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SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT OFRUSSIAN MAZUT M100, GOST 10585-75俄罗斯产MAZUT M100, GOST 10585-75销售采购协议书Contract number: MAZUT M100/GPEL/RA/XXXXXXXXXXXXXThis agreement is made on this day of Augustxxth,2008and entered into by and between:本合同于2008年08月xx日买卖双方签署如下:THE SELLER卖方:CELEBRATE PETROLEUM ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.A Company organized, and existing under the laws of TaiwanRegisteredAddress:317 Jong Jeng Road,Keelung,Taiwan商业注册地址Phone No:+886-2-2788-6808Fax:+886-2-2788-0918E-mail 电子:celebra Represented by代表人:Hsieh Wu-Teo as its RepresentativeAndTHE BUYER 买方: Registered Address:商业注册地址Phone No:+86-Fax No:+86-E-mail 电子:Represented by代表人:as its General ManagerWHEREAS, the Parties mutually desire to execute this Contract which shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties, their legal representatives, Successors and Assignees, in accordance with the jurisdictional law of the negotiated and fully executed contract with terms and provisions hereunder agreed upon.充分地被同意执行的合同管辖权法律,符合合同期限和供应条件之下这个合同。WHEREAS, Seller and Buyer, under full corporate or trust authority and responsibility, respectively represent to each other on the date hereof that the SELLER is the lawful owner of the commodity, in the quantity and quality hereunder specified, and the BUYER has the full capability to purchase the said commodity.鉴于,买卖双方希望执行这个有约束力与对双方有利的合同,他们的法律代表,继承者和代理人,在谈判的能充鉴于,卖方和买方,在有充分的由公司或信任权限和责任之下,各自地代表互相在此日期,卖主是商品的合法的所有者,具有被指定的数量和质量,并且买家有充分的能力购买前述商品。DEFINITIONS定义WHEREAS the parties mutually accept to refer to the General Terms and Definitions, as set out by the INCOTERMS Edition 2000 with latest amendments, having the following terminology fully understood and accepted:鉴于双方接受INCOTERMS 2000版本与最新修订版中的总条款和定义,并充分理解和接受下列的专有术语。US Barrel 美制桶:Is the unit of volume measured at temperature of 60 degree Fahrenheitand equal to 42 US Gallon.等于42美制加仑,乃60度华氏温度下所测之体积Metric Ton 公吨:One Metric ton is equivalent to one thousand kilogram mass (1,000kg) or one thousand one hundred and eighty liters volume (1,180 Liters)一公吨等于一千公斤(1,000公斤)或一千一百八十公升(1,180公升)Commodity货物:RUSSIAN MAZUT M100, GOST10585-75. Its Specifications as Per ANNEX-A, elsewhere in this agreement also refer to as Product which Specifications are detailed in the ANNEX-A, Which is an integral part of the agreement.俄罗斯产MAZUT M100, GOST 10585-75。在本合同中也称做产品,其技术指标见附件A。附件A是本合同不可分割的一部分。Origin 原产地:FEDERATION OF RUSSIA俄罗斯联邦Day 日:Means a calendar day, unless differently specified.以日历上的天数计算,除非另有说明。Banking Day 银行日: Means any day banks are open for business in China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, United Kingdom, Switzerland and the United States.指中国、马来西亚、英国、瑞士以与美国之银行营业日。Month 月:Means a Gregorian calendar month公历的月份Calendar Quarter 季度:Period of three (3) consecutive months commencing on the January 1st, April 1st, July 1st or October 1st.连续的三个月,以一月一日、四月一日、七月一日、十月一日开始。ASTM美国材料实验协会:American Society for Testing and Materials is the institute internationally Recognized that approves all Standards, Tests and procedures used in the Oil Industry and to be referred in this agreement to the latest revised edition with amendments in force to date.本协议遵守由国际公认的美国材料测试协会批准的石油工业测试标准和方法与其最新的修订版本。