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英汉对照例句集 ( 共 400 句 ).txt33学会宽容,意味着成长, 秀木出木可吸纳更多的日月风华,舒展茁壮而更具成熟的力量。耐力,是一种不显山石露水的执着;是一种不惧风不畏雨的坚忍;是一种不图名不图利的忠诚。英汉对照例句集(共400 句)。It often happens that a balmy morning passes into a chilly afternoon . (一 )(个 )温和的上午常常转为( 一)( 个)寒冷的下午。 On the nightof Sunday , May 21 ,1916 ,thegreatest volcano in Japan went on a rampage . 1916年 5 月 21 日星期日夜晚,日本最大的火山爆发了。 Line AB is three times longer than Line CD . AB线比 CD线长三倍。Has the book A Handbook of English Name Reference been off the press ?英语姓名知识手册已经出版了吗?We gained a lot of successes in the 1980s .八十年代我们取得了很多成就。 Put that picture beside other so we can compare them .把那张照片放在另一张的旁边以便我们可以把它们比较一下。There is hardly any cheerfulnews in the papers .报上没有什么叫人高兴的消息。Countriesin thenorth ofEurope ,such as Finland , Norway and Swede , are all small countries .北欧的国家,如芬兰、挪威以及瑞典都是小国。 The patient was in the hospital .病人现在在住院。In anyevent , Ill let you know before I make a decision .不管怎样,在我作出决定前我会让你知道的。 Donttreatme as a child .不要把我当作孩子看待。 Mr.Brown oftenworea heavy coat because he was not used to living in such a cold climate .布朗先生经常穿一件厚大衣。 因为他不习惯在这样寒冷的气侯中生活。Who was thedriverof thecarwhen the accident happened ?车祸发生时那辆车的司机是谁?The car runs well .车子行驶正常。 Therewere notbeyond twentypeoplepresent .出席的人数没有超过二十。On the bed lay a beautiful girl .床上躺着一位美丽的女孩。The discovery thatmagnetism can produce electric current is extremely important in the field .磁场能产生电流这一发现在这一领域是很重要的。You are supposed to have finishedby now .此刻你应已完成。 An airplane was ordered from France .从法国去订购一架飞机。Youcan see green fields and hills from the window of the hotel .从那饭店的窗户可以看到碧绿的原野(田野)和小山。We wish we could afford to buy a new car.但愿我们能买一辆新车。 Will Mr. Pitt have to cook his own meals when his wife is away ?当皮特先生的妻子不在时,他必须自己做饭吗?While still at college, Miss Johnsonpublishedher firstnovel .当约翰逊小姐还在上大学时,她发表了第一部小说。Arrivingat the station , she found that the bus had already left .到达车站时,她发现公共汽车已开出。 Boys attending this school have to wear uniform .到这所学校上学的男孩必须穿制服。 German is a language spoken in this country .德语是在这个国家所讲的语言。 First of all , be sure you have the correct kind of paper .第一,你一定要有那种合适的纸。Allelectroniccomputers consistof fiveunitsalthoughtheyareof differentkinds. 电子计算机虽然种类不同,但都是由五个部件组成的。Readingthebook I mentioned yesterdaywillhelp you .读我昨天提到的那本书将对你有帮助。Mostpeople enjoy receiving letters , but few seem to be very fond of writing them .多数人喜欢收到信件,但似乎没有人喜欢写信。None that glitters is gold .发光的东西不都是黄金。 All that glittersis not gold. 发光的东西未必都是黄金。Thewindblowssouth . 风从南边吹来。Aretherelivingthings belowthe coveringcloudsofVenus ?覆盖着金星的云层下面有没有生物?A parent must be patient with his children .父母必须对他的孩子有耐心。The ink in the pen is strange .钢笔里的墨水很奇怪。1电邮:我的空间 :我的博客网 :( 内地可能打不开)2005-04-21 19:05 广告 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE翻译中国wongloki等级:四星级头衔:国际人贴子: 441积分: 242E 币: 115注册: 2004-06-02第 2 楼Prepositions can be left blank for the readers to fill in .各介词可以留出空白以便让读者去填入。The dog is clawinga hole . 狗正在用爪子挖洞。The storywas simple,but very moving .故事简单却很动人。The children were well wrapped up .孩子们被包得很好。 The river flows south .河水向南流去。A crane is a bird .鹤是鸟。 Itis easy to make mistakes .很容易犯错误。 The number of members is alarming .会员人数多得惊人。 What time does the train reach the terminus ?火车什么时间到达终点站? The computer is a useful tool which we often depend upon .计算机是我们经常依赖的有用的工具。Flying planes is dangerous .驾驶飞机是危险的。