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一、语法1. They did what they could to con sole her.2. The n ewsthat we are hav ing a holiday tomorrow is not true.3. I cannot give you the information you ask for, for the reason that I don t kritowmyself.4. I didn t helaat he was saying because there was too much noise where I wassitti ng.5. Which Mr. Smith do you mea n the one who teacheshistory or the one whoteaches music?6. I m goingwhere I can be of most use, said the doctor.7. Whoever uprooted that tree ought to be ashamed of themselves.8. Your mother s health iwhalt it ought to be.9. It is estimated thatas much as one-fourth of all timber harvested is not used.10.Sometimes we are askewhat we think the likely result of an action will be.11. They are so alike that you can tell which istwhich.12. How some mammals came to live in the sea is not known.13. The people of the party were worried about Janet because no one was aware ofwhere she had gone.14. Why the explosion occurred wasthat the laboratory attendants had been careless.15. Prof. Lee s book will showhyoiwhat you have observedcan be used in othercon texts.16. Neither of the boys who have bee n help ing uknows whe n this game is over.17. Every success and failures on tributes to an in dividual s growth an dymatur18. The kind of books an author writesdepe ndson the kind of man he is.19. John is the only one of the staff members whos going to be transferred.20. When the bell rang, a fewwere still working on the test.21. The nu mber of employees at the factory has bee n cutto a bare minimum so as tolower producti on costs.22. A series of accide ntshas occurredat that jun cti on. Motorists have bee n warned touse cautio n at that point.23. Setting fires to public buildings is highly dangerous and punishable.24. More than one example is necessaryto make the students understand this ruleclearly.25. This family n ever agrees aboutheir shares of the property.26. Many a stude nt and teacheis making a careful study of his own problems.27. Fiftee n minu tesseems a long timefor a boy who is eager to see his girl friend.28. Hard work and plain living are characteristics of the working people.29. Truth and hon estyis always best policy.30. Every mean shas bee n tried since the n.31. They have all got up, andso has Jack32. Not only will the novel be interesting to us, but also its English will help us incompositi on.33. Hardly had he fini shed his speechwhe n the audie nee started cheeri ng.34. We failed to catch the train,n either did they.35. Busy as he is, he can fulfill the task ahead of schedule.36. Should I becomea research stude nt, I would at least master two foreig n Ian guage.37. No sooner had he found his purse miss inghan he cried and shouted loudly.38. By no meanscan we create or destroy en ergy.39. So severe was the stornbhat the pilot couldn t fly through it.40. She n ever laughednor did she everlose her temper.41. The organization had broken no rules, bun either had it acted responsibly.42. Never before has man been so highly successfuI in his attempts to modify the weather on a very small scale.thth43. Not until the 19 and 20 centuries did modern nationalism in Europe produceitsripest fruit and its lethal poisons.44. Scarcely had Igot on the train when it started to move.45. Only un der special circumsta ncesare freshme n permitted to take make-up tests.46. It is funny to hear your own voice on tape.47. It is said that she has become an actress.48. It was his frie nd who brought him the good n ews.49. He thought it important that he should learn English pronunciation well.50. It was because he had n t work had eno ugh that he did n t pass the exam.51. As it became more com mon for wome n to work outside the house, men bega n toshare the housework.52. He does not spealas other do.53. Small as they are, atoms are made of still smaller un its.54. He opposed the ideaas could be expected.55. Let s discuss (snikyh questi on sasc oncern every one of us.56. I can tell you that he has a real sense of discipli ne. His read in ess to take up that work is a case in point57. She thought that this sum of money could be saved aga in sta rainy day .58. He was beaterblack and blue59. Women and men from all walks of life in Beijing fathered at the Great Hall of thePeople to celebrate the 50th anniversary of International Womens Day, on March the 8th.60. As luck would have it, no one was in the build ing whe n the explosi on occurred.61. We all wan ted to talk on this subject, but no one was willi ng tcbreak the ice62. We mustbri ng home to the stude nts the importa nee of correct pronun ciati on.63. The English test yesterday wasa piece of cake Most of us finished it in less than an hour.64. Tom had no job, no mon ey, no home and no frie nds: