中考英语第二阶段复习 非谓语动词复习课件 仁爱版

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中考英语第二阶段复习 非谓语动词复习课件 仁爱版_第1页
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中考英语第二阶段复习 非谓语动词复习课件 仁爱版_第3页
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* *在句子在句子不作不作谓语成分的动词谓语成分的动词叫做非谓语动词叫做非谓语动词概念:概念:动词不定式动词不定式V-ing 形式形式(doing)过去分词过去分词(done)to dodo列举接列举接to do 作宾语作宾语的动词的动词:hope to do sth. .wish / want /would like / like / decide / plan / help / agree / learn / used to / cant wait .+ to do sth. 列举接列举接to do 作宾补作宾补的动词的动词:want sb. to do sth. ask / tell / want / invite / encourage advise / allow / help / expect . + sb. to do sth. Listen to the questions. If you get the Listen to the questions. If you get the answers, clap my hand as quickly as you answers, clap my hand as quickly as you can. Then you can get a chance to answer can. Then you can get a chance to answer the questions.the questions.would like sb. (not) to do sth.would like sb. (not) to do sth.1.feel 1.feel 2. hear, listen to2. hear, listen to 3.let, make , have3.let, make , have4.look at, see, watch, notice4.look at, see, watch, notice1 1)want sb. (not)to do sth. =want sb. (not)to do sth. =2 2)help sb. do sth. help sb. do sth. & help sb. to do sth.help sb. to do sth.哪个对?哪个对?3 3)“一感,二听一感,二听 ,三让,三让 ,四看,四看”是是.?4)“4)“一感,二听一感,二听 ,三让,三让 ,四看,四看”后是否带后是否带to?to?省略省略to都对都对5) She was heard sing last night. 5) She was heard sing last night. 表达正确吗?表达正确吗?She was heard She was heard to to sing last night. sing last night.+ + 不定式不定式我感觉刚才有人进来了我感觉刚才有人进来了.I I feltfelt someone someone enter enter the meeting room just now. the meeting room just now. She made me _(feelShe made me _(feel ) scared. ) scared. feel feel =I was made=I was made _(feel ) scared by her. _(feel ) scared by her. to feelto feel感官动词和使役动词后的不定式在主动语感官动词和使役动词后的不定式在主动语态中态中省略省略toto,在被动语态中必须,在被动语态中必须加上加上toto。最好还是(不)做最好还是(不)做 请您做请您做?为什么不做为什么不做? 宁愿做宁愿做而不愿而不愿. had better ( not) do. Would you please do. would rather do.than do prefer to do .rather than do.省略省略toto的固定情况的固定情况Why not /Why dont you do sth我发现用英语交谈很困难。我发现用英语交谈很困难。I found _difficult _.I found _difficult _.it it to talk in English to talk in English 在在find , feel ,think find , feel ,think 后跟不定式作宾语时,后跟不定式作宾语时,常用常用it it 代替,而把真正的宾语放在句末。代替,而把真正的宾语放在句末。1分分不定式作主语常用不定式作主语常用itit作形式主语,放在句首,作形式主语,放在句首,而将真正的主语放在句子后面。而将真正的主语放在句子后面。To learn a foreign language To learn a foreign language is not easy for me.is not easy for me.= _not easy for me _ _= _not easy for me _ _a foreign languagea foreign languageIt _me one hour _ _English every day.It _me one hour _ _English every day.I spend one hour reading English every day.I spend one hour reading English every day.to learn to learn takestakesto readto read2分分Its Its He isnt old _ _ _ _school.He isnt old _ _ _ _school.He is _young _ go to school.He is _young _ go to school.enough to go to enough to go to 1.He is so young that he cant go to school.1.He is so young that he cant go to school.to totootoo5分分“疑问词疑问词what / which / where/when /who/ how + +不定式不定式”结构可以和宾语从句转换。结构可以和宾语从句转换。what to do what to do They are thinking of what they should do next.They are thinking of what they should do next.They are thinking of _ _ _ next.They are thinking of _ _ _ next.不定式常用在不定式常用在bebe动词和动词和seem seem 等系动词之后,构成系等系动词之后,构成系表结构。表结构。1.He seems _ happy. 1.He seems _ happy. A. be B. is C. to be D. becomeA. be B. is C. to be D. become4分分不定式作定语要放在它所修饰的名词、代词不定式作定语要放在它所修饰的名词、代词或不定代词或不定代词something, nothing.后面。后面。2. Im hungry. Please get me something _2. Im hungry. Please get me something _A. eatA. eat B. to eat B. to eat C. eatingC. eatingD. for eatingD. for eating3. I havent got a house _3. I havent got a house _A. to liveA. to live B. live in B. live inC. for livingC. for livingD. to live inD. to live in1. 1.To read To read Chinese is necessary for youChinese is necessary for you. . =_ _necessary_ _ =_ _necessary_ _ 同义句:同义句:= _ _very kind _ _= _ _very kind _ _2.You are very kind to give me some help.2.You are very kind to give me some help.to read to read Chinese.Chinese.to give me some helpto give me some help(for for 引出动作发出者)引出动作发出者)It is + adj + It is + adj + for for sb to do sthsb to do sthIt is + adj + It is + adj + of of sb to do sthsb to do sth(of of 侧重对人的品格、特征、性格的描述)侧重对人的品格、特征、性格的描述)for for you you It is It is It is It is of of you you 3分分一、朗读(共一、朗读(共3 3分)分)1) 1) EatingEating too much is bad for your health. too much is bad for your health.2) What 2) What about going shoppingabout going shopping?3) Do you 3) Do you mind lending mind lending the interesting book to me?the interesting book to me?302928272625242322212019181716* * 动名词由动名词由动词原形动词原形+ -ing+ -ing构成,构成,* * 动名词既有动词和名词的性质。