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国开(中央电大)本科理工英语4网上形考任务试题及答案模板适用专业及层次:机械设计制造及其自动化、计算机科学与技术、数学与应用数学、水利水电工程和土木工程本科。单元自测1 试题及答案 题目顺序是随机的,使用查找功能(CtrlF)进行搜索 题目_, he knows a lot about computer. As he is a child Child as is he Child as he is 答案Child as he is 题目My assistant will now_ the machine in action. demonstrate demobilize domestic 答案demonstrate 题目_ this multimedia product has some shortcomings, it has also some good points. While If Not only 答案While 题目Do you mind my using my mobile phone here? _. Yes, use it please. No, of course not 答案No, of course not 题目How isyour business going? _ Good, its growing all the time. Thank you. Im going to Beijing. 答案Good, its growing all the time. 题目I wonder if Icould use your tablet tonight? _. Im not using it right now. It doesnt matter. No, thank you. Sure, here you are. 答案Sure, here you are. 题目Oh. Dear! Ive lost my new watch. _ Im sad. Thats all right. What a pity! 答案What a pity! 题目2.Thank you ever so much for the Apple Watchyou sent me. _ No thanks. Im glad you like it. Please dont say so. 答案Im glad you like it. 题目Considering the needsof the new generation, we propose the concept of the _ network. wearing wearable weared 答案wearable 题目Heremotelycontrols my mobile phone _ he can set up it for me. that so that in order to 答案so that 题目If you want to download this app, you need to connect your mobile phone _ Internet first. to for with 答案to 题目So _that millions of people queue to buy it. popularis the smartphone popular the smartphone is the smartphone is popular 答案popularis the smartphone 题目The BBC has just successfully demonstrated a _ radio transmission system. digestive dignity digital 答案digital 题目The speed with which digital cameras can take, process and _ an image is phenomenal. transmit transact translate 答案transmit 题目They are _ make an announcement later on today. wish to expected to looking forward to 答案expected to 题目You will quickly get used to_ this new digital camera. use using be ran 答案using 二、阅读理解:这是客服人员帮助客服创建进入个人账户的场景,请在空格内填入字母将对话排序。A. Johnson:Confirmed! B. George:Its free from the Google Play store and our Remote Service is offered free of charge. C. Johnson:Yes, I want to set up a Google account, could you remote control my mobile phone and set up it for me? D. George:Samsung customer service, can I help you? E. George:Now press OK to start using the application. F. George:Then you should download and install the Smart Tutor app. G. George:Ok. First, please make sure your phone is running a minimum of Android 2.2 and connected to the internet. H. Johnson:Where to download the app? Do I need pay for it? I. Johnson:I entered. Thank you. J. Johnson:Thank you! Download finished. 答案D;C;G;A;F;H;B;J;E;I 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Tessera Multimedia was founded in 1997 and specializes in design and 答案A. development of web, multimedia and mobile applications. With headquarters in Thessaloniki, Tessera has developed business activities covering the whole Greece and has developed a significant partner network and a large customer base 答案A. by investing in long-term relationships of trust and reliability. Our company has designed and successfully implemented a significant number of complex software C. projects in a wide range of sectors.Tessera has gained exceptional experience in designing web sites and portals, educational games, e-commerce applications and mobile apps. Tessera seeks to be always B. up to date with current trends and advancements in software technology, constantly investing in new technologies and human resources. The development department consists of B. qualified staff ensuring high quality, integrated services.At the same time, our personnel is trained systematically in deploying new technologies, aiming that our productions are always on the cutting edge of technology. 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写T错误写F。Baidu, Chinas leading search engine company, has unveiled its own eyewear called Baidu Eye. It is said to be a different product from Google Glass in terms of functionality. The company demonstrated a working prototype on September 3 at its annual Technology Innovation Conference in Beijing. It bears a similarity to Google Glass, but it has no screen. Instead, the device uses a camera to scan objects, and focuses on analyzing information around its user and beaming that to a smartphone. Baidu says the device is designed to support image search. The companys CEO Robin Li believes in five years time, people will get used to searching by image and audio rather than text. Li has given an example of how one can take advantage of Baidu Eye, If you are in a shopping mall and come across a woman whose skirt looks really attractive, you take a photo of her skirt using Baidu Eye, and youll get to know where to buy one for yourself. According to Kaiser Kuo, Baidus director of international communications, Baidu Eye can also recognize voice and gesture, You can use voice commands, or gesture commands - like expanding to zoom, or circling an object in your field of view with your finger. Baidu is yet to announce a release date or marketing plans for Baidu Eye. 1.Baidu is Chinas leading search engine company. 