There arethirty-three desks and thirty-three chairs in the classroom .教室里有三十三张桌子和三十三把椅子。Hard as the metal is , it can be changed into liquid at hightemperature .金属虽然很硬,但在高温下可以变成液体。Its the third of March .今天是三月三号。Today I am feelingworse .今天我感觉更不好。The sun isstillthereabove the gray raindrops even it is raining .尽管下着雨太阳还是在那些灰蒙蒙雨点的上方。 Who ever left the door open ? 究竟是谁把门开着? Hold up your right hand . 举起你的右手。 He seemed quite delighted at the news . 看起来他听到这个消息很高兴。Look at the pages of the book which are written by him .看一看书中他所写的那几页。Near the house standsan old pagoda .靠近那屋子耸立一座古塔。The trashcan be thrownaway .可以扔掉垃圾。 Aircannot be an element because an element cannot be separated.空气不可能是元素,因为元素不能分割。The trash can was thrown away .垃圾桶被扔掉了。 Come and help me to liftthese boxes .来帮我把这些箱子抬起来。The boss never2overlooked our mistakes . 老板对我们的错误从不会看漏。In truth , I forgotallaboutyour request .老实说,我完全忘记了你要求的事情。It is 20 miles from London .离伦敦有二十英里。 That deer ate everything in my garden surprised me .鹿吃了院子里的所有东西使我很惊奇。Passengers must cross the line by the footbridge .旅客必须由天桥穿过马路。The passengers went on shore .旅客们上岸了。 Is secretaryMaryhere ? 玛丽秘书在吗?A cat is not so vigilant as a dog .猫不如狗机警。Cats havesharp claw .猫有锐利的爪子。 It doesnt matter .没关系。 Few towns have suchsplendid trees . 没有几个城镇有这么美丽的树。We cannot solve this problem withouthis help .没有他的帮助我们不能解决这个问题。We are busiest on Mondays .每逢周一我们都很忙。电邮:我的空间 :我的博客网 :( 内地可能打不开)2005-04-21 19:05 广告 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE翻译中国wongloki等级:四星级头衔:国际人贴子: 441积分: 242E 币: 115注册: 2004-06-02第 3 楼There are two sides toevery question .每个问题都有两面性。The present situationconcerns all the students present .目前状况关系到所有在场的学生。Whichever teamgains the most points wins .哪个队得分最多就赢。 Where there is matter, there ismotion . 哪里有物质,哪里就有运动。There came a bevy of youths and maidens .那边来了一群男女青年。 That patient wont liveover today . 那病人已活不过今天了。Thatold woman saved my life .那个老太太救了我的命。Is the boy swimming in theswimming-pool? 那个男孩在游泳池里游泳么?That is where I lived last year .那就是我去年住的地方。 The road stretches in frond of and behind the car .那条路在车子的前面和后面伸展着。The star ate lunch .那位明星吃了午饭。The moonlightis only3the sunlight shining on the moon .那月光只不过是照耀在月亮上的太阳光。That deerateeverything inmy garden lastnight .那只鹿昨天晚上吃了院子里的所有东西。Manytimehas he triedthat method .那种方法他已经试验许多次了。Dontyou see a lot ofpeasants workinginthefields? 难道你没看见许多农民正在地里干活?Youputone ofyour ears close to one end of the pipe while your friend taps the other end with ahammer . 你把耳朵贴近管子一端, 而你的朋友用锤子轻击另一端。You ought to havewaited till the lights were green before crossing the road .你本来应该等到绿灯亮了再过马路。 You neednthave given him my name . 你不必把我的名字告诉他。Abouthowmuch wire do you want ? 你大约要多少电线?Are you sureabout the number of hishouse ?你对他家的门牌能肯定吗?Willyou helpme to wash clothes ?你将帮我洗衣服吗?Youwillwork in thisofficeunderMr. Pitt .你将在这个办公室工作, 受皮特先生领导。Youcan eat whateveryou like. 你可以吃你喜欢的任何东西。Youcan send lettersbymailor by hand .你可以邮寄或者派人送信件。You can have your breakfast wheneverconvenient to you .你可以在对你合适的任何时间吃早餐。What men are you talkingabout ? 你们正在谈论什么人?You will be ten years old next year .你明年就十岁了。Which of your brothers is getting married ?你哪一个兄弟要结婚了?Can you mentionany one that we know who is as clever as he ?你能提出任何一个我们认识的又象他那样聪明的人吗? Youshould eat more fruit. 你应该多吃一些水果。 The harderyou work ,thegreater progressyou willmake . 你越努力工作,进步就越大。Do you know who livesin this room ?