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人力资源部管理手册Human Resource Management ManualChapter One General/总则1.1 To achieve the following objectives in HR Management:公司在人力资源管理方面致力于达成以下目标:To build an advanced human resource management system, reflects the development of human resources is the core of the companys management philosophy, in the use of training and staff development, staff development with the enterprise.构筑先进合理的人力资源管理体系,体现人力资源是公司发展核心的管理理念,在使用中培养和开发员工,使员工与企业共同成长。Keep all departments in the uniformity on HR systems and procedures. Maintain the professional standards and ethical standards in HR systems.保持公司部各部门在人事制度和程序的统一性和一致性。保持人力资源系统的专业水平和道德标准。Ensure all the HR regulations are according with the China laws and rules of local government.保证各项人事规章制度符合国家和地方的有关规定。The manual will be edit and improvement continuously in the future.本手册将根据实践的发展不断充实和修订。Chapter Two HR Departments Duty/人力资源部职责2.1 Core functions: as a company human resources management, selection, allocation, development, testing and training company for all kinds of personnel, develop and implement various policies and staff salaries & benefits and employees career plan, mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, potential employees excited , responsible for the companys continued long-term development.核心职能:作为公司人力资源的管理部门,选拔、配置、开发、考核和培养公司所需的各类人才,制订并实施各项薪酬福利政策及员工职业生涯计划,调动员工积极性,激发员工潜能,对公司持续长久发展负责。2.2 Work Responsibility/工作职责HRMSS Building and management/制度建设与管理 Formulate the HR regulations, HR procedure, and then implement, monitor it.制订公司人事管理制度,工作流程,贯彻、监督制度和流程的落实。 Make the companys annual personnel demand plan.编制公司年度人员需求计划、及年度人员编制计划; Research the pay level regularly, provide reference for decision-making. 定期进行市场薪酬水平调研,提供决策参考依据; Help employees to do a good job in career plan. 指导、协助员工做好职业生涯规划。Human resource management/人事管理 Formulate the job responsibilitis and spencifications.制订公司部门和人员岗位职责; Employees recruitment, hiring, training, performance, demission etc. management.员工招聘、雇佣、考核、调动、离职等管理。 Personnels proparation and selection, inspection and training, 公司储备人员的选拔、考察、培养; Employees files and documents management.公司员工的人事档案及证件管理; Provide all kinds of data in HR for reference.提供各类人力资源数据统计及分析; Organize and impelement the employees performance.组织实施公司员工的绩效考核工作; Enhance all the employees quality.公司员工整体素质的提升。Salaries and welfare management/薪酬福利管理 Formulate the pay cost budget.制订薪酬成本的预算; Make the employees attendance, wages and bonuses.核定员工考勤及工资和奖金; Formulation, impelememt and management the welfare regulations.制订公司员工福利政策并管理和实施。Training and development management/培训与发展管理 Make the year training plan.公司年度培训计划的制订与实施; Help each dept. to do the training and education.协助各部门的教育培训工作; Make the year training budget.制订公司年度教育培训经费的预算并进行管理和使用;Other Jobs/其他工作 Staff relationss building. 员工关系建设; Corporate culture promotion.公司企业文化的推进; External coordination.外部协调;Chapter Three Recruitment/招聘3.1 Recruitment Objective/招聘目标 To ensure the quality of the recruitment, select the excellent personnel for the company.通过系统化的招聘管理保证公司招聘工作的质量,为公司选拔出合格、优秀的人才。3.2 Recruitment Process/人员招聘程序Rectuitment Application/申请 HR dept. organize the recruitment according with the year recruitment plan. 人力资源部根据年度编制计划统一组织招聘。 If the personnel demard is out of the plan, recruitment will be after GMs approvement. The job responsibilities and qualifications should be provided when the position is new. 计划外的招聘需求,需经总经理核准后进行,新增岗位,需提供岗位说明书及任职资格说明。Recruitment Cost/费用To achieve the year recruitment plan, we should pay the cost in recruitment programme. HR dept. should make the budget according with the cost in last years.招聘费用是指为达成年度招聘计划或专项招聘计划,在招聘过程中支付的直接费用。人力资源部应根据年度或专项招聘计划,对照以往实际费用支出情况,拟订合理的招聘费用预算,经总经理办公室及财务部审核后在年度招聘费用预算申请招聘费用。