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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上SUPPLIERS SURVEYDATE :供方调查:日期:SUPPLIERS NAME :供方名称:ADDRESS:地址:PHONE NO :FAX NO :电话:传真:PRODUCT SUPPLIED :供应的产品REASON FOR THE SURVEY / AUDIT调查 / 审核原因INITIAL AUDIT (NEW SUPPLIER) 初步审核(新分承包)现场审核REGULAR AUDIT定期审核AFRESH AUDIT复审SELF SURVEY 供方自查OTHERS (SPECIFY)其他(特定)AUDIT / SELF SURVEY PERFORMED BY :审核 / 自查执行人 REPRESENTATIVES / REVIEW代表 / 审核SUPPLIER供方Company Name :_ ( Public / Private ) Year Found : _公司名称 (公有/私营) 成立时间:Company Address :_ Tel & Fax :_公司地址 电话&传真Last 3 Years Revenue :_ Average Gross Profit ( last 3 years ) :_过去三年财政收入 过去三年平均利润No. Of Employees :_ Manager :_ Engineer :_员工总人数 经理 工程师Supervisor :_ ( attached latest company organization chart ) 主管 ( 附最新的组织结构图)2 Contact Person ( at least a engineer and a manager ) :两个联系人 (至少一个工程师和一个经理)Business :_ Cell :_ Email :_ Business :_ Cell :_ Email :_ 销售 Quality :_ Cell :_ Email :_ Quality :_ Cell :_ Email :_ 品管 电话 Shipping :_ Cell :_ Email :_ Shipping :_ Cell :_ Email :_ 仓库Daily Production Output : _ Monthly Production Output : _ 日产量 月产量Number Of Machine : _ ( attached latest machinery list ) 设备数目 ( 附设备清单)Expected Date Of Production : _ Additional Capacity :_ Date : _ 预计完成日期 增加产能 日期TS 16949 / ISO 9000 / ISO 14001 Certification Body : _ 通过哪些认证 ( attached certificate ) 附证书复印件 Certificate Number : _ Expiry Date : _ 证书编号 有效日期Last Surveillance & Internal Audit Date : _/_ ( attached both finding report ) 最近的复审&内审时间 附上审核报告No Quality Management System At Present; Provide Plan / Roadmap To Obtain : _ 没有经过任何体系认证,则提供认证计划Plan Certification Body : _ Plan Pre-Audit Date : _计划认证公司 计划第一阶段审核日期Plan Actual / On Site Audit : _ Plan To Obtain Certification : _计划第二阶段审核日期 j计划 获得证书日期Complete By : _ Position : _受审核人 职位General Manager : _ _ 总经理 Name & Signature (签名) Date & Company Stamp (日期/盖章)Recipient Name : _ Date Received : _我方签名 日期Recipient Comment If Any : _评注 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NOQuestion (问题)Poor0Average1Good2N/ARemark备注A Management Responsibility 管理层职责1Is there a formal quality manual and is quality policy fully understood by all employees. 是否有质量手册 ? 所有阶层是否都了解质量方针?实际查得内容:2Does evidence show that senior management periodically review customer expectations and assigns adequate resources to achieve them.公司高层是否定期对公司资源进行审核,以满足顾客要求?实际查得内容:3Does the internal audit and management review carried out as per the quality manual.是否按体系要求定期做内审和管理评审?实际查得内容:4Has the minutes been circulated to all department for corrective action after top management review.管理评审后不符合项是否发放到相关部门进行整改?实际查得内容:5Has the corrective action been follow up, verified for the effectiveness before closure.是否有纠正预防措施及有效性验证?实际查得内容: 品管审核人员:NOQuestion (问题)Poor0Average1Good2N/ARemark备注B Quality System 质量体系1Is the quality organization having equal access to the top management in reporting level.品质部门是否有权限反应到高层?实际查得内容:2Is the quality organization has the authorities to stop production and purge WIPs & inventory if defective found.品质是否有直接停止生产、判定产品不合格的权限?实际查得内容:3Is the quality organization has the authorities to initiate corrective action to verify solution of the problem.品质部是否有推动不合格项改进的权限?实际查得内容:4Is there a formal quality procedure.是否有质量程序文件?实际查得内容:5Whats the level of implementation.整个质量体系推行到什么程度?实际查得内容: 品管审核人员:NOQuestion (问题)Poor0Average1Good2N/ARemark备注C Contract Review 合同评审1Is there a formal procedure written for handling all new orders.?是否有程序文件规定新订单/合同评审?实际查得内容:2Is quality, engineering and production involve in the review, does evidence show the responsible party carry out the task per the procedure.是否有文件规定合同评审有品管、工程、采购等部门参与? 实际查得内容:3Is there a internal review process and are review minutes documented.是否有支持文件及相关记录?实际查得内容:4Is the system adequate to prevent discrepancy.系统是否能满足避免出入?实际查得内容:5Are suppliers quality performance goals aligned with customers expectation.公司质量目标是否与客户期望一致?实际查得内容:采购审核人员:NOQuestion (问题)Poor0Average1Good2N/ARemark备注D Document Control 文件控制1Is there a formal procedure written for handling controlled document, and a specific department / section assign to it.是否有文件规定文件的控制? 是否有独立的部门负责文件管理?