Out-turn 产量:The quantity and quality of the product ascertained by the International Independent Laboratory at the loading port, according to the ASTM procedures, on completion of the loading operations. The so determined out-turn quantity and quality is the basis on which the amount will be computed for the payment of the product effectively delivered to the Buyer.产品的数量和质量在装货港在装货完成后按照ASTM的方法进行确认。此装货数量和质量是买方货物计算付款的基础。Bill of Lading 运单:Is the official document, issued at the load port after completion of the loading operations, stating the ships loaded quantity expressed in Cubic Meters (Cub. Meters) and/or Metric Tons (MT) expressed as per the above definitions. This document has to be signed in original by the ships Master and made out in accordance with the instruction hereinafter specified in this agreement.是一份正式的文件,在装货港装货完毕后发出并用上述定义的立方米或公吨表明数量。本文件应是由船长签字的按照本合同决议签发的,收据的原件。CIF: Cost, Insurance, Freight as defined on INCOTERMS 2000.如INCOTERMS 2000所定义之货款、保险费与运费。Discharge Port卸货港:Any Safe World Port (ASWP) excluding some parts of Africa designated by the BUYER as final delivery destination.世界上任何安全的港口,不包括由买方最终指定的一些非洲港口。Platts 牌价:Platts McGraw Hill, London is the internationally recognized and accepted organization, which publishes Platts European Marketscan official market scans of Petroleum products Mediterranean on daily basis.国际公认和接受的组织,出版反映地中海石油产品每日行情动态的Platts European Marketscan。Market Disruption:Means that市场中断指下述情况(a) Platts fails to announce / publish information necessary for determining the price index;Platts没有通知或发表确定价格指数的必要信息;(b) The failure of trading to commence or permanent Discontinuation or material suspension of trading in the relevant commodity or market acting as the price index;开始或永久的贸易中断,或贸易和相关的材料中断或根据价格指数的市场中断;(c) The temporary or permanent or discontinuance or unavailability of the price index;暂时或永久或不连续或没有提供价格指数;(d) The temporary or permanent closing of any exchange acting as the price index; or暂时或永久的停止价格指数的交换;或(e) A material change in the formula for or the method of determining the price index.材料变化方程式中确定价格指数。Surveyor 检测机构: SGS-Societe Generale de Surveillance orany internationally recognized independent laboratory. SGS或国际认可独立检测机构。Clause 1. SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT条款1.合同围1.1 The Sellerwill sell and the Buyerwill buy, C.I.F. discharge port, the Commodity herein specified, having a minimum Guaranteed Specifications as per the Russian GOST official Standard and delivered in uniform lots during the term of this Contract.Upon execution and delivery of this Contract, the Parties shall also execute and deliver the Non-Circumvention, Non-Disclosure Working Agreement (NCND) attached hereto as Annex-I.买方购买卖方出售以CIF价格基础成交的本协议规定的商品。在本合同中其最低的技术指标为俄罗斯GOST官方标准并按统一数量发货。经执行和交付本合同的,有关各方也应执行和履行非规避,不披露工作的协议,如后面所附上之附件I。Clause 2. COMMODITY条款2.商品2.1 RUSSIAN MAZUT M100, GOST 10585-75 Specifications, as per ANNEX-A and having the contractual minimum Guaranteed Specifications As per the Russian GOST official Standard herewith attached as an Integral Part of this Contract.俄罗斯MAZUT M100, GOST 10585 75,其技术指标见附件A。按照俄罗斯GOST官方标准,附件A是约定商品的最低指标并是本合同不可分割的一部分。Clause 3. QUANTITY条款3. 数量3.1 The Total contractual quantity of The Commodity sold and purchased under this Contract is 2,400,000(Two Million Four Hundred Thousand) metric tons delivered during the twelve (12) consecutive calendar months following the effective date of this Contract.