答案T 2.Baidulaunched a product that has more functions than Google Glasson September 3. 答案F 3.Baidu Eyecanscan objects with its small screen. 答案F 4.The companys CEO Robin Li believes thatpeople will get used to searching by text. 答案F 5. Baidu has already announced the release of Baidu Eye. 答案F 单元自测2 试题及答案 题目顺序是随机的,使用查找功能(CtrlF)进行搜索 题目 _ Can you tell me something about your new product? What do you do, sir? what do you want to buy? Can I help you, sir? 答案Can I help you, sir? 题目 Let me introduce myself, Im Tom. _. It is my pleasure. pleased to meet you. what a pleasure. 答案pleased to meet you. 题目Could you give methe brochure for that machine? _ Yes, here you are. No, thanks. Yes, please. 答案Yes, here you are. 题目How about having a drink? _ Good idea. Me too. Help yourself. 答案Good idea. 题目Perhaps you have heard our products. Would you like to know something more? _ Sure. Go ahead. I dont need anything. Ive heard lot about you. 答案Sure. Go ahead. 题目My assistant will now_ the machine in action. demobilize domestic demonstrate 答案demonstrate 题目Spaceships are stocked with a variety of_ foods. instant initial instinct 答案instant 题目The Cheetah robot made by MITs scientists can jump over hurdles while _. it running running be ran 答案running 题目The reason why he didnt come to school was _ he was ill. because why that 答案that 题目The scientist spoke confidently, _ impressed me most. that so that which 答案which 题目They are trying to make a new productthe worlds smallest _ robot. hammer humane humanoid 答案humanoid 题目They built a robot capable of _ spoken commands. understand understanding understood 答案understanding 题目We _ to deliver the goods within a week. assure guarantee guard 答案guarantee 题目We trust this new product of ours will _ to your market. appeal appear appease 答案appeal 题目You can turn on the toy robot by_ this button. pressing press pressed 答案pressing 二、阅读理解:这是在展会上一名销售人员向顾客介绍新产品的场景,请将对话排序。A. Salesman:This is Actions pride and joy, the Kitchen Master. Its a prime example of our future line of smart products. We are all very excited about this oven. 5. In trial runs, this product has performed very well. B. Customer:Well,This one seems nice. C. Salesman:Good morning, welcome to our booth. What can I do for you? D. Customer:Great.Then how about the price? E. Salesman:We plan to release it next month. You can visit our official website to order it. F. Customer:Really?Can you tell me what is so special about it? G. Salesman:Yes. The largest characteristic of this oven is the Correct Cook option, which uses a sensor to see if the dish has been properly cooked through and through. You wont find this feature in any other microwaves. H. Customer:Thank you. I. That sounds really cool. Where can I get this? J. Salesman:Our prices vary because the function, design and color are different. Here is our catalogues. 答案C;B;A;F;G;I;E;D;J;H 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。If you want your product description appealing and informative, write your article linking features and benefits first. Its often not enough to just list the features of a product as your audience may not always understand them. Use 答案B. descriptive language to convey how any one feature will benefit the buyer and 答案A. how purchasing the item will make the consumers life easier. Potential buyers want to know what the product will do for them.Second, use clear and decisive language. Its important when writing product descriptions to be concise. Use common language and terms that are easy to C. understand. Clearly describe the product without C. getting too technical or boring so the reader stays engaged. Last but not the least, include a call-to-action. The best product descriptions always C. asking a sale. Be creative and encourage the potential buyer to purchase your product by telling them exactly how to do it. 