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GB6017.1-20起重机械安全规程-第1部分本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别学 号学生姓名指导教师2007 年 6 月 15 日目 录1外文文献译文.11.1 管理沟通的有效方法12外文文献原文42.1 The Effective Methods In Management And Communication.43 外文文献译文93.1管理就是沟通.94 外文文献原文.124.1The Management Is The Communication.12The Management Is The CommunicationThe management communication is in the management the extremely important part.The management and by the superintendent between the effective communication is any management art essence.But the organization is for achieves its common goal according to certain rule and the procedure the coagulation community, the organization goal realization or not is decided in the organization the management communicates unimpededly, the effective management communication is whether advantageous in the information is organizing internal full flowing and sharing, may enhance the organization the working efficiency, the enhancement organization decision-making science, the rationality. Moreover the behavioral science theory tells us, organizes the member is not the pure material interest pursuer, they simultaneously also have the energetic level demand.For instance said to the organization (enterprise) sense of belonging, sense of honor and sense of participation, but all these also all are draws support in the effective management communication can realize.Because only then the effective management communication, organizes members opinion, the suggestion to be able to obtain the full value; Only then the effective organization communication, organizes the appraisal and the approval which members job performance can obtain should have.Looked like from the enterprise culture that, the enterprise culture is the enterprise core values which the enterprise staff altogether has, is consciousness category.The enterprise culture formation depends on in organizes between members good communication to achieve the final values the approval.Therefore said, manages the communication is all business management behavior soul. Mentions “the management communication”, Management science Principle has inevitably in any edition involves.Its important nature is obvious.But as if very many business management personnel regarding this not very big interest, because they thought: The communication is not the very difficult matter, we not all are every day carrying on various communication in the enterprise internal and external? Indeed, we constantly all are communicating, just like we breathe the air same nature. But, we organize the management communication carries on is not very effective, is perfect as well as is full.The result appeared many information distortions, organizes internal fill rumor rumors; The relationship between superior and subordinate is not harmonious, between the colleague suspected mutually, the upper formation decision-making cannot obtain carries out and so on fully not the good situation. These regarding the organization (enterprise), all is the hidden danger questions which the organization develops.How improves the management communication to avoid or to reduce these questions effectively the appearance? This is one organizes the question now under the information