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Unit 3 Travel JournalI. 单元教学目标技能目标 GoalsTalk about travelingHow to make preparations for travelingUse the present continuous tense for future useBe able to write a travel journalTell the difference between a diary and a journalII. Target language目标语言 功 能 句 式1. Talk about plansHow much money will you pay for the fare?When are you leaving?Where are you staying?How are you going to ?How long are you staying at ?When are you arriving at/ in ?When are you coming back?2. Good wishes Have a good day / time! Have a good journey / trip! Good luck! Enjoy yourself! Best wishes to you. Have fun! Take care 词 汇1 四会词汇:journal, fare, transport, finally, cycle, persuade, insist, proper, properly, determine, determined, valley, waterfall, plain, attitude, shorts, camp, record, afterthought, topic, familiar.2 认读词汇:Vientiane, Laos, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, Mekong, Source, detail, atlas, glacier, Tibetan, rapids, delta, canyon3 词组:Change ones mind, give in, pass through.句 型It is / was + 强调部分 + that (who) + 句子 语 法 The The present continuous tense for future use 教材分析与组合1. 教材分析本单元以 travel为主题,使学生通过 travel了解他们所去国家或地区的风土人情,地理地貌及气候特征。让学生体会英语作为工具给他们带来的乐趣。 学生可以利用英语扩大自己的视野,获取知识,了解世界。学生可以通过相互讨论和相互交流以丰富各自的地理知识。进一步扩大学生的词汇量。能正确使用现在进行时的形式表达将来的计划和安排。本单元把 Travel Down the Mekong分成六部分,其中三部分作为阅读材料而另三部分作为听力材料。通过本单元的学习使学生掌握一些重要词汇及词组,并能够写出自己的旅行日志来提高自己的写作水平。1.1 Warming-up 让学生想象去旅游并选择一个地方为题,讨论所需费用,并决定四种交通方式,使学生了解旅行前的准备及计划。1.2 Pre-reading 部分的三个问题是通过讨论河流在人民生活中的作用以及看图回答问题,让学生找到湄公河流域的国家,作为阅读的“热身”1.3 Reading 是日志的第一部分,它讲述了王坤和王薇的骑车旅行梦想和计划,描述了他们为这次旅游所做的准备,对旅游路线的选定以及他们通过查阅地图对湄公河情况的了解。文章用第一人称的方式,通过对王薇做事的方式的介绍,让大家了解了她的性格特点,使人倍感亲切,给人留下深刻的印象。日志的第二部分放在 workbook 中,主要讲述他们在西藏山中度过的一宿,以及旅行中的苦与乐。1.4 Comprehending第一题是信息题,通过问答使学生进一步理解课文以训练学生获取信息的能力。第二题是理解题,让学生用自己的话解释课文中的句子。第三题是推断题,让学生通过主人公的行为来推断他们对旅行的态度。第四、五题是语言运用题,用以提高学生运用语言的能力。1.5 Learning about language分两部分,第一部分是旨在通过三个题型的练习使学生掌握目标语言。第一题,让学生通过词义来推断正确的词,其实也是训练学生熟悉英文解释。第二小题,让学生在理解句意的基础上正确使用所学词或词组完成句子,训练学生能够灵活应用词和词组。第三题,则训练学生在实际中灵活运用所学词汇。而第二部分是语法项目,即在 Warming-up 中提到的现在进行时表示将来的用法。第一小题,让学生注意句子中的动词形式,进一步让学生体会进行时的将来用法。 第二小题,通过补全对话让学生在实际中能够灵活运用所学语法。第三小题,则让学生在没有规定内容的情况下自由应用,以精通此语法。1.6 Using language部分分成三部分,第一部分是Reading and discussing,它旨在让学生阅读 Part 2 A Night in the Mountains 后通过问题的形式来提高学生的说的能力。第二部分是Listening and speaking,该部分是骑车旅游的第三部分,它讲述王薇等人在离开老挝首都路上遇到俩女孩时所进行的一段对话,并通过填表格的方式检验学生对段落的理解并提高学生的听的能力。第三部分是Writing,该部分要求学生掌握E-mail的写作,要求学生围绕旅游话题写一封E-mail,以锻炼学生写作能力。1.7 Summing up 师生共同总结所学的词和短语及语法项目。1.8 Learning tips建议学生旅行后写旅行日志,提高写作能力。2 教材重组2.1将Warming up和Pre-reading作为 Reading的导入内容,将三者与 Comprehending整合成一节阅读课。2.2将Learning about Language 及 Using Structures 设计成一节词汇及语法课。2.3将Using language中的 Reading and discussing与 Talking in workbook 设计成一节听说课。2.4将Using Language 中的Listening 和 Listening in workbook设计成一节听力课。2.5将Writing和Writing task 设计成一节写作课。2.6将Reading (Part 6 The End of our Journey) in workbook 和 Summing up , 设计成一节综合课。3 设计与课时分配(经教材分析,本单元可以用六课时教完)1st period Reading2nd period Grammar3rd period Speaking 4th period Listening5th period Writing6th period Summing up分课时教案The first Period ReadingTeaching goals 教学目标1.Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和词组dream about, finally, persuade, stubborn, insist, properly, determined, attitude, change ones mind, give in.b. 重要句式Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she persuaded me to buy one.It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.Although she didnt know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that she organize the trip properly.She gave me a determined look the kind that said that she would not change her mind.Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.We were both surprised to learn that half of the river is in China.2. Ability target 能力目标 Enable the students to conclude Wang Weis and Wang Kuns attitude to the trip and then add their own opinion with the target language.3. Learning ability goals学能目标 Enable the students to learn how to conclude Wang Weis and Wang Kuns attitudes about trip.Teaching important points 教学重点To comprehend the text is very important. Get Ss to express their plans and wishes. Help them learn that traveling is a good way to widen one view and add to one knowledge. Teaching difficult points 教学难点How to grasp the main idea of the text and how to tell the writers attitudeTeaching methods 教学方法Talking, discussing, reading Teaching aids: 教学工具a tape recorder, a projector and a computerTeaching procedures & ways 教学过程和方法Step 1 Greeting and leading-inT: Good morning / afternoon.S: Good morning / afternoon, Sir / Madam.T: Boys and girls, Do you like traveling? Ss: Yes.T: Where have you been before?S1: Ive been to Beijing, and Huangshan.T: How did you find your travel to Beijing?S1: Very interesting. It helped me learn about the history of Beijing. As the