第一单每月五万吨一船;第一船货物到港经CIQ商检合格后签订第二单,第二单每月五万吨一船;第二单第一船到港经CIQ商检合格后签订第三单,第三单每月十万吨,分二船装运,每船五万吨.本合同约定下的买卖商品数量为合同生效后的连续12个月发2,400,000(两百四十万)吨。3.2 Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties in writing, in each month during the term,200,000 (Two Hundred Thousand) metric tons with a variation of plus and minus 5% (five percent) at SELLERs option will be delivered pursuant to Clause 4 of this Contract.A tentativeDelivery Schedule is attached as per ANNEX-B. This monthly supply will be repeated for twelve (12) consecutive months.Shipments for each month shall be referred to herein as a Monthly Lot.除非双方书面同意另议之外,根据本合同条款4并依卖方的供货计划情况,每月发货量为20万吨,正负为+/-5%,暂行之交货时程表如附件B,每月发货的数量连续重复12个月。对每月发货量,后称每月量。3.3 This Contract to supply the Commodity is allocated in the Contract number: M100/GPEL/RA/XXXXXXXXXX and the validity of the allocation is subject to the acceptance of the Buyers banking instruments by the Sellers nominated bank.供货合同配货的合同是:M100/GPEL/RA/XXXXXXXX其配货指令的有效期是根据卖方指定银行确认接受买方银行的文件。3.4 The actual quantity of each shipment of the Commodity shall be assessed by the Surveyor at the loading terminal on completion of each loading and at the discharging terminal on completion of each unloading operations, on the basis of shore and ship figures, or as otherwise stipulated by Clause 9.1 of this Contract. This assessed quantity shall be used for computing the amount to be paid by the Buyer to the Seller.每批发货的实际数量由国际认可独立检测机构在装货港装货后,在卸货港经CIQ商检卸货完毕URDG458Clause 4. DELIVERY条款4.交货4.1 All deliveries of the Commodity shall be CIF Discharge Port. Title to and risk of loss of the Commodity shall pass from Seller to the Buyer upon discharge of the Commodity at the DischargePort.凡商品之交付,应以卸货港之到岸价格为基准。于卸货港卸货时,商品之处分和损失风险,即由卖方转移至买方承担。4.1.1 The first shipment of Commodity shall be loaded on the vessel at the Loading terminal nominated by the Seller within forty five (45) days from the date of Positive Verification, Authentication, and Validation of thePayment Instrument (Blocked Funds Letter) as per Clause 8.5 below.当买家依条款8.5所交付之付款文件(资金锁定书)经卖方审核无误、鉴定为真且仍在有效期时,第一批商品,应在45天送到于卖买方所指定的卸货目的港装货港装船出货。4.1.2 The term of this Contract shall commence on the date of confirmation and acceptance of the Buyers Blocked Funds Letteras per Clause 8.5 below. This Contract shall expire automatically upon the complete performance by both parties of their respective obligations under this Contract. Upon mutual consent of the parties, the term of this Contract may be extended to provide for the sale and purchase of up to sixty (60) additional Monthly Lots.本合同之各日程,乃自买家依条款8.5所交付之付款文件资金锁定书经确认并被接受之该日起算;当双方已恪尽其在合同所载之各自义务时,本合同立即自动失效。若经两造同意,则本合同得以扩大至60个月之月货量,以供双方销售与购买该商品。4.1.3 The date of delivery shall be the date of inspection by the Surveyor at the DischargePort. Seller shall ensure that the Commodity Manifest is issued in accordance with good standard practice followed at the Loading Terminal at the time of loading the Commodity and that the Commodity Manifest is forthwith delivered to the Buyer. Save for fraud or manifest error, the said Commodity Manifest shall be conclusive and binding on both Parties. The figures of the certificate of quantity as stated in such Commodity Manifest and confirmed by the Surveyor at the unloading terminal shall be used by Seller in the preparation of invoices and the Buyer shall be obliged to pay the invoiced amount based on such figures.