society background which (enterprise) the leader and the administrative personnels all are worth carefully examining and taking.What is the management? Replied this question said always is the puzzle all management scholar and manages practitioners matter, management extension extremely broadness, as big as National governments activity, as slightly as the common common peoples basic kitchen necessities firewood, all is making the management.Management environment intense influence, although has some rules to be possible to seek, but more times needs to make the judgment according to the environment special details, then motion. Therefore all said the management not only is a science also is an art.Superintendents responsibility nothing but is the plan, the organization, the associationaccent, the human affairs, the control, superintendents work is manages the respective staff through to achieve the organization goal.But more practices proved that, superintendents successful key lies in to lead .Humanist, drives the morale, the building atmosphere, by the effective realization organization and staffs win-win goal, is now at last a role which the superintendent should take on. I believed that, the communication is extremely important, therefore, I believed, the management is the communication. What is the communication? The communication is refers to the information, the thought and the emotion in the management science definition the process which or between the community transmits in individual.The communication goal is not merely to the significance transmission, but also must to the significance understand and achieve the mutual recognition.“Regardless of great thought, if does not transmit for other people and were understood by other people, all is meaningless.” An information age big characteristic is the change. The time is changing, the market is also changing, the enterprise took social the economic subject, must prompt be supposed to the market shift, accelerates the information transmission and the feedback, this the speed and the pipeline multiplication which communicates to the enterprise and so on set the new request.Carry on thoroughly along with the time change as well as the enterprise reform, the enterprise personnels structure also had the very sweeping change, the staff youth oriented, the knowledge-based degree had the enhancement, took the self-value the realization, therefore the modern business management take human this management as a mainstream. Japan manages the scientist to believe that, the humanist management is a method which one kind of dependence opens heart mutually, makes each person to realize correctly to him the duty and the load responsibility which should complete in the organization.This kind of management pattern emphasis human sentiment and user friendly.But must implement the management, the communication utilization is effectively a good principle.American renowned future cigar John Naisbitt once said that,“The future competition will be the management competition, the competition focal point lies in between each social organization internal member and with in exterior organizations effective communication”. The communication is the management most important