capital of our motherland, it is really beautiful. The deepest impression on me is the visit to the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. But it was a pity that time was too short. We had no chance to go sightseeing in other places of interest.S2: I went to Xiameng last year. I think the travel to Xiameng was busy. We visited many places, such as Wuyi Mountain, Putuo Temple, Ningbo and so on. Though we had a good time, in fact, most of the time was spent on trains. That was boring and tiring. I felt a bit sorry.T: Its a pity. If you had made a proper plan before traveling, your journey would have been much more comfortable and interesting. Do you think so?S2: I agree with you.T: How do you like travel?S3: In my opinion, travel is interesting and helpful. When I travel I can learn a lot. I can enjoy local customs, cultures and beautiful scenery.T: I also think so. Well, after we choose a place to travel, we must choose a kind of transport which kind of transport do you prefer to use: bus or train? Now, please work with your partners and think about the advantages and disadvantages of each form of transport and fill in the chart on page 17.Five minutes later, check the Ss answersT: Ok. Weve weighed the advantages and disadvantages of each form of transport. Now, imagine that you plan to spend a holiday. Choose a place you want to visit. Think about the fare for different kinds of transport and decide how to get there. You may not know the exact fare, but you can guess how much the fare is. Please have a discussion with your partners and then decide how to get there.Two minutes later, ask a pair of students to report their decisions.T: Since youve decided how to get there, Id like you to talk more about your holidays. Then use these questions on the screen to make a dialogue about your holidays with your partners.Show the screen.1. Where are you going on holiday?2. When are you leaving?3. How are you going to ?4. How long are you staying in?5. When are you arriving in/at?6. Where are you staying?7. When are you coming back?Ss are given one minute to practice. Then ask some pairs to act out their conversationsSa: Tom, where are you going on holiday?Sb: Im going to Laos.Sa: When are you leaving?Sb: Next Sunday.Sa: How are you going to Laos?Sb: Im taking a plane.Sa: How long are you staying there?Sb: About two weeks.Sa: Great. Have a good trip.Sb: Thanks.Step 2 Pre-readingT: Well done! Do you like traveling along a river, a great river?Ss: Yes.T: By the way, what role does a river play in peoples life? In other words, how do people who live along a river use it?S1: People use a river to irrigate their fields.S2: People use a river to make electricity.S3: People go swimming in the river in summer. They can float wood down a river.S4: They can travel along a river.T: You are right. As we know the world has many rivers. It even has many great rivers. What makes a river great, in your opinion?S4: A great river is very important.S5: A great river is very large and longTeacher shows a chart with some great rivers in the worldNames of RiverLocationMekongRheinGangesSeineNileThamesGongoNigerVolgaDanubeAmazonMississippiEnglandEgyptIndiaCentral AfricaRussiaWest AfricaBrazilUSFranceGermanyChina, SE AsiaCentral EuropeT: Now please look at the chart. In the left column are names of some great rivers. In the right column are the locations where the rivers lie. Please match them.After Ss complete the chart, Teacher can show the correct answers in another chart. Then Teacher should ask Ss some more questions about the rivers.T: Does anyone know anything else about the rivers?S6: The Seine River. It locates in France. Its the mother river of France.S7: I know something about the Nile. Its the worlds longest river. It flows through Egypt.S8: I have some idea about the Amazon. Its the worlds largest river. Its in Brazil.The correct answers:Name of RiverLocationMekongRheinGangesSeineNileThamesCongoNigerVolgaDanubeAmazonMississippiChina, SE AsiaGermanyIndiaFranceEgyptEnglandCentral AfricaWest AfricaRussiaCentral EuropeBrazilUST: OK, if you could travel down only one of them, which one would you choose, and why?S9: Id like to travel down the Seine. So I can see much beautiful scenery in Europe. I can enjoy the Eiffel Tower.S10: Id rather go along the Nile, where I can see many wild animals. I can learn about customs and cultures in Africa. I can also see the great dam, Aswan.T: Do you know the Mekong River?S11: Yes. But I only know it locates in Southeast Asia.T: It doesnt matter. Now lets look at the map on Page 18. Will you please find out the countries that the Mekong River flows through?Ss: China, Vietnam and Laos.Step 3 Reading and comprehendingT: Great. Now lets read a passage about a journey down the Mekong River. Please