交货日期乃以检测单位在卸货港检测之日为基准。卖方应按照良好的标准做法,确认货品清单所载容是否与在装货港装货时相符,继而将此清单交予买方。为减少造假或是误植,此货品清单需对两造皆具效力与约束力。货品清单上关于数量证明之数据以与检测单位在卸货港所作之确认,应由卖方在编制发票时一并检具,而买方当依清单上之容按照CIQ检验按发票所载之数量作为付款依据。4.2 In accordance with the provisions of Clause 3 or as otherwise agree the Seller and the Buyer; the monthly quantity shall be delivered hereunder in the shipment of minimum 50,000 (Fifty Thousand) MT to satisfy the Monthly Lot requirement.按照条款3或双方另外同意,每月每船的数量至少为5万吨以满足月货量的要求。4.3 The Seller to notify the Buyer of the chartered ships particulars (general dimensions, cargo system arrangement, maximum unloading capacity rate, cargo tanks capacity at 98% full, manifold sizes and reducers available onboard). The Seller must provide the information to the Buyer at least three (3) international banking days prior to the nomination of ships. The Buyer must accept the Sellers nominated ships and such acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld.卖方通知买方所租船舶的特点(总尺寸、货轮系统协议、最大卸货率、货轮98%仓载能力、多种尺寸和船上可能的缩减器)。4.4 The Seller shall ensure timely arrival of the ships at the Discharge terminal in conformity with Clauses 3 & 4 of this Contract. At least thirty (30) days prior to arrival, Seller shall notify Buyer of the date of arrival at the DischargePort of each shipment of Commodity, within a three (3) day range.卖方应时时确认船舶能如合同之条款3与4所述与时抵达卸货码头。在货船抵达前至少三十( 30)天起,卖方应每三(3)天通知买方一次各批货抵达卸货港的日期。4.5 The ships shall in all respects meet port rules and regulations in term of seaworthiness, fire and common safety ballasting operations, and discharging rates. The chartered ship shall comply with the three (3) major Oil Companys requirements and shall be TOVALOP/PANDI registered. Subject to Clause 15, all damages caused by non-compliance with such rules and regulations shall be borne by Seller.货轮将全面按照港口的要求和海事规则中的适航性,火险和防爆与卸货率的要求操作。特许船舶应遵守与三( 3)主要油公司的要求,并应有TOVALOP / PANDI 注册。根据条款15,所有因未循上述法规与规定而造成的损失,将由卖方负责。4.6 Transshipment is not allowed and partial shipment is allowed.允许分运,不允许转运。4.7 SAFE BERTH AND UTILIZATION安全泊位和使用4.7.1 Buyer shall provide or cause to be provided, free of charge, a berth or berths at the Discharge Port where the ship can safely reach and leave and at which can lie and unload always safely afloat.买方将免费提供可供货轮安全停靠和卸货的泊位。4.7.2 For the unloading of each ship hereunder, Buyer shall provide free of charge a discharge berth for nominated ship with sufficient depth to allow the ship when fully laden to proceed thereto, lie thereat, discharge the products and depart from, always safely afloat.对于每船的卸货,买方将免费为指定的货轮提供卸货泊位。该泊位对货轮具有足够的水深,以便满载的货轮安全进入、卸货和离开。4.7.3 Buyer may require a ship to shift berth, in which case the risks of liability (including environmental pollution) and costs of shifting berth shall be for the account of Buyer and the shifting time shall be counted as used lay time.买方可以要求货轮转移泊位,但转移的风险和产生的费用将由买方承担(包含环境污染),转移所用时间将计入卸货时间中。4.7.4 Unless otherwise specifically agreed, lightering shall not be permitted. Any lightering shall be at the sole expense of Buyer and Buyer shall assume all risks of liability, including, but not limited to, environmental pollution. All time used in such lightering together with any consequentialdelay, shall count as used lay time, or if the ship is on demurrage, as time in demurrage, as provided by the Seller.