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机械专业中英文文献翻译加工中心数控技术出处:数控加工中心的分类以及各自特点 出版社:化学工业出版社; 第1版 (2009年3月16日)作者:徐衡、 段晓旭加工中心是典型的集高技术于一体的机械加工设备,它的发展代表了一个国家设计制造的水平也大大提高了劳动生产率,降低了劳动成本,改善了工人的工作环境,降低了工人的劳动强度。本文经过对不同运动方案和各部件的设计方案的定性分析比较确定该教立式加工中心的进给传动方案为:采用固定床身,电主轴通过安装座安装在床身导轨的滑座上,床身导轨采用滚动导轨,可以实现Y方向的进给运动。由X-Y双向精密数控工作台带动工件完成X,Y两个方向的进给运动;X,Y,Z三个方向的进给运动均滚珠丝杠,并由交流伺服电机驱动。导轨、滚珠丝杠有相应的润滑、防护等装置。加工中心(英文缩写为CNC 全称为Computerized Numerical Control):是带有刀库和自动换刀装置的一种高度自动化的多功能数控机床。在中国香港,台湾及广东一代也有很多人叫它电脑锣。工件在加工中心上经一次装夹后,数字控制系统能控制机床按不同工序,自动选择和更换刀具,自动改变机床主轴转速、进给量和刀具相对工件的运动轨迹及其他辅助机能,依次完成工件几个面上多工序的加工。并且有多种换刀或选刀功能,从而使生产效率大大提高。加工中心数控机床是一种装有计算机数字控制系统的机床,数控系统能够处理加工程序,控制机床完成各种动作。与普通机床相比,数控机床能够完成平面曲线和空间曲面的加工,加工精度和生产效率都比较高,因而应用日益广泛。数控机床的组成一般来说,数控机床由机械部分、数字控制计算机、伺服系统、PC控制部分、液压气压传动系统、冷却润滑和排泄装置组成。数控机床是由程序控制的,零件的编程工作是数控机床加工的重要组成部分。伺服系统是数控机床的驱动部分,计算机输出的控制命令是通过伺服系统产生坐标移动的。普通的立式加工中心有三个伺服电机,分别驱动纵向工作台、横向工作台、主轴箱沿X向、Y向、Z向运动。X、Y、Z是互相垂直的坐标轴,因而当机床三坐标联动时可以加工空间曲面。而对于五轴联动的数控机床来说,则多出了B轴和C轴。Y轴的旋转轴为B轴,Z轴的旋转轴为C轴。数控机床的加工运动机械加工是由切削的主运动和进给运动完成的,控制主运动可以得到合理的切削速度,控制进给可得到各种不同的加工表面。数控机床的坐标运动是进给运动,对于三坐标的数控机床,各坐标的运动方向通常是相互垂直的,即各自沿笛卡尔坐标系的X、Y、Z轴的正负方向移动。如何控制这些坐标移动来完成各种不同的空间曲面加工是数字控制的主要任务。大家知道,在三维空间笛卡尔坐标系中,空间任何一点都可以用X、Y、Z坐标值来表示,对一条空间曲线也可以用三维坐标函数来表示。怎样控制各坐标轴的运动才能完成曲面加工呢?现在来介绍一下吧。曲面加工时刀具的移动轨迹与理论上的曲线不吻合,而是一条逼近线。由于各种插补的计算公式不同,使逼近的折线也不同,通常有下面几种计算方法:逐点比较法,积分法和时间分割法。数控机床的优、缺点数控机床有许多优点,因而发展很快,逐渐成为机械加工的主导机床。(1)用数控机床加工可以获得很好的加工精度,加工质量稳定数控机床的传动件,特别是滚珠丝杠精度很高。装配时消除了传动间隙,并采用了提高刚度的措施,因而传动精度很高。机床导轨采用滚动导轨或粘接有摩擦系数很小的合成塑料,因而减小了摩擦阻力,消除了低速爬行。闭环、半闭环伺服系统,装有精度很高的位置检测装置元件,并随时把位置误差反馈给计算机,使之能够及时进行误差校正。因而使数控机床获得很高的加工精度。数控机床的一切操作都是由程序支配的,若电控系统稳定可靠,它的工作是很可靠的,与手工操作相比,数控机床没有人为干扰,因而加工质量稳定。(2)具有较高的生产效率在数控机床上使用的刀具通常是不重磨装夹式道具,具有很硬的表面涂层,因而切削速度较高。采用对刀仪进行对刀,加工中心的刀库有足够数量的刀具,自动换刀的速度很快,空行程的速度在15m/min以上,有些达到了240m/min,因而辅助时间很短。与普通机床相比,数控机床的生产效率可提高23倍,有些可达到几十倍。(3)功能多许多数控机床具有很多加工功能,在一台机床上可以进行钻孔、镗孔、铣平面、铣槽、铣凸轮曲线及各种轮廓线,甚至刻字。除装卡面可对六面体的五个面进行加工,有时还能对与坐标平面成一定角度的平面加工。在一次装卡下完成各种加工,可以消除因重复装卡带来的误差。也减少了测量和装卡的辅助时间。(4)对不同零件的适应性强在同一台数控机床上可适应不同品种及尺寸规格的零件进行加工,只要更换加工程序,就可改变加工零件的品种。(5)能够完成普通机床不能完成的复杂表面加工有些空间曲面,例如螺旋浆表面,五坐标联动数控机床加工,使之性能大为改进;数控仿形应用范围更广,具有重复应用、镜像加工功能。(6)数控机床可大大减轻工人的劳动强度,并有较高的经济效益。任何事物都有其二重性,数控机床也不是没有缺点,主要是有以下几方面:1)价格昂贵,一次投资较大。2)维修和操作比较复杂 要求具有较高技术水平和文化程度的工人和维修人员进行操作和维修。数控机床是科学技术发展的结果。高技术产品,一定要求有较高技术水平的人才操作和维修,因而如果说这是一条缺点的话,还不如说它对人们文化技术水平的提高的一种促进。数控机床适用于多品种中、小批量生产;形状比较复杂、精度要求较高的零件加工;产品更新频繁、生产周期要求短的加工;用数控机床可以组成自动化车间和自动化工厂(FA),目前应用较多的是组成柔性自动化生产线(FML)、柔性制造单元(FMC)和柔性制造系统(FMS)。 数控机床的分类目前,数控机床品种齐全,规格繁多,可从不同角度和按照多种原则进行分类。 按工艺用途分类(1)金属切削类数控机床这类机床和传统的通用机床品种一样,有数控车床、数控铣床、数控钻床、数控磨床、数控镗床以及加工中心等。加工中心是带有自动换刀装置,在一次装卡后可以进行多种工序加工的数控机床。(2)金属成型类数控机床如数控折弯机、数控弯管机、数控回转头压力机等。(3)数控特种加工及其他类型数控机床如数控线切割机床、数控电火花加工机床、数控激光切割机床、数控火焰切割机床等。立式加工中心:是指主轴轴线与工作台垂直设置的加工中心,主要适用于加工板类、盘类、模具及小型壳体类复杂零件。立式加工中心能完成铣、镗削、钻削、攻螺纹和用切削螺纹等工序。立式加工中心最少是三轴二联动,一般可实现三轴三联动。有的可进行五轴、六轴控制。立式加工中心立柱高度是有限的,对箱体类工件加工范围要减少,这是立式加工中心的缺点。