你知道谁住在这个房间里吗?Do you know whom she is waiting for ?你知道她在等谁吗? In reality , the boys are working very hard .其实,孩子们正在努力工作。 A crane is a machine .起重机是一种机器。 When heated,gases expand as liquidsand solids do .气体受热时,象液体和固体一样会发生膨胀。Be quiet, please .请安静!电邮:我的空间 :我的博客网 :( 内地可能打不开)2005-04-21 19:06 广告 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE翻译中国wongloki等级:四星级头衔:国际人贴子: 441积分: 242E 币: 115注册: 2004-06-024第 4 楼Please tell me where I can see him .请告诉我我可以在哪儿看见他。Please strike amatch .请划一根火柴。 Prepare diskettes for use on the Compaq computer .请准备好在康柏电脑上用的磁盘。Autumn is the best season in Beijing .秋天是北京最好的季节。 The ballfellright intothe hole .球正好掉进洞里。 Some pigs in thepen arestrange .圈里的几头猪很奇怪。 All the wits and beauties of the town were presentat the party .全城所有的才子佳人都出席了这次宴会。Lets maintain peace in theworld .让我们来维持世界和平。 Let me speak to you like a father .让我象个父亲那样对你谈话。 Heat is as important to life as air and water .热量对生命来说象空气和水一样重要。One must work .人必须工作。 Nobodyknows what he can do tillhe hastried .任何人都要试一试,才知道他能做什么。Given enough time , wecan do itwelltoo . 如果给我们足够的时间,我们也可以做好。If I have time tonight , I will go tosee filmwith you .如果今晚我有时间, 我将和你一起去看电影。 If there were no gravity ,many things could not be done as we do them now .如果没有地心引力,很多事情都不能照我们现在这样来做。 Mary would come if you asked her , wouldnt she ?如果你邀请玛丽,她会来的,是吗? Had he been more careful, such mistakes could have beenavoided.如果他更细心一些, 这种错误本来是可以避免的。If its fineIm goingto workin the garden .如果天气好的话 , 我准备在花园里干活。If I were you, I should tellhim thetruth.如果我是你,我会对他讲真话的。Had I been there ,Ishouldhave saidso . 如果我在那里的话, 我就会这样说的。 Considerthe question fromthis pointof view,and you will find it of great importance .如果以这种观点看这个问题,你就会觉得它很重要。 The population in Shanghai is larger than that in Beijing .上海的人口比北京多。 Please dont be late for school !上学请别迟到。 First of all , machineshad no hardwareproblems . 首先,机器没有硬件毛病。 The conservationlaws have enabledus to reach far-reaching conclusions concerning the stability of atoms , withoutresorting to any hypothesis about the conditions within the nucleus on the forcesoperative in it .守恒定律使我们能够就可得出有关原子稳定性的具有深远意义的结论,而不需要对原子核内起作用的力作任何假设。The desk itself is not so heavy .书桌本身并不重。 Whose horse won ?谁的马赢了? Such men as heard him praised him .谁听到他的话都称赞他。 Air has weight , though it is very light .虽然空气很轻,但它有重量。 Though very young, he shouldered the burden of his family .虽然他很年轻,但承担了家庭负担。 As a ship gets heavier , it displaces more and more water .随着轮船重量增加,它的排水量就越来越大。What is done is perfect .所做的是很完美的。 He swept the floor clean .他把地板扫干净了。He had planned to go to see hisfather ,but he did not . 他本来计划去看他的爸爸,但是他没去。 He himself was a doctor .他本人就是一位大夫。He is shorter than I. 他比我矮。 He played extremely badly.他表演得非常不好。电邮:5我的空间 :我的博客网 :( 内地可能打不开)2005-04-21 19:06 广告 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE翻译中国wongloki等级:四星级头衔:国际人贴子: 441积分: 242E 币: 115注册: 2004-06-02第 5 楼Not onlyishe cleverbut diligent.他不仅聪明而且勤奋。He couldntbe driving thecar himself .他不可能自己驾车。 He is not a man to betray us .他不是出卖我们的人。 He is not a salesman of the most successful sort.他不是那种最能干的推销员。He owned nothing but the clothes on his back .他除了身上的衣服一无所有。He neverclimbed trees because he once fell down from a tree when he was a little boy .他从不敢爬树,因为小时侯他有一次从树上摔下来了。He took us to see the power stationthey built .他带我们去看他们建的电站。He did not get back till six oclock .他到六点钟才回家。 His hobby is collecting stamps .他的爱好是集邮。