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XX 年诺森比亚大学奖学金种类和申请要求诺森比亚大学 (Northumbria University)是建立于建立于1870年,是英国一所知名的大学。 诺森比亚大学坐落于泰恩河畔的纽卡斯尔,汇集有许多学生,为该领域注入了朝气和活力。诺森比亚大学有国际学术奖学金计划, 颁发给学术成就突出的学生。 具体都有哪些呢 ?和出 guo 来看看吧。1.International Academic Scholarship (September xx/18)Northumbria University offers an International Academic Scholarships scheme to reward outstanding academic achievement. International students, joining full-time courses, who haveachieved very good grades in their highest previous academic qualifications, may be eligible for a scholarship of ?2,500, depending on the grades you achieved.The scholarships are offered as a reduction in the tuition fees, for the first year of study and apply to all full-time Bachelors, Masters and Research degree programmes.诺森比亚大学有国际学术奖学金计划,奖学金颁发给学术成就突出的学生。对于参加全日制课程学习的国际生,如果在先前最高学术资格证中拿到非常好的成绩, 可以享受 2,500 英镑奖学金具体视获得的成绩来定。国际学术奖学金以学费减免的形式提供,有限期为第一学年,适用于所有全日制学士课程、硕士课程和研究型学位课程。EligibilityYou will qualify for a scholarship if:You have an overseas fee statusYou are a self-funding studentYou are studying on a full-time courseYou would not qualify for a scholarship if:You are sponsored for your tuition fees. If you securesponsorshipforyour tuitionfees afteran offerof scholarshiphas been made, then the scholarship will no longer applyYouare progressingto study at Northumbria from a partneruniversity with whom we have agreed reduced fees forprogressing studentsYou have been awarded another scholarship or discount, except for an alumni discount and/or early payment discount/team northumbria scholarship申请估计学术奖学金,需要符合以下要求:(1) 支付海外学费 ;(2) 为自费生 ;(3) 所学的课程为全日制课程。如果属于以下情况,不能申请国际学术奖学金:(1) 学费有人赞助。 如果学费赞助是在拿到奖学金之后, 奖学金将不再适用 ;(2) 正在从与诺森比亚大学有合作的大学升入诺森比亚大学学习,并且诺森比亚大学与你所在大学之间有针对进步生的学费减免协议;(3) 已经享受其他奖学金校友学费打折、 早期支付打折和诺森布里亚团队奖学金除外。CriteriaEach student will be considered for a scholarship based on a range of factors including overall grades and individual subject grades, the level of the qualification, and the type of institution at which they studied. Qualifications from all countries will be considered.奖学金的评估基于各种因素,包括总成绩、单门学科成绩、资格证书的水准和先前学习所在机构的类型。所有国家发放的资格证书学校都认可。Entry Requirements and Scholarship InformationApplication ProcessThere is no separate application process, yourapplication for a scholarship is determined once we havereceived your application form and academic documents from you. Details of any scholarship awarded to you will be indicated to you in your offer letter.没有单独的申请流程,一旦学校收到你的申请表和学术文件,就会你的奖学金申请作出决定。 奖学金发放详情将在录取通知书中说明。2.Early Payment DiscountThe University is offering new overseas students adiscount where the deposit for a degree programme is receivedby the Universitys Finance Department before the EarlyPaymentDeadlines below.Continuing students,progressing tothe nextacademic year of study, will need to pay their full yearstuitionfee before thebelow deadlinesin orderto be eligiblefor the discount.To ensure you receive the discount please allow enoughtime for funds to reach the UK and clear. As the discount isapplied when the funds are processed in the UK we remend youallowat least 12 days before the datesbelow ifyou are payingvia one of Northumbrias Regional Offices.诺森比亚大学为新入学的海外学生提供学费打折,前提是在早期支付截止日期之前将学位课程费用交到学校的财务部。( 早期支付截止日期在下表中有。) 对于升入下一学年学习的继续生,需要在下面的截止日期之前支付一年的完整学费,才能享受打折。为了确保能享受打折,请尽早准备资金,送达英国。由于资金在英国被受理的时候打折才适用,因此,如果你是通过诺森比亚大学的区域办公室支付学费,学校建议你至少提前12 天交。