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第1页/共52页第一页,共53页。Youll be able to:Youll be able to:1. ask for and give directions;2. talk about different means of transport.第2页/共52页第二页,共53页。Warming up听录音,将下列词语与图片(tpin)匹配。Listen and match.Key sentences: bike taxi bus car1 subway第3页/共52页第三页,共53页。Warming upbus公共汽车(gnggngqch)第4页/共52页第四页,共53页。Warming upsubway地铁(dti)第5页/共52页第五页,共53页。Warming upcar小汽车第6页/共52页第六页,共53页。Warming uptaxi出租车第7页/共52页第七页,共53页。Warming upbike自行车第8页/共52页第八页,共53页。2. It is expensive to take a taxi. To save time, you may take the subway.为了(wi le)节省时间,你可以坐地铁。乘坐(chn zu)出租车很贵。第9页/共52页第九页,共53页。Look and find.看图,找出下列(xili)地点和交通标志。Warming up2第10页/共52页第十页,共53页。Listening and Speaking听录音,学习(xux)下列词语。Listen and learn. avenueoppositecornerrepeatstraightblockn. 大街(dji),大道prep. 在对面(dumin)n. 拐角v. 重复adv. 直接地,一直地n. 街区1crossv. 穿过第11页/共52页第十一页,共53页。Listen and practice. 听录音,练习描述地点(ddin)和方位。参考(cnko)译文Listening and Speaking2The school is on the corner of First Street and Grand Avenue.The hospital is opposite the school.The bank is next to the school.The bank is between the school and the park.The school is on Grand Avenue.第12页/共52页第十二页,共53页。学校在格兰德大街上。银行在学校旁边(pngbin)。银行在学校和公园之间。医院在学校对面。学校在第一大街和格兰德大街的拐角处。第13页/共52页第十三页,共53页。Look and practice.看图,练习(linx)问路和指路。Listening and Speaking3Lisa: Excuse me, wheres the library?Tom: Its next to the hospital.Lisa: Sorry. Could you repeat that, please?Tom: Sure, its next to the hospital.参考(cnko)译文第14页/共52页第十四页,共53页。 当你想请别人(birn)再重复一遍时,可以说:“Could you repeat that, please?”或者“Pardon?”第15页/共52页第十五页,共53页。莉萨:打扰一下,请问图书馆在哪里?汤姆:就在医院(yyun)旁边。莉萨:抱歉。您能再重复一遍吗?汤姆:当然。它就在医院(yyun)边上。第16页/共52页第十六页,共53页。Listen and learn. 听录音,学习如何(rh)指路。Listening and Speaking4Go two blocks.Go straight ahead.Go to Main Street.Cross Main Street.Turn left.Main StreetTurn right.第17页/共52页第十七页,共53页。block: 街区,由四条街道(jido)围成的区域。第18页/共52页第十八页,共53页。Listening and SpeakingListen and practice. 听录音(l yn),练习指路。 5Main StreetBankYou are hereHigh StreetLibraryHospitalSchool Excuse me, how can I get to the hospital? Go three blocks. Turn right. Its on Main Street. OK. Go three blocks. Turn right. Right. Its on Main Street. You cant miss it. Thank you.参考(cnko)译文第19页/共52页第十九页,共53页。 打扰一下,我应该怎样到医院去呢? 走过三个街区(ji q)。向右转。医院在主干道上。 好的。走过三个街区(ji q)。向右转。 没错。医院就在主干道上。你肯定会找到的。 谢谢。第20页/共52页第二十页,共53页。Look and act. 看上图,帮助(bngzh)问路者找到下列地点。Listening and Speaking6Main StreetBankLibraryHospitalSchoolS1: Excuse me,how can I get to the library?S2: Go three blocks. Turn left. Its on Main Street.S1: OK. Go three blocks. Turn left.S2: Right. Its on Main Street. You cant miss it.S1: Thank you.High StreetYou are here第21页/共52页第二十一页,共53页。Look and act. 看上(kn shn)图,帮助问路者找到下列地点。