constituent, may say the communication is any management art essence.The classics management theory school of thought management seven functions discuss are: Plan,organization, human affairs, direction, coordination, report, budget, in these seven aspects, regardless of is the plan formulation, the work organization, between the human affairs coordination, enterprises management, departments exchange cannot leave the communication.May not exaggerate said that, “the management is the communication,” the communication is deciding the management quality and the level. The management is the communication, but, the management needs the high grade communication or the effective communication.The communication premise is the respect, the trust and the understanding, the communication promotes each other respect, the trust and the management.Not only the communication is a quantity concept, is not looked we opened how many time wrangled the meeting, have not sent how many mails; Not wrote how many pages of reports, has not sent how many instructions; More importantly, the communication is an archery target concept, must think between us carried on how many sincerely to have the responsibility exchange.Not only communication information transmission, the emotion, the thought exchange, only has the information transmission not to be able to bring any fundamental to the management improvement, only then the true emotion and the thought exchange occurrence, the information communication only then can play the role which should have.We are entering the knowledge economy and the emotion economical time, peoples work content are more and more many by the knowledge, the thought is composed for the core information processing and the transmission, more and more many work bring have the need take the sentiment as the foundation interpersonal interaction color.Speaking of the enterprise, staffs creativity and interpersonal relationship ability gradually will occupy the leading role, but staffs creation ability and interpersonal relationship ability will receive immediate superiors management style and the corporate culture influence. From the technological innovation angle, researches and develops the personnel if cannot have the good mood, displays very difficultly own talent; Looked from service reforming, if does not have the good mood in the company interior, he serves directly the customer not greatly possibly feels the good mood.Therefore needs through the communication to understand any is the staff true need, any is, any which the staff worries is, only then has found out these basic situations which the staff likes, Can let the staff not have the extra worries, in work time can not take into consideration invests own complete energy into the operation in, seeks the benefit maximization for the company.On takes US General Electric Company, it all implements “the open door policy” from the topmost story leader to all levels of department responsible for the work the policy, welcome the staff to enter their office reflection situation as necessary.The company straight shouts its from top to bottom, does not have division of the high and low, respects mutually, each other dependence, the relations is extremely harmonious