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安徽专升本考试网( )安徽省2005年普通高等学校专升本招生考试英 语 试 题注意事项:1 试卷共8页,用钢笔或珠笔将答案直接写在答题纸上,写在试题上一律无效。2 答卷前将密封线内的项目填烈军属精楚。I. vocabulary and Structure (1 point each ; in all )Directions : For each of the following blanks , four choices are given . You are required to choose the Most appropriate one and put the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. English people often take umbrellas with them when they go out because they dont want to Be_ in a rain. A. seized B. got C. captured D. caught 2. Whenever Tom knew I was in trouble ,. He _ always lend me a hand . A. might B. would C. could D. caught 3. There is an arrow on the wall _ the direction of advance. A. pointing B. identifying C. marking D. indicating 4. The spaceman found _ to look at the earth away from it . A. a most exciting experience B. it a most exciting experience C. that a most exciting experience D. Having not received 5. As people live longer, they _ to change their ideas about life. A. like B. tend C. wish D. complicated 6. _ any instructions from the Head Office , we couldnt make any decision . A. Not receiving B. Receiving no C. Not having received D. Having not received 7. The design was so _ that you could not find any fault in it . A. delicate B. elaborate C. fancy D. complicated 8. So fast _ that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed . A . light travels B. travels light C. do light travel D. so anxiously that 9. She longed to visit Italy , _ she often dreamt about it . A. so seriously that B. so eagerly that C. to such an extent that D. so anxiously that 10. Even if he _ she often dreamt about it . A. is B. had been C. has been D. were 11. The classroom is quite clean _ some waste paper on the floor . A. except for B. except C. besides D. without 12. He is the only one of those boys who _ willing to take a make up exam . A. is B. were C. has been D. was 13. He speaks English well indeed, but of course not _ a native speaker . A. as fluent as B. more fluent than C. so fluently as D. much fluently than 14. Nuclear science should be developed to benefit tile people _ harm them . A. rather than B. other than C. more than D. better than 15. Everyone is working harder and living a happier life now , _ ? A. isnt one B. arent we C. isnt it D. arent they 16. Sorry , I didnt know _ Dr Smith has already returned from his holiday, Ill go and see him in a minute . A. that B. when C. whether D. if 17. Theres little chance that mankind would _ a nuclear war. A. retain B. endure C. that D. survive 18. IT was a soldier who happened to be there _ saved the girl from the danger . A. where B. how C. that D. when 19. The dictionary she bought is _ that 1 have . A. twice as much as B. as twice much as C. twice more than D. neednt leave 20. When 1 took his temperature, it was two degrees above _ . A. average B. ordinary C., regular D. normal 21. 1 was really anxious about you . You _ home without a word , A. mustnt leave B . shouldnt have left C. couldnt have left D. neednt leave 22. lf you _ your name an address on the card , well send the book to you as soon as it is returned. A. go over B. fill in C. find out D. carry out 23. Would you like _ more coffee? Im sure you would . A. much B. few C. any D. a lot 24. These are common materials _ we are all familiar . A. about which B. of which C. with which D. to which 25. _ of danger, he jumped into the into all at once . A. Because B. In terms C. Instead D. to which 26. When I leave the research institute next week, I _ there for 18 years. A. shall be working B. will work C. shall have worked D. have worked 27. The number of children _ form 1 to 15 in different families. A. varies B. seems C. changes D. toms 28. In ancient times people used to build their house with materials _. A. convenient B. important C. available D. natural 29. She a greed without the slightest _. A. hesitation B. thinking C. look D. hope 30. Is there any _ theyll ever find a cure for the common cold ? A. prospective B. prospect C. prosperity D. prosperous 31. Some peep e are colorblinded and cannot _ between blue and green. A. distinguish B. differ C. separate D. divide 32. _ knows the name of this song will receive a prize from tile radio station . A. One B. Who C. Anyone D. Whoever 33. All the countries are customers or _ customers of the United States . A. potential B. pretended C. preventive D. protective 34. The safety rules are _ anyone. A. applied on B. applied in C. applied for D. applied to 35. We got to the station only _ that the train had had just left . A. learned B. to learn C. learning D. having learned II Cloze (1 point each; 10 points in all )Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and put the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. The first name for the Open University was The University of the _36 _ . The idea was to Teach on the air , in other _37_ , on radio and television . Most of the teaching is done like this .Radio and television _38 brought the classroom into people s_39_ . But this , on is own, is not _40_ for a university education. The Open University _41_ also receives advice at one of 283 study centers in the country . Thirtysix weeks of the year he has to send _42_ work to a tutor, the person who guides his _43_ . He must also spend three weeks every summer _44_ a fulltime student. The tutors and students meet and study together, as in other universities, At the end o the Open Universitys first year, the results were good. Three out of every four students _45_ their examinations. If they do this very year, they will finish their studies in four or five years.36. A . Air B. Radio C. Television D. Open37. A. way