he was completeldow n and out.65. Dont expect him to give you any help, because hbas his hands fullalready.66. We must serve the peoplheart and souJ67. Judges and others in high office sometimes work hand in glove with gan gsters to cheat and steal.68. They could not earn eno ugh tomake ends meefor the whole family.69. More ofte n tha n not, con servative people look backward rather tha n forward.70. After their pare nts left, the childre nhad a ball71. The only way Tom could solve the algebra problem was by the method dfial and error.72. It is better to take your time at this job tha n to hurry and make mistakes.73. The sports meet will be held,ra in or shi ne74. Believe it or not, he is a troublemaker.75. Prof. Tyler was so pleased with the progress his stude nts had bee n making that hegave thema pat on the backo n more tha n one occasi on.76. With his thorough preparations and his skill he stood a chance of winning the con test.77. When we asked the stude nts about their opi nio n of the new pla n, they poke their minds freely.78. By and large wome n can bear pain better tha n man.79. Mary was in a dilemma as to whether to marry Paul, who was poor or Charles, who was ugly.80. He said nothing, leaving me in the dark about his plans.81. We were sitting quietly by the fire, whenail at once there was a bang at the door.82. I should like to rent a house, modem, comfortable and above all in a quiet n eighborhood.83. The elderly lady whom Miss Morris quarreled with was none other tha nher future mother-i n-law.84. A teacher can no ttake it for gran ted that his stude nts always do their homework as required.85. When the young man walked into the office to see the headmaster, he had butterflies in his stomach.补充语法:slip slide slither1. We slither all the way here in the heavy snow.2. The drawers of this deskslide in and out easily.3. Last week Tomslip on the icy road and broke his leg.main tai n1.It is important to maintain law and order.2.It cost them a lot of money toma intain the equipme nt.3. He maintained that he was innocent.4. He did nhave eno ugh money toma intain the family.happe n occur1.1 happe ned tomeet him yesterday.2. An idea has justoccurred to me.3.It occurred to me that I would travel abroad.主谓一致I. More tha n one factorwas invo Ived in the decisi on.2. More docume nts tha n oneare miss ing3. Most of the boys are playi ng card,the restare playi ng chess.4. Most of the lecture is OK, the rest is_dull.5. The audie nceis requested tobe in its seats by 7 P.M.6. The audie nceare requested to be intheir seats by 7 P.M.7. Both Chinese and Japanese. Silare much better than Italian.8. The director and chief engin eeris experie need.9. The director and the chief engin eeare experie need.10. Neither the prices nor the qualityhascha nged.11.lt is not you but he who is to blame.12.1, not you,am the right pers on to carry out the task.13.1, as well as heam resp on sible for the accide nt.14.Joh n together with his brotherhasg one to the party.倒装I.Only in this way can we solve the problem2.So fast does the light travel that it is difficult image its speed.二、完形填空vhy don you try to sleep?lll wake you up for the medici ne. IIrather stayawake IIAfter a while he said to me,You don have to stay in here with me,Papa,if it bothers you. It doesntbother me. I-No,l meany ou don have to stay if it going to bother you.I-Your temperatureis all right, Ilsaid. Ilt nothing to worry about. I-donworry, Ihe said,1 but l cant keep from thinking. I-Donthink, Il said. IJust take it easyJIm taking it easy, Ihe said and looked straight ahead.He wasevidently holding tight onto himself about someth ing.Fake this with water. I-Do you think it will do any good? II-Of course it will. IINow picture yourself as vividly as possible the way you want to be. Remember to picture your desired goals as if you had already atta ined them. Go over all the details of this picture. See them clearly and sharply. lmpress them strongly on your memory. The resulting memory traces will supposedly start affecting your everyday life. They will help lead you to the atta inment of your goals.Of course daydreaming is no substitute for hard work. lf its athletic achievement you want, you also have to get lots of practice in your sport. You have to work hard to develop skills. lf its school success youre after, you cant neglect studying.Daydream ing alone cant turn you into your hearts desire. But in comb in ati on with the more usual methods of self-development, it might make a critical differenee. It could be the differe nee betwee n beco ming merely good at somethi ng and beco ming a champi on.It took only fifty-eight years,however,to go four times that fast,so that by 1939 men in airplanes weretraveling at better than 400 mph. It took a mere twenty-year flick of time to double the limit aga in.And by the 1960 rocket pla nes approachedsteeds of 4,000 mph,a nd men in spaceapsuleswere circli ng the earth at 18,000 mph.Whether we exam ine dista nces traveled,altitudes reachedor mi nerals min ed,the same accelerativetre nd is obvious.The pattern,here and in a thousa nd other statistical seriesis absolutely clear and unm istakable.Thousa nds of yearsgo by,a nd the n,i n our own times,a suddenbursti ng of the limits,a fan tastic spurt forward.