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138APPENDIX IIGLOSSARY OF THE PURDUE ARCHITECTURE ANDITS ASSOCIATED METHODOLOGY This Glossary was initially prepared by a Subcommittee of the Industry-Purdue University Consortium on An Implementation Procedures Manual for Developing Master Plans for Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) 27 under the Chairmanship of Mr. Jim Brosvic of Honeywell, Inc. The Glossary was derived mainly from the following sources plus considerable input from the Consortium:1. The Honeywell Computer Automated Manufacturing (HCAM) Glossary, developed from Honeywells participation in the Consortium for Advanced Manufacturing International (CAMi). This Glossary was thoroughly revised by the Purdue Consortium Committee.2. The Information Flow Model of Generic Production Facility contributed by the Foxboro Company 118 to the work of the CIM Reference Model Committee of the International Purdue Workshop for Industrial Computer Systems 37. In view of the need for a Generic Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology (GERAM) based upon PERA, GRAI-GIM, and CIMOSA as proposed by Drs. Peter Bernus and Laszlo Nemes 101, 103 to the IFAC/IFIP Task Force on Architectures for Integrating Manufacturing Activities and Enterprises, a revision and expansion of this Glossary is necessary to clarify the differences in terminology as used by the major reference architectures. Concepts derived from recent development in PERA are also presented, such as those involved in interfaces, and in the tools provided by information technologies. In order to keep this Glossary to a reasonable length, some common words previously included have been removed. The following Glossary is organized alphabetically. Entries comprise a term in bold followed by one or more definitions of its principal meanings in the context of the Purdue Enterprise Reference Architecture and its associated Methodology. The part of speech of a term is specified in parentheses if it is not obvious from its everyday usage. The subject area of a definition is indicated in slanted style. The sources of a definition is noted in square brackets if the definition is an excerpt from sources other than the Purdue Enterprise Reference Architecture and its associated Methodology. Abbreviations used to indicate parts of speech and subject are as listed below. The following abbreviations are used for parts of speech:adjadjectivennounvverb The following abbreviations are used for subject areas:Gen.GeneralPl.PluralSyn.Synonym The following abbreviations are used for sources:APICAmerican Production and Inventory Control SocietyCAMIThe Consortium for Advanced Manufacturing InternationalCIMOSACIMOSA publications 215 and 22CMSGCost Management Systems GuideDECDigital Equipment CorporationSAMAScientific Apparatus Manufacturers AssociationTFTechnical Report of IFAC/IFIP Task Force 1WEBWebsters New World Dictionary, 3rd College EditionAAbbreviation(n) The act of product of abbreviating; a shortened form of a work or phase.AbsolutePerfect in quality or nature; complete - not mixed; pure - not limited by restrictions, qualifications, or exceptions - positive, certain, absolute proof. Physics: Pertaining to measurements or units of measurement derived from fundamental relationships of space, mass, and time. Pertaining to a temperature scale where zero point is absolute zero.Abstraction(n) The act or process of removing or separating; an abstract idea.AcademyA society of scholars or artists.AcceptTo answer affirmatively; accept an invitation; to consent to pay, as by a signed agreement.Acceptance1. The process by which the customers representative formally agrees to ownership of a completed system. Syn.: Consent, Acknowledgment. 2. Updating of active order to indicate acceptance of order.Acceptance CriteriaAn acceptance data package describe the form, fit, manufacturing requirements, characteristics, and performance history of a system. The package includes specifications, standards, drawings, plans, manufacturing orders, inspection data, test procedures, test data and other data required by the customer. SAMAAccomplishedTo succeed in completing; achieve. Syn.: Accomplish, Attain, Reach, Realize, Score.Account1. (n) A description of events; narrative, a set of reasons; explanation, a record of statement, especially of business dealings or money received or spent, a business arrangement. 2. (v) To consider; regard, account for; to give the reason for; explain, on account of.AccountantAn expert in accounting, accountancy.AccountingThe bookkeeping methods involved in recording business transactions and preparing the financial statements of a business. A description of event; narrative, a set of reasons; explanation, a record or statement, especially of business dealings or money received or spent, a business arrangement.Accounting InformationInformation that accounting has gathered and accumulated, such as the cost of labor, material, equipment, tools, and facilities and transformed into the cost of the product, overhead, operating costs, inventory, etc. Syn.: Ledger.Accredited Standard CommitteeA standards committee accredited to ANSI.ACSEAssociation Control Service Element. ACSE is one of the application protocols specified by MAP (Manufacturing Automation Protocol).Active OrdersDetails of all entered orders (customer ID, product type, quantity, delivery date, shipping requirements .).ActivityThe condition of being active; any specific action or pursuit, a planned or organized thing to do.Activity-Based CostingAlternative accounting method that costs products by the production activities performed during actual manufacture.Activity-Based SystemAn alternative accounting method that costs products by the production activities performed during actual manufacture.Actual CostAn acceptable approximation of the true cost of producing a part, product, or group of parts or products, including all labor and material costs and a reasonable allocation of overhead charges. Actual costs are those labor and material costs that are charged against a job as moves through the production process APIC.Actual Cost SystemA cost system which collects direct costs as they are