但立式加工中心工件装夹、定位方便;刃具运动轨迹易观察,调试程序检查测量方便,可及时发现问题,进行停机处理或修改;冷却条件易建立,切削液能直接到达刀具和加工表面;三个坐标轴与笛卡儿坐标系吻合,感觉直观与图样视角一致,切屑易排除和掉落,避免划伤加工过的表面。与相应的卧式加工中心相比,结构简单,占地面积较小,价格较低。加工中心是一种在计算机控制下带有自动换刀系统的能完成多工序复合加工的自动化机床,并正向高速高效、高精度、模块化、网络化和复合化方向发展。由于加工中心是典型的集高新技术于一体的机械加工设备,其生产效率高、柔性好、一机多用和易于加工复杂的曲线、曲面零件等特点,早已成为工业发达国家军民机械工业的主力加工设备。 一个国家的加工中心拥有量、消费量及总体技术水平与这个国家机械工业的加工制造技术水平息息相关。我国的加工中心从70年代开始,已有很大发展,但技术、品种和数量上都还远远不能适应我国的经济、技术发展的需要。进入21世纪以后,中国加工中心的消费量随着军民机械工业的大规模技术改造而迅速增长,如2001年中国加工中心的消费量仅为2662台(其中进口2290台),而同年美国、日本和德国的加工中心消费量分别为11505、6090和5291台。到了2005年,中国加工中心的消费量猛增至约13200台(估计值,加工中心的产量数据未公布),其中进口10343台。2005年加工中心的消费量是2001年的4.96倍,年均增幅达49.2%,一举超过美、日、德诸国,成为世界上消费加工中心最多的国家。 根据机械工人杂志社等单位的调查,从近600份重点用户的有效问卷中得出的结果是,加工中心机床的应用已遍及全国26个行业,其中汽车、摩托车及其零部件制造业占24%,航空航天和军工行业占18%,机床工具业占11%,模具行业占8%,轻工机械行业占4%。在这些企业拥有的加工中心中,虽然普及型的立式和卧式加工中心仍占多数,但多轴联动、高速、大型精密等高档加工中心也占有一定比重,如在所调查的近600户用户中,拥有5轴联动加工中心的占24%。说明中国市场消费的加工中心虽然以普及型的中档机为主,但高档机在消费量中所占比重估计已达15%至20%。 中国消费的加工中心大部分依靠进口(2005年进口量占消费量的七成多),进口金额12.97亿美元,居各类机床进口额之首,主要从日本、中国台湾、德国和韩国等地进口。2006年上半年,中国进口加工中心5511台,金额6.88亿美元,同比分别增长20%和11%,仍保持两位数增长,说明中国加工中心市场的规模还有增长空间。装备工业的技术水平和现代化程度决定着整个国民经济的水平和现代化程度,数控技术及装备是发展新兴高新技术产业和尖端工业(如信息技术及其产业,生物技术及其产业航空,航天等国防工业产业)的使能技术和最基本的装备,克思曾经说过各种经济时代的区别,不在于生产什而在于怎样生产,用什么劳动资料生产制造技术和装备就是人类生产活动的最基本的生产资料,而数控技术又是当今先进制造技术和装备最为核心的技术。今以提高制造能力和水平,提高对动态多变市场的适应世界各国制造业广泛采用数控技术,此外,世界上各工业发达国家还将数控技术及数控装备列为国家的战略物资,不仅采取重大措施来发展自己的数控技术及其产业,而且在高精尖数控关键技术和装备方面对我国实行封锁和限制政策。总之,大力发展以数控技术为核心的先进制造技术已成为世界各发达国家加速经济发展,提高综合国力和国家地位的重要途径。数控技术是用数字信息对机械运动和工作过程进行控制的技术,数控装备是以数控技术为代表的新技术对传统制造产业和新兴制造业的渗透形成的机电一体化产品,即所谓的数字化装备,其技术范围覆盖很多领域:(1)机械制造技术;(2)信息处理,加工,传输技术;(3)自动控制技术;(4)伺服驱动技术;(5)传感器技术;(6)软件技术等。数控技术的发展趋势数控技术的应用不但给传统制造业带来了革命性的变化,使制造业成为工业化的象征,而且,随着数控技术的不断发展和应用领域的扩大,他对国计民生的一些重要行业(IT,汽车,轻工,医疗等)的发展起着越来越重要的作用,因为这些行业所需装备的数字化已是现代发展的大趋势。我国数控技术起步于1958年,近50年的发展历程大致可分为3个阶段:第一阶段从1958年到1979年,即封闭式发展阶段。在此阶段,由于国外的技术封锁和我国的基础条件数控技术的发展较为缓。第二阶段是在国家的六五,七五期间以及八五的前期限制,即引进技术,消化吸收,初步建立起国产化体系阶段。在此阶段,由于改革开放和国家的重视以及研究开发环境和国际环境的改善。我国数控技术的研究开发以及在产品的国产化方面都取得了长足的进步。第三阶段是在国家的八五的后期和九五期间,即实施产业化的研究,进入市场竞争阶段。在此阶段,我国国产数控装备的产业化取得了实质性进步。九五末期,国产数控机床的国内市场占有率达50%配国产数控系统(普及型)也达到了10%。纵观我国数控技术近50年的发展历程,特别是经过4个5年计划的攻关,总体来看取得了以下成绩。奠定了数控技术发展的基础,基本掌握了现代数控技术。国现在已基本掌握了从数控系统,伺服驱动,数控主机,专机及其配套件的基础技术。其中大部分技术已具备进行商品化开发的基础,部分技术已商品化,产业化。 b.初步形成了数控产业基地,在攻关成果和部分技术商品化的基础上。建立了诸如华中数控,航天数控等具有批量生产能力的数控系统生产厂,华中数控等一批伺服系统和伺服电机生产厂以及北京第一机床厂,济南第一机床厂等若干数控主机生产厂。这些生产厂基本形成了我国的数控产业基地。c.建立了一支数控研究,开发,管理人才的基本队伍。然在数控技术的研究开发以及产业化方面取得了长足的进步,但我们也要清醒地认识到,我国高端数控技术的研究开发。尤其是在产业化方面的技术水平现状与我国的现实需求还有较大的差距。虽然从纵向看我国的发展速度很快,但横向比(与国外对比)不仅技术水平有差距, 在某些方面发展速度也有差距,即一些高精尖的数控装备的技术水平差距有扩大趋势。国际上来看,对我国数控技术水平和产业化水平估计大致如下。a.技术水平上,与国外先进水平大约落后1015 年,在高精尖技术方面则更大。b.产业化水平上,市场占有率低,品种覆盖率小,还没有形成规模生产,功能部件专业化 生产水平及成套能力较低;外观质量相对差;可靠性不高;商品化程度不足;国产数控系统尚未建立自己的品牌效应,用户信心不足。c.可持续发展的能力上,对竞争前数控技术的研究开发,工程化能力较弱; 数控技术应用领域拓展力度不强;相关标准规范的研究,制定滞后,析存在上述差距的主要原因有以下几个方面,a.认识方面.对国产数控产业进程艰巨性,复杂性和长期性的特点认识不足;对市场的不规范,国外的封锁加扼杀体制等困难估计不足;对我国数控技术应用水平及能力分析不够。b.