九年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 1 He has had an accident课件 外研版

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九年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 1 He has had an accident课件 外研版_第1页
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九年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 1 He has had an accident课件 外研版_第3页
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外研版 九年级下册Module 6 Look after yourself!Unit 1 He has had an accident.Teaching points:1. Main points1) Key vocabulary: fever, flu, knee, wound, miss, trip.2) Key structures: Sentence structure2. Difficult points: how to understand the conversation feverfluVocabularykneewoundmiss v. 不在不在 tripListening and vocabulary1. Whats happened?2. Do you think the person is hurt?3. What do you think he has done to himself?1 Look at the picture and answer the questions. 1. Whats happened?2. Do you think the person is hurt? 3. What do you think he has done to himself?A boy has had an accident and a doctor is looking after him.Yes, I think so.I think he has sought help.2 Listen and answer the question. Use the words in the box to help you.1. Has Tonys dad ever had serious accidents? 2. What parts of his body did he hurt? 3. How long did it take him to get better? 4. What illness does he sometimes get?5. What does he get with this illness?6. What does he think Tony will get, and why? accident ache blood fever flu ground knee shoulder stomach wound3 Listen and read.Betty: Hey! My legs are aching. How far have we walked?Mr. Jackson: About 10 kilometres. Lets wait for the others. Theyll catch up in a few minutes.Lingling: Whos missing?Betty: Tony and Daming. Whats happened to them?Lingling: They were walking more slowly than us.Mr. Jackson: And look at those clouds! I think its going to rain. Ill go back and look for them.P1P2Betty: Wait a minute! I can hear someone. Tony: Help!Lingling: Its Tony. Where have you been?Tony: Its Daming. He has had an accident. He was running along the wall when he tripped and fell over the edge. Hes cut his head; his shoulder hurts and I think hes broken his leg.Mr. Jackson: When did he fall?Tony: About 10 minutes ago.Mr. Jackson: OK, show me where he is. Ill call for help on my mobile.P3(Later)Tony: There he is, lying on the ground!Mr. Jackson: Hi, Daming. How do you feel?Daming: My leg hurts and I feel a bit cold.Tony: And youve cut your knee. Theres blood on your leg.Mr. Jackson: Can you move your foot?Daming: Yes. Ouch! But I cant walk.Mr. Jackson: We had better get you to hospital.Lingling: Will he live?Mr. Jackson: Of course he will! Hes got a wound in his leg and he may get a fever but its nothing serious. Hell soon be OK!Accident reportWhere Who What happenedHow is the person hurtOn the edge of a wallDaming Daming has had an accident.It was nothing serious.4 Complete the accident report.Now listen again and check.1. Why do you think Mr Jackson decides to go and look for Daming and Tony?2. Where has Tony left Daming?3. When did the accident happen?4. Why do you think Mr Jackson asks Daming if he can move his foot? Because it was going to rain and the two men didnt catch in. He left him on the way.About ten minutes ago.Because he want to know if Damings wound was serious.5 Answer the questions.1. Mr. Jackson and Betty have to wait for Tony and Daming because _.2. As soon as Mr. Jackson decided to look for them, _. 3. The reason why Daming had an accident is that _. 