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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上山东省龙口市南山双语学校 九年级英语上学期阶段性测试试题 鲁教版(时间:90分钟)第卷一 单项选择。1. There a sports meeting in our school next week.A. is going to have B. are going to beC. are going to have D. is going to be2. will she come back from France?A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. How far3. Well try our best to do the work with money and people.A. few, little B. a few, a little C. less, fewer D. fewer, less4. The movie was so that we all got .A. bored, bored B. boring, boringC. bored, boring D. boring, bored5. We wont get there on time the bad weather. A. can, because B. can, because of C. be able to, because of D. be able to, because6. Can you see that clown(小丑)? He is a tall boy, but his coat is small. A. so, such B. so, so C. such, such D. such, so7. Mr. Wang for Beijing tomorrow. And he come back until next Tuesday. A. will go, wont B. is leaving, wont C. will leave, will D. wont, will8. I was doing my homework my father was reading newspaper. A. when B. while C. since D. as9.I called you yesterday evening, but there was no answer. -Oh, I am sorry. I dinner at my friends home. A. have B. had C. was having D. has10. Mrs. Brown with he kids TV when Mr. Brown arrived home. A. is watching B. was watching C. are watching D. were watching11.Would you please drive faster? My flight is .A, taking off B. getting off C. turning off D. putting off12. UFO landed on the street and alien got out of it. A. A, a B. An, an C. An, a D. A, an13.When the bell , the boys stopped playing and into the classroom. A. ring, running B. rang, ran C. ringed, run D. rang, running14.May I your dictionary? - Sorry, I it at home. A. borrow, forgot B. borrow, left C. lend, forgot D. lend, left15. I need some money to buy a computer. -Maybe you get a part-time job. A. must B. may C. couldnt D. could16.Do you know if Tom on a picnic with us? -I hope he can go with us if he busy. A. goes, isnt B. goes, wont be C. will go, isnt D. will go, wont be17. What did Paul say last night? -He said listening to the radio program Teen Talk. A. did he like B. that he liked C. if he likes D. what he liked18.What did LiMing say about the coming vacation? -He me where he . A tells, will go B. told, would go C. told, will go D. tells, would go19.The teacher makes his students lots of homework every day. A. to do B. do C. doing D. to be done20.The police the thief when I . A. are looking for, reached B. is finding, got to C. were looking for, arrived D. was looking for, arrived二完形填空。 I remember how I felt last year. I was 21 because Isabelle had a hard 22 with her subjects. She didnt get good grades atschool, and I had to push her to do 23 . I even told her former teacher to be strict 24 Isabelle. Luckily, Isabelles former teacher was one of the best teachers I have 25 known. I hope that Isabelle would be better the next semester. I have to tell you that something good 26 . In the summer holiday, Isabelles 27 improved a lot. Im soglad that I asked a tutor to help her. The whole summer I was working hard 28 Isabelle was studying for her reading. At school, in the first quarter, she got “Needs improvement(改进)”because she still wasnt good 29 reading. I had her read for 30 minutes every night. 30 weeks ago, I got her report card. She got an “A” in reading. It wasnt 31 . Last night, she had to write ten sentences, and it 32 her ten minutes to finish it. I had her read them to me, and the sentences were very good. So, my dear children, if you are doing 33 at school, never give up.(放弃) You can ask 34 for help, and you can get 35 the difficulties.21.A. nervous B. proud C. pleased D. relaxed22.A. month B. day C. time D. week23.A. nothing B. everything C. nobody D. anybody24.A. with B. at C. in D. for25.A. just B. always C. ever D. never26.A. returned B. happened C. told D. left27.A. reading B. listening C. writing D. speaking28.A. when B. while C. as D. since29.A. in B. for C. with D. at30.A. Few B. little C. A little D. A few31.A. unpleasant B. lucky C. tiring D. surprising32.A. spent B. paid C. took D. made33.A. bad B. badly C. good D. well34.A. other B. others C. another D. the others35.A. on B. off C. out D. over三阅读理解。阅读A.B两篇文章,选择适当的答案。