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-摘要随着我国经济的飞速开展,特别是参加WTO之后,我国企业与国外的交流与日俱增,贸易额逐年增加,出现了一批在国际上有知名度的企业。本文将从目的论着手,讨论关于企业英译的一些错误和防止其发生的方法。首先,本文将引用一些知名外企和外贸公司的英文版做为*本,将讨论各自的利与弊,并且把现在企业翻译上的主要错误系统地展现给读者。接下来,文章介绍作为本文重要理论支撑的目的论,从介绍目的论的大概,分类,以及从目的论的视角下来观察翻译的谬误:功能性翻译错误,语言性翻译错误,文化性翻译错误这三方面为主。最后将以这三方面为切入口,例证翻译的错误,以及解决方案。最后总结翻译的方法及应防止的普遍性错误,以期给今后的翻译提供一个可行性方案。关键词:企业;翻译;目的论ABSTRACTWith the rapid development of Chinas economy, in particular, is the inclusion of WTO, Chinese enterprises e*change information with foreign panies, trade volume increasing year by year, there have been a number of well-known international panies. This paper tends to discuss the English translation on pany website, and the ways to avoid some error methods from the perspective of Skopos Theory. First the author quotes some famous foreign and foreign trade pany websites as models of the assay, discusses their respective advantages and disadvantages, and presents the main corporate website translation errors systematically to the readers. Secondly, the author introduces Skopos Theory as the main theoretical support, demonstrates the purpose of the classification, and from this perspective,some website translation errors are observed: functional translation errors, language translation errors and culture translation errors. Then the paper goes deeper into these three areas, e*emplifying the pany website translation errors and their solutions. At last, the paper sums up translation methods and the universal mistakes which can be avoided in order to provide a sample for the further website translation.Keywords:pany website; translation; skopos theoryContents1. Introduction12. Current situation and features of pany website translation22.1 Current situation of pany website translation22.2 Samples of famous foreign pany website32.3 Features of pany website translation43. The skopos theory and pany website translation63.1 Introduction of Skopos theory63.2 The wrong types of translation from the perspective of Skopos83.2.1Functional translation errors83.2.2 Liguistic translation errors93.2.3 Cultural translation errors104. Analyses of website translation of foreign trade pany in Zhejiang province134.1 Functional translation errors134.1.1 Problem of length134.1.2 Problem rooted from different thought pattern154.2 Liguistic translation errors164.2.1Spelling errors164.2.2 Improper use of punctuation174.2.3Incorrect word translation174.2.4Illogical arrangment184.3Cultural translation errors195. Conclusion20Acknowledgements21References22. z-1IntroductionThanks to the ongoing economic reform and opening-up and the irresistible trend of globalization, Chinas munication with the world has been intensified in recent years1. To establish credibility in overseas markets, Chinese panies have to provide effective pany website linguistically and culturally acceptable to their target readers. Consequently, the English translation of Chinese pany website plays a significant role in ensuring a successful munication with the outside world2. Though almost every pany which deal with the foreign trade owns his English version website, the overall situation of the C-E translation of Chinese pany website is far from satisfactory that leave a lot of work to do. For the present, most of the work are based on the rule of skopos theory which we will investigate later.And with the popularity and applications of the Internet, the pany website plays an increasing important role in foreign e*change, outreach, and the absorb foreign capital2. Although nowadays most domestic enterprises have set up their own websites and e-merce platform, many e*port-oriented enterprises is established in English, the site has bee a propaganda of the enterprise, an effective channel to promote pany products. However, there is no difficulty in finding errors paring the domestic foreign trade pany website to the foreign pany website. Some mistakes are even too much to bear. In recent years, there appears a large number of discussion on website translation, start from Skopos basis direction, and have a lot of research fruits on the problem of pany website mistranslation. But for the relatively small corporate pany website translation, it had not been given sufficient attention and standardized management, error-prone web site translation directly affect a panys image.2. Current situation and features of pany website translationIn the world today,global and regional cooperation is in full swing and countries areincreasingly interdependent.pany website provide a quick and convenient access to the general understanding of what aChinese pany is like,thus serving as bridges that enable business people from differentcountries with different cultural backgrounds to have a better understanding of each other3.But translation practice of pany website at large is still far from satisfactory and itsstudy has been largely ignored in the area of practical translation.Traditionally,pany