三、英译汉1.He was shivering,his face was white,and he walked slowly as though it ached to move.我见他一副病容,全身哆嗦,脸色苍白,步履缓慢,好像一动就会引起疼痛。2.But when I came downstairs he was dressed,sitting by the fire,looking a very sick and miserable boy of nine years.可是当我来到楼下时,他已穿好衣服,坐在火炉旁。这个9岁的男孩,看上去病得厉害,一副可怜的模样。3. His face was very white and there were dark areas under his eyes.He lay still in the bed and seemed very detached from what was going on.他的脸色十分苍白,眼窝下方有黑晕。他躺在床上一动不动,对周围发生的一切 漠然置之.4. The hold over himself relaxed too,finally,and the next day it was very slack and he cried very easily at little things that were of no importanee.他不再控制自己,终于,第二天。更加轻松了,常常因为什么无关紧要的事情就 哭了起来。5. Attitudes towards daydream ing are cha nging in much the same way that attitudes towards ni ght dream ing have cha nged.人们对白日做梦的态度正在改变,这与人们对夜间做梦的看法的变化有非常相似 之处。6. The most remarkable thing about daydream ing may be its usef uln ess in shap ing our future lives as we want them to be.白日做梦最惊人的事可能是在依照我们的愿望塑造我们的未来生活方面有实用 价值。7. Picture yourself vividly as defeated,and that alone will make victory impossible.Picture yourself as wi nnin g,a nd that will con tribute immeasurably to success.你要是逼真地想象出自己被人击败,仅此一点就使你不能取得胜利。如果你想象 自己在取得胜利,这样就会对获得成功起到无法估量的作用。8.lf what researchers are saying is true,a life lived without fantasies and daydreams isns as rich and reward ing as life can be.So they suggest sett ing aside a few minu tes each day for daydream ing.如果研究人员所说的是真实的,那么没有幻想、白日梦的生活就不会像生活本身 那样丰富、有益。因此,他们建议每天拿出几分钟去做白日梦。9. By taking a ten - or fifteen - minute Macation II into the realm of imagination each day, you may add much to the excitement and enjoyment of your life,And who kno ws:You might see your own daydreams come true.每天到想象的王国里去度上十或十五分钟的I假I,你就可以使你生活中的兴奋和愉快大为增加。谁知道呢?你也许就会看到你的白日梦成为现实。10. This symbol,however,has always bee n in adequate and mislead ing, for tech no logy has always bee n more tha n factories and machi nes.然而,这一象征一直都不全面,并且容易使人产生误解,因为技术所包含的内涵 不止是工厂和机器。11. The process is completed,the loop closed,whe n the diffusi on of tech no logy embody ing the new idea,in turn,helps gen erate new creative ideas.当推广了体现新思想的技术之后,又反过来促使新的有创见性的思想形成时,这一程序就完成了,这个循环也就随之结束了。12. The stepped-up pace of invention,application and diffusion,in turn, accelerates the whole cycle still further,For new machines or techniques are not merely a product,but a source, of fresh creative ideas.发明、应用以及推广,诸阶段的快节奏反过来使整个循环得到更进一步地加速发 展。因为新机器、新技术既是有创见性的新思想的产物,又是其他新思想的涌泉。四、汉译英1. The doctor said I had caught a severe cold and prescribed me four different medici nes Three of them are pills to be take n after meals and the other is liquid to be drunk before going to bed.我得了重感冒,给我开了四种药)2. Je nny was still sta nding at the gate at the end of the road after the car was out of sight.(站在大门口凝视着路的尽头)3.ln general,prices may be brought down by increasing supply or decreasing dema nd(通过增加供给或减少需求可以降低物价)4.Some of the old fan tastics about the space agave come true.过去有关太空时代 的某些幻想)5.lt is true that some peopleachieve success very early in life while others must work a long time before atta ining their goals.(有一些人一生中很早就获得成功,而另一些 人则要工作很长时间方能实现自己的目标)6.Researchersnow recommend that we take time everyday to project our desired goals onto the scree n in our mi nds(将自己想要达到的目标投射到心灵的屏幕上。)7.In fact,there are differe nt acco unts of the shipwrecki n the n ewspapers 对于这次海 滩报纸上的说法不一)8.It is said that the area was well advaneed in agriculture as early as 2,000 years ago.(这一地区早在两千年前农业就很先进。)9.There is an in terval of a week betwee n Christmas and New Years Day.(相隔一周 时间)五、阅读理解11、BACBC12、CBAAD13、CCBDB15、DBACB16、ABADD17、BCABD18、BACBB19、ABADC20、DACDC六、听力Unit 5PART BA Passage -The Olympic Park-41CDCACUnit 6PART BA Passage-The Maglev Train51BBDBA Conversation-Is This Your Car?53-DAADUnit 7PART BPassage 2-A Room with No Perso nal Objects62-ABAAUnit 8PART BA ConversationIm Reporti ng for Work Today-70BADBCA PassageA Modern Office72CADBAUnit 9PART BA PassageChoosi ng a Career81CDACUnit 10PART BA ConversationA Court Scene91BADCUnit 11PART BA StoryA Man of Bad Memory100DBBAAPART DA StoryWhere Is the Millionaire107DCBBUnit 12PART BPassage 2Christopher Reeve111ACABUnit 13PART BPassage 1Rock and Roll118ADBBAUnit 14PART BBADCDPassage 2The Ope n Un iversity in Britain130


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