禁止驳运,除非双方另有特别约定。任何驳运的费用将有买方承担,买方还应承担驳运产生的所有风险,如环境污染。驳运所用的时间连同任何延时将记入使用的布置时间(LAYTIME),或在货轮逾期到达情况下产生的卸货预期,相应的逾期费由卖方承担。4.7.5 Seller warrants that ship shall comply with all applicable rules, regulation and direction of Governmental, local authorities, of the Loading terminal and of the unloading terminal.卖方保证,货轮在装货港和卸货港将遵守所有当地法律,政府颁布的规定和规则。4.7.6 Buyer shall arrange to have ship discharge as expeditiously as possible. Buyer shall at its own expense provide or cause to be provided all necessary flexible hoses, connection, pipelines, tank facilities and any other equipment or facilities necessary for the safe efficient discharge of the Products from the ship.买方将尽快的卸货。买方将免费提供软管、接头、管线、储油设施与其它从货轮安全卸货所必须的设备设施。Clause 5. QUALITY条款5.质量5.1 For the full duration of this Contract the Seller guarantees that the quality of the product sold and purchased will conform to the guaranteed MAZUT M100, GOST 10585-75 Specifications,as per ANNEX-A.在本合同执行期,卖方保证所买卖的产品规格与附件A标明的MAZUT M100, GOST 10585-75的技术指标一致。Clause 6. PRICE条款6.价格6.1 The agreed price between Seller and Buyer isFixed PriceUSDxxx.00per Metric Tons (United States Dollars $xxx.00 Only) C.I.F.DischargePort. If the port is changed, the Buyer must inform the Seller at least twenty-one (21) calendar days prior to loading.买卖双方同意的价格为CIF中国港口每吨固定价美元X百X拾X元整(USDxxx.00/吨)。如发生目的港变更,买方将至少提前21天通知卖方。6.2 由于国际油价变化起伏太大,每三个月双方协商调整价格.Clause 7. PAYMENT条款7.付款7.1 Payment - By way of Telegraphic Transfer (T/T).T/T payment will be madewithin five (5) Banking Days from date of discharge of shipment at DischargePort and upon presentation of the documents listed in Clause 7.7. This T/T payment shall be Guaranteed by an IRREVOCABLE, CONFIRMED, ASSIGNABLE, NON TRANSFERABLE, DIVISIBLE, NEGOTIABLE, CALLABLE, and UNCONDITIONAL BANK GUARANTEE (BG) as in ANNEX-H. Buyers Bank Guarantee must be confirmed through a prime 25 World Rated Bank.付款方式-以电汇(T/T)行之。在货物于卸货港卸货后,得凭出示条款7.7所载檔要求买方在五(5)个银行日完成T/T付款。这个T/T付款,须由一个如附件H所示之不可撤销的、保兑的、可分配的、不可转让的、可分割的、可押汇的、可赎回的且无条件的银行保函(BG)有条件循环的跟单信用证加以担保。买方的银行保函,必须经由世界排名前25大银行保兑。7.2 Face Value of the BANK GUARANTEE (BG)shall be sufficient to cover the amount in USD for a period of One (1) calendar months supply. This BG shall be from a Prime 25 World Rated Bank, and shall be posted on European Euroclear for verification.跟单信用证银行保函的面值以美金为单位,每一船一跟单,且须足以支付整个日历月交货量之货款。该银行保函必须经由世界排名前25大银行开立,而且必须贴于欧洲的欧洲结算系统以便进行核查。7.3 The BG is owned by the Buyers bank giving guarantee to the Sellers bank in regards to the contract and is an instrument to guarantee the Sellers bank that then Buyer will meet up with all their obligations with regard to credit line. The BG is also purposed to guarantee the due payment by T/T. In case buyer fails to make the T/T payment due, the BG shall be drawn down against the non performed payment and Seller will be entitled to the penalty provided in Clause 12. The BG will remain in the Sellers bank and 15 days before Maturity, it will be returned unencumbered.跟单信用证银行保函乃买方银行所有,针对合同相关容对卖方银行做出保证,同时亦对卖方银行保证买方在遵循义务方面的信贷额度。此信用证银行保函之另途乃保证电汇之支付。倘若买方无法完成电汇付款时,此信用证保函方被动用以支付到期未付款项,同时卖方有权依照条款12对买方进行罚则。此信用证保函将由卖方银行保管,直至到期日前之15天方予如数归还。