Recruitment cycle/招聘周期 HR dept. should finish the recuritment during stated time after receiving the sheet of personnel demand.招聘周期指从人力资源部收到人员需求表起,到拟来人员确认到岗的周期。 Workers in workshop: during 7 work days. 车间操作工:7个工作日完成; General staff: during 10 work days.办公室一般员工:10个工作日完成 Technology engineer & Supervisor: during 15 work days.工程师及主管人员:15个工作日完成; Important position and Manager: during 22 work days.重要岗位人员及经理级人员:22个工作日完成。Recruitment Channel/招聘渠道There are four main recruitment channel: online recruitment, taking in the exchange of talents, newspaper ads, recommendation from stall internal.招聘渠道主要有四种:网上招聘、参加人才交流会、刊登报纸广告、部员工推荐。Approval Authority/人员录用审批权限 Supervisor or above, important positions should be approved by GM.主管级以上人员、以及重要岗位人员的录用由总经理审批; Others should be approved by the related manager.其他人员由部门经理及人力资源部审批;Chapter Four New Staffs Hiring/新员工录用4.1 Objective/目的 Introduce smoothly new staff into the corporate culture and the job.将新员工顺利导入工作岗位和文化氛围之中。4.2 Reporting procedures/报到手续Documents should be provide/入职时新员工需提供的证件: ID card, academic certificates, other qualification certificates copies, and two pieces of photo currently should be provided at that time.各项有效证件的复印件(、学历证、其他等)并附近照两; Health certificates issured by the local hospital (valid for 3 months).区级以上医院出具的健康证明(三个月有效); Dimission certification from the original company (graduates should provide “on recommendation” and “report card” original.)原工作单位的离职证明(应届毕业生应提供“推荐书”及“成绩单”原件);4.3 Entry procedures/入职手续办理:HR dept. should check the documents truly. If the documents missing, the staff can enter first after HR mangers approvement, and the missing documents should be provide within a week time. Failed providing or providing false documents will be refused. 人力资源部需检查证件的真实性,证件齐全者,按正常程序办理手续;证件不齐者,由人力资源部经理确认后先办理入职手续,并要求员工一周补齐证件后再来报到,一周未能补齐者或提供假证件者,一律按劝退处理;HR dept. transacts for the eligibility personnel as the following procedures:人力资源部为合格人员办理办理如下手续: HR dept. provide the , , attendance card, and the stationeries, dungatees, footwares ect.人力资源部为入职员工发放员工守则、在爱科的第一天、考勤卡,并领取日常所需文具用品、工作服、工作鞋等防护用品; HR dept. should introduce the new staff to the related workmates and leaders if its necessary.如有必要,待新员工入职后,人力资源部应给予新职员介绍公司其他部门同事及相关领导; HR dept. should lead the new staff to the department. 人力资源部带领新员工到用人部门报到; Establish the individual personnel files.人力资源部为员工建立个人人事档案; New staffs should be trained before working, and then, they will be test after a month.人力资源部对新员工必须进行职前培训,明确告诉员工职前培训将作为新员工的试用期培训考容,并引导新员工熟悉掌握公司的规章制度,人力资源部将给新员工进行一个月后的试用考核; Probation will be continued after passing the test. There are 3 pieces of chance for all new staffs, if failed all times, anyone will be refaused. HR dept. should record it in in the end.考试合格继续试用;考试不合格者准予补考,三次不合格者给予劝退处理,人力资源部将考试分数记录在员工档案的员工在职培训记录表中;Every dept. should do with the matters for new staffs/新员工入职各部门处理事项:Time/时间Dept./部门Matters/办理事项Responsibility/责任人One day before reporting day/到岗前一个工作日HR dept./人力资源部Prepare for related materials,such as , attendance card and so on.准备相关物品,包括员工手册、考勤卡等Prepare fofor working equipments, such as desk, chair, computer and so on.为新员工准备工作用品(办公桌、椅、办公用品、电脑等)Inform IT dept to set the net resource for new staffs.通知IT部准备为新员工配置网络资源Inform the related dept. that the new one will report soon.通知用人部门新人即将报到HR dept. manager/人力资源部经理IT dept./IT部门Set the net resource after receiving the information from HR dept.为新员工配置网络资源IT manager/IT经理Related dept./用人部门Take the from HR dept.在人力资源部领取新员工月度跟进记录Confirm job responsibility, training content and test standard with HR dept. 与人力资源部沟通该员工试用考核期工作职责、具体考核标准及培训容The teacher or the manager/指定指导人或部门经理The day on reporting/到岗当天HR dept./人力资源部Check the documents.