4. Although Daming cant walk, he _.5. Daming has got a wound in his leg. However, Mr. Jackson _.6 Complete the sentences. they were walking more slowly than themTony came calling for help he was running along the wall and tripped and fell over over the edgehasnt broke his leg says it is nothing seriousPronunciation and speaking7 Listen and repeat. Its Daming./ He has had an accident./ He was running along the wall/ when he tripped/ and fell over the edge./ Hes cut his head;/ his shoulder hurts/ and I think, hes broken his leg.8 Say these sentences aloud. Make sure you pause in the correct places.Of course he will! Hes got a wound in his leg and he may get a fever but its nothing serious.Now listen and check.9 Work in pairs. Where it happened What happened How you were hurt How long it took to get betterOn my way to schoolA car stopped in front of me. I fell off my bike.I cut my face, and hurt my arms and knees.It was three weeks before I could ride my bike again. Language points 1. wound n. 伤,伤口伤,伤口 如:如:The wound was becoming better. 伤口正在变好。伤口正在变好。 【延伸【延伸】wounded 受伤的 a wounded soldier 一位受伤的士兵2. miss v. 不在;错过;思念不在;错过;思念 如:如:You cant miss it, its on the table. 你不会看不到,它就在桌子上。你不会看不到,它就在桌子上。 【延伸【延伸】missing adj. 丢失的丢失的 如:如:I have found my missing watch. 我已经找到了我丢失的手表。我已经找到了我丢失的手表。3. require v. 需要需要 如:如:Is there anything you require? 你需要什么吗?【延伸【延伸】requirement n. 要求;需要要求;需要(物物) 4. fit adj. 健康的健康的 【延伸【延伸】keep fit 保持健康 fitness n. 健康5. trip over/ on sth. 意为意为“被被绊倒绊倒”。如:如: The little boy tripped over / on a stone and he was bleeding. 小男孩被石头绊倒还流了血。 【词语辨析词语辨析】glad;happy;merryglad表示表示“快乐的,高兴的快乐的,高兴的”,它的用法,它的用法和意思与和意思与pleased相同,在句子中一般用作相同,在句子中一般用作表语,说明某人感到高兴,表语,说明某人感到高兴,如:如:Im glad to help you. 我很乐意帮助你。我很乐意帮助你。They are very glad to hear the news. 听到这个消息他们很高兴。听到这个消息他们很高兴。happy表示表示“幸福的,快乐的幸福的,快乐的”,它在,它在句子中作定语、表语都可以,即可以用句子中作定语、表语都可以,即可以用来说明来说明“人人”,也可以用来说明事物,也可以用来说明事物,如:如:They are living a happy life. 他们过着幸福的生活。他们过着幸福的生活。merry表示表示“欢乐的,愉快的欢乐的,愉快的”,用法与,用法与happy相似。相似。merry有时可强调欢乐的气有时可强调欢乐的气氛,习惯上用氛,习惯上用merry表示圣诞节愉快,如:表示圣诞节愉快,如:Merry Christmas! 圣诞节快乐!圣诞节快乐!ExercisesA: Hello, Li Ming. (1) _B: Im going to Beijing.A: Really? (2) _B: Im going to visit many places of interest (名胜名胜), like the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and so on.A: Wow. That sounds interesting.B: (3) _A: Im going to Qingdao. Where are you going for vacation?What are you going to do there? Where are you going?I. 根据对话内容补上所缺的句子,使对话完整。根据对话内容补上所缺的句子,使对话完整。 B: Qingdao is a very beautiful city. You can see the sea and you can swim in it.A: So Im going sightseeing.B: (4) _A: For 10 days.B: Have a good time. A: (5) _How long are you staying there? The same to you. 1. When you go camping, you should pay attention to your personal _ (safe).2. The old man wants to live in a _ (peace) place.3. _ (sudden), they heard a loud noise.4. Today we will learn the _ (five) lesson.5. We will have a _ (discuss) about the thing. safetypeacefulSuddenlyfifthfitII. 用括号中所单词的适当形式填空用括号中所单词的适当形式填空1. There is much rubbish on the ground. Please _.A. pick up it B. pick it up C. pick up them D. pick them up 2. Have you finished your homework? Yes, I remember _ it just now.A. hand in B. to hand in C. handing in D. handed in BCIII. 单项选择单项选择3. We havent finished the work. We need two _ people.A. other B. others C. another D. the other4. Excuse me. Is the next bus stop far from here? Not very far. It only_ you five minutes on foot.A. spends B. costs C. takes D. gets5. Please be careful when you run _ the street.A. cross B. across C. through D. overCCBIV. 根据句意及首字母完成单词根据句意及首字母完成单词1. We should obey the school r_ at school.2. There are some birds in the w_.3. Lets d_ how to deal with the problem.4. We are very surprised to see the i_ of the small village. 5. Do you know the w_ of the boy? 40kg. ules oods iscuss mprovement eight 1.我没听清你的话我没听清你的话. I did not _ .2.他绊倒在树根上他绊倒在树根上. He _the root of a tree .3.等一下等一下, 我听到有人叫我听到有人叫. _!4.那儿发生什么事那儿发生什么事? _ there ?hear you clearlytripped over / onWait a minute! I can hear someoneWhat happened V. 根据汉语意思完成句子。根据汉语意思完成句子。HomeworkHave you ever had an accident? Or have you heard about a accident happened in you town or city? Write a paragraph about it.


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