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八年级英语上 Unit 1 Friends 词组1、 想要一些 want some2、 好的,请/ 不,谢谢。Yes, please. / No, thanks.3、 一些喝的/ 吃的东西 something to drink/ eat4、 如此友善 so kind5、 再要一些食物 have some more food6、 冰箱里什么都没有。 Theres nothing in the fridge.7、 怎么样? What/ How about?8、 碗里的披萨 the pizza in the bowl9、 也许我们可以分享一下。 Maybe we can share it.10、好朋友的品质 qualities of a good friend11、一个诚实的男孩 an honest boy12、保密 keep a secret/ keep secrets13、使我开心 make me happy14、分享我的快乐 share my joy15、什么使你的朋友如此特殊? What makes your friend so special?16、关心 care about17、与某人谈论某事 talk to/ with sb. about sth.18、告诉某人有关自己的一切 tell sb. everything about oneself19、乐于助人 be willing/ ready to help20、有困难 have problems21、相信某人所说的 believe what one says/ believe ones words/believe sb.22、写信给 write to 23、青少年杂志 Teenagers magazine24、什么是好朋友? What makes good friends?25、信任某人 trust sb.26、说谎 tell lies/ tell a lie27、跟你讲有趣的笑话 tell you funny jokes28、我的好朋友之一 one of my best friends29、和朋友分享事物 share things with ones friends30、在任何时候 any time/ anytime31、在回家作业上给与我帮助 help me with my homework32、在公车上给有需要的人让座 give ones seat on the bus to someone in need33、有一副好嗓音 have a good voice34、想当歌手 want to be a singer35、 长大 grow up36、我们班上最高的男孩 the tallest boy in our class37、几乎1.75米高 almost 1.75 metres tall38、 戴着小圆眼镜 wear small round glasses39、 使他看上去很精神 make him look smart40、 有幽默感 have a good sense of humour41、使我大笑 make me laugh42、和他在一起从不感到无聊 never feel bored with him43、课桌下面容纳不下 do not fit well under the desk44、走过我们的桌子 walk past our desks45、把我们的书和笔撞到地上 knock our books and pens onto the floor46、比我矮 be shorter than I am47、大而亮的眼睛 big bright eyes48、长直发 long straight hair49、经常笑 smile often50、从不说任何人的坏话 never say a bad word about anyone51、一个真正的朋友 a true friend52、某事困扰我. Something worries me.53, 去找她 go to her54、 你会选谁做你最好的朋友? Who would you choose as your best friend?55、 我会选。 I would choose 56、对某人友善/ 慷慨 be kind/ generous to sb.57、在将来 in the future58、戴着眼镜看起来很精神 look smart in ones glasses59、画画比赛 drawing competition60、未来计划 future plans61、成为一名画家 be an artist62、遇见不同的人 meet different people63、和某人交朋友 make friends with sb.64、环游世界 travel around the world65、一个社会工整理 a social worker66、在所有的中国画家中 among all the Chinese artists67、精美的艺术品 beautiful works of art68、和某人一样著名 be as famous as sb.69、更多的了解。 learn more about 70、将来有一天 some day71、他是个什么样的人? Whats he like?72、他长的怎么样?What does he look like?73、左边的男孩 the boy on the left74、 紧挨着皮特的女孩 the girl next to Peter75、扎马尾辫的小个子女孩 a small girl with a ponytail76、 既。又。 both and77、明亮微笑的眼睛 bright smiling eyes78、面带笑容 wear a smile on ones face79、和孩子们在一起工作 work with children80、成为一名杰出的教师 make an excellent teacher八年级英语上 Unit 2 School life 词组与句型翻译1, 为什么狗不上学? Why dont dogs go to school?2, 比人类聪明 cleverer than people3, 不得不更努力的工作 have to work harder4, 学校是这么样的? Whats school like?5, 它就像看电视。 Its like watching TV.6, 广告更少 fewer advertisements7, 英式英语 British English8, 美式英语 American English9, 你打算去哪? What are you going?10, 给我的表弟买一辆玩具卡车 buy a toy lorry for my cousin11, 买一些饼干 buy some biscuits/ cookies12, 有一些周末计划 have some plans for the weekend13, 看电影 see a film/ movie14, 我们一起去好吗? Shall we go together?15, 校足球队 the school football team16, 本周六 this Saturday17, 一场重要的赛事 an important match18, 今年秋季 this autumn19, 英国学校的生活 life in a British school20, 美国学校的生活 life in an American school21, 在八年级 in Year 8/ in the 8th grade / in Grade 822, 一所混合学校 a mixed school23, 上课 have lessons / classes24, 我所有的学科之中 among all my subjects25, 学外语是件趣事。 