website are translated in light of the most popular“equivalence theory4.Previous studies on theirtranslation largely focused on the translation of individual words,phrases,sentences.As a result,many target te*ts are full of word-for-wordtranslations,linguistic mistakes and Chinese-style English e*pressions and many cultural andideological elements are not adequately rendered into English in the cross-culturalmunication5.In fact,as a specialized and important area of translation,the translation ofpany profiles has its own features and particular municative functions which deserve anin-depth and systematic study.2.1 Current situation of pany website translation Foreign propaganda in the business te*t, Chinese te*t use more modifiers which using rhyme, parallelism, words with other parties type the te*t in order to increase the beauty, attract potential customers and clients. Many translators often find it difficult, even if be translated, also bite the bullet and let the readers of English-speaking find it difficult to understand. panys publicity te*t translation is accurate for the purpose of translation about business, product-related information. So prominent is the informational translation, first principle focus on the information, and others such as style, rhetoric and so on is secondary to bit. If translate directly, the te*t will cause a pile, information duplication, not meet the English language of e*pression. On the basis of Skopos principles, the translator should cut the original te*t appropriately in order for information receiver better understanding the te*t.Different from other te*t types,a pany profile is a special kind of te*t with particularpurposes and functions.The translation purpose of pany profiles is to enable more foreignersto know more about Chinese panies,thus achieving international recognition andestablishing the credibility of the pany and its products.In order to achieve these purposesand functions,more attention should be paid to target readers who have different culturalbackgrounds in the pany profile translation.According to skopostheorie,a translation actionis determined by its Skopos and the end justifies the means.That means the purpose oftranslation determines the translation methods and strategies that are to be employed in order toproduce a functionally adequate result.Therefore,in the C-E translation of pany profiles,translators should adhere to Skopos rule,coherence rule and fidelity rule and it is applicable forthem to adopt a TT-oriented or reader-centered translation strategy.However,many translators in this field tend to neglect the translation purpose of panyprofiles.As a result,linguistic and cultural problems still e*ist and obstruct the achievement ofthe Skopos of pany profiles.Enlightened by the functionalist approach,the thesis alsoconducts a prehensive survey as to the readability and acceptability of the target te*t6.It isfound that foreign people do not respond positively to the English translation of Chinesepany profiles.These problems or errors adversely affect the quality of translation.Primarily under the guidance of the functionalist skopostheorie,the thesis puts forward aset of guiding principles for the C-E translation of pany profiles,that is,idiomatic,prehensible,and acceptable.By analyzing authentic e*amples,the study also justifies someappropriate strategies such as addition,abridgement and restructuring.A conclusion can bedrawn that it is feasible to guide the C-E translation of pany profiles in the light of thefunctionalist approach,particularly skopostheorie.In the translation process,the translator ise*pected to bear in mind the intended function of the target te*t and produce a version that isprehensible and acceptable to the target reader.Due to great linguistic and culturaldifferences,the translation process usually involves considerable adjustments or adaptations ofthe source te*t in order to achieve the intended function of the target te*t.Hopefully,the principles and strategies proposed in this study would be of some value tothe C-E translation of pany profiles as well as other public materials.2.2 Samples of famous foreign websiteThere are a lot of famous pany on the list of top 500 in the world, after searching for their pany, not difficult in finding a lot of features in mon about their web page design. The followings are classic samples.E*ample1: In 1886, Coca-Cola brought refreshment to patrons of a small Atlanta pharmacy. Now well into its second century, the panys goal is to provide magic every time someone drinks one of its more than 400 brands. Coca-Cola has fans from Boston to Budapest to Bahrain, drinking brands such as Ambasa, Vegitabeta and Frescolita. In the remotest ers of the globe, you can still find Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola is mitted to local markets, paying attention to what people from different cultures and backgrounds like to drink, and