体系方面,从技术的角度关注数控产业化问题的时候多,从系统的产业链的角度综合考虑数控产业化问题的时候少;没有建立完整的高质量的配套体系,完善的培训,服务网络等支撑体系。c.机制方面 不良机制造成人才流失,又制约了技术及技术路线创新,产品创新,且制约了规划的有效实施,往往规划理想,实施困难。d.技术方面,企业在技术方面自主创新能力不强,核心技术的工程化能力不强,床标准落后,水平较低,数控系统新标准研究不够。对我国数控技术和产业化发展的战略思考:(1)战略考虑 我国是制造大国,在世界产业转移中要尽量接受前端而不是后端的转移,即要掌握先进制造核心技术,否则在新一轮国际产业结构调整中,我国制造业将进一步空芯。我们以资源,环境,市场为代价交换得到的可能仅仅是世界新经济格局中的国际加工中心和组装中心,而非掌握核心技术的制造中心的地位,这样将会严重影响我国现代制造业的发展进程。首先从社会安全看,因为制造我们应站在国家安全战略的高度来重视数控技术和产业问题数控,业是我国就业人口最多的行业,制造业发展不仅可提高人民的生活水平,而且还可缓解我国就业的压力保障社会的稳定;其次从国防安全看,西方发达国家把高精尖数控产品都列为国家的战略物质对我国实现禁运和限制,东芝事件和考克斯报告就是最好的例证。(2)发展策略 从我国基本国情的角度出发, 以国家的战略需求和国民经济的市场需求为导向,以提高我国制造装备业综合竞争能力和产业化水平为目标,用系统的方法,选择能够主导21世纪初期我国制造装备业发展升级的关键技术以及支持产业化发展的支撑技术,配套技术作为研究开发的内容实现制造装备业的跨跃式发展。强调市场需求为导向,即以终端数控产品为主,以整机(如量大面广的数控车床,铣床,高速高精高性能数控机床,重点行业关键设备等)带动数控产业的发展,重解决数控系统和相关功能部件(数字化伺服系统与电机,高速电主轴系统和新型装备的附件等)的可靠性和生产规模问题。没有规模就不会有高可靠性的产品;没有规模就不会有价格低廉而富有竞争力的产品;当然没有规模中国的数控装备最终难以有出头之日。在高精尖装备研发方面,要强调产学研以及最终用户的紧密结合,以做得出,用得上,卖得掉为目标,按国家意志实施攻关,以解决国家之急需。在竞争前数控技术方面,强调创新,强调研究开发具有自主知识产权的技术和产品,为我国数控产业,装备制造业乃至整个制造业的可持续发展奠定基础。Machining centers CNC technologyMachining center is a typical set of high-tech machining equipment in one, its development represents a countrys level of design and manufacture greatly improved labor productivity, reduce labor costs, improved working environment and reduce the labor of workers strength. This movement through the different programs and the design of various components of qualitative analysis and comparison of vertical machining centers to determine the progress of education to drive the program are: fixed-bed body, spindle seat installed by installing the sliding seat rail bed , use rolling guide rail bed can be achieved to the movement into the Y direction. Precision CNC XY table by a two-way drive to complete the workpiece X, Y two directions into a movement; X, Y, Z three directions of movement are ball screw feed, driven by AC servo motor. Guides, ball screws with the corresponding lubrication, protection and other devices.Processing center ( English abbreviate is CNC called Computerized Numerical Control ): is the library with a knife and automatic tool changer of a highly automated multi function numerical control machine tool. In China, Hongkong, Taiwan and Guangdong generation also has many people call it the computer gongs.Workpiece in machining center by a clamping, digital control system can control the machine tool according to different process, automatic selection and replacement of tools, automatically change the spindle speed, feed rate and cutting tool relative to the workpiece movement track and other auxiliary functions, followed by the completion of several surface workpiece multiple processing procedures. And there are a variety of changing knife or blade selection function, thereby greatly improving the production efficiency.Machining center CNC machine tool is provided with a computer numerical control