7.4 Sellers invoice will be based on the Surveyors certificate of quantity at loading and unloading seaport.卖方会根据装货港CCIC和卸货港CIQ或独立国际公证机构所发出的证书以装货港和卸货港数量发出商业发票。7.5 All invoices shall be paid without offset, counterclaim or deduction at sight after completion of discharge, upon presentation of the document listed in Clause 7.7.卸货完成后,所有检具条款7.7列举文件之商业发票必许支付,不得扣抵、索赔或是坐地喊价。7.6 If payment due date falls on a day that is not a Banking Day, then payment shall be made on the next Banking Day.如果付款截止日期适逢银行假日,其付款应于银行恢复营业后第一个营业日缴付。7.7 Settlement for any shipment shall be made against presentation of the following documents:每次交货,凭以下文件结算之:7.7.1 Signed Commercial Invoice in triplicate covering the Commodity cost based on the weight/tonnage indicated in the Bill of Lading;根据提货单所载重量/吨数相对应之货款开立三份商业发票;7.7.2 Full set of 3/3 original and 4 non-negotiable copies Clean on Board, marine Bill of Lading, issued or endorsed to the order of Buyer, signed by Captain or shipping agent and indicating the following:全套3份正本提单和4套不可押汇之副本的Clean on Board干净船货海运单由卖方发出给买方可以背书生效,并由船长或海运代理人签名说明如下: Quantity in MT and/or Cubic Meter (M3).数量以公吨计算 和/或 立方米7.7.2.2 Port of Loading.装货港口7.7.2.3 Product descriptions: RUSSIAN MAZUT M100, GOST 10585-75, Specifications as per ANNEX-A.产品说明:俄国MAZUT M100, GOST 10585-75规格叙述如附件A所示。7.7.3 Certificate of Quality, issued or signed by the Surveyor at the port of loading, quality conformity to specifications, as per the RUSSIAN MAZUT M100, GOST 10585-75 stipulated in ANNEX-A hereto.质量证书,由装货港CCIC和卸货港CIQ或国际独立公证机构在装货港口发出,证实质量详细规格叙述所发出或签证的,如俄国MAZUT M100, GOST 10585-75,参见附件A。7.7.4 Certificate of Quantity, issued or signed by the Surveyor at the port of loading and unloading, indicating the quantity in metric tons and/or cubic meters.数量证书,由装货港CCIC和卸货港CIQ或国际独立公证机构在装货港和缷货港口发出文件,指示数量以公吨计算/或立方米。7.7.5 Certificate of Origin, issued or signed by the Chamber of Commerce or Customs Authorities, specifying the country of origin of the Commodity.产地来源证书,声明商品起源点国家,由所在地商会或海关当局发出或签署。7.7.6 Insurance Policy, issued by a first class marine insurance company covering 110% (One Hundred and Ten Percent) of the value of the Commodity.保险证书乃由一流的海事保险公司发出,涵盖商品110%的价值。7.7.7 Time Sheet, signed either by captain or local agent.时间表,由船长或本地代理人签署。7.7.8 Certificate of Cleanliness of Vessel tanks pumps and lines signed by inspector at the port of loading.船桶槽水泵和管线之清洁证书,由装货港之督察人员签署。7.7.9 Allege Report, confirming receipt of sealed Arbitration samples and all documents, excluding commercial invoice.宣示报告,确认收到密封仲裁样本与所有文件,但不包括商业发票。7.8 In the event of any difference between the total amount drawn from the established bank instrument and the amount corresponding to the total value of cargo effectively delivered as assessed at the unloading port, then such difference shall be carried over to the next consecutive shipment, free without cost to Buyer, otherwise deducted from the next month invoice to be payable by Buyers Bank, with full consent of the Seller.如果从银行文件列明的总金额和在卸货港实际卸货货物的总金额有所差别,那么该差别将会于接着下次装载的货物量补齐(补货),并且买家不必支付费用;要不然就会从下个月的发货单扣除并付给买家的银行(退款),卖家悉听尊便。7.9 If in the Sellers reasonable judgment, the Buyers financial capability has become impaired or unsatisfactory, by way of not sending the T/T inside the stipulated time, and after suitable warning, the Seller ma


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