His pencil isshort .他的铅笔很短。He was too sensitive to criticism .他对批评过于敏感。 Hislove ofhis mother gaveme a deep impression .他对他的母亲的敬爱给了我深刻的印象。His father is a scientist, his mother a teacher .他父亲是位科学家,他母亲是位老师。 Hardly had he uttered the words when he began laughing .他刚一开口说话,他就笑了。 He told me not to wait forhim . 他告诉过我不要等他。He senther a letter .他给她寄了一封信。 He told me a story, but I had heard that many times .他给我讲了个故事,可是我已听过很多次了。He told us an exciting story .他给我们讲了一个令人激动的故事。 It was long before he came .他过了许久以后才来。He has not theleast experience .他毫无经验。 He drank threecups oftea .他喝了三杯茶。 He wasglad to see these machines carefully assembled .他很高兴地看到这些机器已经仔细组装好了。 Ihave known him since he was a child .他还是孩子时我就认识他。He pretendednot to have seen me .他假装没看见我。 He maintained his opinion .他坚持他的意见。He insistedthat his daughter come. 他坚持要他女儿来。He suggestedthata petitionbe drawn up . 他建议起草一个请愿书。He got up very early this morning , forhe was6afraid of being late . 他今天起得很早,因为他害怕迟到。He is the most suitablesortof salesman.他就是那种最合适的推销员。He seems to have been a greatathlete .他看来曾经是一名优秀的运动员。Before he came here , he was in America .他来此以前住在美国。 It doesnt matter to me whether hell come .他来还是不来对我无关紧要。He left home at six and hasnt returnedyet . 他六点钟离开家 , 现在还没回来。 He boughta can of beer .他买了一听啤酒。 He runs slowly .他慢慢地跑。 He has not a littleexperience .他没什么经验。 He did not see the movie out .他没有看完这部影片。电邮:我的空间 :我的博客网 :( 内地可能打不开)2005-04-21 19:06 广告 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE翻译中国wongloki等级:四星级头衔:国际人贴子: 441积分: 242E 币: 115注册: 2004-06-02第 6 楼He did not drop any hint , nor did his secretary .他没有留下任何线索,他的秘书也没 有 。 Their childrenwere transformedintosimplearticlesofcommerce andinstrumentsof labor .他们的孩子被变成单纯的买卖对象和劳动工具。Long didthey waitbefore they went in .他们等了好长时间才进去。They spoke very highly of him .他们对他评价很高。 When they will study isuncertain. 他们将在什么时候学习还不确定。What strangethings they had been through !他们经历了多么离奇古怪的事!They decidedto leave the town secretly .他们决定秘密地离开这个城镇。They never meet withoutquarreling .他们每次见面必要吵架。How they invented it is not clear to me .他们是如何发明这个东西的我还不清楚。Theyrequestedhimto be presentat the openingceremony .他们要求他出席开幕式。 They reached thetop of the mountainbeforesunrise .他们在日出前到达山顶。 Their group has already fulfilled their quota , so has ourgroup . 他们组已完成定额,我们组也完成了。They won the match .他们嬴了这场比赛。7He was too shrewd a businessman to accept the first offer .他是个非常精明的商人,不可能接受第一个报价。He is a father of ten .他是十个孩子的父亲。He is a childof ten . 他是一个十岁的孩子。 He was punishedby beingsent to bed withoutany supper .他受到了惩罚,没给吃晚饭就睡觉了。He said , Letsread theinstructionsfirst.他说:“让我先看说明书。 ” He said that he was going to eat it .他说过他将吃掉它。He said thathe wouldcome tomorrow . 他说过他明天来。He saidthathe would go withus if his mother did not come to see him until it was dark .他说天黑时他妈妈还不来看他,他就和我们一起去。He died in the village where he was born .他死在他出生的那个村子里。 Heplays tennisbetter thanI . 他网球比我打得好。He plays tennisbetter thanbadminton .他网球比羽毛球打得好。He asked whether I would attendthemeeting . 他问我是否参加那个会议。He asked if I wanted to apply .他问我是否想申请。 He askedme what matter is .他问我物质是什么。He likesPicasso but I dont .他喜欢毕加索 ,但我不喜欢。 He does not wear uniform while off duty .他下班时不穿制服。 He will be taking his exam next week .他下星期将参加考试。He wants forsomething to read .他想要一些可读的东西。 / 他想要一些可谈的东西。He treats me asif I were a stranger.他象对陌生人一样对待我。He took the picturedown carefully .他小心地把那张画取下来。He has a very good neighbor .