实际查得内容:2Is the system adequate to control distribution and withdrawal of all document / specification. And are all documents approved before distributed.文控是否满足文件的发放和回收要求? 文件发放之前是否有审核、批准?实际查得内容:3Are customer informed of critical changes made to process, chemistries, equipment or product.工序、参数、设备等顾客信息的重大更改,是否经客户确认?实际查得内容:4Are customer requested deviations documented and follow up.客户要求更改记录,是否有保存? 实际查得内容:5Are customer quality data, documents properly stored and safe guarded against lost.客户资料是否完好保存,避免丢失?实际查得内容: 工程审核人员:NOQuestion (问题)Poor0Average1Good2N/ARemark备注E Supply Chain Management 供应链管理1Is there a formal process to review, communicate and improve sub-supplier performance on a regular basis ( example : on-time delivery, quality & pricing ).是否有文件规定对供应商进行沟通、考核?(交货期、品质、价格)实际查得内容:2Is there a program to periodically benchmark purchased material pricing or sub-contracting services to ensure competitive advantage.是否计划对同一采购产品的不同供应商定期就交货期、品质、价格等方面做横向比较?实际查得内容:3Are there adequate processes / procedures to ensure good quality material / part from the sub-supplier.是否有文件规定/工序来保证原材料/产品品质?实际查得内容:4Is there a system to qualify new vendors / sub contractors including their future development and monitoring of their quality plan.是否有文件规定新开发供应商成为合格供应商的过程? 实际查得内容:5Does the supplier have programs to manage their key materials for upside / down side demand.是否有应急计划/措施来确保关键原料数量保证?实际查得内容: 采购审核人员:NOQuestion (问题)Poor0Average1Good2N/ARemark备注F Process Control 过程控制1Is the documented work instructions, process flow chart or equipment operation instruction available / adequate for the whole operation.现场是否有作业指导、操作规程等相关文件?实际查得内容:2Is there any visual aids for criteria or workmanship interpretation. Any prevention methodologies such as X-R chart, PFMEA, Poke Yokeetc. to initiate action plan for reducing risks.作业指导上有无图片?有没有运用X-R图、PFMEA等工具来降低制造风险?实际查得内容:3Is there any first piece approval prior to production. And are all processes / productions run under control condition.有无首检?整个生产过程是否受控?实际查得内容:4Does operator / technician trained in SPC and are they using these techniques on the job.操作工和检验员是否有通过SPC培训? 实际工作中是否有运用?实际查得内容:5Does the supplier have a lot control system for traceability.如何对原材料批次进行追溯?实际查得内容: 工程审核人员:NOQuestion (问题)Poor0Average1Good2N/ARemark备注G Inspection & Test 检验和测试1Is there a documented final inspection / test sampling program to ensure that products are not ship unless all quality and performance requirement are met.是否有文件确保发货前产品满足品质要求?实际查得内容:2Is the inspection and test records been properly maintained which give the evidence that the product has passed the inspection / test.是否有相关检验测试报告?实际查得内容:3Is the inspection and test equipment adequate for the products produced.测试设备、方法是否满足客户要求?实际查得内容:4Is there a clear segregation of good / bad products throughout the production.合格与不合格品是否标识?、不合格品是否隔离?实际查得内容:5What is the established outgoing quality goals ( dppm ). Has the goal been achieve, if not is there any follow-up corrective action.车间是否有质量目标?如果没有,采取措施是?实际查得内容: 品管审核人员:NOQuestion (问题)Poor0Average1Good2N/ARemark备注H Equipment Calibration & Maintenance 量/检具校验与维护1Is there a documented calibration system to assure all measuring and testing equipment were calibrated against certified standard.是否有文件规定所有量/检具按国际标准进行校验?实际查得内容:2Are all measuring and test equipment include in the master listing and identify by itself or its calibration status and next due date.是否有测量设备清单,并规定下次校验日期?实际查得内容:3Does the supplier have records of gauge capability analysis and evidence of action taken if / when out of calibration conditions are suspected.是否很容易发现量/检具的不合格?不合格怎样处理?实际查得内容:4Are new inspection / measuring equipment calibrated before use.所有新的检验/测试设备使用之前都检验合格?实际查得内容:5Is the inspection / measuring equipment adequate to support production检验/测试设备是否满足生产要求?实际查得内容: 工程审核人员:NOQuestion (问题)Poor0Average1Good2N/ARemark备注I Control of Non-Conforming Material 不合格品控制1Is there an effective system to identify, contain and eliminate non-conforming product / processes.是否有系统能有效的发现、排除不合格产品/流程?实际查得内容:2Is information relating to know defects effectively communicated through the organization.不良品信息是否及时反馈到各相关部门?