system of machine tools, CNC system capable of processing procedures, control machine tools to complete a variety of actions. Compared with the general machine tools, CNC machine tools to complete the plane curve and space curve surface machining, the machining precision and the production efficiency is relatively high, so it has been widely applied.The composition of CNC machine toolsIn general, numerical control machine tool is composed of a mechanical part, a digital control computer, servo system, PC control part, hydraulic pressure drive system, cooling and lubrication and discharge device. CNC machine tool is controlled by a program, part of the programming work is the important part of NC machine tool. Servo system of CNC machine tool is driven in part, computer output control command is generated by the servo system coordinate movement. Ordinary vertical machining center with three servo motors to respectively drive workbench, longitudinal, transverse worktable, spindle box along the X direction, Y, Z to exercise. X, Y, Z are mutually vertical coordinate axis, so when the machine three coordinate linkage can machining space curved surface. And for the five axis linkage CNC machine, is a B axis and C axis. The Y axis of rotation of the shaft as the axis B, Z axis of rotation of the shaft as the C axis.The processing of CNC machine tools motionMachining by cutting the main movement and feed motor complete, control the main movement can be a reasonable speed, to control the feed can obtain all kinds of different machining surface. CNC machine tool coordinate motion is motion, for the three coordinate NC machine tool, the coordinates of the direction of movement is usually perpendicular to each other, whereby the respective along the Cartesian coordinates X, Y, Z axis positive and negative direction. How to control the moving coordinate system to complete different kinds of spatial curved surface processing is the main task of digital control. As we all know, in the three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates, space any point can be used X, Y, Z coordinate values to indicate, to a space curve can also use the three-dimensional coordinate function to express. How to control the axis of movement to finish machining of curved surface? Now to introduce it.Curved surface cutting tool moving trajectory and theoretic curves do not coincide, but an approximation line. Due to various interpolation formula is different, the approximation of the line are also different, usually has the following several calculation methods: point by point comparison method, integration method and time division method.The advantages, disadvantages of NC machine toolCNC machine tool has many advantages, it is developing very quickly, become the dominant machine machining.