他有一个好邻居。 He has foundhis match .他找到了好对手。 He knows he will be late .他知道他会迟到。He has nomore than ten books .他只有十本书。电邮:我的空间 :我的博客网 :( 内地可能打不开)2005-04-21 19:07 广告 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE翻译中国wongloki等级:四星级头衔:国际人贴子: 441积分: 242E 币: 115注册: 2004-06-02第 7 楼8He has not more than ten books .他至多不过十本书。He spoke to himself .他自言自语。 Itwillbringmore closely together the peoplesofthe two great nations.它将使两个伟大国家的人民进一步密切起来。Theyre cold-blooded like fish, but theyalways have lungs like mammals .它们像鱼一样是冷血动物,但它们又像哺乳动物一样总长着肺。 It depends on how you go . 它取决于你怎么去。She wastesmuch ofher moneyon non-essentials .她把许多钱浪费在非必需品上。She need not go .她不必去。 Sheborrowedsome salt ofher neighbor . 她从邻居那里借了一些盐。She was witha child .她带了一个孩子。She and herhusband both agreed to come .她和她丈夫都同意来。Shewas with child .她怀孕了。 She will grow up to be a fine woman .她将成长为一名优秀的妇女。 She playstabletennis betterthan I .她乒乓球打得比我好。 She was amongthose who receivedhonors atgraduation .她是毕业典礼上接受荣誉的人之一。Who doesshe want to come here ?她想谁到这里来?Will she live to be hundred ?她要活到100 岁吗? Tom has tomaintainhis family. 汤姆必须赡养他的家庭。Tom has read allthe books , but Jim none .汤姆读了所有的书,但是吉姆一本也没读。Tom finds itdifficultto concentrate .汤姆发现很难集中注意力。Tom and Ann blamed each other .汤姆和安互相责备。 Tom and Ann blamed themselves for the accident .汤姆和安为那起事故责备自己。 Will Tom be at the party ?汤姆将来参加这个舞会吗? The questionunder discussionis significant. 讨论中的问题是重要的。Itis hot. 天气很热。 Thesame state is depicted in Figure 4-3 above .同样的状态在图4-3中有所描述。 Theostrich cannot fly .鸵鸟不能飞。 To accomplish this task is my duty .完成这项任务是我的责任。Inorder thata body moves faster ,an additionalforce must be appliedto it . 为了使物体运动得更快, 必须对它再施加一个力。 Why should themany be oppressedby the few ? 为什么多数人竟会受少数人压迫?Why the riverisnot frozen insuchcoldweathersstilla question .为什么这条河在这么冷的天也不封冻还是一个问题。There isno knowing what may happen .未来的事无法知道。Mosquitoes are a nuisance .蚊子是讨厌的东西。 The problem is who are to go in the first batch .问题是谁第一批去。The question is whether we can go now .问题是我们现在是否可以走。The problem iswhat we do now . 问题是我们现在做什么。The question is how we can finish our taskin time .问题是我们怎样才能按时完成任务。I will not let you ride my bicycle .我不会让你骑我的自行车。 I do not want for a dictionary .我不缺少字典。电邮:我的空间 :我的博客网 :( 内地可能打不开)2005-04-21 19:07 广告 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE翻译中国wongloki9等级:四星级头衔:国际人贴子: 441积分: 242E 币: 115注册: 2004-06-02第 8 楼I was not beaten by him, but by her .我不是被他打了,而是被她打了。I do not knowwhy theyeatsuch kindof food .我不知道他们为什么吃这种食物。Iatefishwith bones .我吃带骨的鱼。 I playtennis .我打网球。 I play thepiano . 我弹钢琴。 Ihave lookedall round for the missing book .我到处寻找丢失的书。My father will not arrive inTianjinuntilnext week .我的父亲下周才到天津。Threebooks were giventome by myteacher .我的老师给了我三本书。I was given three books by my teacher .我的老师给了我三本书。 My hands are clean. 我的手很干净。My impressionis thatyou are notinterested in the question .我的印象是你对这一问题不感兴趣。I am anxious thateverything should be done properly. 我非常希望事事都要做得恰当。I had hardly lefthome when itbegan to rain. 我刚刚出门就下起雨来。My best friendsand I made snowmenand had snowball fightsthere .我和我最好的朋友在这里堆雪人打雪仗。I knew him well .我很了解他。 I can fly a kite .我会放风筝。 I remembered mailing the letter .我记得发过那封信。 I remember my father telling me about it .我记得我的父亲告诉过我这一件事。 I remembered to mailthe letter . 我记得要发信。Ican neithersing nordance .我既不会唱歌也不会跳舞。I ove


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