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考研英语写作常见问题及对策1无话可说,难以下笔。这主要是由于考生平时很少看文章,很少构思所导致。事实上,考研英语写作一般考的是人们普遍关注的社会性话题,既不出偏题怪题,也极少出现过于复杂的热门话题。要做到考试的时候写作不愁内容,一方面在于平时的积累,另一方面在于正确的构思。首先,考生不能临时抱佛脚,寄希望于背几篇范文照抄,而是应该多看报纸杂志,扩大知识面,关注普遍性的社会话题。如果看的是中文的,主要应该从内容方面了解,如果看的是英文的,还可以同时积累一些常用表达。其次,要做到有话可说,还应该掌握一些基本的构思方法。比如,考生可以用归纳法(induction)构思,然后以演绎法(deduction)写作。2有话可说,但不对路。有的考生不愁没话说,甚至洋洋洒洒,但没有说到点子上,导致严重跑题。考研英语写作属于非开放性话题(controlled writing),不是可以随意创作的。考生应该严格按照题目要求进行。考生的作文应该是对于题目的合理回应(response to the task requirement)。因此,在写作的时候,考生要注意仔细审题。审题可能涉及到题目、提纲、图画图表、及文字说明等几个方面。对于题目中的解释性文字和图画图表要仔细理解斟酌。在平时练习的时候,考生可以采取用历年真题来练笔。自己先写一遍,然后看看高分作文是怎么写的,分析琢磨好的作文,进行模仿和学习。考生要避免东拉西扯加上与题目无关的内容。3文章安排,极不合理。考生文章条理方面的缺乏往往是因为没有紧扣题目要求(directions)所造成。现行考研英语作文一般采用三段论的布局。题目中一般有三条要求,考生完全可以相应地写三段话回应。文章不分段或者分段过多都是不合理的。题目中的要点,一个都不能少。不能忽略题目中的提示,以免结构混乱失衡。段落要有主体句,要按照一定的逻辑框架写作。4结构混乱,缺乏关联。考生写作的时候,可能内容方面都面面俱到,而且也写了三段,但是每段话内部缺少有机联系。这主要是因为没有采用正确的论证方法和文章衔接手段(cohesive devices)运用不成功造成。一般说来,在提出论点(thesis statement)的时候要明确清晰。在进行论证的时候要运用恰当的语篇模式(如exemplification举例说明,cause and effect因果论证, comparison and contrast比较对比等 )。层次要清晰,要有逻辑性。阐述要合乎情理,衔接要流畅。衔接手段主要有语法手段(照应、省略、替代、连接)、和词汇手段(重复、同义反义、上下义、具体笼统、语义场)。5语言表达,错误众多。考生在练习了一段时间的考研写作之后,往往发现内容和结构相对已经能够把握,但依然出现众多语言错误。事实上,12分以上的作文,在内容和结构方面已经很少有什么差异,区别主要就在语言质量上。如果用词不当,句不成句,语法错误连篇累牍的话,拿12分以上是天方夜谭。考生应该在了解基本语法的基础上掌握语言的基本运用。其次需要明白写作中经常出现的语言错误的种类。这可以通过反复写作反复修改以及学习琢磨范文加以提高。6用词贫乏,句式单一。许多考生的作文错误倒不多,相当符合语法要求,但用词贫乏,过多使用如more and more, I think, as you know等表达,并且句子结构过于简单。统计结果表明,差的作文中简单句多,而好的作文简单句少;差的作文从句、连词、分词结构出现的频率大大低于好的作文;差的作文中关键词和同义表达出现的频率低于好的作文。用词的丰富和句式的多样应该主要通过多看好文章,仔细琢磨好文章中的用词和句子来提高。换句话说,也就是要从阅读中学习写作。7时间限制,无法完成。每次考试都有相当一部分考生时间来不及,或者匆匆忙忙收尾。作文考试,既要求有准确度,又要求有速度。写得好而慢,或者快而差,都是不可取的。要想做到写作既快又好,别无捷径,只有靠多写多练。8字迹不清,影响阅卷。如果考生由于龙飞凤舞,字迹混乱,从而导致阅卷老师在判卷的时候发生理解上的障碍,那么就会导致失分。考生在平时写作的时候,就应该养成书写清晰,字体适中的习惯。考研英语写作步骤审题(Analyze the question)构思(Brainstorm)列提纲(Outline)写作(Write up)检查(Check up)许多考生在写作文的时候由于担心时间不够,往往拿到题目以后就立刻开始写。但这样做以后却经常由于没有仔细审题和充分思考导致不同程度地跑题,从而失分。以下三步骤写作流程能帮助考生有条不紊地写作。首先,考生可以用5-6分钟时间做一些准备工作。拿到题目先花1分钟仔细审题(Analyze the question),多看几遍。如果题目里面有生词的话,尽可能地通过上下文推断意思。还要把题目中的核心词(key words)划出来。然后进行Brainstorm(构思)。想一想这道题考的是什么方面的话题,应该从哪些方面展开,可以有什么样的论据。接下来进行Outline(列提纲)。列提纲不是给阅卷老师看的,而是让自己写作文的时候有一个基本清晰的框架结构,可以用英文,也可以用中文。列提纲的时候要注意不需要写出完整的句子,只要能通过这个过程整理思路,形成观点,写些词组下来就行。第二个步骤是Write up(着手写)。考生可以在刚才所列提纲的基础上敷衍成文。如果说在第一个步骤里面考生主要应该关注写作的内容的话,那么在本步骤里面则是根据第一步骤的成果用通顺流畅的表达进行具体的论证说明。最后一个步骤是用2-3分钟时间Check up(检查)。许多考生不注意写完以后检查文章当中的语法、词汇、拼写和标点等方面的错误导致失分。有时候,检查与不检查可能相差数分之多。考研英语写作题型分类可以用很多种方法对考研英语写作进行分类。如果按照提示信息的形式来分的话,可以分成以下几大类:一 提纲式作文(19911996)DIRECTIONS: A) Title: GOOD HEALTHB) Time limit: 40 minutesC) Word limit: 120-150 words (not including the given opening sentence)D) Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence: “The desire for good health is universal.”E) Your composition must be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.OUTLINE:1. Importance of good health2. Ways to keep fit3. My own practices二 图表作文(1997,1999)三 图画作文(1998,20002004)四 情景作文Directions:Assuming that a manager is going to interview some job applicants and one of his friends gives him a piece of advice that the first impression is not a reliable basis for judgment. This manager wants to hear more from others and decides to have a wall newspaper put up for more views on that topic.1. You are going to write an article to offer your opinion about it.2. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.Directions:“据权威机构调查显示,2001年,我国空调总产量为2500万台,而市场容量仅为1500万台。空调已经成为继VCD、彩电后又一个家电企业力拼的市场。于是空调厂家坐不住了,打折、送礼品,甚至出现了空调论斤卖的怪事。近日,空调企业又想出了新花样:举办空调流行趋势发布会。面临巨大的竞争压力,多数空调生产厂家都意识到了自己生存的危机,他们不得不推出新产品以占据消费市场。同时,许多空调大企业都声称他们不会去挑起空调价格战。但是,”Will there be an air-conditioner “price battle” this year?There is a discussion in a newspaper on the issue. Write an essay to the newspaper1. giving a brief introduction to the issue,2. stating your view about the “price battle”, and3. justifying your prediction.You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.