B. places C. words D. expression 38 A. are B. is C. have D. has39 A. families B. homes C. factories D. offices40. A. good B. bad C. much D. enough41. A. president B. professor C. teacher D. student42. A. writhing B. written C. lost D. missing43. A. studies B. teachings C. works D. examinations44. A. on B. for C. as D. to 45. A. took B. failed C. enjoyed D. passed III. Reading Comprehension (50 points )Task 1 (2 points each; I 0 points in all )Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements ( No. 46 through No. 50 ). For each question or statement there are 4 choices. You should make the correct choice and put the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. In ancient times the most important examinations were spoken, not written. In the schools of Ancient Greece and Rome, testing usually consisted of saying poetry aloud or giving speeches. In the European universities of the Middle Ages, students who were working for advanced degrees had to discuss questions in their field of study with people who had made a special study of the subject. This custom exists today as part of the process of testing candidates (考生) for the doctors degree. Generally , however, modern examinations are written. The written examination, where all Students are tested on the on the same questions, was probably not known until the nineteenth century.Perhaps it came into existence with the great increase in population and the development of modern Industry, A room full of candidates for a state examination, timed exactly by electric clocks and Carefully watched over by managers, resembles a group of workers at an automobile factory. Certainly, , during examinations teachers and students are expected to act like machines. One type of test ins sometimes called an objective test . It is intended to deal with facts, not personal opinions. To make up an objective test the teacher writhes a series of questions, each of which has only one correct answer. Along with each question the teacher writes the correct answerand also three statements that look like answers to students who have not learned the material properly. 46. In the Middle Ages students _ . A. took objective tests B. were timed by electric clocks C. specialized in one subject D. never wrote exams 47. The main idea of paragraph 3 is that _. A. workers now take examinations B. the population has grown C. there are only written exams today D. examinations are now written and timed 48. The kind of exams where students must select answers are _. A. personal B. spoken C. objective D. written 49. Modern industry must have developed _. A. . before the Middle Ages B. in Greece of Rome C. around the 19th century D. machines to take tests 50. It may be concluded that testing _. A. should test only opinions B. has hanged since the Middle Ages C. should always be written D. is given only in factories Task 2 (2 points each ; 10 points in all )Directions: This task is the same as Task I ( No. 51 through No. 55) He lived in the 16th century . A few things , but not really that many , are known about his Life. And yet around the comment is unanimous : he was the greatest writer who ever lived. His name was William Shakespeare.Shakespeare was born in 1564 in a little town called Stratford upon-Avon. When he was in his twenties, he made his way to London. There he spent most of his working life. The theater was every popular at that time, and son Shakespeare was writing plays for them. (He also acted in some of the plays.) In 1599 the company built the famous Globe Theater .There Shakespeare wrote and acted until he retired in about 1607. Shakespeare wrote three kinds of plays: comedies, tragedies, and histories. Many of the comedies involved mistaken identities, women pretending to be men, and slapstick (滑稽剧)situations. One of his famous comedies is A Midsummer Nights Dream. Shakespeares tragedies were often about a noble and honorable man who had one fault that helped bring about his downfall. Hamlet is an example. Shakespeares histories were usually about kings of England, such as Richard IIIor Henry V.What made Shakespeares word so great? It was not necessarily his stories. Many were retellings of stories the audience already knew . But the way he told the stories was often remarkable. He understood the way people thought and acted, and he built this into his characters. Even though they were created 400 years ago, Shakespeares characters are believed today.Shakespeares use of language such as his beautiful descriptions and his clear, to the point statements also made him great. Hundreds of famous English sayings come from his plays. One example: “to be or not to be , this is a question. ”51. This passage is mainly about_A. the Globe Theater B. theater in the 1500sB. Shakespeares histories D. Shakespeares life and work52. Many of Shakespeares plays_.A. were based on original stories B. were based on stories already familiar to the audienceC. were a mixture of comedy and tragedyD. do not exist today53. Based on Shakespeare;s experience, it is probable true that the members of the Lord Chamberlains Men_. A. Performed more than one job B. were jealous of each otherC. could not read or write D. were all quite young54. The general organization of this passage is _.A. Shakespeares words, greatness life B. Shakespeares life, words, greatnessC. Shakespeares childhood, words, retirementD. Shakespeares greatness, words, life.55. The underlined word “unanimous” ( Oara.1 ) in this passage means_.A. Cause for argument B. surprising C. kept in written records D. agreed on by everyone Task 3 ( 3 points each; 15 points in all ) Directions: This task is the same as Task I ( NO.56 