检查新员工各种证件及照片是否齐备Provide 给新员工发放在爱科的第一天Introduce the based information of company, regulations, functions of each dept. and so on向新员工介绍公司简要情况、各部门职能、规章制度及试用期心态定位Provide , attendance card发放员工手册、考勤卡Lead to the office, introduce the new staff imformations to others.带新员工到办公区域,向各部门介绍新员工基本情况Check the matters according to the list.将新员工入职手续清单交新来员工以检查办公设备是否齐备Sign the labor contracts.签订劳动合同HR dept. manager/人力资源部经理Related dept./用人部门Introduce workmates in dept.部门人员介绍Introduce dept. functions and current stations.介绍本部门工作容及目前工作情况,与相关部门之间的工作联系Job responsibility and the requirement. 新员工工作容说明及岗位要求Sign the 签订试用期员工工作跟进记录The teacher or the manager/指定指导人或部门经理The day end of probation/试用期到期日HR dept./人力资源部When the probation is end, should be diliveried to HR dept., HR dept. will inform and sign confidentiality agreenments with the related personnel if its necessary.新员工试用期到期后,用人部门将新员工月度跟进记录交回人力资源部,经考核符合公司用人标准,通知员工通过试用期培训考核,如有需要,则与员工签订协议;When the candidates who failedly passed review and probation period, and then will be refused.培训期结束,经考核不符合公司用人标准,与员工办理试用期结束手续。Both the dept. and candidates can applicate to dissmiss the labor relations during probation period.试用期间,用人部门可以随时根据新员工的工作表现向人力资源部提出解除试用关系申请Related dept./HR dept./用人部门/人力资源部Chapter Five Official Assessment/转正考核5.1 At the first day of every month, HR dept. should provide the candidates name list to the related dept. managers.每月一日人力资源部整理员工档案,将到期转正的员工发至部门经理;5.2 The candidates should fill in a , and submit to the manager for check.新员工应填写员工转正考核表呈部门经理审核。5.3 should be submit after approving from dept. managers.用人部门将该员工的新员工月度跟进表呈送人力资源部;5.4 Approval Authority/人员录用审批权限 Supervisor or above, important positions should be approved by GM.主管级以上人员、以及重要岗位人员由总经理审批; Others should be approved by the related manager.其他人员由部门经理及人力资源部审批;5.5 HR dept. will inform and placard the name list when the candidates who successfully passed review.人力资源部将发放员工转正通知书,并在公司部公布当月转正员工。5.6 When the candidates need to do the performance ahead of schedule, the manager shall notify HR dept. in written paper.需提前转正的员工请部门经理向人力资源部提出书面申请,说明员工提前转正的原因,呈人力资源部报批。Chapter Six Personnel Actions/人事异动6.1 TO use human resource rationally through personnel actions internal.通过人事调整,合理使用组织的人力资源; 6.2 Type of Actions/异动类型 Promotion(demotion)/ 升职/降职: Its a certain (negative) to candidates according to their performance, professional skills, moral character and position vacancy.根据员工的工作表现,专业技能,品德以及职务空缺情况,对其工作的一种肯定(否定); Position tranfer/调岗: Position changes can be done when the restructuring or business needs, or for the ability to work with the staff and the development of intentions, 因机构调整或业务需要,或为符合员工工作能力和发展意向,可安排员工调岗;Pisition altermation/轮岗: For the sake of human development and the rationally use, strengthen the resilience of the companys personnel, and reach the goal effectively.为求人力的合理运用与发展,强化公司的用人应变能力,有效达成公司目标。Requirement and procedure/要求与程序: When the actions are suggest by company, HR dept. should control it and communicate with both departments. Then, fill in the personnel changes form & work accessment form and submit it to the related leaders. 公司提出的,由人力资源部负责协调,取得调出与调入部门经理的同意后,填制人事变动申请表,按人员聘用权限报公司领导批准。 When the actions are suggest by dept. / staff self, dept. / candidates should fill in the personnel changes form & work accessment form, HR dept, will make final notice according to leaders decision. 员工提出的,应由本人提出书面调岗申请,填写“人事异动表”并报所在部门经理同意后,填写“工作评估表”,由人力资源部参照员工聘用审批程序办理。 HR dept. will inform dept. and candidates in the end.人力资源部向员工和有关部门发出部调整通知单。Approval authority/审批权限 Supervisor or above, important positions should be approved by GM.主管级以上人员、以及重要岗位人员由总经理审批; Others should be approved by the related manager.其他人员由部门经理及人力资源部审批;Chapter Seven Resign or Dimission/离职7.1 To standardize the demission procedure and facilitate the continuity of work, improving the level of management.