( 1) machining with NC machine tool can achieve good accuracy, stable processing qualityCNC machine tool transmission parts, particularly a ball screw with high precision. The assembly eliminates the transmission gap, and the use of improved stiffness measures, so the transmission precision is very high. Machine tool use rolling guide rail or bonded with the friction coefficient is small synthetic plastic, thus reducing the friction force, elimination of slow speed creeping. Loop, loop servo system, with high accuracy position detection device, and at any time to position error feedback to the computer, which can timely error correction. Thus the CNC machine tools to obtain high precision. CNC machine tools of all operations are performed by program control, if the control system is stable and reliable, it is very reliable, and the manual operation, numerical control machine tool without human interference, and stable processing quality.( 2) has a high production efficiencyIn the NC machine tool is usually not heavy grinding clamping type props, with hard surface coating, so the high cutting speed. Using a tool for cutting, machining center knife with a sufficient number of cutter, automatic tool change speed is very quick, air travel speed is in 15m/min above, some reached 240m/min, so the auxiliary time is short.Compared with the general machine tools, CNC machine tool production efficiency can be increased by 23 times, some can reach several tens of times.( 3) multiple functionsMany numerical control machine tool has many processing functions, on one machine can be boring, boring, milling, slot milling, milling plane cam curves and contours, and lettering. In addition to clamping surface of the hexahedron five surface processing, sometimes also with the coordinate plane angled plane processing. Installed in a card to complete a variety of processing, can be eliminated by the repeated clamping errors. Also reduces the measuring and clamping auxiliary time.( 4) in different parts of adaptabilityIn the same units of CNC machine tools can be adapted to different types and sizes of the parts processing, as long as the replacement of the processing procedures, can change the processing parts varieties.( 5) to complete the common machine tool can not complete the complex surface processingSome of the space curved surface, such as a screw surface, five coordinate NC machine tool processing, so that the performance is greatly improved; NC copying a broader range of applications, with repeated application, image processing function.