through No.60 )A lot of people are their own enemies. They regard themselves as unlikely to succeed in college and often feel that there have been no accomplishments in their lives. In my first year of college especially , I saw people get themselves down all too quickly . There were two students in my class who failed the first test and seemed to give up immediately. From that day on, they walked into the classroom carrying defeat on their shoulders the way other students carried textbooks tinder their arms. Both students hang on until about mid-term. When they disappeared for good, no one took much notice, for they had already disappeared in spirit after that first test.They are not the only people in whom I have seen the self-doubt do its work. I have really wanted to shake them by the shoulders and say : “ You are not dead. Be proud and pleased that you have brought yourself here to college. Be someone. Breathe. Hope. Act.” Such people should not give up without even trying.56. The underlined phrase ”get themselves down” ( Para.1 )probably means.A. Tell lies B. lose confidenceC. avoid dangersD.waste time57. When the two students dropped out, no one took much notice becauseA. they had long list heart in class performanceB. they were absent from class too often.C. they didnt get on well with other studentsD. they were so much cut off from the rest of the class 58. According to the passage, the two students failed in their study because of theirA. shynessB. proudnessC. self-doubt D.laziness59. The author thinks that the two students should.A. give up their college educationB. learn from other studentsC. feel happy because they are in college D. try hard before giving up60. The underlined sentence “ Both students hang on until about mid-term”( Para.1 ) tells us that _?A. they didnt study wellB. they didnt take part in class activitiesC. they didnt take notes in classD. they didnt finish their study that termTask 4 ( 3 points each; 15 points in all ) Directions: This task is the same as Task I ( NO.61 through No.65 )People born in autumn live linger than those born in spring and are less likely to fall chronically(慢性)ill when they are older, according to an Austrian scientist. Using census(人口统计)data for more than one million people in Austria, Denmark and Australia, scientists at the Max Plank Institute for Demographic (人口统计的)Research found the month of birth was related to life expectancy over the age of 50. Seasonal differences in what mothers are during pregnancy(孕期),and infections occurring at different times of the year could both have an impact on the health of a new born baby and could influence its life expectancy in older age. “A mother giving birth in Spring spends the last stage of her pregnancy in winter, when she will eat less vitamins than in summer, ”said one of the scientists. “”When she stops breast feeding and starts giving her baby normal food, its in the hot weeks of summer when babies have tendency to infections of tile digestive system.” In Austria, adults born in autumn lived about seven months born in spring by about four months. In the southern hemisphere, the picture is similar. “Adults born in the Australian autumn lived about four months longer than those born in the Australian spring. The study focused on people born at the beginning of the 20th century, using death certificates and census data. Although nutrition(营养)at all times of the year has improved since then, the seasonal pattern persists. 61The passage is mainly about_. A how the month of birth is related to life expectancy B. how the seasonal pattern affects the health of new born babies C how nutrition in different seasons influences life expectancy D why people born in autumn are free from chronic illness 62. People born in autumn live longer than those born in spring because_. A .a mother giving birth in spring has less nutrition during her pregnancy B. a mother giving birth in autumn eats more vitamins during the last stage of her pregnancy. C. a baby born in spring receives no protection from infections D .a baby born in autumn is never subject to any infections 63.The underlined term “life expectancy”(Para.1)refers to_. A. the length of time for each person B. the expectations of a persons life C .the seasonal changes in a persons life D. the average period that a person may expect to live 64.Which of the following terms is EXCLUDED from the scientists Demographic Research? A .Statistics of births. B .Statistics of deaths. C .Statistics of breast feeding. D Statistics of diseases. 65.The last sentence of the passage implies that_. A. the seasonal pattern has an impact on food values B. the seasonal pattern determines a persons life expectancy C. the seasonal pattern still influences life expectancy even if nutrition improves at all time of the year D .the seasonal pattern will not change even if nutrition has improved much in modern ageIV. Translation ( 35 points )( I ) Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese ( 4 points each for No.66 through No.68; 6 points for No.69; 18 points in all )66. The mixing of civilized cultures is an important development in world history.67. One of the difficulties with recognizing an alcohol problem is that moderate drinking is acceptable social behavior.68. If the killing continues, this wonderful animal , which took millions of years to develop, will be gone . 69. Whether the problem is due to poor manufacture of damage in transportation is not yet clear, we should like to point out that we feel this to be entirely your responsibility. (II) Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English (4 points


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