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中西方餐桌礼仪的差异Different Table Manners between China and the West摘 要不同的国家和民族由于地区差异形成了不同的文化,而不同国家的社会生活方式那么形成了不同的饮食文化及餐桌礼仪。饮食文化及餐桌礼仪是非语言文化的重要组成局部。作为一名外语学习者,了解中西方饮食文化及餐桌礼仪方面的差异及其渊源是必要且必须的。因为这不仅仅可以增加对所学语言文化的认识,更加有助于提高跨文化交际的成功率,防止由不适宜的行为或方式所形成的误解。本文第一局部分别对中西方餐桌礼仪做简要概括。第二局部为本文核心,从餐具,座次,点餐及用餐气氛四个方面具体介绍中西方餐桌礼仪的差异。第三局部从地理因素,价值观,及传统习俗入手,讲述形成中西方餐桌礼仪差异的原因。以此三个局部展现餐桌礼仪在中西方文化交流中的重要性。关键词:餐桌礼仪;差异;原因AbstractDifferent countries and nations have different cultures as a result of regional differences. The social lifestyle of different countries form different diet culture and table manner, which is an important part of non language culture. As a foreign language learner, it is necessary to learn the differences between Chinese and Western food culture and table manners. Because it can not only increase the comprehension of the language culture, but also help to improve the success rate of intercultural communication, so as to avoid the misunderstanding caused by improper behavior or manner. The first part of this paper gives a brief summary of Chinese and western table manners. The second part is the core of this paper, describing accurately the differences between Chinese and western table manner from four aspects that are tableware, seat arrangement, serving order and dining atmosphere. The third part introduces the reasons that the differences between Chinese and western table manner from the geographical factors, values, and traditional customs. The purpose of this paper shows that table manner plays an important role in the process of cultural communication between Chinese and western culture.Key words: Table manner; differences; Reasons; Contents摘 要IAbstractIIContentsIII1Introduction12The Different Table Manners Between China and West22.1Difference in Dinnerware22.2Differences in Serving Order32.3Differences in Seat Arrangement42.4Differences in Atmosphere53The Reasons63.1 Geographic Factor63.1The View of Value73.2Traditional Culture84Conclusion9References91 IntroductionTable manner refers to the common polite eating standard in human society. On the contrary, some behaviors when eating are regarded as rude and destroying others appetite. In accordance with different culture of different countries, there are different table manners.According to the literature, Chin Chinese daily life. Whereas, table manner has high statue. While eating with traditional Chinese family, we have to respect their traditional culture and custom. Table manner occupies a important place in the modern Chinese life order. They think that eating is not just to meet the basic physical need, but also essential social experience. Therefore it is particularly important to master some ceremonial knowledge about Chinese table manner,ese table manner has formed a quite complete system since Zhou Dynasty. This traditional banquet are still remaining in most parts of China. As the saying goes, food is the paramount necessity of the people. In this way can we see that eating diet plays a significant role in whether you are a host or a guest. Western table manner originated in Merovingian Dynasty, France affected by the Byzantine culture. At the Roman Empire Time, table manner became more complex and autocratic. The emperor, sitting in the tallest chairs, must receive the dishes taken by the ministers when music was sounded. Before the seventeenth century, eating with hat was the traditional custom. In the imperial era, different nations have different eating habits as table manner is more cumbersome and harsh. When the Romans ate lunch, they usually lied on the chairs. Before eating, British put their hands on the leg, while French put their hands on the table. European table manner is developed on the basis of knights spirit. In the twelfth century, the Italian culture spread to France so that table manner became elegant and refined. Today, there has formed a complete set of table manners.2 The Different Table Manners Between China and West2.1 Difference in DinnerwareChopsticks, which have a long history of 3000 years, are the typical Chinese tableware consistent with the traditional harmony thought. There are three notes that we must pay attention to about the use of chopsticks: first, place chopsticks neatly on the right side of the bowl before eating. Second, do not use chopsticks to make a sound, lick chopsticks, or point at anyone with chopsticks. Taking particular notice, do not insert the chopsticks in rice or pasta, because it is very similar to the ancient ritual candles and symbolizes infelicity. Chopsticks are necessary, as are spoons, plates, cups, napkins, toothpicks. The spoon is used for soup or other small morsels of food. Proper soup is at three-quarter of the bowl. Remember not to put soup too full to smear the table cloth or clothing. In general, the big plates are for a variety of dishes, small plates for the food dish to hold the incoming food from the public plates. Too