考研英语写作常用句型原因结构句型manydifferentseverala number orcausesfactorsdramaticmarkedsignificantincreasechangesdecreaseproblem1. There are for the inpreferencechoicedecision2. There are several reasons for my First, For one thing, One reason isSecond, For another,primarymainmost importantreasoncause3. Why ? Finally / Perhaps the isreasoncausescomplicatedmanyprofound4. The for are .explainresult inaccount forcontribute tosuccesschangechoicedecision5. A number of factors could the .causefactorreason6. Another isis responsible forplays a part incontributes toriseproblem7. also the .most importantprimaryrootreasoncause ButPerhaps 8. the isconvincingcompellingimportantgivencitedidentifiedreasonscausesstressedconsideredmentioned9. Among the most by people for, one should be mainlylargelypartlythe fact thatseveral factorsresult/arise fromis attributable/due tois because ofchangeincreasedecrease10. The in attributeascribeoweincreasedecrease change11. One may the back to trendproblemphenomenon12. One may trace the back tothe only answerby itself an adequate explanationthe whole story13. is not answerexplainquestionproblem14. But it doesnt the why / of criticizeforblame forattribute tocausesrootsproblemphenomenon15. You may , But the for the go far deeper.teenagerswomen16. The fault is with who factorpossible reason17. Factor / We may look into every / The leading cause except the real one.complicated phenomenondeep-seated tendencyfindgivetaskjobeasysimple18. It is no to the reason for this which involvesmany / severalfactors描写图表句型According toAs can be seen fromAs shown inIt is clear / apparent formchart / graphtable, diagramfigure / statistics1. the . chartgraphtablediagramrevealsshowssuggests2. The thatstatisticsinformationtablegraphchartestimateseeconclude3. From the given in the , we can thatnumberfigurepercentagenearlyalmostmore thandoubledtripledas compared withas againstthosethat4. The of , of last year.figurenumberpercentageincreaseddroppeddecreasedmore thanalmostaboutsix timestwicetwo and a half times5. The , compared withthatthoseas much astwice4 timeshalfpercentagenumber6. The is of 1990.ratenumberlessmorehalfa thirdquarter7. The was X percent, than of the 1998 total.shot upjumpedincreasedrosedecreaseddroppedfellby X percentfrom X to Y percentto X percent8. By comparison with 1990, it reachedapproachedrisen tosomething of plateauX percentan average of X percentin the past few yearsin 19989. It has 10. It accounts for 15 percent of the total.less thanmore thanalmostaboutoveras many asnearlythree-quarters ofX percent ofone out of fiveone in fourone half / third ofhousewivesgraduatesyoung couplesthe number of students11. By 1998, almost / nearlyabout / overa quarterhalf / twiceone thirdas many students asas much money as12. A has Babout / approximatelyexactly / preciselynumberproportionamountstudentsmoney13. A has the same of as the number of people whopersonal incomecollege populationDuring the period 1970-1999From 1910 to 1974Since 1980Since the early 1980swashas beensuddensharpdramatica markedsteadyslightgradualfalljumpriseincreasefluctuationdecreasedeclinereductiondrop14. there in .increasedjumpedrosedecreaseddeclineddroppedfellfluctuatedsuddenlyrapidly / slowlydramaticallysignificantlyslightlygraduallysharplyfrom 1988 to 1990during the five-year period.15. The number ofwashas beenX accidents / suicidesa X percent increasedecreaseinsincean increase of 3 percent in a three-month periodup from X percent for the same period last year16. There March, second-highestthird-lowest17. that is the rate in history.numberpercentagesteadystableunchangedduring the decadebetween 1990 and 1995from 1990 to 199518. The remained percentagefigurea peaka high pointa low pointthe bottomin Marchat 20%19. The reached reachedpicked20. The figure 90 percent, the highest level ever recorded since 1960分析结构句型1. First, Second Worse still createlead togive rise tohostmultitude2. It may a of problemshaveexert aproduceconsiderableprofoundbeneficialfavorableundesirablenegativeinfluenceeffect3. It