高考英语一轮复习 Unit16 Scientists at work课件 人教版必修1

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高考英语一轮复习 Unit16 Scientists at work课件 人教版必修1_第1页
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高考英语一轮复习 Unit16 Scientists at work课件 人教版必修1_第3页
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Unit 16Scientists at work科学家在工作科学家在工作本讲目本讲目录录基础盘点自测自评基础盘点自测自评考点串讲讲练互动考点串讲讲练互动强化训练知能闯关强化训练知能闯关基础盘点自测自评基础盘点自测自评1He spoke a few words of_(安慰安慰)to me before leaving.2Its_(不必要不必要)to spend so much money on clothes.3Dont pull the cloth so hard.It_(撕撕)easily.4How do you feel animal experiments?Do you think it _(残酷的残酷的)?5According to the experts opinions,they gave up the _ (实验实验)fortunnecessarytearscruelexperiment6You should take _(优点优点)of this chance to learn English.7How can you _(要价要价)me so high?The average price is $20.8The widespread _(应用应用)of solar energy reduces pollution.9The salesman was so _ that in the end he left the firm and was determined to set up his own business.His determination helped him _ in business.So as far as Im concerned,he was a _.(succeed)advantagechargeapplicationsuccessfulsucceedsuccess10用用conclude的适当形式填空:的适当形式填空:(1)Taking into account of all these factors,we may reach the _ that parents are the best teachers of their children.(2)Johonson _ from his studies that equality between the sexies is still a long way off.conclusionconcluded1_若干,一些若干,一些2_ 很多的,大量的很多的,大量的3_ 挑出,辨别出挑出,辨别出4_ 在在(身上身上)做试验做试验5_ 利用利用6_ 把把系在系在上上7_ 保护保护免受免受8_ 浪费浪费9_ 违背违背10_ 在在的控制下的控制下a number ofa great deal ofpick outtest onmake use offasten.to.protect.from.a waste ofgo againstunder the control of1_ the corners of the handkerchief to the points of the cross,_ have a nice strong kite.把手绢的几个角与成十字形的两个木条的顶端系在一起,这把手绢的几个角与成十字形的两个木条的顶端系在一起,这样,一个既好看又结实的风筝就做成了。样,一个既好看又结实的风筝就做成了。2_ 100 years ago animal testing was cruel but today animals in experiments are very well taken care of.毫无疑问毫无疑问100多年前的动物实验是很残酷的,但如今进行实多年前的动物实验是很残酷的,但如今进行实验的动物得到了很好的照顾。验的动物得到了很好的照顾。Tieand you willThere is no doubt that3_ that I could use a kite to attract lightning,I decided to do an experiment.我意识到可以用风筝引来闪电,于是决定做个实验。我意识到可以用风筝引来闪电,于是决定做个实验。4Scientists say that if a medicine works with animals,_ it also works with people.科学家认为如果一种药对动物有效的话,那这种药很可能对科学家认为如果一种药对动物有效的话,那这种药很可能对人也有效。人也有效。Having realisedthere is a very high chance that考点串讲讲练互动考点串讲讲练互动(朗文朗文P30)Amy Weeks previous experience gives her a big advantage over the other applicants.埃米埃米威克斯以前的经历威克斯以前的经历使她比其他申请者有更大的优势。使她比其他申请者有更大的优势。This method has the advantage of saving a lot of fuel.这个方法有节省很多燃料的优点。这个方法有节省很多燃料的优点。Shes got the job because she has the advantages over others of knowing many languages.因为她有别人所没有的懂因为她有别人所没有的懂多种语言的长处,所以获得了这项工作。多种语言的长处,所以获得了这项工作。