kindly, looks like big family who advances boldly harmoniously. Closes right up against this kind of sentimental communication -like management, the General Electric Company is developing by the astonishing speed.This kind of emotion communication -like management gives the human by the profound inspiration.Humans factor is the key which the enterprise succeeds is at.The business management in the final analysis is personhoods work, in which idea conformity is a forerunner.All management question sums up to finally all communicates the question.Superintendents most vital duty lies in trains between the staff the healthy relations.This science knew regardless of were theoretically or practices all obtains has verified. X theory thought the human is the economic man, enterprises efficiency originates from the strict management, strict is the biggest loving care, must strengthen to the staff achievements strict inspection.The Y theory realized to the human is the social person, is vigorously to staffs highest reward.But the Z theory had surmounted X, the Y theory, thought the human is the cultural worker, road of the management lies in by the sentiment system principle, emphasizes the enterprise internal communication specially.Depends on the enterprise which the communication way management subdues all is practices the Z theory the successful model.管理就是沟通管理沟通是管理中极为重要的部分。管理与被管理者之间有效沟通是任何管理艺术的精髓。组织是按一定规则和程序为实现其共同目标而结集的群体,组织目标的实现与否取决于组织中的管理沟通是否畅通,有效的管理沟通有利于信息在组织内部的充分流动和共享,可以提高组织的工作效率,增强组织决策的科学、合理性。另外行为科学理论告诉我们,组织成员并不是单纯的物质利益追求者,他们同时还有精神层次的需求。比如说对组织(企业)的归属感、荣誉感和参与感,而这一切也都是借助于有效的管理沟通得以实现的。因为只有有效的管理沟通,组织成员的意见、建议才能得到充分的重视;只有有效的组织沟通,组织成员的工作成绩才能得到应有的评价和认可。从企业文化看来,企业文化是企业员工所共有的企业核心价值观,属意识范畴。企业文化的形成有赖于组织成员之间的良好沟通以达成最后价值观的认同。所以说,管理沟通是一切企业管理行为的灵魂。谈起“管理沟通”,在任何一版管理学原理中必然有所涉及。其重要性自然可见。但似乎很多企业管理人员对此并没有很大兴趣,因为他们认为:沟通并不是很难的事,我们每天不都在企业内外部进行着各种各样的沟通吗?的确,我们无时无刻都在沟通,正如我们呼吸空气一样自然。可是,我们组织的管理沟通的进行并不是很有效、完善以及充分。结果就出现了许多信息扭曲,组织内部充满谣言蜚语;上下级关系不和谐,同事之间相互猜忌,上层决策得不到充分地执行等不良情况。这些对于组织(企业)来说,都是组织发展的隐患问题。如何有效地改善管理沟通以避免或减少这些问题的出现呢?这是一个在当今信息社会背景下组织(企业)领导者和管理人员都值得重新审视和重视的问题。什么是管理? 回答这个问题说一直是困扰所有管理学者和管理实践者的事, 管理的外延非常之宽泛, 大到国家政府的活动, 小到寻常老百姓的油盐酱醋柴, 都是在做管理。管理环境的强烈影响, 虽然有一些规律可寻, 但更多的时候需要根据环境的具体情况做出判断, 进而行动。所以都说管理既是一门科学又是一门艺术。管理者的职责无非是计划、组织、协调、人事、控制, 管理者的工作就是通过管理所属员工实现组织目标。但更多的实践证明, 管理者的成功关键在于 领导。以人为本, 激励士气, 营造氛围, 以有效实现组织和员工双赢的目标, 这才是管理者应担当的角色。我个人认为, 沟通是极为重要的, 因此,我认为, 管理就是沟通。到底什么是沟通呢? 沟通在管理学中的定义是指信息、思想和情感在个人或群体间传递的过程。沟通的目的不仅仅是对意义的传递,还要对意义加以理解并达到共识。“无论多伟大的思想,如果不传递给其他人并被其他人理解,都是毫无意义的。”信息时代一大特征就是变化。时代在变,市场也在变,企业作为社会的经济主体,必须及时应对市场变化,加速信息的传递和反馈,这对企业沟通的速度与管道的多元化等提出了新的要求。随着时代的变化以及企业改革的深入进行,企业人员的结构也发生了很大变化,员工年轻化、知识化程度有所提高,更重视自我价值的实现,因此现代企业管理以人本管理为主流。日本管理学家认为,以人为本管理就是一种依靠相互交心的方法,使每个人正确认识到他在组织中应完成的任务和担负的责任。这种管理模式强调人情化和人性化。而要有效实施管理,沟通的运用是一良好法则。美国著名未来雪茄约翰奈斯比特曾说:“未来的竞争将是管理的竞争, 竞争的焦点在于每个社会组织内部成员之间及其与外部组织的有效沟通上”。沟通是管理的最为重要的组成部分, 可以说沟通是任何管理艺术的精髓。经典管理理论学派的管理七职能论为: 计划、组织、人事、指挥、协调、报告、预算, 在这七个方面, 无论是计划的制定、工作的组织、人事的管理、部门间的协调、企业间的交流都离不开沟通。可以毫不夸张地说, “管理就是沟通, ”沟通决定着管理的质量与水平。管理就是沟通, 但是, 管理需要高质量的沟通或者有效沟通。沟通的前提是尊重、信任和理解, 沟通又促进彼此的尊重、信任和管理。沟通不仅是一个量的概念, 不是看我们开了多少次扯皮会、不是发了多少次邮件; 不是写了多少页报告、不是发了多少次指令; 更重要的是, 沟通是一个质的概念, 要看我们之间进行了多少真诚而有责任的交流。沟通不只是信息的传递, 还是情感、思想的交流, 仅有信息传递不会给管理带来什么根本性的改善, 只有真正的情感和思想交流发生, 信息沟通才会发挥应有的作用。我们正在进入知识经济和情感经济时代,人们的工作内容越来越多由知识、思想为核心的信息加工与传递组成, 越来越多的工作带来有需要以感情为基础的人际互动色彩。