Deadlines for PaymentEligibilityYouwillqualifyforan earlypayment discountifyou payyour deposit for the academic year in advance of the abovedeadlines and meet all of the following conditions:You have already received an offer prior to paymentThe tuition fee in your offer letter is more than ?8,500Youare a self-fundingstudentstartingan academic degreeor diploma programme lasting at least one full academic year.If you are undertaking an English Language and StudySkillsprogramme you must pay these fees in additionto the fulldeposit for your target programme.As per the Terms andConditions of Offer, you are required to fulfil 50% of yourtuitionfee payment on or before the universityenrolment.Thisincludes the minimum deposit payments already made (i.e.your ?5,500 deposit) the 50%of your tuitionand any other payment. If you havent paid fee, you will be required to do so duringthe university enrolment.如果是在上述截止日期之前支付学年学费,并且符合以下条件,你将可以享受早期支付打折:(1) 在支付学费之前已经拿到录取通知书 ;(2) 录取通知书中的学费在 8,500 英镑以上 ;(3) 为自费生,并且开始学习的学术学位或文凭课程时长不少于一个完成学年。如果学的英语语言与学习技能课程,在完整定金之外,还必须为目标课程支付这些费用。 根据录取通知书的条款和条件, 在注册诺森比亚大学之前或之时,需要支付 50%的学费。这包括最低定金支付( 最低定金为 5,500 英镑 ) 和任何其他费用支付。 如果还没有支付50%的学费,需要在注册期间支付。3.Post Graduate Research Entry and ScholarshipRequirementsEntry RequirementsUsually applicants for our Post Graduate ResearchProgrammesare expected to have at leastan upper second classHonours degree (UK) or equivalentfrom an overseas university,or a Masters degree in a relevant discipline.For applicantswhose firstlanguage is not English, you willneed to meet ourminimum scores for research programmes and the minimum ponent scores for degree level and above courses.一般而言,诺森比亚大学的研究生研究课程要求申请人至少持有英国二等一级荣誉学位, 或持有海外大学授予的同等学位或相关学科的硕士学位。 对于第一语言不是英语的申请人,需要达到研究型课程的最低分数要求和学位水平以上的课程的最低分数要求。Scholarship Requirements* 这些奖学金只适用于 20/16/17 学年。4.Externally Funded Scholarships: Chevening Scholarships What are Chevening Scholarships?Chevening Scholarships are the UK government s global scholarship programme, funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and partner organisations. The Scholarships are awarded to outstanding scholars with leadership potential.Awards are typically for a one-year Masters degree.什么是志奋领奖学金?志奋领奖学金是英国政府的全球奖学金计划,由外交联邦办公室和其他合作机构共同出资。 志奋领奖学金颁发给具有领导潜力的学术突出的学者。该奖学金最适用于一年制硕士学位。Who can apply for a Chevening Scholarship? Applicants should be high calibre graduates with thepersonal, intellectual and interpersonal qualities necessary for leadership. Chevening Scholars e from 144 countries and territories worldwide (excluding the USA and the EU).谁可以申请志奋领奖学金?申请人需要为研究生,需要具备领导力必须的高水准的个人品质、智力素质和人际素质。志奋领学者世界各地144 个国家和地区 ( 美国和欧盟成员国除外 ) 。To be eligible for a Chevening Scholarship, you must:Be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country, and intendto return there after your studies;Hold a degree that is equivalent to at least an upper second-class honours degree in the UK;Demonstrate that you have achieved the Chevening minimum English language requirement;Have pleted at least two years work or equivalentexperience before applying for a Chevening Scholarship;Be able to obtain the correct visa, and receive anunconditional offer from a UK university;Returnto your homecountryat the end of your Scholarship.(1) 为符合志奋领奖学金的国家的公民, 并且有意在学业结束之后回到自己的国家 ;(2) 持有至少与英国二等一级荣誉学位同等的学位 ;(3) 能证明自己已经达到志奋领奖学金的最低英语语言要求 ;(4) 在申请志奋领奖学金之前,已经有两年工作经验或同等经验;(5)有能力拿到所需的签证,并且拿到英国大学的无条件录取;(6) 在奖学金到期之后回国。Most Chevening Scholarships cover:Tuition fees;A living allowance at a set rate (for one individual); An economy class return airfare to the UK; Additional grants to cover essential expenditure. Some Scholarships cover part of the cost of studying inthe UK; for example, tuition fees only or allowances only.(1) 学费 ;(2) 特定比例的个人生活补贴 ;(3) 报销返回英国的经济舱机票 ;(4) 其他重要开支补贴。某些奖学金涵盖在英国学习期间的部分费用,比如只涵盖学费或只提供补贴。,出 guo出 guo 独家翻译,版权归出 guo 所有,未经出 guo 授权许可,任何公司任何人不得复制和,违者必追究法律责任 !内容仅供参考


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