Listening and Speaking6Main StreetBankLibraryHospitalSchoolS1: Excuse me, how can I get to the school?S2: Go three blocks and cross Main Street. Turn right.S1: OK. Go three blocks and cross Main Street. Turn right.S2: Right. Its on Main Street. You cant miss it.S1: Thank you.High StreetYou are here第22页/共52页第二十二页,共53页。Look and act. 看上图,帮助(bngzh)问路者找到下列地点。Listening and Speaking6Main StreetBankHigh StreetLibraryHospitalSchoolS1: Excuse me, how can I get to the bank?S2: Go one block and turn left. Then go straight ahead and the bank is on your right.S1: OK. Go one block and turn left. Go straight ahead and the bank is on my right.S2: Right. Its on High Street. You cant miss it.S1: Thank you.You are here第23页/共52页第二十三页,共53页。Reading and Writing Read and learn.读下文(xiwn),了解城市交通。 One way to travel in many big cities is to take the subway. It is fast, cheap, and almost always on time, but it is often crowded. Buses can be cheaper but much slower than the subway. Another inexpensive way to see a city is to ride a bike. But for many people, the best way to get around downtown is just to walk.参考(cnko)译文1第24页/共52页第二十四页,共53页。 在许多大城市,人们可以乘坐地铁出行。地铁速度快又省钱,而且绝大部分时间都很准时。但是,地铁上通常很拥挤。公共汽车便宜(biny)些,但是比地铁慢得多。另外一种比较便宜(biny)的方式是骑自行车。但是对许多人来说,在市中心游逛的最好方式还是步行。第25页/共52页第二十五页,共53页。Discuss and fill. 讨论并比较下列(xili)交通工具。Reading and Writing 2subwaybikeslow and crowdedcheapbuscrowdedslowcheapfast, cheap, always on time第26页/共52页第二十六页,共53页。Reading and Writing 参考(cnko)译文Go one block. Turn left on Grand Street. Its next to the parking lot. _ Train StationGo two blocks. Turn left. Its on your right. _LibraryGo straight. Cross Main Street. Its opposite the bank. _ Post OfficeGo straight. Cross Grand Street. Its on your right. _ParkRead and write. 读下列描述(mio sh),写出图中与之相应的地点。3第27页/共52页第二十七页,共53页。 街道名称(mngchng)首字母要大写,如Main Street,Clark Avenue。第28页/共52页第二十八页,共53页。走过两个街区。向左转。它在你的右边。直着走。穿过(chun u)主干道。它在银行对面。走过一个街区。在格兰德大街向左转。它在停车场的旁边。直着走。穿过(chun u)格兰德大街。它在你的右边。第29页/共52页第二十九页,共53页。Reading and Writing 4参考(cnko)译文Go straight. Cross Grand Street. Its on your left, just opposite the park.The bookstore?Thats right.Look and act. 看上图,根据示例练习(linx)找地点。第30页/共52页第三十页,共53页。 直 着 走 。穿过(chun u)格兰德大街。它在你的左边,就在银行对面。对。是书店(sh din)吗?第31页/共52页第三十一页,共53页。Read and learn. 读下文,了解张琳通常怎样(znyng)去上学。Reading and Writing Zhang Lin lives in a big city. She is a vocational school student. Every morning, she goes to school by bike. Its fun and healthy, and she enjoys it very much. But when it rains or snows, she has to take the bus. Its cheap, but often slow and crowded. Zhang Lin hopes that her city will soon get a subway. If so, it would be much easier for her to go to school and to get around.参考(cnko)译文5第32页/共52页第三十二页,共53页。 张琳生活在大城市里。她是一名职业学校的学生。每天早上,她骑车去上学(shng xu)。这种方式既有趣又健康。她非常喜欢这种出行方式。但是如果赶上下雨或下雪,她就不得不坐公共汽车。乘坐公共汽车便宜,但通常又慢又挤。张琳希望她所在的城市不久也能建好地铁。有了地铁,她上学(shng xu)和出行就容易多了。