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研究生课程中英文对照表中文课程名英文课程名学分学期当代国际政治概论 Modern international Politics 21 当代中国现代化发展史 Developmental History of Chinese Modernization 22 共产国际与中国革命 The Communist International & Chinese Revolution 21 毛泽东思想概论 The Thought of Mao Zedong 21 统战理论与实践 United Front Theory and Practice 中共党史史料学 Historical Documents of the Communist Party of China History24 中国革命史专题研究 Monographic Study of Chinese Revolution History 31 中国近现代政治思想史 History of Modern Chinese Political Thought 31 中国土地改革史 History of Land Reform in China 22 中国现代化思想史 History of Chinese Modernization Thought 22 当代中国史研究 Contemporary History of China Studies 中华人民共和国史专题研究 Monographic Study of the Peoples Republic of China History 32 李群在微分方程中的应用 Applications of Lie Groups to Differential Equations .3,4 变分学 Calculus of variations 32 抽象代数 Abstract Algebra 61,2 代数拓扑学 Algebraic Topology 4 非线性发展方程 Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Soliton 62,3 非线性泛函分析 Nonlinear Functional Analysis 42 非线性偏微分方程 Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations 33 几何拓扑学 Geometric Topology 71,2 连续统理论与动力系统 Continuum Theory and Dynamical Systems 43 临界点理论(二) Critical Point Theory (二) 临界点理论(一) Critical Point Theory (一) 63,4 流形的拓扑学 Topology of Manifold 43 群表示论 Representation theory of groups 43 示性类理论 Theory of Characteristic classes 43 算子代数 Operator Algebras 43 算子理论 Operator Theory 42 讨论班 Seminar 套代数 Nest Algebras 43 微分拓扑学 Differential Topology 4 纤维丛理论 Theory of Fibre Bundle 42 现代拓扑学 Modern Topology 41 现代微分几何 Modern Differential Geometry 31 二阶线性偏微分方程(二) Linear Second Order PDE(二) 二阶线性偏微分方程(一) Linear Second Order PDE(一) 61,2 有限群 Theory of finite groups 42,3 置换群 Permutation groups 3 自由边界问题 Some topics in Free Boundary Problems 33 常微分方程定性理论 Qualitative Theory of ordinary Differential Equations 42 代数拓扑 Algebraic Topology 41 调和分析 Harmonic Analysis 动态图形 Animation 34 多元逼近 Multivariate Approximation 多元统计分析 Multivariate Statistical Analysis 41 分形理论及其应用 Fractal Theory and its Applications 43 高等数理统计 Advanced Mathematical Statistics 81,2 函数逼近论 Approximation Theory 42 计算机图形学 Computer Graphic 81,2 计算几何 Computational Geometry 81,2 可靠性理论 Reliability Theory 23 蒙特卡洛法 Monte Carlo Method 曲线曲面 Curves and Surfaces 23 三维造型 Solid Modeling 41 时间序列分析 Time Series Analysis 算法分析 Arithmetic Analysis 图形工作站 Work Station 微分动力系统 Introduction to Differential Dynamical Systems 43 稳定性理论 Stability Theory 小波分析 Wavelet Analysis 42 样条函数 Spline Function 应用概率统计 Applied Probability and Statistics 33 真实感图形 realistic rendering 41 计算复杂性 Computational Complexity 42 金融数学 Financial Mathematic 控制的几何理论 Geometric Theory of Control 42 拟阵论 Matroid Theory 42 微分包含 Differential Inclusions 33 微分方程 Differential Equation 42 稳定性-动力系统 Stability and Dynamical Systems 43 线性系统理论 Linear System Theory 41 运筹学 Operations Research 41 组合优化 Combinatorial Optimization 43 逼近论导引 Introduction to Approximation Theory 31 非线性方程组数值解法 Numerical methods of nonlinear equation Systems 34 分形几何 Fractal Geometry 3 数值代数及其应用 Numerical Algebra and Its Applications 32 特征值反问题 Inverse Eigen value Problems 3 现代微分方程数值解 Numerical Solutions of Modern Differential Equations 33 正负法数控绘图 Positive-Negative Algorithm for Drawing Graphs with Digital 3 高等量子力学 Advanced quantum mechanics 41 高等统计物理 