七年级英语 unit4 单元复习课件

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FruitDrinksVegetablesMeatFoodSnacksBrain Storming - List the names of different kinds of foods?水果水果 fruitReviewpear(s)apple(s)orange(s)banana(s)I have a/an /some pineapple(s)watermelon(s)mango(es)lemon(s)It is a/an /They are some I like eating蔬菜蔬菜 vegetablespumpkin(s)cabbage(s) carrot(s)tomato(es) I can see a/an/some in the picture. are my favourite.肉类肉类 meatfishbeefporkchickengives me a lot of energy . I love/like/dislike/hate it零食零食 snackscheesepotato chipschocolate(s)sweet(s) I like/dislike . Its/theyre not healthy .饮料饮料 drinkcoke juice teamilkI want to drink countable nouns and uncountable nouns(可(可 数数 名名 词)词)(不(不 可可 数数 名名 词)词)你能帮助下列单词找到他们自己的家吗?你能帮助下列单词找到他们自己的家吗? 可数名词可数名词countable nouns 不不 可可 数数 名名 词词uncountable nounsapple rice glass meat storymango cokesheep milkfootwomanporknews water 下面这些词组你会说吗下面这些词组你会说吗 ?1.一个苹果一个苹果 2.五根香焦五根香焦3.六个西红柿六个西红柿4.九把小刀九把小刀 5.十个孩子十个孩子6. 三十本漫画书三十本漫画书7.许多故事许多故事 8.一包盐一包盐9.三包大米三包大米10.五杯茶五杯茶11.四片面包四片面包12.七盒牛奶七盒牛奶13.二十瓶水二十瓶水14.八千克肉八千克肉an applefive bananassix tomatoesnine knivesten childrenthirty comic booksmany storiesa packet of saltthree bags of ricefive cups of teafour pieces of breadseven cartons of milktwenty bottles of watereight kilos of meatRevision (1) Phrases of Unit 4每天多次每天多次走向走向吃汉堡包吃汉堡包吃一餐健康的饭吃一餐健康的饭觉得疲惫觉得疲惫尖子生尖子生many times a daywalk tohave a hamburgerfeel tiredtop studenthave a healthy mealRevision (1) Phrases of Unit 4保持健康保持健康和和聊天聊天一公斤一公斤在网上在网上一小袋一小袋keep fit/ healthychat withon the Interneta packet ofa kilo ofRevision (2) Sentences of Unit 41. 你喜欢什么食物你喜欢什么食物?What food do you like?What about fish?2. 鱼怎么样?鱼怎么样?3. 我爱我爱/喜欢喜欢/ 不喜欢不喜欢/ 厌厌恶恶I love/ like/ dislike/ hate.Revision (2) Sentences of Unit 44. 你从不锻炼。你从不锻炼。You never exercise.I need a lot of energy.5. 我需要大量的能量。我需要大量的能量。6. 我每天跳两小时舞。我每天跳两小时舞。I dance for two hours a day every day.Revision (2) Sentences of Unit 47. 健康的日常饮食对一个舞者很重要。健康的日常饮食对一个舞者很重要。A healthy diet is important for a dancer.I always eat an apple for breakfast.8. 我早餐总是吃一个苹果。我早餐总是吃一个苹果。9. 你需要买什么?你需要买什么?What do you need to buy?Revision (2) Sentences of Unit 422. 每天喝大量的水也很重要。每天喝大量的水也很重要。Its also important to drink lots of water every day.You can drink it without getting fat.23. 你可以喝了不变胖。你可以喝了不变胖。 I like sweets and chocolates very much.What about you?Do you still like sweets and chocolates? How can we keep fit?healthy eating+healthy lifestyle+happy every day=YOU 四人小组讨论四人小组讨论,做笔记并选出一位同学发言做笔记并选出一位同学发言I have some good suggestions. But Jim doesnt knowhow to say them in English. Can you help him ?We should _(多吃水果蔬菜多吃水果蔬菜).We should _(少吃肉类少吃肉类).We should _(做运动做运动).We should _(有好的睡眠有好的睡眠). We should _(少看电视少看电视). We should _(保持愉悦心情保持愉悦心情) watch less TVtake some exerciseeat more fruit and vegetableseat less meatsleep wellkeep happy every daynever0%seldom20%sometimes40%often60%usually80%always100%_adverbs