Apopular form is to take part in sports. There are team sports, such as basketball and football. There are also individual(个人的) sports, such as swimming and running. Skating and mountain climbing are the most popular recreations for people who like to be outdoor. Not everyone who enjoys sports takes part in them. Many people like watching them on TV or listening to them on the radio. So many people like some forms of indoor recreations, such as watching TV, singing and dancing. It doesnt matter whether we like indoor recreations or take part in outdoor sports. It is important for everyone to relax from time to time, and enjoy some forms of recreations.36Which is the most popular form of recreation?A. Sports. B. Watching TV. C. Sleeping. D. Singing and dancing37. People want to take part in sports in order to . A. keep healthy and enjoy life B. make friends C. find a good job D. make more money38. Outdoor sports include . A. watching TV B. singing and dancing C. listening to the radio D. skating and mountain climbing39. Why do many people like watching sports on TV or listening to them on the radio? A. Because they like sports, but they dont like to take part in them. B. Because they dont enjoy sports. C. Because they dont enjoy life. D. Because they dont need recreation.40. The passage mainly tells us that . A. basketball is a kind of team sport B. everyone who enjoys sports should take part in them C. different people have different ways of relaxing D. indoor recreation is not as important as outdoor sportsB going to be home late, I asked him to go into the kitchen and get something to eat and drink.Two hours later, my friend telephoned me from the house. At the moment, he said, he was listening to music. He said he had helped himself to some cold chicken from the fridge and he was now drinking a glass of orange. I asked him if he had reached the house without any difficulty. He answered he had not been able to find the key under the door-mat, but luckily the living-room window by the apple tree had been left open and he had climbed in. I was greatly surprised to hear all this. There is no apple tree in front of my living-room, but there is one in front of my neighbors.41.Which of the following is true?A. The writer never knew his friend would come until his friend called him.B. The writer knew his friend would come before he arrived home.C. The writer was at home waiting for his friend.D. The writer would not like to see his friend. 42 The writer asked his friend to .A. put the key under the door-matB. come to his office firstC. go into the house by himself and get something to eat and drinkD. wait for him outside the house43The writers friend . A. found the key and opened the door with it B. climbed into the writers house C. got into the house when the writer was listening to music D. thought the living-room was the writers44.From the story we know .A. the writers friend got a wrong roomB. there is an apple tree in front of the writers houseC. the writer didnt close the window of his living-room when he left homeD. the writer forgot where he had put the key45.Which is the best title of the story? A. A strange Telephone Call B. The Key under the Door-mat C. My old Friend and the Trouble D. My house and the Apple tree阅读C,D两篇文章,按要求完成下列各题。 CSmoking is a very bad habit. It is one of the worst things kids or adults can do to their bodies. It can cause(导致) different kinds of illness, such as cancer(癌症) and heart disease(心脏病)。In middle schools, there are about 10% of the students 48 . Some students may start smoking because it looks cool. Others might think it is a way to look like an adult.If some of your friends smoke, you should ask them to stop. Here are some reasons you can give.It is bad for their health.They will pay a lot of money for cigarettes. 49 .It will also damage(损害) the health of their families.You can tell your friends about these problems. Your friends may be interested in learning more about the dangers of smoking. But some people dont like to hear people say theyre doing something wrong, so they may get angry. 如果发生了那种事情,不要介意。Your friends will know that you are right in the future.根据文章内容,完成下列任务。将划线的英语句子译成汉语,将画线的汉语句子译成英语。46 47 。48.为文章空白处选择合适的词汇。 A. smoke B. smoked C. smoking D. to smoke49.为文章空白处选择合适的句子。 A. They may not live long. B. They may live longer. C. They may live happier. D. They may live more healthily.50.根据短文内容,回答问题。 How many students smoke among 1,000 middle school students according to the passage? . DTeenagers cant afford to buy expensive gifts. So what should you do if you want to give gifts to the important people in your life? In fact, you dont have to spend a lot of money on holiday gifts. There are many cheap ways to do that. Here are some make-it-yourself ideas for you to try.To your mom and dad:You can sing a song or write a letter to your mom and dad. You can also draw a picture for 53 if you like that better.To your teacher:Sometimes students put their pocket money together and buy the teacher a holiday gift. Some kids also give personal gifts. 