read the passage and get a main idea of the text. Lets learn more about the Mekong River. Then Id like to ask you some questions on the text.Show the questions on the screen. Give the Ss five minutes to read the passage and then check their answersQuestions:1. What was Wang Kun and Wang Weis idea of a good trip?2. Who planned the trip to the Mekong?3. Where is the source of the Mekong River and which sea does it enter?4. What can you see when you travel along the Mekong River?5. What difficulties did Wang Kun and Wang Wei find about their journey?6. What do you think about Wang Kun and Wang Wei?T: You know Wang Kun and Wang Wei are brother and sister. What was their idea of a good trip?S1: They have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.T: Who planned the trip to the Mekong?S2: Wang Wei.T: What about Question 3?S3 The source of the Mekong River is in Qinghai Province and it enters the South China Sea.T: How about Question 4?S4: We can see a glacier, deep valleys, waterfalls, hills and plains.T: What difficulties did Wang Kun and Wang Wei find about their journey?S5: We know that the travelers had to climb over a Tibetan mountain and pass through deep valleys.T: You are right. Have you ever thought of traveling by bike?Ss: Yes/no.T: What do you think about Wang Kun and Wang Wei?S6: I think they are energetic and determined. T: Quite right. Now Id like you to tell Wang Weis and Wang Kuns similar and different attitudes about the trip. You can have a discussion with your partners. And then fill in the chart. By the way, do you know the word “attitude”? An attitude is what a person thinks about something. Lets start.Two minutes is enough. Teacher checks the answers and writes them down on the blackboard while the students are telling their answers.Similar attitudes about the tripBoth think1. taking this trip is a dream that comes true.2. that they will enjoy the trip a lot.3. they should see a lot of the Mekong.4. that most of the Mekong will be found in Southeast Asia.Different attitudes about the tripWang Wei believes1. they must start in Qinghai where the river begins / see all of the Mekong2. that they dont need to prepare much.Wang Kun believes1. it is too cold and high to start in Qinghai.2. that using an atlas is very important.T: Do you agree with them?S: Yes. T: OK. Another question. Who do you think was right about the trip? Why?S: I think Wang Kun was right, because if it is too cold and too high, the trip will be hard. People will have some difficulty in breathing at a high altitude. Wherever we go we need an atlas so that we will not lose our way.Step 4 ExplanationDuring the procedure Teacher will ask Ss to read the text carefully and pay attention to the words in bold in the text and underline the sentences they dont understand. Then Teacher will do some explanations, deal with language problems in the text, and at the same time mention Ss to refer to Notes 5 to10 on P 81. Next Teacher plays the tape.T: Well, everyone. Lets read the text again. Please read carefully and focus our attention on the details and the sentences you dont understand. Underline the sentences you dont understand. Please go ahead.Five minutes later.T: Finished? Do you have any problems?S1: Yes. In the sentence “She insisted that we find the source of the river and begin our journey there.” the verb “insist” is used in the past definite tense, while “find” is in the original form of a verb. It seems that they dont agree with each other.S2: I dont understand the sentence “She gave me a determined look the kind that said she wouldnt change her mind.” Whats the meaning of “the kind”?T: O K. let me do some explanations and deal with the difficult language points.1. insist vt. to declare that a purpose can not be changed. In this case the clause is often used in the so-called subjunctive mood to express ones strong suggestion. The verb is often used in the form of “should + do” or “do”.e.g. I insisted that he should come with us. The teacher insisted that a meeting be held immediately.2. In the sentence “ the Kind “ means “ the kind of the face”3. dream about to see in a dreame.g. The soldier often dreamt about home.4. It was my sister who had the idea This is an emphatic drill. Its pattern drill goes like this: It is / was + the emphatic part + that/ who + clause.e.g. It is light that travels faster than sound. It was the headmaster who gave us a talk on how to learn a foreign language well.5. persuade vt. to cause sb. by reasoning (to do sth.)e.g. The doctor has persuaded him to give up smoking.6. cycle vi to ride a bike7. stubborn adj. difficult to deal with; not easily giving way to persuasione.g. The girl is so stubborn that nobody can persuade her to change her mind.8. properly adv in a suitable manner9. care