(2)take advantage of 利用利用We took advantage of the fine weather to go on a hike.我们利用晴朗的天气去远足。我们利用晴朗的天气去远足。I hope that this library is fully taken advantage of.我希望这座图书馆能被充分利用。我希望这座图书馆能被充分利用。即境活用即境活用1Those with the ability to speak a foreign language will have an_over other applicants.AadvantageBadventureCadvance Dbenefit解析:选解析:选A。have an advantage over sb.比比有优势。有优势。即境活用即境活用2完成句子完成句子(1)一位新经理将负责由王先生掌管的公司。一位新经理将负责由王先生掌管的公司。A new manager will come to_this company,which was _ Mr.Wang.(2)史密斯先生在这儿上班,主管卫生部门的工作。史密斯先生在这儿上班,主管卫生部门的工作。Mr.Smith works here,_ the Health Department.take charge ofin the charge ofin charge of即境活用即境活用3We had thought the examination would be difficult,but it_easy.AturnedBresultedCappeared Dproved解析:选解析:选D。句意:我们原以为这次考试会很难,但结果很。句意:我们原以为这次考试会很难,但结果很容易。句中容易。句中it指的是指的是examination,而,而prove相当于相当于turn out表表示示“结果是,证明是结果是,证明是”,符合语境要求。,符合语境要求。即境活用即境活用4He is in_control of the company,I mean,the company is in_control of him.Athe;/ B/;theCthe;the D/;/解析:选解析:选B。“控制控制”用用in control of,“在在控制控制下下”用用in the control of。Generally speaking,the driver has a good sense of direction.一般说来,司机有很好的方向感。一般说来,司机有很好的方向感。Whenever you finish your story,you will feel a sense of success.每读完一篇每读完一篇(英语英语)故事,你都会有一种成就感。故事,你都会有一种成就感。(2)vt.感觉到,觉察出,跟名词、代词或从句感觉到,觉察出,跟名词、代词或从句(朗文朗文P1856)She sensed his impatience and tried to hurry.她意识到他不耐烦了,便尽量快一点。她意识到他不耐烦了,便尽量快一点。(朗文朗文P1856)I could sense how hurt he was by that rejection letter.我能体会到那封拒绝的回信让他有多难过。我能体会到那封拒绝的回信让他有多难过。归纳拓展归纳拓展make sense 讲得通;有道理;很有意义讲得通;有道理;很有意义make sense of 懂,了解懂,了解的含义的含义in a sense 在某种意义上在某种意义上There is no sense (in) doing sth. 做做没有意义没有意义It makes sense to work on the problem before it gets out of control.在失控前致力解决这个问题,这么做是明智的。在失控前致力解决这个问题,这么做是明智的。Can you make sense of this poem?你懂这首诗的含义吗?你懂这首诗的含义吗?You are right in a sense,but you dont know all the facts.在某种意义上你是对的,但你不了解全部事实。在某种意义上你是对的,但你不了解全部事实。Theres no sense in getting angry about it.为此生气是没有意义的。为此生气是没有意义的。即境活用即境活用5Dogs have a very good_of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake.Asense BviewCmeans Didea解析:选解析:选A。句意:狗有很好的嗅觉,常常用于搜寻地震中。句意:狗有很好的嗅觉,常常用于搜寻地震中的 幸 存 者 。的 幸 存 者 。 s e n s e 感 官 , 感 觉 , 如 :感 官 , 感 觉 , 如 : a s e n s e o f smell/hearing/taste/touch嗅嗅/听听/味味/触觉。触觉。view观点,看法;观点,看法;means方法;方法;idea主意,想法。主意,想法。6.pick out挑出;辨别出;领会;听出挑出;辨别出;领会;听出(教材教材P25)Pick out the correct ones.挑选正确的。挑选正确的。We had a lot of fun picking out a present for Susan.我们觉得为苏珊选礼物很有趣。我们觉得为苏珊选礼物很有趣。There were so many people at the conference that I couldnt pick him out.参加会议的人太多了,我没法认出他。参加会议的人太多了,我没法认出他。归纳拓展归纳拓展pick up拾起;拾起;(车、船等车、船等)在半路上搭在半路上搭(人人);振作起;振作起(精神精神);(病病后后)恢复健康;生意好起来;听会;偶然学会;接收恢复健康;生意好起来;听会;偶然学会;接收(信号等信号等)If you go to England youll soon pick up English.你如果到英国去,很快就能学会英语的。你如果到英国去,很快就能学会英语的。The car stopped to pick me up.