动名词既有动词和名词的性质。动名词作主语谓语用第三人称单动名词作主语谓语用第三人称单数数介词介词 + V-ing + V-ing动词动词 + V-ing + V-ing常见接常见接V-ingV-ing的动词有的动词有: :动词词组动词词组: :finish,enjoy, practice, mind, keep, go, finish,enjoy, practice, mind, keep, go, considerconsider.have fun doing sth. make a living doing.spenddoing.be busy doing. feel like doing.keep sb doing.高兴做某事高兴做某事.以做以做.为生为生花时间做花时间做.忙于做忙于做. . 想做想做.使某人一直做使某人一直做.1. They are busy_ about the Internet. A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learned 2. Its very hot in this room. Why dont you_your coat?(湛江湛江2008中考中考) A. put on B. put away C. take off D. get on3. No matter how hard it is, well keep_until we make it. A. failed B. failing C. tried D. trying 4.Its too dark and I cant see it clearly.Would you mind _ the light? No problem. A. to turn on B. turning on C. to turn off D. turning off5.We couldnt help _ after we heard the funny storyA. to laugh B. laughing C. laughs D. laughed此此TO 非彼非彼TO look forward to doing sth. (盼望)(盼望) pay attention to doing sth. (注意)(注意) be used to doing sth. (习惯于)(习惯于) prefer doing sth to doing sth.(更喜欢)(更喜欢)不定式与动名词的比较不定式与动名词的比较哪些动词后接不定式或动名词哪些动词后接不定式或动名词意义差别不大的?意义差别不大的? like to do like to do like doing like doing hate to do hate to do hate doing hate doing begin to do begin to do begin doing begin doing start to do start to do start doing start doing 哪些动词后接不定式或动名词哪些动词后接不定式或动名词意义差别较大的?意义差别较大的? 1.忘记做过某事(已做过)忘记做过某事(已做过)忘记去做某事(还没做)忘记去做某事(还没做)3.把某事停下来把某事停下来停下去做另外的事停下去做另外的事4.尝试去做某事尝试去做某事努力去做某事努力去做某事2.2.记得做过某事记得做过某事( (已做已做) ) 记住去做某事(未做)记住去做某事(未做)forget doing sthforget to do sth remember doingremember to do stop doing sth stop to do sthtry doing sth.try to do sth.感官动词感官动词 :see, watch, look at, notice, see, watch, look at, notice, hear, listen to, feelhear, listen to, feel 可跟动词什么形式?可跟动词什么形式?+ do+ do表示动作的完整性,表示动作的完整性,+doing +doing 表示动作的进行性表示动作的进行性see sb. doing see sb. doing see sb. do sth. see sb. do sth.hear sb. doing hear sb. doing hear sb. do sth. hear sb. do sth.watch sb. doing watch sb. doing watch sb.do sth. watch sb.do sth.notice sb. doing notice sb. doing notice sb. do sth. notice sb. do sth. 21341.Would you like _(drink) hot drinks?1.Would you like _(drink) hot drinks?2.Do you like _(drink) hot drinks?2.Do you like _(drink) hot drinks?3.Do you feel like _(drink) hot drinks?3.Do you feel like _(drink) hot drinks?to drinkto drinkdrinking / to drinkdrinking / to drinkdrinkingdrinking1. -There goes the bell1. -There goes the bell-Its time for class. Lets stop_.-Its time for class. Lets stop_.A A talk talk B to talk B to talk C Ctalking Dtalking Dnot talknot talk2. On my way home, I stopped _ some food. 2. On my way home, I stopped _ some food. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. boughtA. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought3.Dont forget _ the letter. -Ok. 3.Dont forget _ the letter. -Ok. A. to send B. send C. sending D. being sentA. to send B. send C. sending D. being sent2. Generally speaking, I dont enjoy _, but Id like _ this afternoon.(湛江(湛江2010)A. to swim, to swim B. to swim, swimming C. swimming, to swim D. swimming, swimming3. While I was walking along the lake, I saw some fish _ out of the water.A.jumped B. to jump C. jumping D. are jumping1.- What did your father say just now?(湛江(湛江2010)- He told me not _ in the street. A. runB. runsC. running D. to run 1. Youd better_ too much sugar. You are already overweight. A.not to eat B.to eat C.not eat D.eat2. I would rather stay at home than go shopping.I _ _ _ at home rather than _ shopping.prefer to stay go3. The boss made them work the whole night. =They _ _ _ _ the whole night.were made to work帮助我回信给帮助我回信给MichaelMichael,鼓励他学习中,鼓励他学习中文,告诉他学好中文的方法。文,告诉他学好中文的方法。提示:提示:1. have problem/trouble doing.2.had better do. 3. spend.doing .4.be used to doing.学习非谓语动词的概念、结构、作用。学习非谓语动词的概念、结构、作用。动词不定式动词不定式动名词动名词(doing)to dodo把非谓语动词应用到写作。把非谓语动词应用到写作。1.Review the words and phrases.2.Get ready for the test.3.Review the comparative and superlative adjectives(形容词比较形容词比较级和最高级)级和最高级)


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