incurred during production, and allocates indirect costs based upon their specific costs and achieved volume.Actuator SettingsOutput to process equipment, valve position, motor status.Adaptive ControlA control strategy that automatically changes the type or influence of control parameters to improve overall control systems performance.Ad Hoc Development MethodA development methodology that is, in essence, no methodology. However, it is very popular.AdministrationThe act of administering, management; often administration, the executive body of a government, its term of office.AdvertisementsInformation directed at the customer with the objective of increasing sales or reaching new markets. Syn.: Ad, Announcement.Advertising ResultsThe results of advertising, such as the targeted market, customer surveys, market response, etc.Advice SupportAssistance from engineering specialists.AIXAdvanced Interactive Executive. The UNIX operating system delivered by IBM for its mainframe, workstation and PC hardware.Alarm(n) An audible or visible signal indicating abnormal or out-of-limit conditions in a plant or a control system CMSG. Syn.: Bell, Light, Siren.AlgorithmA prescribed set of well defined rules or processes for the solution of a problem in a finite number of steps, e.g., a full statement of an arithmetic procedure for evaluating sin x to a stated precision. An explicit, finite set of instructions that is guaranteed to find a solution to a particular problem, although not necessarily by the best or fastest route.AlloyA macroscopically homogeneous mixture of solid solution, usually of two or more metals, something added that lowers value or purity.AmendTo correct; rectify, to alter (a law) formally by adding, deleting, or rephrasing, to improve.AmendmentImprovement, a correction, a formal alteration.AMIGAustralian MAP Interest Group (see World Federation).AMTAdvanced Manufacturing Technology.AnalogueSomething that is analogous.AnalysisThe separation of a whole into constituents with a view to its examination and interpretation, a statement of the results of such a study.AnnealTo heat (glass or metal) and slowly cool to toughen it and reduce brittleness, to temper.ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute (see Standards Organizations).APIApplication Programming Interface. An interface that enables programs written by users or third parties to communicate with certain IBM program products. The facility enables users and third parties to add functions to IBM-supplied software.APICSAmerican Production and Inventory Control Society.AppendixSupplementary material at the end of a book. Pl.: Appendixes or appendices.ApplicationA user or machine oriented function supported by automation technology. Software packages which execute the functions defined in the model of the enterprise. CIMOSAApplication ProcessAn element within a system that performs the information/data processing for a particular application.Application SoftwareSoftware specifically produced for the functional use of a particular application on a computer system; for example, software of a payroll system, or general accounting ledger.Architectural ResourcesThe integrating elements used to build an enterprise system. Resources can be categorized as interfaces, protocols or handlers and management tools, etc.Architecture1. The set of principles, rules and standards and other supporting data, classified and presented in an orderly form to illustrate the basic arrangement and connectivity of parts of a system. 2. The formation or construction of an object, device or system whether this is the result of the conscious act of, or the gross or random, disposition of the constituent parts.AreaA flat, open surface or space, a specific region, the range or scope of anything, the measure of a planar region or of the surface of a solid.ARTAutomated Reasoning Tool which is an expert system software development environment from Inference-Corporation. ART provides knowledge engineers with a comprehensive set of knowledge representation and storage techniques and graphics capabilities for building expert systems. DECArtificial IntelligenceA growing set of computer problem-solving techniques being developed to imitate human thought or decision making processes, or to produce the same results as those processes. DECASCAccredited Standard Committee. A standards committee accredited to ANSI.As-Is PlantA description of the subject entity of an enterprise program study at the current time or prior to the program implementation.ASN.1Abstract Syntax Notation One. An ISO standard (DIS 8824 and DIS 8825) that specifies a canonical method of data encoding. This standard is an extension of CCITT Standard X.409.AspectAn appearance; air, an element; facet, a position or side facing a given direction.AssemblyThe act of assembling or the state of being assembled; the putting together of parts to make a completed product, a set of parts so assembled: the steering assembly of a truck, the signal calling troops to assemble.Assembly SpecificationThe assembly specification establishes detailed assembly procedures for any combination of parts, subassemblies, etc., that perform a specific function SAMA.AssessTo evaluate.AssignTo specify; designate; to select for a duty: appoint, to give out as a task; allot, to ascribe; attribute. Law: to transfer (i.e., property) to another.AssociationThe act of associating, an organized body of people; society.Attitude1. A position of the body or manner of carrying oneself, indicative of a mood or condition; a state of mind or feeling with regard to a person or thing. 2. The orientation of and aircrafts axes relative to a reference line or plane, as the horizon.AttributeA data fact about an entity or relationship.Audit1. A management review of a hardware/software project for the purpose of assessing compliance with requirements, specifications, baselines, standards, procedures, instructions, codes, and contractual and licensing requirements. 