汽车停下来接我。汽车停下来接我。即境活用即境活用6Without proper lessons,you could _ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.Agive up Bcatch upCkeep up Dpick up解析:选解析:选D。考查动词短语。考查动词短语。pick up捡起,染上,捡起,染上,pick up a lot of bad habits 为习惯用法,表示为习惯用法,表示“染上坏习惯染上坏习惯”。7.make use of利用利用(教材教材P23)We should make more use of this new technology.我我们应当更加充分地来使用这项新技术。们应当更加充分地来使用这项新技术。We should make the best use of our limited time.我们应该充分利用我们有限的时间。我们应该充分利用我们有限的时间。We should consider what use can be made of such a material.我们应该考虑这样的材料被用来做什么。我们应该考虑这样的材料被用来做什么。In my opinion,the old shopping bag can still be made use of.依我来看,这个旧的购物包仍能使用。依我来看,这个旧的购物包仍能使用。归纳拓展归纳拓展make full use of 充分利用充分利用make good use of 好好利用好好利用make little use of 不充分利用不充分利用make the most of 最好地利用最好地利用take full advantage of 充分利用充分利用即境活用即境活用7The money collected should be made good use_the people who suffered a lot in this terrible earthquake.Aof helping Bto helpCto helping Dof to help解析:选解析:选D。make good use of sth.好好利用,后边用不定式好好利用,后边用不定式表示目的。表示目的。1.(教材教材P24)Tie the corners of the handkerchief to the points of the cross,and you will have a nice strong kite.把手绢的几个角与成十字形的两个木条的顶端系在一起,这把手绢的几个角与成十字形的两个木条的顶端系在一起,这样,一个既好看又结实的风筝就做成了。样,一个既好看又结实的风筝就做成了。句法分析句法分析“祈使句祈使句and/or陈述句陈述句”是英语中常见的句式,祈使句是英语中常见的句式,祈使句含有条件意味,主句一般用将来时态。该句式主要有以下三含有条件意味,主句一般用将来时态。该句式主要有以下三种情况:种情况:(1)祈使句祈使句and陈述句陈述句(2)名词短语名词短语and陈述句陈述句(3)祈使句祈使句or(else)陈述句陈述句Work harder,and youll find it not difficult to learn.If you work harder,youll find it not difficult to learn.再用功一点,你就会发现它不难学。再用功一点,你就会发现它不难学。Hurry up,or you will be late.If you dont hurry up,you will be late.快一点,否则你会迟到。快一点,否则你会迟到。More effort,and you can finish it on time.再加把劲,你会按时完成它。再加把劲,你会按时完成它。即境活用即境活用8(2012高考大纲全国卷高考大纲全国卷)You have to move out of the way_the truck cannot get past you.Aso BorCand Dbut解析:选解析:选B。考查并列连词。句意:你得让开,否则卡车过。考查并列连词。句意:你得让开,否则卡车过不去。不去。or意为意为“否则,要不然否则,要不然”,符合句意。,符合句意。2.(教材教材P27)There is no doubt that 100 years ago animal testing was cruel but today animals in experiments are very well taken care of.毫无疑问毫无疑问100多年前的动物试验是很残酷的,但多年前的动物试验是很残酷的,但如今进行实验的动物得到了很好的照顾。如今进行实验的动物得到了很好的照顾。(3)in doubt 怀疑,拿不定主意怀疑,拿不定主意no/without/beyond doubt 无疑地,必定无疑地,必定I have no doubt that he will succeed.我相信他会成功。我相信他会成功。Some researchers believe that there is no doubt that a cure for AIDS will be found.有些研究人员认为,一定会找到治疗艾滋病的方法。有些研究人员认为,一定会找到治疗艾滋病的方法。There is some doubt whether their football team will win the match.他们的足球队会不会赢得这场比赛还不能肯定。他们的足球队会不会赢得这场比赛还不能肯定。I dont doubt that he can finish the task on time.我相信他能按时完成任务。我相信他能按时完成任务。He doubts if she will keep her word.他不敢肯定她是否会遵守诺言。他不敢肯定她是否会遵守诺言。即境活用即境活用9完成句子完成句子毫无疑问,预算缩减将会造成损害。毫无疑问,预算缩减将会造成损害。The budget cuts will hurt,_about it.no doubt


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