where and how they want to drink it. With its bottling partners, the pany reaches out to the local munities it serves, believing that Coca-Cola e*ists to benefit and refresh everyone it touches. (heritage.coca-cola./)E*ample2: Software is a leading online portal for software products, with free downloads and e*pert software reviews to help you make an informed choice. We list thousands of discounted software products with prices that are almost always the lowest available in the country. We also list a huge selection of free downloads so you can try software free before you decide to buy.The Software. store features the the software industrys leading publishers, including Microsoft, Intuit, Symantec, Adobe, Nuance and hundreds of others. Our software store provides users with rich resources including thousands of user reviews, articles, and product parison charts.Software. employs a team of industry e*perts with over 40 years of bined e*perience in online software distribution. Our goal is to bring you the best range of world-leading software, at the best prices, with rich reviews and product information so you can choose the software that is right for you. (.software./about/) As we can see from these samples, the foreign pany websites are more functional and focus more on introducing products, and the purpose are much stronger and prominent. This is e*actly what our pany website is lack of, for we always put more words in describing pany history and prior tradition, but lack of products introduction and special users attraction. 2.3 Features of pany website translation First of all, pany website translation profile depends more on the skopos rules. Different from other te*t types,a pany website profile is a special kind of te*t with particularpurposes and functions.The translation purpose of pany website profiles is to enable more foreignersto know more about Chinese panies,thus achieving international recognition andestablishing the credibility of the pany and its products.In order to achieve these purposesand functions,more attention should be paid to target readers who have different culturalbackgrounds in the pany profile translation.According to skopostheorie,a translation actionis determined by its Skopos and the end justifies the means.That means the purpose oftranslation determines the translation methods and strategies that are to be employed in order toproduce a functionally adequate result.Therefore,in the C-E translation of pany profiles,translators should adhere to Skopos rule,coherence rule and fidelity rule and it is applicable forthem to adopt a TT-oriented or reader-centered translation strategy.Secondly, primarily under the guidance of the functionalist Skopostheorie,the thesis puts forward aset of guiding principles for the C-E translation of pany profiles,that is,idiomatic,prehensible,and acceptable.By analysis authentic e*amples,the study also justifies someappropriate strategies such as addition,abridgement and restructuring.A conclusion can bedrawn that it is feasible to guide the C-E translation of pany profiles in the light of thefunctionalist approach,particularly skopostheorie.In the translation process,the translator ise*pected to bear in mind the intended function of the target te*t and produce a version that isprehensible and acceptable to the target reader.Due to great linguistic and culturaldifferences,the translation process usually involves considerable adjustments or adaptations ofthe source te*t in order to achieve the intended function of the target te*t.Hopefully,the principles and strategies proposed in this study would be of some value tothe C-E translation of pany profiles as well as other publicity materials.At last, defined as the measure of all things in translation by Reiss,the ST is regarded by Vermeeras merely an“offer of informationwhich can be partly or wholly transmitted for the targetaudience,leaving its status much lower in skopostherie than in equivalence-based theories.Andit is the purpose of the translation that determines what to translate,how much to translate andwhat strategies to employ in specific situations.For this reason,in C-E translation of pany website, any translation strategy can be adopted provided it is effective in publicizing thepany in the target culture and e*panding its business there.The translator needs to serve as“cultural filtering,which means making adjustments to the structureand style of the source te*t by addition,deletion and rewriting.In this section,differentsuccessful translation techniques applicable to pany profile translation in light of skopostheorie will be e*plored.3. The Skopos theory and pany website translationA pany website is a particular municative message that an organization wants todeliver to a particular audience.It is essentially“a rsumpresenting an image of a particularpany,aiming to“establish the credibility with the market the pany serves8.Hackett maintains that