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七年级英语下册第一次月考(时间:70分).用所给词的适当形式填空 。(5分)1. My little cat always _ with the ball in the room.(play)2. My bedroom is on the _ floor.(one)3. How many _ are there in your home?(study)4. She is_ to me. (friend)5. My father goes to the _ pool every afternoon .(swim).单选题。(15分)()1. ItA.timelunch.toB. haveC. forD.in()2. His bike is new. What about?A. yourB. youC. meD. yours()3. My brother n everhis bedroom.A. clea ningB. clea nC. clea nsD. to clea n()4.I thi nk he likes Chin ese very much.-Why do you thi nk?A. itB. thatC .soD. this()5.Kan gka ng, are you wait ingJan e?Yes, I am.A.toB. atC. ofD.for()6.-does the math class fini sh?At about 5 olock.A. HowB. How oftenC .What timeD. Where()7.-can 1 keep this book?-For two weeks.A. How soonB. How longC. How oftenD. How many()8. This is _ favorite film star.A. mineB. meC. ID. my()9. Lett find it_ the computer now.A. inB. onC. atD. off()10.What re you doing ?Im_ my pencil.A. findingB. look ingC. read ingD. look ing for()11. A:Excuse me, do you have a computer? B: Sorry ! I dont have one.A: Thank you _Grade Seve n.A. HowB. WhoC. WhyD. Which(A. somewayB. any wayC. no way)12. My sister takes_in the gym every day.A. exerciseB. exercisesC. exerciseD. all the sameD. an exerciseA. happily)14. We donB.happyt like meat_C. veryhappilyA. a lotB. very muchC. at all)15. -grade do you teach, Mr.Lee?D. a little三完形填空。(10分)Mr.Smith is a good teacher. He is 1. There 2fifty students in 3 class. Mr.Gree n and his stude nts are4frie nds, too.Now some of the stude nts 5on the playgro und. Bill and Mike 6. Tom and Joh nare jump ing. Mary and Lucy are 7 a kite. 8 girls are playi ng 9. Mr.Smith isplay ing10 hem.()1. A. beautifulB.happyC. kindD. any()2. A. isB. areC. someD. any()3. A. theirB. herC. itsD. his()4. A. goodB. fineC. niceD. all right()5. A. playB. is playi ngC. are play ingD. are play()6. A. runB. runningC. are runningD. not run()7. A. flyi ngB. doingC. playi ngD. sitti ng()8. A. OthersB. An otherC. The otherD. Other()9. A. the footballB. a footballC. gamesD. the game()10. A. andB. withC. forD. to四.阅读理解。(40分)(A)Mr.Smith lives in a village(村寸庄),but he works in a big city. He goes to work by train every morning and comeshome in the same way.This morning, when he is reading his newspaper (报纸)on the train, a man behind him says“hello”to himand begins to talk to him,“Your life is not interesting, is it? You take the same train every morning, and youalways sit in the same seat and read the same newspaper.” “How do you know all that about me?” Mr.Smithsays angrily(生气地)“Because I always sit in the same seat behind you.”the man answers.根据短文内容选择最佳答案。()1. Mr.Smith works_ . A. i n a tow n B.in a village C.i n a city D.i n the country()2. He comes back home from work_ .A.by ship B.by bus C.on foot D.by train()3. When he is on the train, Mr.Smith often_.A.reads books B.reads n ewspaperC.talks to others D.liste ns to others()4. Mr.Smith_ .A. likes the man very muchB.l ikes read ing booksC.doesnt like the man at allD. has much money()5. The man knows Mr.Smith because_A. he is Mr.Smiths good friend.B. he work in the same factory.C. he sits behind Mr.Smith on the same train every day.D. they live in the same village.(B)Kangkang:Hello, Tom. Its Kangkang. Would you like to play football now?Tom:No, Im sorry, Kangkang. I cant. Im busy.Kan gka ng:What are you doing?Tom:Im helping mom. Were pa粉刷g)(our house. Its interesting.Kan gka ng:Can I help? I love painting.Tom:Yes, if (女口果)you like. Come now. Wear some old clothes.Kan gka ng:OK. See you in 15 mi nu tes. See you later!Tom:See you!