高中英语人教版必修3课时作业:Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars 13 Word版含答案

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2020学年人教版英语精品资料课时作业(十三)Unit 4Astronomy: the science of the starsSection Warming Up & ReadingPrereading.阅读理解AYoud like to employ a person to help take your business to the next level, but you may find that there are a large number of employment websites on the Internet. Which one is your best choice? Here are four websites (in no particular order) that can help you get into a pool of job applicants (申请人)LinkedIn As you probably already know, LinkedIn is a site where job applicants post resumes (简历) and exchange ideas. The site has more than 135 million members, many of whom may be looking for a new position. The cost to post a job opening on LinkedIn depends on the geographic location of the position. For example, in the Greater Pittsburgh area, a 30day job posting costs $195.Craigslist Craigslist isnt just a place for finding an apartment or selling your old couch. The website has an area devoted to employment in big cities. Employers can post jobs to find suitable employees. Posting in some markets is free, but in others, it costs $25 to $75.MonsterFounded in 1994, Monster has grown to one of the most popular employment websites. It offers pages of advice about career management and employment searches. Monster also provides apps for mobile phones, making it more convenient for people to post their job openings. Job postings on Monster cost from $210 to $395.JobsterJobster users can create interesting online profiles (简介) containing information about employment and educational history. The site uses an active method in which employers can contact interested applicants. Employers can post as many jobs as they want for only $75 per month.【文章大意】本文主要介绍了四个可靠的招聘网站。1What are the websites listed by the author used for?AHelping the users find suitable employees.BHelping the users get some highlypaid jobs.CHelping take the users business to the next level.DHelping the users improve their company websites.解析:A推理判断题。根据第一段的Here are four websites (in no particular order) that can help you get into a pool of job applicants. 可知,作者介绍的这些网站都是帮助雇主招聘用的。2Which website is the best choice for a company in need of seven job postings for four weeks?ALinkedIn.BCraigslist.CMonster. DJobster.解析:D推理判断题。根据Jobster中的Employers can post as many jobs as they want for only $75 per month.可知,这个网站提供包月服务,一个月内可以发布多条招聘信息。3Employers probably can communicate with interested applicants on _.AMonster & Jobster BJobster & LinkedInCLinkedIn & Monster DCraigslist & LinkedIn解析:B推理判断题。根据LinkedIn中的.where job applicants post resumes and exchange ideas.和Jobster中的.in which employers can contact interested applicants. 可知答案选B项。4Which of the following is the advantage of Monster compared with LinkedIn?AIt costs less money.BIt has a longer history.CIt has more members.DIt is more convenient to use.解析:D推理判断题。根据对比LinkedIn和Monster可知,后者有手机应用软件,更加方便。BWhen I told my wife about my plan to take part in the 1994 Marathon des Sables, she thought I was crazy. The race is so dangerous that you have to sign a form to say where you want your body to be sent in case you die. I tried to persuade her, saying, “The worst that may happen is that I get a bit sunburned (晒黑的)”When I arrived in Morocco, I discovered the desert. It was so wonderful. I was bewitched. However, things went wrong on the fourth day. When we set out that morning, there was already quite a bit of wind. Suddenly, a very strong sandstorm began. I was blinded and I couldnt breathe. I understood for the first time how powerful a sandstorm could be. I had to keep moving to keep myself from getting buried. Finally, I arrived at a safer place, waiting for the storm to end.It lasted for eight hours. When the wind died down, it was dark. So I slept on the dunes (沙丘). What I couldnt have imagined was how greatly that storm would change everything around me. I woke up very early the next day. I had a compass (指南针) and a map, so I thought I could find my way back perfectly well. I wasnt worried because I was sure that sooner or later I would meet someone. That was my plan, but unfortunately it didnt work out.After running for about four hours, I climbed up a dune and still couldnt see anything. Thats when I knew I had a big problem. When I realized I was lost, the first thing I did was to urinate (小便) in my spare water bottle. I remembered my grandfather telling me how, during the war, he and his soldiers had drunk their own urine when their water ran out. I wasnt worried because I was sure the organizers would find me soon. As I expected, they found me at last.【文章大意】作者讲述了自己1994年参加撒哈拉沙漠马拉松时遇见沙尘暴的情景。5What did the authors wife think of his plan?AIt was meaningless.BIt was very interesting.CIt was likely to be successful.DIt was very surprising.解析:D推理判断题。根据第一段的.thought I was crazy. The race is so dangerous.I tried to persuade her.可知,在得知作者要去参加撒哈拉沙漠马拉松后,他的妻子很吃惊。6What does the underlined word “bewitched” in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?AFrightened. BAttracted.CAnnoyed. DMoved.解析:B词义猜测题。根据第二段的It was so wonderful.可知,作者被撒哈拉沙漠所吸引。7What can be learned from Paragraph 3?AThe author didnt realize he was lost at first.BThe sandstorm was as strong as the author had expected.CThe author was worried because there was nobody else there.DThe author found the right path with the help of a compass and a map.