many things are not proper in the table cover so as to avoid oil to spill, and put thorns on the front end of the plate. Napkins are often used in some large hotels. Before dinner, the waiters will prepare a hot wet towel for the guests. A small handleless wine cup cup is usually on the left of the dish for the Chinese alcohol.Western dinnerware are mainly the knife and fork which were widely used by France in the European continent in the 18th century. Westerners using knife and fork is consisted with their culture about nomadism and maritime, which shows vividly that they are competitive and adventurous. Before eating, knife and fork are placed in accordance with the rule : left fork and right knife both sides of the plate respectively, with the blade took inward. When eating, right hand take the knife to cut food without blade outward, while left hand use the fork to eat food. If not to eat temporarily, one should place knife and fork in eight shape with the blade toward oneself. When the meal is finished, the fork should be raised on the back and the blade is folded inward with the fork. Besides knife and fork, spoons, napkin, glass are also essential for Western dinner. Spoons are divided into two types: soup spoons and sweet spoons. A large spoon is next to the knife, while small dessert spoon are placed on the top of the dessert dish. When drinking soup, one should take the spoon with the right hand. After drinking, one should place it in the opposite side of the plate. The napkin is usually prepared on the plate before the meal.The wine glasses are placed with the order : liqueur glass, red wine glasses, champagne glasses, beer mugs. And the type of wine is the same as the type of wine. The wine glass is usually on the right side of the knife.2.2 Differences in Serving OrderIn Chinese banquet, appetizers, the first dish, are sometime made of four kinds of cold platet. Representative appetizers are the bean cured mixed with hopped green onion, cold cuts ox-trip and so on. After the cold plate, four hot plates are followed that usually are fried shrimp, fried pork and so on. Hot plates can be not served if guests do not want. There are two points when serving hot plate. First, the waiter ought to serve from the left of the opposite seat of the most important guest. Second, waiter could not put the heads of the animals for example chicken to point at the chief seat because it is a really unlucky behavior. The following are the main course, also known as large dishes, will be taken on the table. If the menu is marked eight pieces, it says that there are a total of eight main course. The number of courses in the main course is usually four, six, eight and other even, since the Chinese people think that even is the the symble of good luck. In the luxurious banquet, the numbers of main course even can be up to ten kinds of species. These dishes are made of different materials, added acid, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty flavors, with fried, steamed, boiled, fried, roasted, fried and other cooking methods .Most of the order of the dishes are matched interactively, for example, combining light taste with oily and great taste. Soup is the end. Desserts, such as small steamed bread filled with bean paste, almonds and so on, are provided after the main course. Last are the fruits, which are good for digesting. In western banquet, the appetizer is also the first dish which is specialty. As for the first dish, it usually match with aperitif. It is westerners favorite snack with acid and crisp taste. The second dish, extremely different from China, is soup which is classified generally into five categories: vegetable soup, cold soup, cream soup, pureed soup,and clear soup. Next is side dish, also called fish dish, including a variety of seafood such as shellfish and mollusks for the seafood is full of nutrition and good for lung and eye. The fourth dish is main course, which also known as poultry or meat dish. Delicious steak or lamb is the most common main course. After greasy meat dish, it is right time for salad, refreshing vegetable dish, such as tomato, broccoli, onion and so on. The following dish are desserts which have many different kinds. They can be chocolate cookie, croissant, mousse cake, macaronis. Coffee is the final drinking, which can be added milk and sugar according to your own taste. It also has different kinds such as blue mountain coffee, latte, mocha and so on. 2.3 Differences in Seat ArrangementIn the Chinese table manner, at the beginning, let guests attend the seats, then please the elderly sit next to the guests. One should seat from the left side of the chair. When sitting on the chair, one should not move the chopsticks, or make noise, let alone walks casually. Host invites guests to have seats and should not let guests sit close to the place where dishes are served. If you are the master, you should point at a chair and say to the guest with