Advanced statistical Physics 32 近代场论与凝聚态物理 Modern quantum field theory and condensed matter 33 近代量子场论(I) Advanced Quantum Field Theory(1) 42 近代量子场论() Advanced Quantum Field Theory (2) 43 李群与李代数 Lie group and Lie algebras 32 群论 Group theory 41 统计物理中场论方法 Field Theory Methods in statistical Physics 32 微分几何 Differential Geometry 32 表面物理 Surface Physics 4 超导电性理论 Theories of Superconductivity 42 固体化学 Solid Chemistry 32 固体理论 Quantum Theory of Solids 51,2 固体专门实验 Experiment of Solid Physics 22 凝聚态物理专题 Recent Topics on Condensed Matter Physics 32 弱信号检测 Weak signal detection 21 微机应用 Principle of micro computers applications 21 现代凝聚态物理实验方法 Experimental Techniques on Condensed Matter Physics 31 非线性光学 Principle of Nonlinear Optics 32 光电探测 Detection of optical radiation 22 激光谱学 Laser Spectroscopy 32 激光器件与激光技术 Laser device & Laser technique 31 激光实验 Laser experiment 22 激光物理学 Laser Physics 31 原子光谱学 Atomic spectroscopy 31 量子光学 Quantum Optics 31 激光原理 Principle of Lasers 32 粒子物理理论 Theory on Particle Physics 31 量子场论基础 Basic on Quantum Field Theory 31 X-射线衍射晶体分析 X-ray Diffractive analysis of Crystal Structure 22 高等分析化学 Advanced Analytical Chemistry 31 高等无机化学 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 31 高等有机化学 Advanced Organic Chemistry 31 化学热力学 Chemical Thermodynamics 32 环境化学 Environmental Chemistry 32 计算机化学 Computer Chemistry 32 近代仪器分析与实验技术 Modern Instrumental Analysis and experiments 41,2 量子化学 Quantum Chemistry 31 配位化学研究方法 Methods in Investigation of Coordination Chemistry 32 稀土元素化学 Rare Earth Chemistry 32 催化化学或表面物理 Catalysis Chemistry or Surface Physics 32 化学动力学 Chemical Dynamics 31 溶液热力学 Solution Thermodynamics 42 统计热力学 Statistical Thermodynamics 31 环境监测 Environmental monitoring 32 环境评价 Environmental Quality Assessment 32 表面活性剂化学 Chemistry of Surface active reagents 32 高等有机化学实验 Advanced Organic Chemistry Experiments 32 有机结构分析 organic Structural Analysis 32 有机合成专论 Organic Synthesis 32 有机合成实验 Advanced Organic Synthesis Experiment 22 电化学研究方法 Methods in Investigation of Electrical Chemistry 32 应用波谱学 Applications of Spectroscopy 32 非线性动力系统 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems 31 非线性随机振动 Nonlinear random vibration 22 非线性有限元程序设计 Designing of Nonlinear Finite Element Program 42 非线性振动 Nonlinear vibration 21 分析动力学 Analytical Dynamics 21 刚体系统动力学 Dynamics of Systems of Rigid Bodies 32 结构动力学 Structural Dynamics 31 现代控制理论与应用 Modern Control Theory and Application 32 运动稳定性 Stability of Motion 22 弹性力学变分原理 Variational Principle in Elasticy 32 多相流动基础 Introduction to Multiphase Flow 32 高等流体力学 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 42 工程与系统中的控制 Control in system and Engineering 32 固体力学基础 Foundations of solid Mechanics 31 固体实验力学 Experimental solid Mechanics 32 计算传热学 Numerical Heat Transfer 32 计算流体力学(有限元,边 ) Computational Fluid Mechanics (Finite Element Method) 31 计算流体力学(差分,网格生成) Computational Fluid Mechanics (Finite Difference Method) 32 流变学基础 Rheology Principles 32 数据分析 Ramdon Dynamical Data Processing 32 随机振动 Random Vibration 31 现代流体实验测试技术 Modern Experimental and Measuring Technique for Fluid Flow 31 叶轮机械气体动力学 Gas Dynamics of Turbomachinery 31 张量分析及其力学中应用 Tensor Analysis and Its Application 31 最优化原理与方法 Optimization Theory and Method 31 板块构造专题 Special Topic on plate tectonics 