will on causeproducebring aboutconsiderablemarked / drasticsweepingfavorable / undesirablechangerise4. It may a inentailbringinvolvedreadfulseriouspernicious5. This will some consequencesnegativeundesirableseriouseffects onconsequences of6. There are a number of consequenceinfluenceeffectconfinedlimited7. The has not been to immediateeventualproducesbrings about8. The result it thatwhat would happenthink imagine9. Just if Personal experienceExamples I read of10. show(s) that A good case in pointClassic example11. is 比较结构句型in favor oflike / prefer1. Personally, Im OneAnotherThe biggestadvantagebenefit2. is thatIt hasThey haveadvantagesstrengthsdisadvantagesweaknesses3. both and outweigh the benefit we gain fromcarry more weight than those ofare much greater than those of4. The advantages of B Acomparisoncontrast5. The effect of is heightened by another advantage B enjoys mentionedconsideredtaken intoconsiderationsounds ridiculousmeans nothing6. As advantages when Bs advantages are 7. When the advantages and disadvantages of are carefully compared, the most striking findingconclusionself-evidentobvious is hasenjoysgainsdistinctenormousconsiderable8. Although A with B in a/the advantage of, it cant competeBy contrast,On the contrary,9. Despite these advantages,Like anything else,Good as A isits own disadvantagesproblemsharmful effectsalso hasbrings10. it 评论文的结构句型or vice versa,does more harm than good1. Whether it has more advantages one thing is certain: problemtroublemethodway2. The great with the is that True,To be sure,Admittedly,this is not to saybut it doesnt meanIt doesnt follow3. that arguesay4. You may that, butdenyingdoubtquestion5. There is no thatcase in pointexample6. A good isclose analysismuch examination7. I doubt whether the argument bear .ideas,belief,views,widelycommonlygenerallyheldacceptedAs opposed Contrary8. to I arguebeliefideaassumptionpopularnationwidecommonly-accepted9. Although the is that ,indicatesrevealsuncoversstudysurveypollnewrecent A that10. Although there is a tendency to think thatmentiontake into account11. They may be right about, but they seem to fail toLogicValidSoundinsignificantabsurd12. as are these arguments, they appear when is taken into consideration account.Viewargumentproblemflaw13. The with the isviewargument14. There is an element of truth in the but they ignore a deeper and morebasicimportantessential fact/reason that15.What these people fail to understand is thatTakefor example,For example, Suppose that常用于开头的句型:对立法:When asked about, most people sayWhen it comes to, some people thinkThere is a public debate todayNow, it is widely believedMany of us believe thatTo the general publicNow a lot of people feelIn reaction to the idea, some people say is a common way of, but is it a wise onethese days we often hear aboutwe are often shown these days现象法:Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concernRecently the problem has been brought into focusMany nations have been faced with the problemOne of the searching questions facing our world isOne of the biggest issues many people talk about isNow most dangerous for our society isInflation is another bitter truth we have to face nowAn acute shortage ofis now under wayHere and there across the countryNow in many big citiesWith the rapid development ofNowadays there is a growing tendencyIn recent few years there is a sudden increaseAny visitor to this city would be surprisedWhenever you see, you cannot help观点法:Nothing is more dangerous thanNowhere in history has the issue been more visibleIt is time we exploded the mythPerhaps we should rethink the ideaNow people are beginning to realizeNow there is a growing awarenessWe might marvel at the progress引用法:One of the great early writers said“Knowledge is power.” Such is the remark of“” Thats how one official complained“” The same idea is voiced by“” How often we hear such words like those1. A hedge between keeps friendship green. (prov.) 