为了规公司离职程序,以利于工作的延续性,提高公司的管理水平。7.2 Resign or Dimission Procedure/离职程序Employee apply for resign/员工辞职: If employee resifned during probation period, he/she should send in application form 7days ahead. 试用期员工需提前七天提出申请; General Official employee should submit application sheet 30 days ahead if he/she intend to Resign. 合同期员工,一般员工需提前30天提出申请; The important position personnel and managers or above, should submit application sheet 90 days ahead if he/she intend to resign. 经理级以上员工及重要岗位员工需提前90天提出申请; The employee only allowed to leave before GMs approval and finish all leave formalities, or company reserves rights to retail its salary till all handover finished. Employee failed to notify company in advance and caused loss should bear all generated consequences. Company will not compensate those people who pu forward resignation by himself during contract service period.辞职人员应于正式获准离职日前办理好各项离职手续。未经获准辞职的员工,扣除当月工资做为赔偿金。如若因在职期间造成公司经济损失未处理妥善就擅自离职,公司有权追究法律责任。 If the employee leave without any approval, the related dept. should notify HR dept. and finance dept. for preparing. 如员工在未办理任何手续的情况下擅自离职,用人单位应立即通知人力资源部及财务部采取必要的措施。Dimission/辞退: When the candidates qualification can not achieve the requirement of company during the probation period, he/she will be refused at any time and without any compensate. 试用期员工工作能力不能达到公司要求的,公司可做出辞退处理,且无须任何赔偿; When the official employee offend the laws or regulations, he/she will be refused without any compensate.员工违反国家法律、法规,公司可随时提出辞退要求,且不予任何补偿。 Dismissal actions provided in employee handbook.符合公司员工手册中规定可辞退的行为;Leave formalities/离职手续 Before leave, company can arrange HR manager, or high-level management people to have a conversation with him/her for their purposes of leave.离职前,公司可根据员工意愿安排人力资源部专人或高层管理人员进行离职面谈,听取员工意见。 When contract ends or terminates, employee should finish all leave formalities. Or company reserves rights to retail its salary.员工因任何原因离开公司,均需按要求办理离职手续;手续未完者,扣发未领工资。 Finish work handover, finish leave formalitied according to the related requirements.员工离职前需完成工作交接,按离职程序要求办理离职手续。 Return all company files, working clothes, handbook and other public things.偿还公司相关资料、工作服、文件、办公用品、员工手册等公物; Reimburse/return cash in advance, bear all related expenses generated during contract service period. If signed other agreements with company, he/she should also obey all terms in agreements.归还公司欠款,以及在合同约定的有关费用,如与公司签订有其他合同,按其他合同的约定办理; Return company dormitory and public things there, and deregister related formalities. 住宿者退还公司宿舍及房间公物,并到行政部办理退宿手续; There will be an audit before employee leave, if he/she is in the important position. 重要岗位人员离职,公司将安排离职审计; Who attended overseas training with costs beared by company, should work for company at least 2 years. Please find training agreement for details. 公司出资安排员工出国培训,则该员工至少为公司服务两年,具体请见培训协议规定。 Emploee who resigned or dismissed, should leave company immediately after finish all handover formalities.辞退或开除之员工必须在办完手续后立即离开本公司。7.3 Approval Authority/审批权限Supervisor or above, important positions should be approved by GM.主管级以上人员、以及重要岗位人员由总经理审批;Others should be approved by the related manager.其他人员由部门经理及人力资源部审批;Chapter Eight Salary & Welfare/薪资与福利8.1 Salary Policy/薪资政策Keep the salary competitive in the industry and market.保持公司的薪酬在市场及行业中有较大的竞争力。Promot employee to do a career planning directly and actively.激励公司员工的积极性,规划其发展方向,明确目标。8.2 Salary Frame/薪资结构:Salary is including monthly payment and the 13th month payment.员工的薪资由月薪及年终双薪构成。Monthly payment including basic aslary, position salary, and it is paid through bank transfer monthly工资包括:基本工资和岗位工资等,每月以银行转帐方式支付。The eighth of each month is salary pay day, which will be postponed when meeting holidays/weekends. 公司于每月的八日支付员工工资。如遇节假日或周末则顺延。