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Unit 11. Mr. Manager, may I take a day off tomorrow? My mother is coming to visit me.2. The police offered a reward for clues about the bank robbers.3. When I was ill last week, she offered to look after my child.4. Except for the small kitchen, the flat is satisfactory.5. She was promoted to branch manager last year.6. Everyone was exhausted except John.7. Whos running this company?8. He reached into his pocket for the wallet.Unit21. This young couple want(s) to buy a house in town, but cant afford it now.2. We cant afford to wait. Lets get out here!3. He took good care of the house and painted it every second year/every other year.4. He moved the furniture into another room.5. They have decided to move house/(to another house) because they dont like this place.7. Li Ming shares an apartment with four other students.was nice to him at first. As time passes, she gets more and more impatient, until, by the end of the story, she is unable to wait any longer and starts to dial the number.Unit 5An African chief came to London for the first time when he was well past sixty. He had never left his own country before. A friend of mine went to call on him the morning after his arrival and asked him how he was and whether he was enjoying himself. The chief said he felt well but he had had a frightening experience earlier that morning. went to Victoria Station, he said, “as a train came nearer and nearer to where I stood, all the doors swung open, and while the train was still moving, a great many men jumped out and began to run toward me.Unit 6I live in a large village in the countryside by the beach. Around my village lie fertile fields, in which grow a variety of crops throughout the year. In such a lovely environment you can avoid many urban troubles such as noise, pollution, and heavy traffic. I love to walk into the open country from time to time in the early morning, to enjoy the fresh air and watch the sun rise above the horizon. Through my village stretches a wide road, along the sides of which stand tall silver-barkedtrees. On fixed dates, the road serves as a free market. It is alive with local people who come to sell their farm produce and buy things for their households.Unit 7DictationIt was a bright sunny day in early autumn. The Browns had gone to the country for an outing. The sunlight now slanted at a different angle and there was a breeze. The family finally reached the river. The parents began to make a fire. The kids took off their clothes and put them away. They got out their bathing suits, put them on and walked into the river. They swam and played in the water. Then there came the nice smell and sound of sizzling burgers. Before long, dinner was ready. The family sat beside the fire and enjoyed the meal immensely. The kids were beside themselves with joy. They were aware that the new term would soon begin. They were only too glad to have a bit of fun before they went back to school.Unit 8Smiling is one of the basic human emotional expressions. People smile to look happy and attractive, to please others, or to conceal negative emotions. Teachers may smile to encourage their students while they are trying to work out difficult problems. Smiling also has a function in social communication. Typically people are expected to smile during a friendly conversation. Finally, people of different sexes, ages and cultures smile in different way with different meaning.UnitlOWe have different kinds of food to eat. But We dont seem to pay enough attention to how the food we eat is related to our disease pattern. An inappropriate diet, especially in our early life, may result in some hidden health problems. By the time they become evident, a lot of damage may have already been done to our health.On the other hand, it is very hard to find out exactly what we need. There is no certain way of anticipating who will get what disease, and when. However, evidence show that people who always eat high-fat food are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, and clogged arteries. So it does make sense for us to choose our food wisely and eat many different kinds of food to achieve a balance.Unit31. Tm afraid that the position is not open to students.2.1 came across a letter from France the other day.3. He put his hand on his chest as if to show sincerity.4. Tve filled out the application form.She had her coat on.6. I cant help thinking that weve made a big mistake.7. Fred is short for Frederick.8. He seemed in his early thirties.Unit41. ril do it my own way if you dont mind.2. John couldnt have been in the classroom. We were there just a few minutes ago.3.Such rude behavior cant be excused.4. My salary went up by half when I changed companies.5. The workers smashed the bottles with the hammer.6.1 dont think it hurt to get up earlier.7. You are asking too much of me.8.1 keep making the same mistake. It9s really annoying.Unit51. What is the average monthly income of the people in Shanghai?2. She is improving in health.3. Compared with five years ago, my income has doubled.4. after the traffic accident, he was handicapped /crippled/disabled for life.5. Investigation has shown that Chinese made color televisions are not inferior in quality to imported brands.6. What you said wont change my position on the matter, but I will take your opinion into serious consideration.Unit61. West Lake in Hangzhou attracts tourists from home and abroad alike.2. Through our campus flows a small river, along the banks of which stand many willow trees.3. The wheat fields stretch all the way to the small hill.4. This restaurant serves delicious food at inexpensive prices.5. So far, we are satisfied with his work.6. It is said that some guests from our sister college in Wisconsin