( 6) CNC machine tools can greatly reduce the labor intensity of workers, and has higher economic benefit.Everything has its duality, CNC machine tools is not without drawbacks, mainly has the following several aspects:1) high price, a large investment.2) repair and operate more complicated requirements with high technical level and cultural level of the workers and staff in operation and repair repair. NC machine tool is the development of science and technology results. High technology products, certain requirements of high technology talent operation and repair, and if it is a weakness, still be inferior to saying it to people culture to improve the technology level of a promotion.CNC machine tool is applicable to many varieties, small batch production; the more complex shapes, high precision parts processing; frequent update of the products, the production cycle short processing; NC machine tool can be composed with automation workshop and factory automation ( FA ), the more is composed of flexible automation production line ( FML ), flexible manufacturing unit ( FMC ) and flexible manufacturing system ( FMS ).CNC machine tool classificationAt present, CNC machine tools complete varieties, many specifications, but from different angles and in various principles of classification.According to the technological purpose classification( 1) metal cutting type NC machine tool of this kind of machine tool and the traditional general breed of machine tool, CNC lathes, CNC milling machine, CNC drilling machine, CNC grinding machines, CNC boring machine and machining center. Machining centers with automatic tool changer, installed in a card can be a variety of processes of CNC machine tools.( 2) metal molding CNC machines such as CNC bending machine, CNC bending machine, CNC turret press.( 3) NC machining and other types of CNC machines such as CNC wire cutting machine, CNC EDM machine, CNC laser cutting machine, CNC flame cutting machine.Vertical machining center: refers to the spindle axis and a worktable arranged vertically processing center, is mainly suitable for processing board type, disc type, mold and small housing complex parts. Vertical machining center can finish milling, boring, drilling, tapping and using thread cutting process. Vertical machining center is at least three two axis, the general can achieve three three axis. Some five axes, six axis control. Vertical machining center column height is limited, to a case-body-like workpiece processing to be reduced, this is a vertical machining center. But the vertical machining center the workpiece clamping, convenient location; cutting tool trajectory easy observation, convenient debugging program check measurement, can discover a problem in time, is shut down or modified; cooling condition easy to establish, cutting fluid can directly reach the tool and machining surface; a three coordinate axis and Cartesian coordinates anastomosis, intuitional sense and pattern from the perspective of consistent, chip easy removal and fall, to avoid scratching the processed surface. And the corresponding horizontal machining center, and has the