of frequency (频率副词频率副词) MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundaydancemusicdancebasketballmusic dancedancefilmdancemusicdancefilmcomputermusicmusiccomputercomputerfilmdance musicfilm观察观察Kitty的一周活动表,用适当的频率副词填空:的一周活动表,用适当的频率副词填空:1.Kitty_ dances.2.Kitty_ listens to music.3.Kitty_ goes fishing.4.Kitty_ plays basketball.5.Kitty_ plays computer .6.Kitty_ watches a film.alwaysusuallyneverseldomsometimesoftenthe structure of there be (结构)(结构)We use there be to show that something exists.(存在的存在的“有有”) (疑问句(疑问句)There is (not)There are (not)(a /an) 可数名词的单数可数名词的单数不可数名词不可数名词+ Is there +(a /an) 可数名词的单数可数名词的单数不可数名词不可数名词+ ?+可数名词的复数可数名词的复数+ 可数名词的复数可数名词的复数+Are there+ ?Using there beCONSOLIDATION 根据汉语意思完成下列句子:根据汉语意思完成下列句子:1.1.我们学校有二十个班级。我们学校有二十个班级。2.2.桌上没有语文书。桌上没有语文书。3.3.厨房里没糖,但是有很多盐。厨房里没糖,但是有很多盐。 There are twenty classes in our school. There isnt a Chinese book on the desk.There isnt any sugar in the kitchen ,but there is much salt in it .5.5.冰箱里有一些西红柿吗?冰箱里有一些西红柿吗? 不,但是里面有些胡萝卜。不,但是里面有些胡萝卜。6.6.篮子里有几只芒果?有五只。篮子里有几只芒果?有五只。Are there any tomatoes in the fridge ?No ,there arent any. But there are some carrots in it.Is there any water in the bottle? Yes, there is.4. 4. 瓶中有一些水吗?是的。瓶中有一些水吗?是的。How many mangoes are there in thebasket ?There are five.语法:1频率副词。频率副词告诉你事情每隔多久发生一次。 never 0% 从不 seldom 20% 很少sometimes 40% 有时 often 60% 经常usually 80% 通常 always 100% 总是表示频率的副词在句子中放在动词之前,be动词之后,例如:I always play basketball with my classmates after school.放学后我总是和同学们打篮球。Mike is always happy.麦克总是开心。表示频率的副词提问,用how often。例如:How often do you watch TV?你多长时间看一次电视?Twice a month.一个月两次。2. 名词(可数名词和不可数名词)名词(可数名词和不可数名词)在英语中,名词分为不可数名词和可数名词两大类。不可在英语中,名词分为不可数名词和可数名词两大类。不可数名词就是没有复数的名词;可数名词就是有单数和复数数名词就是没有复数的名词;可数名词就是有单数和复数之分,之分,两个以上的名词要用名词的复数形式。一个人或事物为单两个以上的名词要用名词的复数形式。一个人或事物为单数,两个或两个以上是复数。可数名词变为复数形式的规数,两个或两个以上是复数。可数名词变为复数形式的规则如下则如下:一般情况是在单数可数名词后加一般情况是在单数可数名词后加“-s”,如如a penpens, a sistersisters.以以s, sh, ch, x等结尾的单词,变复数形式需加等结尾的单词,变复数形式需加“-es”,如:如:a busbuses, a dishdishes,a watchwatches, a boxboxes.以以f,fe结尾的名词,变复数形式需将结尾的名词,变复数形式需将f,fe变为变为ves,如:如:a knifeknives, a leafleaves.以o结尾的词多数都加-es,如:a heroheroes, a potatopotatoes, an echoechoes, a tomatotomatoes.少数词加-s,如:a zoozoos, a radioradios, a photophotos, a pianopianos, a kilokilos, a studiostudios. 辅音字母+y结尾的名词,变复数形式需先将y变为i,然后再加“-es”,如:a storystories, a factoryfactories, a familyfamilies.复数同形的名词,如:sheepsheep, deerdeer, ChineseChinese.少数名词的复数形式是不规则的,如:a manmen, a womanwomen, a childchildren,a footfeet,an oxoxen, a mousemice, a toothteeth, a goosegeese.the structure of there be (结构)(结构)We use there be to show that something exists.(存在的存在的“有有”) (疑问句(疑问句)There is (not)There are (not)(a /an) 可数名词的单数可数名词的单数不可数名词不可数名词+ Is there +(a /an) 可数名词的单数可数名词的单数不可数名词不可数名词+ ?+可数名词的复数可数名词的复数+ 可数名词的复数可数名词的复数+Are there+ ?Class is over Thank you !


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