl).I like this(kite / ball).Its super.4. 填空题。1. There _ some tigers.2. There _ a monkey in the tree.3. There are some lions _ see.4. The elephant is tall, the snake is _.5. 将动物与其叫声配对。 A. peep, peep B. quack, quack C. Moo, moo D. oink, oink6. 选出下列单词的反义词。big warm cold short new up(1)hot (2)long(3)old (4)cool(5)small (6)down7. 将下列缩略词填写在与其对应的中文意思后面的横线上。CCTV kg HB NBA UFO1.飞碟_ 2.中国中央电视台_3.(铅笔芯)硬黑_ 4.美国篮球职业联赛_5. 千克_8. 填空题。1How_pearsdoyouhave?2Ilike_cars.3Ihavemany_.4Putthe_inyourhand.9. 猜动物。Theyrebig.Theyreblackandwhite.Whatarethey?Theyrelittle.Theyrepink.Whatarethey?Theyrefat.Theyrepinkandblack.Whatarethey?Theyrethin.Theyrewhite.Whatarethey?10. 为下列句子选择正确的译文。A.让我们去踢足球。 B. 她不会画画。 C. 汤姆是我的朋友。D.我会骑自行车。 E. 你会做什么?(1)Tomis my friend._(2)I can ride a bicycle._(3)Lets go to playfootball._(4)What can you do?_(5)She cant draw._11. 连线。bee A. Its white and fat.pig B. Its pink and fat.sheep C. Its black and yellow.12. 写出相对应的字母。A.下午好! B.早上好! C.嗨!我是Eddie。 D.再见,方老师。Goodbye! Miss Fang._Hi! Im Eddie._Good morning!_Good afternoon!_13. 连线。frog A. Its small and yellow.chick B. Its small and green.cow C. Its black and white.14. 看看谁的脑筋快!1nine -eight=(_) 2six - four=(_)3ten-seven=(_) 4three + two =(_)5one + five=(_) 6seven + two=(_)15. 找出不同类的单词。cheap panda monkey bear oink moo woof cathello hi your goodbye16. 写出正确的单词。summer s i s s u m m e r a s t e r e rwarm p l w a w a r m l e e I l e17. 朗读下列单词,在横线上写出相对应的英文字母。Eddie, touch your face._ A.Alice, touch your eye._ B.Kitty, touch your ear._ C.5 / 5


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