2. In an enterprise development program, an activity to determine through investigation the adequacy of, and adherence to, established procedures, instructions, codes, and standards or other applicable contractual and licensing requirements, as well as the effectiveness of implementation.AUTOFACTA yearly trade show sponsored by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. It specializes in the technology of CAD/CAM.AutomateTo convert to automation, to operate by automation.Automated AssemblyAssembly by means of operations performed automatically by machines. A computer system may monitor the production and quality levels of the assembly operations.Automatic1. (adj) Capable of operating with little or no external control or influence, involuntary; reflex, capable of firing continuously until out of ammunition. 2. (n) A device that is automatic.Automation1. The implementation of processes by automatic means; the theory, art or technique of making a process more automatic; the investigation, design, development and application of methods for rendering processes automatic, self-moving or self-controlling; the conversion of a procedure, a process or equipment to automatic operation. 2. (n) Gen. The automatic operation or control of a process, machine, equipment or system, the mechanical and electronic techniques and equipment used to achieve automatic operation or control, the condition of being automatically controlled or operated.Available Product=Inventory + planned production - accepted orders.Available To PromiseThe uncommitted portion of a companys inventory or planned production. This figure is frequently calculated from the Master Production Schedule and is maintained as a tool for order promising.Average InventoryIn an inventory system, this is the sum of one-half the lot sizes plus the reserve stock in formula calculations.Axiom1. An established rule, or principle or law of a science, art, etc. 2. A statement or proposition that needs no proof because its truth is obvious, or one that is accepted as true without proof WEB.BBack-upA reserve, as of provisions, a person standing by and ready to serve as a substitute, support or backing.BackboneThe trunk media of a multimedia LAN separated into sections by bridges, routers, or gateways.BackgroundThe area, space, or surface against which objects are seen or represented, conditions or events forming a setting, a place or state of relative obscurity, ones total experience, education, and knowledge.BacktrackingAn element of a search process that involves returning the database or conditions in a system to a previous state in order to try all alternative solution paths.Backward ChainingA type of system activity that attempts to solve a problem by stating a goal and looking into the database for the conditions that would cause that goal to come about, then reiterating this process, using those conditions as the goals while searching for their preconditions DEC.BandwidthThe number of user data bytes (i.e. exclusive of communications overhead) that can be sent across the network per second.Bar Code1. Array of rectangular marks and spaces in a predetermined pattern depicting object identification, machine performance or other required data; can be numeric, alphanumeric or combinations thereof. 2. Also used to identify finished or semifinished products.BaseThe lowest or bottom part, the fundamental principle or underlying concept of a system or theory, a chief constituent, the fact, observation or premise from which a measurement or reasoning process is begun.BasebandA single channel signaling technique in which the digital signal is encoded and impressed on the physical medium.Baseline1. A hardware/software work product that has been formally reviewed and agreed upon, which then serves as the basis for further development, and that can be changed only through formal change control procedures. Each baseline must specify items that form the baseline (for example, software requirements, design documentation, and deliverable source code), the review and approval mechanisms, the acceptance criteria associated with the baseline, and the customer and project organization who participated in establishing the baseline. 2. A hardware/software configuration identification document or set of documents formally reviewed and agreed on at a specific time during the system lifecycle, which completely describes the functional and/or physical characteristics of a hardware/software configuration item. Baseline, plus approved changes to those baselines, constitute the current hardware/software configuration identification of a product. An example (U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) usage) of system baselines isFunctional baseline The initial configuration established at the end of the requirements definition phase.BasisA foundation; a supporting element, the main part, principle; criterion.BatchAn amount prepared or produced at one time.Batch ProcessAn industrial manufacturing method in which one of several units are produced at a time, in contrast to Continuous Process (q.v.).BaudUnit of signaling speed. Baud is the same as bits per second only when every signal event represents exactly one bit.BehaviorDeportment, demeanor, action, reaction, or function under specified circumstances.BenchmarkA standard by which something can be judged.BenefitAn advantage, an aid; help, a payment or series of payments to one in need, a fund-raising public entertainment.BERBit Error Rate. The ratio of bits received in error to total bits received.Bias(n) A line cutting diagonally across the grain of fabric, preference or inclination that inhibits impartiality; prejudice. (v) To cause to have a bias; prejudice.Bill of LadingA contract or receipt for goods that a carrier agrees to transport from one place to another and to deliver to a designated person or that it assigns for compensation upon the conditions stated therein APIC.Bill of MaterialA listing of all the subassemblies, parts and raw materials that go into the parent assembly. It shows the quantity of each raw material required to make the assembly. There are a variety of display formats for BOMs, including single level, indented, modular/planning, transient, matrix and costed BOMs APIC, CMSG.Bill of ResourcesA statement of the key resources required to manufacture one unit of a selected item. It is often u


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