Learning foreign languages is fun.26, 阅读周 a Reading Week27, 在这周期间 during the week28, 从学校图书馆借更多的书 borrow more books from the school library29, 从家里带来书和杂志 bring in books and magazines from home30, 比我的同学看更多的书 read more books than my classmates31, 这周接近尾声时 near the end of the week32, 和我们的同学讨论这些书 discuss the books with our classmates33, 时间似乎过的更快。 Time seems to go faster.34, 伙伴俱乐部 the Buddy Club35, 年长的学生 older students36,新生 new students37, 仔细倾听我的问题 listen carefully to my problems38, 给我提供帮助 offer me help39, 主动提出做某事 offer to do sth.40, 我的英雄 my hero41, 上不同的课 have different classes42, 在星期五下午 on Friday afternoon43, 结束的比平时早 end earlier than usual44, 做运动 do sports45, 一周两次 twice a week46, 放学后 after school47. 努力练习 practice hard48, 每次 every time49, 赢得两场比赛 win two games50, 上个月 last month51, 比赛中得第一 be first in a competition52, 你自己的国家 your own country 53, 看了一篇来自美国的男孩写的文章 read an article by a boy from the USA54, 他的学校生活是这么样的? Whats his school life like?55, 你还知道什么关于某人的情况? What else do you know about sb.?56, 学最多的科目 study the most subjects57, 在我们三个中 among the three of us58, 在赛跑中得第一 come first in the race59, 在我们所有人中 of us all60, 我班其他的学生 the other students in my class61, 我班其他任何一个学生 any other student in my class62, 我其他的所有同学 all my other classmates63, 其他任何一个我的同学 any other of my classmates64, 我班学生数量是42. The number of the students in my class is 20.65, 暑假有多长? How long is the summer holiday?66, 每天学生花多少时间在回家作业上? How much time do students spend on homework every day?67, 穿校服 wear school uniforms68, 做早操 do morning exercises69, 放三天假 have three days off70, 我的学校比丹尼尔的学校暑假放假周数少。My school has fewer weeks off for the summer holiday than Daniels.71, 我校的学生 the students at my school72, 我花在作业上的时间比南希少。I spend less time doing homework than Nancy.73, 花最多的时间在他的业余爱好上 spend the most time on his hobbies74, 半小时玩电脑游戏 half an hour for playing computer games75, 另外半小时 another half an hour76, 下棋 play chess77, 至多 at most78, 看一些书 do some reading79, 进行一次英语测验 have an English test80, 每门学科有一次月度测验 have a monthly test on each subject81, 快速浏览这些问题 look through the questions quickly82, 他们中所有的 all of them83, 对我来说 to me84, 看英文报 read English newspapers85, 起先 at first86, 坚持英语写作 keep writing in English87, 我的日常生活 my daily life88, 通过这种方法学习更好的使用英语 learn to use English better this way89, 观看英语视频 watch English videos90, 我的理想学校 my ideal school91, 你们学校几点上课? What time does your school start?92, 太早还是太晚 too early or too late93, 有很多时间进行课外活动 have lots of time for after-school activities94, 进行学校旅行 go on a school trip95, 只有一小时的作业 only have an hour of homework96, 一小时吃午饭 an hour for lunch97, 又大又干净的食堂 a big clean dining hall98, 在那里聊天 chat there 99, 午餐时间听音乐 listen to music at lunchtime100, 系领带 wear ties101, 相当小 quite small102, 在每班 in each class103, 选择学习的科目 choose subjects to study104, 上电脑课 have computer lessons105, 一个大图书馆 a big library106, 一个足球场 a football field107, 一个游泳池 a swimming pool108, 有许多俱乐部 have lots of clubs109, 玩的开心 have fun友情提示:部分文档来自网络整理,供您参考!文档可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注!5 / 5


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