2 环境地球化学 Environmental Geochemistry 33 前寒武纪地质 Precambrian Geology 33 区域地质及地球物理专题 Regional Geology and Geophysics 33 岩矿专题 Special Subject of Petrology 33 岩石薄片研究指导 The Section Research of Rocks 23 岩石大地构造学 Petrotectonics 31 变质岩构造及变形构造 Structure of Metamorphic Rock and Deformation 33 高等构造地质学 Higher Structural Geology 32 高等同位素地质 Higher Isotope Geology 24 古地磁实验技术 An Introduction to Paleomagneotism 21 古地磁专题 Thematic Paleomagenefism 32 历史大地构造学 Historical Geotectonics 32 生物磁学及环境磁学 Biologic Magnetics & Environmental Magnetics 23 岩石物理学 Petrophysics 33 地理信息系统 Geographic Information System 22 地物波谱学 Spectral Analysis 2 遥感程序设计 Remote sensing Programming 61,2,3 遥感地学分析 Geo-Science Analyses of Remote Sensing 23 遥感定量理论 Remote sensing Quantitative Theory 41,2 遥感专题 Remote Sensing Special Subject 23 环境土壤学 Environmental Pedology 22 微量元素环境地球化学 Environmental Geochemistry of Trace Elements 33 水环境化学 Aqueous Environmental Chemistry 22 高级电子电路专题 Advanced Electronic circuits 31 数字信号处理技术 The Techniques of Digital Signal Processing 32 微处理机应用系统设计 Design of Micro-Processor Application System 31 智能测试仪器与系统 Intelligent Measurement and system 32 变频器设计与应用 The Application and Design of VVVF Inverter 32 电机过渡过程的理论与仿真 The Theory And Simulation of Electrical Machine Transients 32 电机计算机控制技术 Computer Control Techniques on Electric Machines 32 电机现代设计理论 Modern Design Theory on Electric Machines 32 电力电子装置的机辅分析 Computer Aided Analysis of Power Electronic Device 31 电气伺服系统设计与应用 The Design and Application of Electric Servo System 32 交流电机调速理论 The Theory of speed Adjusting of Alternating-Current Motors 33 可编程控制器原理与应用 The principle of programmable controller and its application32 现代控制理论 Modern Control Theory 31 AI在电力系统中的应用 The application of artificial intelligence to power systems 32 电磁场数值分析 Numerical Analysis for Electromagnetic Fields 32 电磁暂态过程数字仿真 Computer Aided Analysis of Electromagnetic Transient in Powe32 电力系统的计算机运行与控制 Computerized Operation and Control of Power Systems 32 电力系统规划 Power System Planning 22 电力系统可靠性 Reliability Evaluation of Power Systems 32 电力系统暂态分析 Power System Transient Analysis 32 高电压测量技术 High Voltage Measuring Techniques 22 高电压绝缘 High Voltage insulation 32 环境电磁学基础 Electromagnetic Compatibility Fundamentals 23 计算机继电保护系统 Computer Relaying for Power Systems 32 网络理论 Electrical Network Theory 31 直流输电原理() DC Transmission() 21 直流输电原理() DC Transmission() 22 电力电子微机化检测控制 Detection and Control of Power Electronic Equipment 22 电力电子系统干扰抑制技术 Interference Suppression Techniques in Electronics 32 电力电子线路及系统的计算仿真 Computer Simulation of Power Electronic Circuits 21 高频功率变换技术最新发展 New Advances in High Frequency Power Conversion 32 特种电源专论 Special Power Supplies 32 现代电力电子技术 Advanced Power Electronics 32 现代电力电子器件专题 Modern Power Devices 32 现代功率无源元件应用 Modern Power Passive Components and Application 21 信号与系统 Signal and System 31 电磁场原理 Principle of Electromagnetic Field 32 电气测量技术 Electrical Measurements 32 非线性电路理论 Nonlinear Network Theory 32 非线性控制系统 Nonlinear control system 32 机器人控制 Robot Control 32 系统辨识 System Identification 31 线性多变量系统 Linear Multi-Variable System 31 智能控制理论及应用 Intelligent Control Theory and Applications 32 自适应控制与鲁棒控制 Adaptive Control and Robust Control 32 最优控制 Optimal Control 32 系统工程与运筹学 Systems Engineering 32 交流调速控制系统 