实际查得内容:3Does the supplier organization have an effective structured system for solving problem.供应商是否有规范的系统,能有效解决问题?实际查得内容:4Is root cause failure analysis performed for all internal and external failures and is appropriate corrective action implemented.是否从内/外部因素对不良品进行分析?采取措施是否有效?实际查得内容:5Are problem solving efforts timely and effective. Are advance problem solving techniques used by organization to solve problem ( example : 8D, PDCA, 5Whys, Error Proofing.etc. ).解决问题是否及时、有效?是否运用8D、PDCA、5Whys.等工具解决问题?实际查得内容: 品管审核人员:NOQuestion (问题)Poor0Average1Good2N/ARemark备注J Corrective & Preventive Action 纠正预防措施1Is there a documented procedure for all kinds of corrective activities need to be taken.是否有文件规定必须执行纠正预防措施?实际查得内容:2Has the corrective action been reviewed, approved and verified before closure to ensure effectiveness.纠正预防措施是否有审核、批准及措施验证?实际查得内容:3Is there any form of data analysis carried out on the CAR system.是否对不合格项进行分析?实际查得内容:4Does the supplier has a written procedures that state the disposition of defective material and the require follow-up that include corrective action plans to improve the process.是否有文件规定不良品处理及有包括纠正预防措施在内的改进?实际查得内容:5Is there a material review board that routinely meets to make disposition on non-conforming material.是否组织小组对不良品进行评审?实际查得内容: 工程审核人员:NOQuestion (问题)Poor0Average1Good2N/ARemark备注K Handling, Storage & Packaging 运输、贮存、包装1Are there appropriate care on equipment for handling, storage and packaging to protect the product during manufacture, repair and shipping.是否有适当的贮存、包装方式,在生产、维修、运输过程中确保产品品质?实际查得内容:2Are area used for production, storage, inspection and testing clean, neat and well organize. Does the company practice FIFO.生产、贮存地方是否干净整齐、是否执行先进先出?实际查得内容:3Are all age sensitive material / product having appropriate shelf-lift control.超过有效期的在库物资是否有定期进行复检?实际查得内容:4Are raw material, WIPs and finished goods properly identified on the floor and in the system.是否对原材料、半成品、成品进行标识?文件与现场是否一致?实际查得内容:5Can WIPs and finished goods traceable to lots of raw material.半成品和成品怎样追溯到原材料?实际查得内容: 采购审核人员:NOQuestion (问题)Poor0Average1Good2N/ARemark备注L Quality Record & Retention 质量记录&保存1Are quality records adequate to demonstrate the achievement of the required quality and the effective operation of the quality system.是否有足够的记录 来支持产品、质量系统要求?实际查得内容:2Are the suppliers finished product quality audit / inspections adequately aligned and review against both internal & external ( customer ) issues to ensure product integrity of shipped product.供应商成品检的抽样是否满足内/外部顾客要求?实际查得内容:3Minimum retention of record before product EOL ( 2 years ).检验记录保存期限是否合同终止后+2年?实际查得内容:4Is there a quality record & retention procedure.是否有文件规定质量记录&保存期限?实际查得内容:5Are record neat, tidy and easy to retrieve.记录保存是否整齐,便于查找?实际查得内容: 品管审核人员:NOQuestion (问题)Poor0Average1Good2N/ARemark备注M Training 培训1Is the top management take training an ongoing program for the whole quality improvement.公司高层是否把培训作为一项持续改进项目?实际查得内容:2Is there any appropriate procedure in place for operator training and certification.是否有文件规对员工的培训?实际查得内容:3Are employee training record maintained.所有员工的培训记录是否齐全?实际查得内容:4Is there a half yearly or yearly company training program.是否有年度或半年度培训计划?实际查得内容:5Is there any re-evaluation / re-certification of personnel to determine the need for additional / special training.公司员工转岗,针对新岗位是否有岗位资格评定/特殊培训?实际查得内容: 采购审核人员:NOQuestion (问题)Poor0Average1Good2N/ARemark备注N Production Planning Management 生产计划管理1Is there a system in place to effectively and promptly respond to schedule / demand change.是否有系统能有效的反映计划/订单的变更?实际查得内容:2Is there a program to effectively track on-time shipments against customer request dates as a measurement of customer satisfaction.是否有文件确保客户产品交货期的按时完成?实际查得内容:3Is there a cycle time or leadtime improvement program in place.是否有措施来缩短生产循环时间?实际查得内容:4Is there any reserve capacity program for customer.是否为客户制定资源储备计划?实际查得内容:5Is there a system showing each process loading for new order planning.是否有规范的计划确保产品数量交付?实际查得内容: 采购审核人员:NOQuestion (问题)Poor0Average1Good2N/ARemark备注O Internal Audit 内审1Does the supplier perform internal audits, are they docu


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