君子之交淡如水。2. A true friend is one soul in two bodies. (prov.) 挚友如异体同心。3. True friendship is like sound health, the value of it is seldom know until it is lost. C. C. Colton真正的友谊犹如人的健康,非到失去时人们才知其可贵。科尔顿4. Love is rarer than genius itself. And friendship is rarer than love. C. Peguy爱甚至比天才还少见,而友谊比爱更少见。佩圭5. Everything is good when new, but friends when old. (pron.) 物莫如新, 友莫如故。6. Prosperity makes friends, and adversity tries them. (pron.) 兴旺时节交朋友,艰难处境验交情。7. A man is known by the company he keeps. (pron.) 从其交友, 知其为人。(欲知其人,先观其友。)8. Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing. Franklin择友不须急,换友更宜慎。富兰克林9. All are not friends that speak us fair. (pron.) 说我们好话的未必全是朋友。10. Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public. (pron.) 对朋友私下劝戒,公开表扬。比较法:For years it had been viewed asBut nowPeople used to think But things are differentSeveral years ago, peopleNowAfter a good many years of efforts, people beginIt is a traditional way to But now the pendulumThroughout our livesIn recent years, there is a steady shift故事法:Last Sunday I The story is not rareOnce in a street, The problem has drawn public attentionI have a friend whoSuch a dilemma we often meetOnce upon a timeThe story still has a realistic significanceA factory worker who问题法:Should? Opinions vary greatlyWhat do you think?Why? Many people pose the question like thisWhy? of all the complaints常用于结尾的句型:结论性:From what has been discussed above, we may draw the conclusionThe evidence upon all sides points toIn summary, it is importantIn conclusion, I would like to sayThe real lesson to be learnt后果性:We must search for a quick action, because ifObviously, if we ignore the problem, it is likelyAny person who ignores the warning wouldWe need to take a second look at, otherwise号召性:It might be time to take the warningIt is time that we urged an end toIt is necessary that steps should be takenThere is no doubt that attention must be paidObviouslyIf we are to, it is essential建议性:It is hoped that efforts be madeIn short, we shouldWhat we need isIt is high time Here are a few examplesWhile it cannot be solved immediately, still there are waysAwareness of the problem is the first stepIf we are to succeed as a people方向性:Many solutions are being offered hereThere is no easy method, butmight be helpfulNo easy method is at hand, butmight be the first stepOnes first reaction to such suggestionsWhat will happen to? One thing is certainTois not an easy job, and it requires a different outlookIt is clear that the task demands great effortsWe have doneBut we will achieve more ifTrue, there may be questions we can not answerThe great challenge today isWe may have a long way to go beforeThere is no better time to start thanIt remains to be seen whether意义性:Following these methods may not., but the pay-off might be worth the effortCertainly,but it willThe importance cannot be overemphasizedAnyhow it has a far-reaching influenceTo participate inis an experienceThe problem is something no one can avoidWe are now entering a new era which calls forAnyhow, whether it is good or not, one thing is certain引言性:“.”Edison is right in sayingA long time ago, a great man said, says a great manIf we want to achieve our successI agree with the writerAs Lincoln once remarked提问性:if we consider, is itCan anyone really doubt故事性:Years ago, I heard a story原因结果句型:基本原因:There are many reasons forWhy? For one thingIt is no easy job to advance the reasonsIt is fairly easy to identify the reasonThe answer to this problem involves many factorsThe reasons are varied. They includeThanks toThe increase mainly stems from the factpartly because, partly becausenot because, but becausenot come from, but fromOne may attribute the change toOne tends to view the trend as a response toOne may trace this problem back toThats the reason whyA number of factors could account for the successA number of factors, both individual and social, affectThese fa


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