解析:A推理判断题。根据第三段的.but unfortunately it didnt work out.可知,作者当时还没意识到自己已经迷路了。8According to the author, what would he do when he ran out of water?AHe would ask his grandfather for help.BHe would ask the organizers for more water.CHe would walk out of the desert as fast as possible.DHe would probably drink his own urine.解析:D推理判断题。根据末段的.the first thing I did was to urinate in my spare water bottle.had drunk their own urine when their water ran out. 可知,水用完后,作者将会喝自己的尿液。CHave you ever wondered how the earliest human beings kept track of time? Scientists believe, historically, humans have relied on the movement of the sun across the sky to track time. The ancient Egyptians built tall obelisks (方尖碑) that would cast shadows to help divide the day into sections. These obelisks worked in much the same way as sundials (日晷), which were a popular means of timekeeping long ago. Of course, sundials didnt help much at night or on cloudy days. To help keep time when it wasnt sunny, ancient people also learned to track the movement of the planets and constellations (星座) after dark.Other devices were developed over time, including hourglasses and water clocks. These devices relied upon the time it would take a particular substance (物质), such as sand or water, to move from one part of a container to another. Rather than clocks, though, these devices were more like timers.How did people long ago set up a meeting at a certain time in the future? Some historians believe many people relied upon a technique as simple as pointing to an area of the sky. When the sun reached that point, that was when they would meet the next day.Of course, humans, being the clever creatures we are, relied upon a variety of natural solutions to the problem of timekeeping. For example, many people simply trained their bodies to wake up at the first light of dawn. Others may have relied upon animals, such as roosters, as alarm clocks. If people had to be up before dawn, they might have relied upon the full bladder method. They could wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.【文章大意】本文为说明文,话题是社会文化类。文章介绍了钟表问世之前人们记录时间的方式。9What do the examples suggest in Paragraph 1?ATall obelisks looked like sundials.BObelisks could be used on cloudy days.CIt was hard for ancient people to keep time.DThe ancients tracked time by the natural world.解析:D推理判断题。根据第一段的.humans have relied on the movement of the sun across the sky to track time.ancient people also learned to track the movement of the planets and constellations after dark可知,古代人类利用自然现象来记录时间。10How did people fix a time for their meeting during the day?ABy the calls of animals.BBy the position of the san.CBy the planets and constellations.DBy the movement of sand or water.解析:B细节理解题。根据第三段的最后两句可知,太阳的位置对他们确定聚会的时间具有帮助作用。11What might ancient people do to wake up before dawn?APredict the first light of dawn.BFind special natural solutions.CDrink water before going to bed.DTrain roosters to be alarm clocks.解析:C推理判断题。根据最后一段的They could wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom可知,古人睡觉前喝很多水然后会在半夜起来上厕所,这样天不亮就可以起来了。12What is the best title of the text?AWhen did clocks appear?BWhy is the sun important?CWhere did clocks come from?DHow did people keep time before clocks?解析:D主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了钟表问世以前人们记录时间的各种方法。.七选五What should you do if you find that you do not have enough time to get all your homework done? With a little organization, you can get all of your homework done on time every day._1_ For example, Monday: 1 hour, Tuesday: 1 and 1/2 hours, Wednesday: 1/2 hour, etc. If you have other planned activities, you will have less time for homework._2_ At the end of the day, if youre really tired and still have homework, go to bed and set your alarm perhaps an hour or two earlier than what you usually do. When you do your homework in the morning, you will have more energy and be able to complete it faster.Use free periods. _3_ Use it to catch up on your homework. You will have time to hang out with your friends on a weekend. Make homework your first priority (重点)Make Fridays count. Unless you have plans on Friday after school, try to do all your homework for the weekend. _4_ What a lot of people do is not do their homework on Friday, and wait until Sunday night to do it. This may sound like a good idea now, but while you are going out to a party or whatever on Saturday night, all you will be able to think about is having to do your homework the next night. _5_AConsider using your mornings.BDont do other things while doing homework.CDecide how much time you can have for homework.DMake sure your family knows you are doing your homework.EIf you have a free period, dont use it to hang out with your friends.FThen on Sunday, you may be tired and dont want to do your homework.GYou will enjoy the weekend without having to worry about your homework.【文章大意】本文是说明文,话题是日常生活类。如果你觉得你没有足够多的时间来完成作业怎么办呢?其实稍微计划一下,就可以解决这个问题了。1解析:C根据空后的For example, Monday: 1 hour, Tuesday: 1 and 1/2 hours,Wednesday:1/2 hour,etc可知,要决定你有多少时间来做作业。2解析:A根据空后的When you do your homework in the morning.可知,考虑利用下你的早晨时间。3解析:E根据空后的You will have time to hang out with your friends on a weekend.可知,如果你有空闲的时间,不要用来和朋友闲逛。4解析:G根据空前的.try to do all your homework for the weekend可知,你就可以好好过个周末,不用担心你的作业了。5解析:F根据空前的.all you will be able to think about is having to do your homework the next night可知,那么在周日,你可能会觉得累然后不想做作业。


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