54 You might even write down the favorite thing youve learned in the teachers class this year. 那会使老师感到高兴。To the kids who need a friend:THE holidays are a good time to think about people who are lonely. Maybe there is someone in your class who doesnt seem to have many friends. Try to do something for this person. It could be giving a Christmas card or just chatting with him or her. Its a small thing, but it could mean a lot to someone who feels a little shy or sad at school.将画线的英语句子翻译成汉语,将汉语句子翻译成英语。51. 52. 53.为文章空白处选择合适的词汇。A. they B. their C. them D. themselves54.为文章空白处选择合适的句子。A. You can send a nice card with the words of thanks inside.B. You can have a talk with teacher.C. You can give the teachers child a gift.D. You can go home without the teachers permission.55.Who can you draw a picture for as a holiday gift?四综合填空。阅读下列短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示补全文中所缺的单词。My name is Lin Tao. I want to have a robot named Superman i 1 ten years. It will be a u 2 robot in my daily life. And it will do a lot of things f 3 me. I will ask it to h 4 me with all my homework, so I can play computer games freely. It can also go to school with me and have the meetings instead of my parents. I h 5 the robot can wash my dirty clothes and read books to me. Wherever I g 6 , it must follow me. It can cook meals at any time for my family. It can s 7 me to school and take me home instead of my parents. It can also be my teacher. It can teach me English and math! What an e 8 robot it will be! Ill f 9 in love with it. With the help of new technology(科技), I strongly believe that my dream will come t 10 one day. 20122013学年度第一学期阶段性测试初三英语第卷一单项选择。1234567891011121314151617181920二完形填空。212223242526272829303132333435三阅读理解。3637383940414243444546. 47. 48. 49. 50 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 四综合填空。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 五. 词汇运用。根据句意和所给提示词完成单词。1. (预言,预测) the future can be difficult.2.The computer has a great (影响) on peoples life.3. (幸运),I met my favorite star at that party.4.Today Linda has to stay at home (独自)。5.All students go t visit the Great Wall (除了) Sam。6.You can call me this afternoon or tomorrow morning, e time is OK.7.He is too young to make his own d .8.I f it to see where it was going.9.The twins saved the girls life. They are h .10.The bad result s my parents. They didnt know what to do.用所给词的适当形式填空。1. He told me he (call) me the next day.2. He often complains about (get) up early on cold mornings.3. I cant decide what (do) next.4. Its (possible) for them to finish the work in such a short time. Two more days are needed.5. This is an (pleasant) talk. We both want to forget it.6. They often have .(argue) They cant get on well.7. Mother (cook) dinner when I got home.8. The shop (not open) until 8 oclock tomorrow.9. The students need time and (free) to relax.10.When they heard the news, they were all in (silent).六翻译句子。1. 他发现那两个人刚才逃跑了。 He found the two men just now.2. 当你跟朋友吵架时你应该做什么? What are you do after you argue with your friend?3. 她一看到那辆车就喜欢上了它。 She the car as soon as she saw it.4. 我昨晚很晚才睡觉,今天早晨很难起床。 I went to bed late last night, it was very difficult to bed this morning.5. 她和她的同班同学相处得好吗? Is he his classmates?6. 我的衣服过时了。 My clothes are .7. 我相信我能克服它。 Im sure I can it.七书面表达。 Mrs. Smith最近遇到了一个问题,她给某医学杂志的专栏作者Jenny写了一封信,以寻求帮助。Dear Jenny, I was very healthy before, but these days I cant sleep well. I always cant stop thinking about the things in the daytime. I dont know what I should do. Can you help me? Thanks a lot! Yours, Mrs. Smith 根据所给内容及下列提示内容,帮 Jenny给Mrs. Smith回一封信。80词左右。提示:1.尽量放松,不要想太多。 2. 睡前多做些运动。 3. 在床上听一些轻音乐。 20122013学年度第一学期阶段性测试英语答案一 每题一分,共20分。三36-45题每题一分,46-55题每题二分,共30分.A:36.A 37. A 38. D 39. A 40. C B: 41.B 42.C 43.D 44.A 45.C四每空一分,共10分。1.in 2.useful 3. for 4. help 5.hope6.go 7.send 8.exciting 9.fall 10.true五每空一分,共20分。 A:1Predicting 2.influence 3 Luckily 4.alone 5. except 6. either 7. decisions 8.followed 9. Heroes 10.surpised B:1. would call 2. getting 3.to do 4. impossible 5.unpleasant 6. arguments 7. Was cooking 8.wont open 9. freedom 10. silence六每空0.5分,共10分。 1.ran away 2.supposed to 3.fell in love with 4.get out of 5. getting on well with 6. out of style 7.get over专心-专注-专业


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