13th month pay/年终双薪)(第13月工资) The 13th month payment shall be prorated on the months of attendance of the employee. The 13th month payment shall be prorated ac cording unforeseen absence and single sick leave days according following table. The table can bu adjusted yearly by the board of directors. 于次年1月份发放第13月薪资。第13月的工资将按照员工实际出勤月数计算。第13月的工资将按照下表中事假以及病家的天数总和进行扣除计算,董事会可对此表数据进行年度调整。Days off work 无法预料的缺席以及病家天数总和Percentage扣除比例Up to 2 2天(含)以下0%Up to 5 5天(含)以下20%Up to10 10天(含)以下50%Above 10 10天以上100% During the probation period the employee is not entitled to receive prorated 13th month payment. 试用期的员工将不予享受第13个月工资。8.3 Bonus/年度奖金: To show the appreciation for each employees yearly contribution and as an incentive for the upcoming year the company intends to pay an annual bonus.为感所有的员工在一年对公司所做出的贡献及鼓励员工在下一年度的工作热情而设立的。 This bonus is based on the individual performance of the employee as well as on the overall company profit and will be decided uopon the sole discretion of the Board of Directors.公司董事会将根据员工的表现和公司的整理利润来决定奖金额度。 Any employees are eligible for the bonus if they have joined the company before July 1st of a business year.在公司工作满6个月的员工都有资格享受年终奖金。 The bonus will not be paid if he/she resigned or got work warnings within working year.工作年度,如果辞职或工作中受到警告,则年终奖金不予发放。8.4 Welfare/福利:Social Security: Company pays social wekfares and accumulation fund (only company portion) as state and local government stipulated for its staff.公司为所有员工购买社会保险,其中保险金由公司和员工共同承担;Considering employees health and find out hidden troubles timely, all employees are eligible to attend a physical examination once a year. The company shall bear the cost and arrange the visit accordingly.为了员工身心健康和及时发现隐患,所有员工必须每年进行一次体检。公司将统一组织并承担费用。Gifts: Company will provide gifts to everyone on Mid-Autumn Festival.过节礼品:公司在中秋节为员工发放礼品;8.5 Payment Adjustment/薪资调整Every employee can enjoy a pay rise once a year, operated in each January.每一位员工每年均有一次调薪机会,实施时间为每年1月。 The new salary budget should be approved by GM.每年12月,由总经理核准调薪预算。According to salary level, staffs performance, departments operation, every department should make a payment adjustment plan and submit it to HR dept. HR dept. will make final notice for it based on GMs decision.参照当年的薪酬水平,部门经营状况、员工绩效等,各部门经理提交调薪计划至人力资源部和总经理审批。Employees salary can be rised any time if he/she is promotion or a specially contribution to the company. 原则上每位员工每年享受一次加薪机会,除非员工有特殊贡献或升职,可随时调整薪资。Try to establish an opening and candid salay system, and everybody should know the reason of payment adjustment for himself then.薪酬制度做到对员工尽可能的透明,让每个人都知道他加薪的原因。Chapter Nine Attendance /考勤9.1 Working time/工作时间At present, the working time is 8 houes per day, 5 days per week. Start 08.30am till 05.30pm with 60 minutes unpaid lunch break. The company is fully operational from Monday to Friday.工作日:公司实行五天标准工作制.工作时间:上午8:30下午5:30其中午餐及休息时间为1小时。公司从周一到周五连续工作,周六、周日休息。9.2 Beating timecard system/打卡制度Employees should beat the timecard by himself every working day.员工每天上下班时,应亲自打卡;Anyone who beat timecard for others, both involved will be dismissed immediately.员工不得托人打卡或代人打卡,否则双方同时作开除处理; General manager, managing staff and saled people in three branches have non-fixed working system. 总经理,部门经理以及分公司人员核准免于打卡者,可免于打卡。9.3Late for work, leave early, absent without any reasons/迟到、早退及旷工:Employees should come to work on time. Any absence, late for work and leave without valid reasons are forbidden. Late for work or leave early under 15 minutes, it will be considered half day of personal leave; 15-30 minutes, it will be considered one day of personal leave; above 30 minutes, then it will considered one day missing without any reason. Under this situation company will deduct 3 days dalary from that monthly pay.员工应按规定时间上下班,不得无故迟到、


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