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联合置地房地产开发有限公司 合作备忘录/MOU合作备忘录Memorandum of Understanding本合作备忘录(本“备忘录”)由下列各方于_ _年_月 日在北京签订:This Memorandum of Understanding (this “MOU”) is executed by and among the following parties in Beijing, China, on , _.联合置地房地产开发有限公司,一家依照中国法律注册于中国北京的机构,其注册地址是北京市朝阳区朝外大街北河沿16号,(“甲方”);和Union Land Property Development Co Ltd., (“Party A” ), an institute organized under the laws of Beijing, China, has its registered office at No.16, Beiheyan., Chaowai District, Beijing, China; and ,一家依照 法律注册于 的公司,其注册地址是 ,(“乙方”)。 , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of , has its registered office at .1. 备忘录达成的目的 / The Purpose of establishing this MOU1.1 目标 / Purpose在平等、互利原则的基础上,甲乙双方通过友好协商达成关于 项目(以下简称“项目”)的备忘录。Based on equality and mutual benefit principle, after friendly negotiation, Party A and Party B hereby enter into this MOU regarding project(hereafter referred to as “Project”)该合作的目标是: 。The purpose of this Project is .1.2 本项目合作计划 / Cooperation Plan of this Project在本合作备忘录下,双方同意对下列事项加强合作:Under this MOU, the both parties agree to strengthen the cooperation on below issues:1)2)1.3 各方责任 / responsibility of each party1) 甲方 / Party A: 2) 乙方 / Party B: 1.4本项目的进度计划 / Schedule of this Project2. 其他相关条款2.1 本备忘录记载了双方就本备忘录主题事项的全部协议。除此之外,双方没有就主题事项达成任何其他口头或者书面的协议。对本备忘录任何条款的修改或者放弃,只有形成书面文件且由相对的一方签署后方可生效。This MOU represents the complete agreement between the parties concerning its subject matter. There are no other agreements, written or oral, related to that subject matter. No change or attempted waiver of this MOU shall be binding unless set forth in writing and signed by the party against whom the same is sought to be enforced.2.2未经对方事先书面同意,任何一方不得向第三方转让本备忘录规定的任何权利。本限制不受本备忘录终止(基于任何原因)的影响而持续有效。Unless it has received prior written consent from another party, each party may not transfer to any third parties any of its rights provided for in this MOU. This restriction shall survive the termination of this MOU for any reason.2.3 未经对方事先书面同意,信息接收一方不得将对方将其披露的保密信息用作本备忘录以外的其他目的。Any information disclosed by a party to the other as confidential information shall not be used for any other purposed that the performance of this MOU without previous written consent of the disclosing Party.2.4 双方同意,除保密条款与转让条款之外,本备忘录的其它条款并未在双方之间创设任何法律义务。The Parties agree that all provisions contained herein do not create any legal obligations between the Parties, save for the confidentiality and transfer provisions herein.2.5 双方均为独立缔约方,本备忘录并未在双方之间创设任何代理、合伙、合资或其它类似法律关系。The Parties work as independent contractors. This MOU does not create any agency, partnership; join venture or any other business relationship between the Parties.2.6 双方应该各自承担用于与本备忘录相关的支出及花费。Each party shall bear all the generated costs and expenses related to this MOU.2.7 本备忘录自 生效,有效期 年。This MOU shall remain in effect from for year from .2.8本备忘录适用中华人民共和国法律,并按中国的法律进行解释。与本备忘录相关的任何争议应交由中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会依照其现行有效仲裁解决,仲裁结果是最终的,对双方均有约束力,仲裁应在北京以中文进行。This MOU shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of P.R. China. Any disputes relating to this MOU shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission and the rules of the said Commission are to be followed in the arbitration. The award shall be final and binding on the parties. And the arbitration shall be held in Beijing in Chinese language.2.9 本备忘录以中英文书就,中英文版本如有不一致之处,以中文版本效力优先。This MOU shall be written in Chinese and English, in case of any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.有鉴于此,各方由其各自合法授权的代表于本备忘录文首提到的日期签署本备忘录。IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this MOU on the day and year first above written.甲方:联合置地房地产开发有限公司Party A: No.16, Beiheyan., Chaowai District, Beijing, China签字:_By: _授权代表:_Authorized Representative: _乙方: _Party B: _签字:_ By: _授权代表: _Authorized Representative: _ 第 3 页 共 3 页


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