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Roby Mini is just 40 centimeters tall, has a large round screen for a head and has been designed to help senior citizens living alone. Manufactured by robotics company Shanghai PT Info, the brightly colored robot, which costs 5,000 yuan ($790), was launched on Aug 14 to help entertain and monitor elderly people. In Shanghai last year, the number of registered residents at least 60 years old was 4 million. That was nearly 30 percent of the population. By 2018, the figure is projected to rise to 5 million. With many living alone, robots such as Roby Mini can help play a crucial role in caring for the elderly. It will change the way people interact with digital products, Hong says. Founded in May, Shanghai PT Info had already done the groundwork. In fact, the research team spent three years developing the speech recognition system before the firm was officially launched. With 360-degree wheels hidden under its body, Roby Mini can follow a person through face recognition and strike up a conversation, tell jokes or provide information. The robot also works as a computer terminal, supplying weather information, ordering groceries online and even booking taxis. Roby Mini can be connected to other gadgets as well, such as smart wristbands or magnetic devices on doors. Roby Mini can also connect an elderly owner to a doctor through its high-definition screen.Already Shanghai PT Info is talking to three community hospitals in Shanghais Minhang district. Since the robot is linked to the Internet, it can support long-distance audio and video calls. Mass production started this month and Shanghai PT Info plans to manufacture 200,000 units this year. But the future is not easy for Shanghai PT Info. Earlier this year, Flyingwings Intelligent Robot Technology (Shanghai) introduced a machine with sensors that will ring an alarm when an elderly person falls down.Tianjin ShangjiuShengyuan Technology Group also developed a robot for seniors in 2014. Owners can turn on the lights and air-conditioning units by pressing buttons on the machine.It can also remind elderly owners to take pills, and inform them of hospital checkups and family birthdays. 1. Roby Mini is the name of. 答案B A. a robotics company B. a robot C. a senior citizen living alone 2. Roby Mini is designed to. 答案B A. help look after children living alone in senior high school B. help entertain and monitor senior citizens C. change the way people interact with digital products 3. According to this passage, the number of registered residents at least 60 years old will be.答案C A. 4 million next year B. 30 percent of the population C. increase to 5 million by 2018 4. The writer thinks the future is not easy for Shanghai PT Info because. 答案C A.there are too many elder people in Shanghai B. Roby Mini cannot ring an alarm when an elderly person falls down. C. the company will face tough competition in the marketplace 5. The best title for this passage is. 答案C A. How to Use a Robot B. Elder People Increase in Shanghai C. Robot Gives Help to Older People 单元自测3 试题及答案 题目顺序是随机的,使用查找功能(CtrlF)进行搜索 题目I accepted my nose surgery, the _ and patient doctor was really helpful during my recovery period. graceful greedy gracious 答案gracious 题目It is known to all that a lot of South Korean _ accepted plastic surgery. celebrations celebrities celebrates 答案celebrities 题目The plastic surgeon may provide several plans for your facial _ reconstructed reconstruction reconstruct 答案reconstruction 题目Whats _ issue here is the difference between cosmetic and plastic surgery. at on in 答案at 题目 Do you think cosmetic surgery is more popular with women? _ . Yes,absolutely. Because women pay more attention to beauty. Yes, women are more popular than men. No, men are popular than women. 答案Yes,absolutely. Because women pay more attention to beauty. 题目 I have a scar on my face, so Ive make up my mind to have a plastic surgery. _ . Good idea. Ive no idea. Amazing. 答案Good idea. 题目 Is it better to be physically attractive or intelligent? _ . Yes, it is very attractive. No, it is not attractive. For me, be intelligent is better, but that depends on. 答案For me, be intelligent is better, but that depends on. 题目 What advice would you give to a friend who wants cosmetic surgery? _ . I would advise them not to have that surgery, because they are very well. I would tell them that there are many risks and much cost of that surgery. I have nothing to give to my friends. 答案I would tell them that there are many risks and much cost of that surgery. 题目 Would you have cosmetic surgery if it was free? _ . No. Good diet and exercise are great alternatives. Yes, I would not have it. No, I would have it. 答案No. Good diet and exercise are great alternatives. 题目Although plastic surgery is created to improve the looks of a person, there are a certain percentage of_. effect results consequences 答案consequences 题目Cosmetic surgery involves _ reshaping the body features. in at on 答案in 题目Doctor,please let me know _ you can reconstruct my face. what whether which 答案whether 题目I was a little scared that it was my first time that I _ had my cosmetic surgery. / had was 答案had 题目It is hard for any woman to resist _ herself more beauty. make made making 答案making 题目You will get your cosmetic surgery on your nose. Please tell me if you like this medical plan _. or not do you OK 答案or not 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。