第33页/共52页第三十三页,共53页。Discuss and fill. 讨论同学和老师怎样(znyng)去学校,并填表。6Reading and Writing Zhang LinMs. YangLi MingMr. Smithrides a biketakes a bus第34页/共52页第三十四页,共53页。Read and fill. 读下表,根据自己的实际(shj)情况填空。More Activities1第35页/共52页第三十五页,共53页。Discuss and choose. 你要外出,请选择(xunz)搭乘的More Activities2车次(chc),并说明理由。第36页/共52页第三十六页,共53页。Around the World The Qinghai-Tibet Railway in China is the worlds highest railway line, connecting Xining with Lhasa. Some 960 kilometres of its tracks are located over 4,000 metres above sea level, and the highest point is 5,072 metres. 参考(cnko)译文第37页/共52页第三十七页,共53页。 中国(zhn u)的青藏铁路是世界上最高的铁路线,它连接着西宁和拉萨。青藏铁路全线中约有960公里的线路建在海拔4,000米以上的地方,最高点为海拔5,072米。第38页/共52页第三十八页,共53页。 The only railway that goes to the top of a volcano was built on Mount Vesuvius in Italy in 1880.参考(cnko)译文Around the World第39页/共52页第三十九页,共53页。 1880年,世界上唯一一条通往火山(hushn)顶部的铁路建于意大利的维苏威火山(hushn)上。第40页/共52页第四十页,共53页。参考(cnko)译文Around the World Londons Waterloo is the busiest station in England, with over 100 million people arriving and departing each year.第41页/共52页第四十一页,共53页。 伦敦滑铁卢车站是英国(yn u)最繁忙的车站,每年都有超过一亿人来往于这个车站。第42页/共52页第四十二页,共53页。参考(cnko)译文Around the World The longest straight stretch of railway is in Australia. The part without any curves is 478km long.第43页/共52页第四十三页,共53页。 澳大利亚拥有世界上最长的直线延伸的铁路。其中没有任何弯曲(wnq)的部分长达478公里。第44页/共52页第四十四页,共53页。参考(cnko)译文Around the World This is the worlds first super bus, which seats 23 passengers and has a top speed of 155mph. It was developed in Holland by an astronaut.第45页/共52页第四十五页,共53页。 这是世界上第一辆超级公共汽车(gnggngqch),可乘坐23名乘客,最高时速为每小时155英里。它是由一名荷兰宇航员开发的。第46页/共52页第四十六页,共53页。Fun Time Tongue Twistershoney/farm /a:/ 1第47页/共52页第四十七页,共53页。Fun Time A JokeMother: I promised to buy you a car if you passed your examination, and you have failed. What were you doing last term? Son: I was learning to drive a car.2参考(cnko)译文第48页/共52页第四十八页,共53页。母亲:我答应你,如果(rgu)你考试及格的话,我会给 你买辆车。但是你考试没及格。你上个学 期都干什么了?儿子:我一直在学如何开车。笑话(xio hua)第49页/共52页第四十九页,共53页。My Progress CheckI can ask and give directions with:opposite avenue cross block on the corner ofHow can I get to the hospital?Could you repeat that, please?The school is on the corner of First Street and Grand Avenue.I can talk about transportation with:subway cheap expensive crowded get aroundThe subway is fast, cheap, and almost always on time.Buses are cheap, but often slow and crowded.第50页/共52页第五十页,共53页。Great! I want to learn more!第51页/共52页第五十一页,共53页。感谢您的观看(gunkn)!第52页/共52页第五十二页,共53页。NoImage内容(nirng)总结1. Where are they。学校在第一大街和格兰德大街的拐角处。当你想请别人再重复一遍时,可以(ky)说:“Could you repeat that, please。Go straight ahead.。block: 街区,由四条街道围成的区域。cant miss it.。乘坐公共汽车便宜,但通常又慢又挤。有了地铁,她上学和出行就容易多了。第51页/共52页。感谢您的观看。第52页/共52页第五十三页,共53页。


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