对企业而言, 员工的创造力和人际关系能力将渐渐占主导作用, 而员工的创造能力和人际关系能力又受到直接上级的管理风格和公司文化的影响。从技术创新的角度, 研发人员如果不能有好的心情, 很难把自己的才干发挥出来; 从服务转型来看, 如果在公司内部没有好心情, 他直接服务的客户也不大可能感受到好的心情。因此就需要通过沟通来了解什么是员工真正需要的, 什么是员工所烦心的, 什么是员工所喜爱的, 只有了解了这些基本情况, 才能让员工无后顾之忧, 在工作的时候能毫无顾及的将自己的全部精力投入到操作中, 为公司谋求利益最大化。就拿美国通用电气公司来说, 它从最高层领导到各级主管部门都实行“门户开放”政策, 欢迎员工随时进入他们的办公室反映情况。公司从上到下直呼其名, 无尊卑之分, 互相尊重, 彼此依赖, 关系非常融洽亲切, 像一个和睦奋进的大家庭。靠着这种感情沟通式的管理, 通用电气公司以惊人的速度发展着。这种情感沟通式的管理给人以深刻的启迪。人的因素是企业成功的关键所在。企业管理说到底就是做人的工作, 其中观念整合是先导。所有的管理问题归结到最后都是沟通问题。管理者的最重要的任务就在于培养起员工之间健康的关系。这一科学认识无论是理论上还是实践上都得到了印证。X理论认为人是经济人, 企业的效率来源于严格的管理, 严格是最大的爱护, 必须强化对员工绩效的严密考核。Y理论则认识到人更是社会人, 极力是对员工的最高奖赏。而Z理论则超越了X、Y理论, 认为人是文化人, 管理之道在于以情制理, 特别强调企业内部的沟通。靠沟通方式管理制胜的企业都是实践Z理论的成功典范。Authors:Gillard, S. ; Johansen, J.Author affiliation:Sch. of Bus., Southern Indiana Univ., Evansville, IN, USASerial title:Journal of Information Science1 管理沟通的有效方法实施有效的管理 ,是培养企业核心竞争能力的基础。核心竞争能力是指企业的技能和竞争力的集合。从某种意义上说 ,企业是可以用来获得特许市场地位的各种专门化资源的积累 ,是一种可持续的竞争优势。一个企业的历史和经历、特点和文化、优势和能力对于企业的竞争力的形成至关重要。企业可以看成是具有不同实用性的各种资源的集合 ,管理的对象是各种资源。管理工作就是对各种资源进行合理、有效的配置和利用。实施管理的过程 ,就是信息的传递与反馈的过程。作为企业的主体 ,人是一种极为特殊和重要的资源 ,是决定企业核心竞争力最根本的要素。一个企业的群体成员之间进行交流包括相互在物质上的帮助、支持和感情上的交流、沟通。人与人之间的信息交流就是沟通。信息的沟通是联系企业共同目的和企业中有协作的个人之间的桥梁。沟通如果有效 ,则双方会迅速得到准确有用的信息。管理者最重要的功能是把企业构想、使命、期望与绩效等信息准确地传递到职工 ,并指引和带领他们完成目标。除了组织、策划、计划、控制以外 ,还需要在整个工作过程中对部下施加一种影响力 ,使他们不仅心甘情愿地服从 ,而且乐于工作 ,为实现本企业的目标而努力。随着信息沟通技术的不断发展 ,企业的组织结构越来越向有利于信息沟通的方向发展 ,具有较少层次的扁平型组织结构是现代企业管理的发展趋势。工作人员在完成其工作的过程中 ,越来越多地依靠信息来驱动。这种趋势显示了向实际工作人员提供正确与及时信息的重要性。为了用分散的方式使决策更接近于客户 ,企业内部的信息流程也分散化 ,组织内部的通信向下一直到最低的责任层 ,向上可到高级管理层 ,并横向流通于企业的各个部门、各个群体之间。这些只是表现了对管理部门与职工之间有效的、双向沟通系统的具体期望。积极与公开的沟通是克服改革不稳定的良药。企业环境变动越大 ,就越需要与员工进行沟通 ,负责改革的企业领导者就越要扩大信息交流。人们普遍认为 ,缺乏信息沟通是改革失败的最根本的原因。因为自上而下的单向改革已经行不通了 ,所以需要进行的是双向互动、相互促进式的改革这就更需要员工的及早参与和真正的咨询。而在这一过程中 ,往往要进行大量的沟通 ,其中包括个人与个人之间的交流和沟通 ,个人与群体 (包括正式群体和非正式群体 )的交流与沟通 ,群体与群体之间的交流与沟通 ,正式与非正式的交流与沟通。对管理者来说,与员工进行沟通是至关重要的。因为管理者要做出决策就必须从下属那得到相关的资讯,而资讯只通过与下属之间的沟通才能获得;同时,决策要得到实施,又要与员工进行沟通。再好的想法,再有创见的建议,再完善的计划,离开了与员工的沟通都是无法实现的。沟通的目的在于传递资讯。如果资讯没有被传递到所在单位的每一位员工,或者员工没有正确地理解管理者的意图,沟通就出现了障碍。那么,管理者如何才能与员工进行有效的沟通呢?1让员工对沟通行为及时做出反馈沟通的最大障碍在于员工误解或者对管理者的意图理解得不准确。为了减少这种问题的发生,管理者可以让员工对管理者的意图作出反馈。比如,当你向员工布置了一项任务之后,你可以接着向员工询问:“你明白了我的意思了吗?”同时要求员工把任务复述一遍。如果复述的内容与管理者的意图相一致,说明沟通是有效的;如果员工对管理者的意图的领会出现了差错,可以及时进行纠正。或者,你可以观察他们的眼睛和其它体态举动,了解他们是否正在接收你的资讯。2.对不同的人使用不同的语言在同一个组织中,不同的员工往往有不同的年龄、教育和文化背景,这就可能使他们对相同的话产生不同理解。另外,由于专业化分工不断深化,不同的员工都有不同的“行话”和技术用语。而管理者往往注意不到这种差别,以为自己说的话都能被其它人恰当地理解,从而给沟通造成了障碍。由于语言可能会造成沟通障碍,因此管理者应该选择员工易于理解的辞汇,使资讯更加清楚明确。在传达重要资讯的时候,为了消除语言障碍带来的负面影响,可以先把资讯告诉不熟悉相关内容的人。比如,在正式分配任务之前,让有可能产生误解的员工阅读书面讲话稿,对他们不明白的地方先作出解答。3.积极倾听员工的发言沟通是双向的行为。要使沟通有效,双方都应当积极投入交流。当员工发表自己的见解时,管理者也应当认真地倾听。当别人说话时,我们在听,但是很多时候都是被动地听,而没有主动地对资讯进行搜寻和理解。积极的倾听要求管理者把自己置于员工的角色上,以便于正确理解他们的意图而不是你想理解的意思。同时,倾听的时候应当客观地听取员工的发言而不作出判断。当管理者听到与自己的不同的观点时,不要急于表达自己的意见。因为这样会使你漏掉余下的资讯。积极的倾听应当是接受他人所言,而把自己的意见推迟到说话人说完之后。4.注意恰当地使用肢体语言在倾听他人的发言时,还应当注意通过非语言信号来表示你对对方的话的关注。比如,赞许性的点头,恰当的面部表情,积极的目光相配合;不要看表,翻阅文件,拿着笔乱画乱写。如果员工认为你对他的话很关注,他就乐意向你提供更多的资讯;否则员工有可能把自己知道的资讯也懒于向你汇报。研究表明,在面对面的沟通当中,一半以上的资讯不是通过辞汇来传达的,而是通过肢体语言来传达的。要使沟通富有成效,管理者必须注意自己的肢体语言与自己所说的话的一致性。比如,你告诉下属你很想知道他们在执行任务中遇到了哪些困难,并乐意提供帮助,但同时你又在浏览别的东西。这便是一个“言行不一”的信号。员工会怀疑你是否真正地想帮助他。5.注意保持理性,避免情绪化行为在接受资讯的时候,接收者的情绪会影响到他们对资讯的理解。情绪能使我们无法进行客观的理性的思维活动,而代之以情绪化的判断。管理者在与员工进行沟通时,应该尽量保持理性和克制,如果情绪出现失控,则应当暂停进一步沟通,直至回复平静。6.减少沟通的层级人与人之间最常用的沟通方法是交谈。交谈的优点是快速传递和快速反馈。