(课外资料)I am very happy to share my story about breast enlargement in Thailand. Anyone who is not sure about breast enlargement should read this story first. Firstly, I was amazed at the level of care I received at the Thailand private hospital. It was like being in a luxury hotel. The nursing staffs were also better than those who I have ever met in all my years in America. Not only were they professional, but kinder and more patient than Western nurses. The hospital food was excellent, so I was able to choose from a large and varied Menu. In my private room, there was cable T. V., a fridge, a phone, and impressive views of Bangkok(曼谷). My Translator was able to communicate with me, and the plastic surgeons arranged the whole operation without me lifting a finger. The operation cost me a third of the price of the U. K. With the low cost of the air tickets and a holiday, it worked out at about half UKs price, because the cost in Thailand is so cheap. Combining a plastic surgery with a holiday in an amazing place is an unforgettable experience. From the moment I arrived in Bangkok airport, I felt relaxed and welcomed by the Plastic Surgery & Holiday team, it made me feel that I had friends here already. 1. Where did the author have her breast-enlargement operation?答案A A. In Thailand. B. In America. C. In U. K. 2. Was the author satisfied with the nursing staffs for her?答案B A. No, because they were no better than America nurses. B. Yes, because they were more patient than Western nurses. C. No, because the care was very poor. 3. Which of the following statement is TRUE?答案A A. The author was content with the food in the hospital. B. When the author was in the hospital, she lived in a public room. C. There was cable T. V., a bridge and a phone in the authors room. 4. What does the underlined phrase lifting a finger mean in paragraph three?答案B A. Doing something with only one finger. B. Helping with something. C. Carrying something. 5. Why did the author think her experience unforgettable?答案C A. Because she had an operation there. B. Because she was satisfied with everything there. C. Because she was satisfied with the service and price there. 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写T错误写F。PASSAGE 1 (教材课文原文) With a teeny waist, exaggerated breasts, icy-blue eyes, 21-year-old Valeria says she is the real natural deal. A real-life Barbie, that is. Thats what she claims anyway, but many people doubt to her claims. Whether she underwent plastic surgery or uses Photoshop remains unclear. On her blog, the model notes that she is the most famous woman on the Russian Internet because of her doll-like appeal. Hundreds of photos on her page show a wide-eyed, nearly fake-looking Valeria posing in a variety of outfits. The model did not return requests for comment. If Photoshop is not a factor in getting Valerias look, she likely underwent a barrage of plastic surgery. The president of American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)said, plastic surgery should never be used to transform oneself into a favorite celebrity or, in this case, a play toy. He also warns patients to keep in mind that plastic surgery is real surgery with real risks, just as with any operation, so the decision should not be taken lightly. 1. Valeria thinks that she is a real-life Barbie. 答案F 2. Valeria used to accept plastic surgery. 答案F 3. Valeria writes that she is the most famous woman on the Russian Internet because she posts a lot of pictures on her blog. 答案F 4. The author thinks Valeria neither Photoshops her, nor accepts a series of plastic surgery.答案F 5. The president of ASPS thinks that plastic surgery is of risks. 答案T 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,选择合适的内容将短文补充完整。A. In case of any clarifications B. During the three months probation period with our company C. which indicates the cost to company and other benefits D. Congratulations on your continuous success. E. We are happy to inform you that you have been confirmed to the position of sales manager at our company 1th, May 2016 Room 3544 London Street Vancouver, 424495 Dear Mrs. Sue Read, 答案E.Your salary has been revised to $1, 000 per month with effect from the confirmation date答案C. 答案B, we have reviewed your performance and are pleased with your performance. You have achieved all your targets and finished all your work in time. 答案A, please reach the general manager. His telephone number is +86-10-42823957. E-mail:billsales. 答案D. Regards, Bill Smith 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的对话,选择合适的内容将对话补充完整。HENRY:Good afternoon! Lucy, I am telling you something urgent. We have found several cases of golden staph infected in our patients. They were caused by your products. LUCY:Are you sure? Our bandages are very safe.答案C. HENRY:I know that. But only patients who have used your bandages are infected. LUCY:All of our products w


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