阅读上面的对话,并回答问题。1. Who is Kan gka ng phoning?_2. Why cant Tom play football now _3. Does Kan gka ng like pai nti ng?_4. Does Kan gka ng want to help Tom?_5. What must Kan gka ng wear?_(C)Dear Henry,How are you? Im writing you in my school. Itmidale school. Our school is very nice.There are about 2000 stude nts and 150 teachers in our school. There are three grades and in each grade thereare ten classes. Im in Class Two, Grade Seven. I go to school from Mon day to Friday.There are five classes in the morning and two in the after noon. We play games every after noon after class. I likeplay ing soccer very much. I often play it with my classmates.I have three good frien ds. One of them is Li Lei. He is a Chin ese boy. He ofte n helps me with my Chin ese.I help him study En glish. The others are twins. They are Lucy and Lily. They come from En gla nd. We ofte n singand dance together. We are very happy!Please write soon.Yours,BenB. In his school.D. Un der the tree.B. Li Lei is a Japa nese.D. Ben doesnt know Li Lei or the twins.(D)One day, in an En glish class, the stude nts are doing their less ons. Their teacher, a young woma n, is veryhappy. She sings some nice songs with them and the n she goes to the blackboard and writes“SMILES”on it.This is the Ion gest word in En glish,she says to the class.A girl sta nds up and says,It has only six letters. How can it be the Ion gest word in En glish?The teacher smiles and says,“Oh, look! Thereinmbetwee n the first letter and the lastone.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。()1. One day, the stude nts are havi ng_A. an En glish less onB. a long meet ing C. a big mealD. a good time()2. The young teacher sings some songs with _.A. her childre nB. her stude ntsC. the teacherD. the boys()3. What does the teacher write on the blackboard?)1. Where is Ben writi ng to He nry?A. At home.C. On the playgro und.)2. How many good friends does Ben have?A. One.B. Two.)3. How many classes are there in his school?A. Ten.B. Twenty.)4. How many classes does Ben have a day?A. Four.B. Two.)5. Which is right?A. The twi ns are En glish.C. Ben has classes on Saturday.C. Three.D. Four.C. Fifteen.D. Thirty.C. Five.D. Seven.五. 句型转换。(10分)1. Theyre havingrasic class.(就划线部分提问)_ class _they having?2. It Friday today.(同上)_is it today?3. We play the piano twice a week.(同上) _do you play the pia no?4. He usually goes to Beijing by sea.(同上)_ he usually go to Beiji ng?5. I don t like this motorcycle because it_ (同上)s too old._you like this motorcycle?六.情景会话,从方框中选出最后选项填入空白处,其中有两项是多余的。(M-Mother;J-Ja neM: Jane! Jane! Its time to get up.J: _ 1_M: Its 7:30.J: _ 2_M: Dont worry, Jane. You can go to school with your father.J: _ 3_M: He ofte n goes to work by bus. But he is going to work by car today.J: Car? Oh, I almost forget._ 4_M: So you can go to school by car today!A. Her name. )4. A girl _A. asks ) 5. Isthe wordA. Yes.C. A word.B. A song, what her teacher says.B. believesC. doesnt ask“smiles”the Iongest in English?B. Sure.C. No.D. A letter.D. doesnt believeD. Certai nly.A. How do you go to school?B.We have a new car.C.Yes, thatsgreat.D. Oh! Im late.E.How is he going to work today?F. What time is it, mom?G. Its too early.J: _ 5_1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._七.书面表达。(15分)根据提示词,以My school life”为题写一篇短文,要求语句通顺,字数80词左右。in teresti ng, begi n, every day, subject, outdoor activities, playgro und,borrow


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