Control Engineering of Electrical Drives 32 中文信息处理 Computer Processing of Chinese Language 32 电机调速系统仿真 The Computer Simulation of Electrical Motor Drives 32 电机电磁场 Electromagnetic Field on Electric Machines 31 计算机实时控制系统 Computer Real-time Control 41 测量数据的分析与处理 Data Analysis and Processing 32 弹性力学 Theory of Elasticity 31 断裂理论与工程应用(2) Fracture Theory and Eng Application (2) 31 断裂力学测试技术(3) Experimental Methods for Fracture Mechanics 32 焊接结构分析 Welded Construction Analysis 32 机器故障诊断技术 Machinery Fault Diagnostic Technique 32 机械振动 Mechanical Vibration 31 工程流体力学 Fluid Mechanics in Engineering 31 实用数值计算方法 Applied Numerical Method 41 塑性力学 Engineering Plasticity 22 微型计算机应用技术 Application of Microcomputer Technicians 21 现代测试技术(A) Modern Testing and Measurement Technology 31 现代动平衡技术的理论及应用 The Theory and Application of Modern Balancing Tech 22 压力容器工程优化(2) Optimization of Pressure Vessel Engineering 32 有限单元法 Finite Element Methods 32 转子动力学(1) Rotor Dynamics 32 辨识滤波及自适应 Identification Filtering and Adaptive Control 32 非线性控制理论(四室必选课) Nonlinear Systems Control 31 工业过程系统动力学(一室必选课)Industrial Process System Dynamic 32 过程动态模型(三室必选课) Process Dynamic Modeling 31 计算机控制系统设计 Computer Control System Design 21 科技英语写作 Writing Scientific Documents in English 22 系统辨识 System Identification 32 线性控制系统理论 Linear Systems 31 智能控制 Intelligent Control 32 最优化及最优控制 Optimization and Optimal Control 32 两相流检测技术 Measurement of Two Phase Flow Parameters 32 人工智能及应用 Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications 32 微机化仪表设计原理 Design of microcomputer-Based Instrumentation 32 现代电子技术 Modern Electronic Technique 32 新型检测技术与信号处理 New Detecting Technique 31 信号处理理论基础 System Identification and Parameter Estimation 31 仪表可靠性估计 Reliability Evaluation of Instruments 31 仪表优化设计基础 Basis of Instrumental Optimum Design 22 过程的建模与仿真 Process Modeling and Simulation 32 接口技术与局域网 Microcomputer Interfacing for Electronics Technicians 32 神经元网计算导论 Introduction of Neural Networks Computation 33 系统工程 System Engineering 32 现代数据分析方法 Modern Methods for Data Analysis 32 仪器分析与计量化学 Instrumental Analysis and Chemometrics 32 智能装置原理与设计 32 传递现象 Transport Phenomena 51,2 传质过程 Mass Transfer 31 多相反应动力学及反应器分析 Multiphase Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Analysis 31 多相流反应工程 Multiphase Chemical Reaction Engineering 32 高等分离工程 Advanced Separation processes 42 高等化工热力学 Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 32 高分子选论 Selected Topics on Polymer Chemistry 31 化工过程分析 Chemical Process Analysis 32 化工基础数据 Essential Data for Chemical Engineering 33 化工选论 Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering 23 人工智能的化工应用 Artificial Intelligence in Process Engineering 23 聚合反应工程 Polymerization Reaction Engineering 32 聚合反应器的设计与放大 The Principles of Design and Scale up of Polymerization Reat21 聚合过程中的传质 Principles of Mass Transfer in Polymerization Engineering 22 聚合物流变学 Rheology of Polymers 21 平衡物性理论导论 Introduction on equilibrium Property theory 32 数据的分析与处理 32 微机原理及应用 Microprcessor and its Applications 32 吸附分离工程 Adsorption Engineering 22 新型分离技术 22 催化反应动力学选论 Selected Topics of Catalytic Activity and Kinetics 22 多相反应体系动力学及反应器分析31 工业结晶过程 Industrial Crystallization Processes 31 吸附催化实验方法 Experimental Methods in Adsorption and Catalysis 22 有机合成选论 