will come to visit our campus.7. This supermarket sells everything from household electric appliances to matches. You name it, they got it.8. This building is let to a businessperson from Hongkong.Unit71) When I wake up every morning, I expect something exciting will happen.2) The person in red is our teacher.3) The improvement of the traffic conditions has greatly contributed to the business growth in this area.4) She is too excited to say a word.5) Children all delight in animal stories.6) 1 often tried to persuade her to be more careful, but my attempts were always in vain.Unit81. Because of the bad weather we are unlikely to arrive at our destination before dark.2.1 find it difficult to speak fluent English.3. On birthdays children expect their parents to buy some presents for them.4. To write a paper is quite time-consuming. It involves looking for materials, making an outline, writing, and rewriting.5. If you dont work hard now, you may end up nowhere in future.6. In the class all the students concentrated on the teachers lecture.7. Tm very disappointed that he failed to win the game.Unit9He came upon a good idea.2 His hard work paid off. He got a promotion.3. John spends some time playing with his children every weekend.4. This article can serve as a model (to learn from.)As long as you keep trying, you will surely succeed.6 You can stay as long as you like.7. The meeting room is decorated with flowers.8. Her room is very tidy. Everything is in its place.9. It takes time to write a novel.10. The teacher made a joke and the class came alive immediately.Unit 101. Scientists assume that there is no life on Mars.2. Different nations have different ways of life.3. Health has something to do with diet.4. The two photos look so alike that I cant tell whos who.5. This article does not make any sense.6. On my way to the company, I tried to anticipate the kind of questions the manager would ask me at the interview.7. It is reported that no one died in the fire.8. Although the two companies have the same name, they have nothing to do with each other.9. What would you like to drink - coffee or tea?Unitll1. I can only tell you how many people were killed in the fire. As for the reason, I dont know myself.2. The new peace treaty bans all tests of unclear weapons.3 .Tom has already made apologies to John. But Johns hostility towards Tom still lingers.4. why not change our traditional teaching methodology?5. It is very difficult to lose weight. In contrast, it is easy to put on weight.6. Since you have already employed me, you shouldnt challenge my competence (as a teacher).7. Ken maintained that he was not guilty.Unit 121. Most people like summer. As for me, I like winter better.2. He wants to take up photography when he grows up.3. It suddenly occurred to him that he had taken the wrong bus.4. She devoted her life to teaching.5. If you have made a plan, you must stick to it.6.1 cant help it if he doesnt come to the meeting.7. The author skillfully wove those incidents into a story.8. The students are all eager to know the results of the exam.l.It is difficult to get across Chinese humor to foreigners.1. Weather determines the growth of crops.2. When she saw him go, she went as well.3. Eating too much often results in illness.4. This book had a great impact on a whole generation.6.Once in a while he goes fishing.7.This paper represents important findings in our recent research.Zhang Gang pitched in as soon as he got a job at a hotel. He had to be punctual, hard working and polite to guests so as to meet the hotels standards, as he couldnt afford to lose the job. He still owed a friend of his 800 yuan. He needed money. As he had just started, there was no hope of being promoted and it was not wise to bargain with manager. His pay was 400 yuan a month. He figured that he would be able to pay back the money he had borrowed in four months time. He cleaned up the dining-hall twice a day and carried luggage for guests. His family didnt like his taking a job as a janitor. Yet, fbr him, working at the hotel was a source of pride because he could earn money through honest labor. He beamed when he got his pay at the end of the first month.backUnit2Charles had just graduated from college. He worked at a food factory and earned enough to get by. He was still living with his parents, but would like to move to a flat as soon as he could afford it. He had a girl friend and hoped to start a family. But he had to wait until his income went up so that he could save money. His girl friend Clara, who was of the same age, worked at a cleaning business and earned less thanCharles. They didnt want to depend on their parents. They might have a council house some day, but now they had to have patience.Unit 3Strange things always happen to us. This morning I went to a software company for a job interview. Since I was early, the receptionist asked me to wait for Mr. Lambert with two other girls who had come for the interview too. Just then a man about my age came in and gave his name to the receptionist. We couldnt help wondering what he had come for when we heard him saying job interview. The receptionist seemed a bit surprised. She pointed to a seat next to us and said something to him. I could see that the man was rather embarrassed when we girls looked at him. I wondered if he knew that secretarial work is usually only open to women. It was a bit strange for a man to want to be a secretary.Unit4A woman is waiting impatiently at home, wondering if the man she loves will phone her. She has been waiting a long time. She doesnt call him first because she doesnt like to disturb his work. She imagines what she will say when he finally rings and decides to be sweet to him because she


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