在这种方式下,资讯可以在最短的时间内被传递,并得到对方回复。但是,当资讯经过多人传送时,口头沟通的缺点就显示出来了。在此过程中卷入的人越多,资讯失真的可能性就越大。每个人都以自己的方式理解资讯,当资讯到达终点时,其内容常常与开始的时候大相径庭。因此,管理者在与员工进行沟通的时候应当尽量减少沟通的层级。越是高层的管理者越要注意与员工直接沟通。2 The Effective Methods In Management And CommunicationImplements the effective management, is raises the enterprise core competitive ability the foundation.Core competitive ability refers to the enterprise the skill and the competitive power set.In a sense, the enterprise may use for to obtain specially permits the market niche each kind of specialized resources accumulation, is one kind of sustainable competitive advantage.An enterprises history and the experience, the characteristic and the culture, the superiority and ability are very important regarding enterprises competitive power formation. The enterprise may regard as has the different usable each resources set, the management object is each resources.The supervisory work is carries on reasonable, the effective disposition and the use to each resources.The implementation management process, is the information transmission and the feedback process.As enterprises main body, the human is one kind extremely special and the important resources, decides the enterprise core competitive power most basic essential factor. Between an enterprises community member carries on the exchange including mutually on in the material help, the support and the sentimental exchange, the communication.Between the human and humans communication is the communication.The information communication is relates in the enterprise common goal and the enterprise has between the cooperation individual bridge.If does not have the information communication, enterprises common goal on understood with difficulty for all members, also cannot cause the cooperation the desire to turn the cooperation the motion. If communication effective, then both sides can obtain the accurate useful information rapidly; Otherwise, had the possibility to spend the massive time, but obtained only is some fuzzy is even the wrong information.The superintendent most important function is the enterprise devised, informations and so on mission, expectation and achievements transmit the staff accurately, and directs and leads them to achieve the goal. Except outside organization, plan, plan, control, but also needs to exert one kind of influence in the entire work process to the subordinate, not only causes them to obey willingly, moreover is glad the work, for achieves this enterprises goal to try hard.Along with the information communication technology unceasing development, enterprises organizational structure more and more to is advantageous develops in the information communication direction, has the few level flat organizational structure is the modern business management trend of development. The staff in completes its work in the process, more and more many depends upon the information to actuate.This tendency had demonstrated provides correct and the prompt information importance to the practical work personnel.In order to enable the decision-making with the disperser way to approach in the customer, the enterprise internal information flow also decentralizes, organizes internal


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