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学校 班级 姓名 学号 密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题密 封 线第四单元单元测试一、给问句选择正确的答案 (26)( ) 1.Can she sing? A. Yes,she does.( ) 2.Do you like swimming?. B.No,.I cant.( ) 3.Can you do sums? C. Its eleven.( ) 4.Whats fifty minus twelve? D. Yes, she can.( ) 5.Whats six plus five? E. Its thirty-eight. ( ) 6.Does she like footfball? F. No, I dont.二、找出下列单词划线部位发音不同的选项. (25)( ) 1. A. man B. dad C. face ( ) 2. A. ten B. she C. we( ) 3. A. big B.rice C. pill( ) 4. A. dog B. rose C. nose( ) 5. A. Tuesday B.summer C. pupil.三、选出不同类别的单词。 (25)( ) 1. A leg B.arm C. long ( ) 2. A .her B. he C. it ( ) 3. A. basketball B.football C.swimming( ) 4. A. five B. number C. one( ) 5. A. sit B. on C. in 四、单项选择。(210)1Im afraid _ spiders.A. on B. of C. under 2._ is the ant?Its on the box.A What B. Wheres C. Where 3._ a cat._ears are big. A. Its ; Its B. Its;Its C. Its ;Its4. I have thirteen books. She has twenty-two books. We have _books.A. forty-five B. twenty-five C. thirty-five 5 -Whats 31 _26? - Its 5. A plus B minus C. and 6. Twenty plus_is fifty-threeA. twenty-three B. thirty-three C. forty-three 7.Whats the number?.A .miss B. misses C.missing8.Do you like ?A .writing B.writeing C. write 9.This is animal. A. a B. two C. an10. Lets_sumsA. do B. doing C. does五、给下列句子排序。(18)()Whats 14 plus 12? () No.()Hi,kids.Lets do sums.OK?()Youre smart.()Its 25. ()OK.()Yes or no?()Its 26.六、按要求完成句子。(25)1.and,football,play,lets,go(连词成句) 2. Its tail is smalland short.(改为同义句) 3.12+68=80(翻译成英文) 4.number, is, the, eight,missing(连词成句) 5. Lets do sums.(翻译此句) 七、给下列句子改错。(25) 1.Its eyes is big. _ 2.How a clever boy! _ 3.See I go._4.Do he like singing? _5.What 14 minus 12?_八、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断句子。(25)I have a beautiful bedroom(卧室).There is a desk, a chair,a bed and a computer.A schoolbag and a computer are on the desk. Some books are in the desk. The chair is under the desk. I have a pet cat.Its name is Mimi.Oh, where is it? Look! Its under my bed. I like my bedroom. ()1. There is a desk, a chair,a bed and a computer. ()2. Some books are on the desk()3. I have a pet dog.()4. Mimi is under the bed. ()5. A schoolbag is in the desk.九、假如你有一个玩具熊,它是白色的,它有两只大眼睛和两只小耳朵。它还有一条短尾巴。你非常喜欢它。请根据以上信息用英语写几句介绍一下你的这只玩具熊吧。(10分)My Toy Bear_ 第3页,共4页 第4页,共4页


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