about be interested or be concerned 10. It makes wide bends or meanders through low valleys to the plains where rice grows. In the sentence, make means become.11. once conj. even for one time, as soon ase.g. Once you understand this rule you will have no further difficulty.Once you show any fear the dog will attack you.12. give in to surrendere.g. Liu Hulan would rather die than give in.T: Well, anything else?Ss: No.T: Its time to do practice. Work in pairs. Imagine that you are Wang Kun and Wang Wei. Choose a paragraph from the passage and use the information to help you make up a dialogue. Two minutes later, Ill ask a pair of students to act out your dialogue.A sample:Wang Wei: You know, weve always wanted to do a long bike trip. Why dont we go on one after we graduate from college?Wang Kun: Thats a good idea. Where are we going?Wang Wei: Why not cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends?Wang Kun: Well. We should plan it well.Wang Wei: Let me plan our schedule. I can organize the trip properly.T: Good. Sit down, please. Now its time to deal with Exercise 5 on page 19. Compare the following sentences with different stresses and explain the meaning. Follow the example.Two minutes later.T: Now, whod like to explain the first sentence? Volunteer!S1: I think it says: Its a surprise to learn that half the river is in China.T: Quite right. Sentence Two?S2: We were both surprised to learn that the Chinese part of the river forms a half of the river.T: Ok. The last sentence.S3: We were both surprised to learn that it is in china that half the river is.T: Good. We can see that different stresses express different meanings of the narrator.Step 5 Summing up and homeworkT: This class we have grasped the main idea of the text, the usage of some words and phrases. Weve also learned about traveling. That is: before traveling we should make good preparationsmaking a plan, decide the place to visit and get enough information about the place. With full preparations well have a good time during the trip. Here is your homework. Please go over the text after class, and complete the exercise on P 56 in workbook. All right, boys and girls, thats all for today.篇章分析:一 课文图解Read the text, and then fill in the chart.Journey down the Mekong RiverTheir dreamTaking a great bike tripWang Weis suggestionFinding the source and beginning thereTheir preparationsBoth of them bought expensive bikes, got their cousins interested in traveling and turned to the atlas in the libraryWhy excitedTheir journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5ooo metersThe Mekong RiverIt begins at a glacier on a Tibetan mountain, moves quickly and passes through deep valleys. Half of it is in China. It enters the Southeast Asia. Then it travels slowly through hills and low valleys and plains, at last it enters the South China Sea.二 课文复述Retell the text in about 100 words.Notes:1. Ask Ss to retell the story in the third person;2. Try to use proper conjunctions;3. Refer to the chart while retelling4. The possible version below can be used as a material for both retelling and dictation.One possible version:Wang Kun and his sister dreamed about taking a great bike trip since middle school. After graduation from college, they finally got the chance to make their dream come true. His sister thought of the idea to cycle along the Mekong River. They both bought expensive bikes. They also got their cousins interested in cycling. Wang Wei stuck to the idea that they found the source and began their journey there. When she heard that the source of the Mekong River is in Qinghai Province, she wouldnt change her mind. She even felt excited when she knew that their journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters. Before the trip they found a large atlas in the library. From the atlas they knew clearly about the Mekong River.三 德育渗透 Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind. 生活是由一系列下决心的努力所构成的。 Hitch your wagon to a star. 树雄心,立大志。 Success belongs to the persevering. 胜利属于有毅力者。 No success in life merely happens. 人生中没有什么成功是纯粹偶然得来的。四 文章体裁及写作技巧This is a travel journal. The author begins with his dream in his childhood and talks about the main topic: a bike trip. In the order of occurrence of events, the author describes their preparations before their journey: thinking of the idea of taking a trip down the Mekong River, buying bikes, getting their cousins interested in bike travel and turning to an atlas in the library for information about the river. The author also shows us a stubborn and determined sister, who always regarded her way as a proper way. That the author describes what has happened and what he experienced as the first person makes the passage real, natura


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