a gentle tone: please sit here. There are three fundamental way for sitting arrangement: first, taking the seat that master sits as a sign, the guests on his right is honor, comparatively speaking, the left is of lower position. Second, first host should sit towards the main door so that shows the distinguished identification, then the guests of honor sit on the right of master. As for deputy chief guests, they should sit on the left. Third, if the position of the guest of honor is superior to the host, the host is able to ask guest whether he wants to have a seat where the host should have seated, and if the guest says yes , then the host should sit on the right of main seat. However, if the guest is so modest that he refuses to do it persistently, host should stop it. While in the family banquet, the older are the most reputable.Western people believe the same principle that the right is honor and the left is low as Chinese. As soon as hostess tells guests that the dinner is ready, the host will introduce the guests to have a seat. If you are a careful master, you will take nametag on the table in order to show seats for everyone. however, the seat arrangement is usually followed the rule that female and male sit separately without name cards. Hosts seat is on the right of hostess. The other couples are diagonally seated. Couple sitting individually shows the opening and lively nature of the American banquet. They hope that the banquet can be used to enhance the relationship of each other and relaxing atmosphere. “ Lady first is generally followed in seat arrangement when people have a dating and hold some informal occasion. When a gentleman shares a supper with a woman, the gentleman ought to make sure that woman sits inside and sits far from the aisle in case that waiter or other customers run into her. If there are many people, men should lead the women sit in the middleWhat is more, men pulls the chair for woman and then lets women sit. But if there are just two man having dinner, the junior sit outside.2.4 Differences in AtmosphereWhen When Chinese people have delicacies from land and sea they often talk of everything under the sun, which shows that hostess is so passionate and hospitable. Besides, lively table atmosphere can reflect the guests joy. The active atmosphere reflects the happiness of family, and harmony of the nation in a sense. Chinese people usually prepare a wild variety of dishes for the guests who are invited to have dinner, which is no less than seven or eight dishes. The more delicious and expensive the dishes are, the more honorable guests appear. The words between the meal can exactly express the modest characters of Chinese. Although the hostess elaborates perfectly, she would say: Hope you bear with me that the dish does not cook well. Please forgive me, I just prepare a little food. Or some modest words similar like this. At the middle time of the dinner, the host and hostess will take food for the guests with serving chopsticks. Then ask guests: “ Do you enjoy the dish? Would you like some more? And sooner later, the host will ask this again and again. The guest would answer : The dish is really delicious, I would like just a little more. The words are mixed up with a little shame.By contrast, in the western countries, people think that excessive noise is rude, and only the quiet and orderly atmosphere can show noble. There not exist these phenomenons such as persuading to drink alcohol and carrying food for others. This reflects the respect for the individual in the western culture. People hardly talk with each other but to cut and eat their food with fork quietly. They avoid making noise while eating and drinking. Even if they have something important to talk, they keep the sound that both of them can heard only. While in western dinner, there are four or five dishes. If it is at home, the guest had better eat all of the food, so the hostess will be very happy because of her good cook. Usually, host simply say to guest: help yourself. When the host ask: would you like more fried chicken? The guest just answer according to himself. If he is full enough, he said: no, thanks. If not, he should answer: yes, I would like some more chicken. After dinner, guest would say it was out of the world! So delicious! I licked the plate clean. or I made a pig of myself. In this way can make hostess happy.3 The Reasons3.1 Geographic FactorChina is located in the east Asia-Europe continental monsoon climate zone, rain and heat over the same period, very suitable for growing plant, which forms Chinese peoples plant character. Most western countries are located in temperate maritime climate zone, which is the perfect place for natural pasture. So western people are fond of meat. For Europeans, pasture means food, and food means survival, which in turn leads to their expansion and the formation of aggressive character. There are big animals such as cattle and sheep in the