advantages of simple structure, small occupied area, low price.Machining center is a under the control of the computer with automatic tool changing system can complete multiple process composite processing automation machine tool, and a forward high speed, high precision, modularization, network and complex of the direction of development. The machining center is a typical set of high-tech in one of the mechanical processing equipment, its high production efficiency, good flexibility, the use of a machine and is easy to process the complex curve, surface features, has become the industry developed countries the main processing equipment and machinery industry. A national processing center has quantity, consumption and overall technical level and the national machinery industry manufacturing technology level is closely related to. Chinas processing center begins from 70 time, already had very great progress, but the technology, variety and quantity are not adapted to the economy of our country, the needs of technology development. Enter after twenty-first Century, Chinese processing center consumption with the military and civilian machinery industry large-scale technical reformation and rapid growth, such as the 2001 China machining center consumption was only 2662 (of which imports 2290 ), and the same year the United States, Japan and German machining center consumption respectively 11505, 6090 and 5291. By 2005, China processing center consumption soared to about 13200 ( estimates, machining center output data not released), which imports 10343. In 2005 the processing center consumption is 4.96 times that of 2001, year all amplitude is amounted to 49.2%, in one fell swoop over the United States, Japan, Germany and countries, to become the world most the country consumption processing center.According to the machinist magazine and other units of the survey, from nearly 600 copies on the users effective questionnaire results, machining center application has been throughout the 26 industries, including automobiles, motorcycles and spare parts manufacturing industry accounted for 24%, aerospace and military industry accounted for 18%, accounting for 11% of machine tool industry, the mold industry accounted for 8%, light industry machinery industry accounted for 4%. In these enterprises have the processing center, although the popular type of vertical and horizontal machining centers still accounted for the majority, but the multi-axis, high speed, large precision and other high-end machining centers also occupy a certain proportion, such as in a survey of nearly 600 users, with 5 axis machining center 24%. Description of Chinese consumption market of machining center although popular mid-range machine, but high-grade machine in consumption pr


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