Selected Lecture of Organic synthesis 21 流体相平衡原理和应用 Principle of Fluid Phase Equilibria and its Application 32 膜科学技术 Membrane Science and Technology 22 生物反应过程测量、模型与控制 Modeling and Optimal Control for Bioprocesses 31 生物分离过程 Bioseparation Engineering 22 生物化学反应工程 Bioreaction Engineering 31 高等环境工程 Advance Environment Engineering 42 环境科学导论 Introduction to Environmental Science 22 高等钢筋混凝土结构 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Structure 32 高等土力学 Advanced Soil Mechanics 31 基础工程 Foundation Engineering 32 计算结构力学 Computational Structural Mechanics 32 结构测试技术 Technique of Structure Test 32 实验土力学 Experiment Soil Mechanics 32 土动力学 Soil Dynamics 32 土木工程专家系统应用与开发 Application & Development of Civil Engineering Expert System22 土塑性力学 Soil Plasticity 31 计算土力学 Computational Soil Mechanics 32 工程地质与岩石力学 Engineering Geology &Rock Mechanics 32 优化原理与方法 Optimization Theory and algorithm 41 高等结构动力学 Advanced Dynamics of Structures 31 工程弹塑性力学 Engineering Elasticity and Plasticity 31 结构非线性稳定分析 Nonlinear and stability of Structures 22 结构风工程 Structural Wind Engineering 22 结构稳定理论 Theory of Structural Stability 32 结构与基础工程减振技术 Control of Engineering Vibration 22 科技软件工程 Software Engineering For Science And Technique 32 模糊数学及其工程应用 Applications of Fuzzy Math. in Civil Engineering 32 网架与网壳结构 Space Truss and Latticed Shell Structures 32 高等工程流体力学 Advanced Engineering Fluid Mechanics 31 管网分析及市政工程应用 Pipe Network Analysis 33 环境水力学 32 计算机辅助设计CAD Computer Aided Design 32 计算流体力学 Computational fluid Mechanics 32 损伤与断裂 Damage & Fracture Mechanics 33 系统分析 Systems Analysis 32 岩体力学与工程应用 Rock Mechanics & Engineering 32 结构可靠度理论与应用 Structural Reliability Theory and its application 32 工程接触力学 Contact Mechanics In Engineering 22 固体的变形与断裂 Educational Program for Deformation and Fracture 22 机械优化设计 Mechanical Optimum Design 22 计算机辅助设计 Computer Aided Design 22 润滑理论 Theory of Lubrication 32 现代控制理论 Modern Control Theory 31 测试技术 Measurement and Data Processing 32 放电加工理论基础 Theoretical Basis of Electrical Discharge Machining 22 工程摩擦学 Engineering Tribology 31 工程软件开发方法与技术 Engineering Software Development Methodology and 22 工程设计学 Engineering Design 31 工程系统的模拟与仿真 Modeling and Simulating of Engineering Systems 32 工程中有限元法 The Finite Element Method 32 公差计算机辅助设计与优化 22 机床热态精度控制 Control Technique for Thermal Accuracy of Machine Tools 22 机构分析与综合 Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanisms 31 机械故障诊断学 Mechanical Fault Diagnosis 22 机械振动学 Mechanical Vibration Theory and Applications 32 机械制造中的现代测试技术 Advanced Measurement and Testing in Mechanical Eng 31 计算机辅助设计与制造 CAD/CAM 41 计算机图形处理 Computer Graphics Processing 32 精密机械热态理论与实验技术 Thermal Behaviour Theory of Precision Machinery an 22 模具设计 Design for Die and Mould 32 切削理论 Cutting Theory 22 柔性制造技术 Flexible Manufacturing Technology 22 时间序列与动态数据处理 Time Series and Dynamic Data Processing 32 数字信号处理 Digital Signal Processing 32 随机振动 Random Vibration 22 现代机械制造工艺理论 Modern Theory of Mechanical Manufacturing Process 32 现代制造系统工程学 Modern Manufacturing System Engineering 32 小波分析及工程应用 Wavelet Analysis and its Application in Engineering 22 制造过程控制 Manufacturing Process Control 42 机电系统CAD导论 Introduction of CAD for Mechatronic System 31 机电系统电液控制


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