vast ranch, so their diets are mainly steak and lamb, and thus have the argument that is from Berlin to Los Angeles, steak is a taste. This is why milk from Europe and the United States is spread into China. The forming of different tableware is also related to geographical factor. Chopsticks originate from the place where there is bamboo. More wood in the north, more bamboo in the south, ancestors use local materials, cutting bamboo and wood for making chopsticks. Anyway, chopsticks play an indispensable role in Chinese daily life. Knife and fork later than the chopsticks is the representative of Western tableware, which originated in the ancient European living nomadic habits. Meat is so hard that they have to invent the suitable tableware. Before and after the 15th century, there appeared two- teeth fork, the emergence of four- teeth fork in the 18th century. They cut down and eat meat as soon as it cooked. From then on, western people use knife and fork as their tableware.3.1 The View of ValueIn China, a state of ceremony, table manner reflects Chinese solidarity collectivist values. During the dinner, seat arrangement can give expression to it obviously. Chinese people emphasis that to respect the old and cherish the young, to be filial first. Relatively speaking, in western countries, the value of individualism occupies a position of importance, which shows individual valve and strength. Because they emphasis personality development, self-expression in their philosophical thought. They believe that it is not fate but your own laziness to contribute to your failure. During Chinese dinner, seniority would give dish to the junior so that displays their kindness to children. This is lively and harmonious atmosphere conforming to Chinese traditional value. On the contrary, western people eat their own food and pick up food they want to have. They refuse others to force themselves eating food they do not like. Different from Chinese traditional food culture, western diet is more rational, more emphasis on science and health. Regarding nutrition as the highest standard, they eating food is just like adding a fuel to a biological machine, with particular emphasis on the nutrition of the food. Whether the amount of Protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and all kinds of inorganic elements is reasonable, whether the supply of calories is proper, whether nutrients can be fully absorbed by the body, which are the westerners focus. Western diet that demonstrate strong pragmatism and utilitarianism will not combine the diet with spiritual enjoyment together. Chinese diet has always been pursuing the taste as the primary purpose of eating. A folk saying goes: hunger breeds discontentment, and whether the food is delicious or not depends on taste. Chinese create a lot of cooking methods in order to make dish tasteful. Even if the dish name is poetic. Making food and eating food have special cultural connotation, to a certain extent, which is the embodiment of the art. Although we attach importance to eating for keeping in good health, our cooking methods result in a lack of many nutrients in the process and it is one disadvantage.3.2 Traditional CultureThe different national ethnic and historical development can lead to different history. Confucianism and Taoism are the origin of Chinese traditional culture, which have a long and profound influence on Chinese society. Faith, propriety, righteousness, wisdom, benevolence are the core of Chinese traditional culture. While in western countries, Judea-Christian Culture is the core of western traditional culture. They believe that God is the master of all things. Later, Puritan claim a new idea that is individual success must rely on individual hard work and struggle. In the book Culture on Dinner Table, Mr. Yi Zhongtian said that the collectivism is the core thought of Chinese culture while the individualism is western corn thought. So Chinese have dinner around a big table and share the common food. On the contrary, western people eat their own food picked by themselves.In China, especially in ancient times, women are not allowed to participate in formal banquets which is identical to the Chinese traditional feudal thought males are supposed to be worth more than the other sex. In the book of the Chinese, Lin Yutang even said: since the primitive times, women has not occupied the deserved status in the Chinese peoples blood. In the Chinese traditional culture, woman has been in a subordinate position. Although Chinese womens status been significantly improved, when there exist collision between the old principle and the lady first principle, Chinese choose the former instead of later. On the contrary, westerners are in a democratic and open society, so they advocate respect for women. ladies first is a traditional culture in the west, and an absolutely necessary etiquette in soc


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