a good pany website profile helps potential customers to“understandthe panys business as well as to understand its approach,unique strengths and relevante*perience7.Kleinalso argues that a pany website provides insight about a panyto its customers and prospects;potential employees and partners view it to evaluate whether ornot it is the kind of pany theyd like to work with.Generally speaking,a well-writtenpany website contains the panys founders,product range or service that a panyoffers,major stockholders,members of the board,address,telephone and fa* numbers,website,and other vital information.Some website include their history and significant achievements theyhave made through the years.This thesis defines a pany profile in a narrow sense and refers to a panyintroduction since introductory remarks head all the other subdirectory items and are of the mostrepresentative characteristics.The samples employed in this thesis include brochures andmaterials from the Internet and cover a great variety of business fields such as banks,hotels,automobiles,medicine,wine,household electricalappliances,tobacco,and sports goods.3.1 Introduction of skopos theoryThe Skopos theory is an important functionalist theory of translation that was developed in Germany in the 1970s. It reflects “a general shift from predominantly linguistic and rather formal translation theories to a more functionally and socioculturally oriented concept of translation8235. It greatly widens the research field of translation and puts translation researches in the framework of cross-cultural munication, instead of the narrow framework of source and target te*ts or the transmission between two languages. The Skopos theory draws inspiration from munication theory, action theory, te*t linguistics and te*t theory, and also from movements in literary studies toward reception theories. It is regarded as the core of German functionalism.Hans Vermeer who proposed the Skopos theory gives his own definition of translation from a unique perspective that translation is a “purposeful action. In the Skopos theory, translation is basically a type of munication. In other words, translation is a type of human action. Since action is the process of acting, which means “intentionally(at will)bringing about or preventing a change in the world (in nature), and thus can be defined as an intentional change or transition from one state of affairs to another916. Translation as a human action must also be intentional. It must be assessed in a particular culture system, and a translation theory cannot draw upon a linguistic theory alone. Instead, what is needed is a theory of culture to e*plain the specificity of municative situations and the relationship between verbalized and non-verbalized elements. Here, the difference between “translational cationand “translationmust be distinguished. Translation in the narrow sense always “involves the use of some kind of source te*t , whereas translational action, which is the range of what translator actually do, may “involve giving advice and perhaps even warning against municating in the intended way917. Translation is just a form of translation action. Thus, translation is described as an intentional, interpersonal, pertly verbal intercultural interaction based on a source te*t 918. Based on this belief, Vermeer put forward his translation principles, including the Skopos rule ad the guiding principle, and the coherence and the fidelity rule as subordinate principles.It requires that a good translation be:1pragmatic, accounting for the situational conditions of municative interaction and, accordingly, for the needs and e*pectations of the addressees of the target te*t and even making the receiver the most important yardstick of translational decisions;2 culture-oriented, giving consideration to the culture-specific forms of verbal and nonverbal behaviour involved in translation;3 consistent, able to show the translators decisions in any type or form of translation task and make the target te*t a functional one;4 practical, accounting all the forms of transcultural munication needed; 5 normative, displaying the translators particular purpose;6 prehensive, the municative effects of a target te*t being equivalent to those of the source te*t;7 e*pert, proving the translator being an e*pert in their field, petent to make purpose-adequate decisions with full responsibility with regard to their partners26.3.2 The wrong types of translation from the perspective of Skopos theoryDuring the information e*changing, Chinese panies have to provide effective pany website profile linguistically and culturally acceptable to their target readers.Consequently,the Englishtranslation of Chinese pany website plays a significant role in ensuring a successfulmunication with the outside world.Yet the overall situation of the C-E translation of Chinesepany profiles is


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