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学校班级姓名学号请 不 要 在 密 封 线 内 答 题七年级英语第一次月考试卷 一1 在下面的方格中写出26个英语字母的大小写形式(写错字母不得分3分)_ 2 在以上字母中,将元音字母大小写写在下面的横线上。(写错字母不得分2分)_二补全单词 。10分)A词型转换:1.son (对应词) 2.they(宾格 ) 3.take(反义词) 4.watch(单三) 5 it(复数) B.根据汉语提示,填写适当的词:1.My father and my mother are my (父母亲).2.Do you know her telephone (号码).3.His grandfather is old ,but he is still (健康的).4.Mary doesnt like (西红柿).5.My uncle has a nice (女儿).三.词语互译(10分)1.看电视 6. Excuse me 2.姓氏 7. computer games 3.你的父母亲 8.nice to meet you 4.用英语 9.lost and found 5. 在桌子下面 10.play volleyball 四、从第二栏中找出第一栏相应的答语。(10分)( )1. Good morning class. A. Yes, I am .( )2. Whats his name? B. Good morning teacher.( )3. Whats your phone number? C. How do you do ?( )4. See you later D. His name is John.( )5. Are you Li Ming ? E. Hi, Im Jim.( )6. Hello, Im Kate. F. See you.( )7. How do you do ? G. Its 6621756.( )8. What color is it? H. Hes thirty.( )9. Wheres my pen? I. Its in my bag .( )10. How old is your farther? J. Its yellow.五请按要求转换下列词形.(10分)1.have(第三人称单数) 2.watch(第三人称单数) 3.two(同音词) _ 4 family (复数) _5.box(复数 ) _ 6.photo(复数) _ 7.they(宾格) _ 8. what is =(缩写) _9.big (反义词) _ 10.this(复数形式) _ 六单项选择。(20分)( )1.中央电视台的简称是 。A. BBC B. ABCC. CCTV( )2.选出含有相同因素的一项是 。A. A、E、B B. O、U、D C. V、E , D( )3.Who is _ English teacher ? - Mr. Li _.A. you , is B. your , am C. your , is ( ) 4. Good morning, class ! !A. Hello B. Good morning, Li Lei C. Good morning, Miss Gao( ) 5.How are you ? .A. My name is Jim GreenB. Im fine.thank you C. Im nine ( )6. How old are you ? A. How are you B. thirteenC. Fine ( )7. Nice to meet you . A. Good morning ! B. Hello ! C.Nice to meet you, too!( )8. you Sam ?A. Is B. Are C. Am( )9. They often have _ for breakfast .A. two bread and milk B. an egg and a cake C.an egg and a milk ( )10.What about something _ .A. to drink B.drinkC.drinks ( )11. his name ?A. What B. Whats C. How( )12. How do you do ? A. Fine . Thank you . B. How do you do ? C. Good .( )13. _ is it? - Its red .A. whats color B. what color C. what ( )14. Im Kate Green. My_ name is Kate, My _ name is Green.A. family , first B. first, family C. last, first ( )15._ he _ a soccer ball ? ADoes , has B. Do , has C. Does , have ( )16. Good afternoon, Miss Wang ! A. Good afternoon, Boys and girls ! B. Good morning, Boys and girls !C. Good evening, Boys and girls !( )17. - Is this _ English book? - No. It is _ Chinese book.A. a, a B. an, an C. an, a ( )18. Do you have a ping pong ball ? Yes, A. you do B. I do C. I am.( )19. Mom , my English teacher ,Mr. Chen . Nice to meet you!A. He is B. Thiss C. This is( )20. Is she Maria? No, She isnt. name is Jane.A. She B. His C. Her七句型转换。根据要求完成句子,每空一词(每空1分共15分)1. This is an apple . (改成一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_ _ an apple ?Yes, _ _.2.My coat is white . (对画线部分提问) is _ coat?3.He likes ice cream . (改为否定句).He _ _ ice cream . 4.Is that your eraser? (改为复数形式) _ your _ .5.The map is on the wall . (就划线部分提问) the map ?6. His name is James.(就划线部分提问) his name ?八.用所给词的适当形式填空 (每空1分共10分)1.Lets _ (play ) basketball .2.Tom _( have ) three tennis rackets .3.Miss Li is our English teacher . we like _ (she ) .4.Where _ (be ) your pictures ?5.This is _ ( Lucy ) bedroom .6.Bring some family _ (photo ) to class .7.Nice _ ( meet ) you .8.Their _ (dictionary ) are on the desk .9.I am a girl ._ ( I ) parents like me very much .10.Lily _ ( not have ) any English books .六完形填空:(10分) This is my room. Look ! The bed is next 1 the door. 2 desk is beside it. 3 the desk, there 4 a computer. There is a 5 in the corner(拐角). I have many books in it. Look, it is my cat . The 6 of it is white. It is not big; 7 is small. 8 are my pencils? They 9 on the dask. My alarm clock is on the dresser. My keys and ID card 10 next to my alarm clock.( )1.A.on B.of C.in D. to( )2.A.His B.I C. My D. He( )3.A.In B.On C.Of D. To( )4.A.are B.be C.is D. arent( )5.A.box B.pencil C.floor D. bookcase( )6.A.size B.color C.head D. foot( )7.A.they B.its C.it D. its( )8.A.How B.What C.Where D. When( )9.A.is B.are C.be D.isnt( )10.A.is B.isnt C.be D.are 七阅读理解:(15分)AHan Mei is from a family of three people. They like to eat different kinds of food. She likes hamburgers a lot. She likes to have hamburgers for every meal. But she doesnt like vegetables at all. Han Meis father is from Shandong. He doesnt like rice(米饭) at all. He likes noodles(面条) and dumplings very much, Han Mei s mother is from Dalian, she likes fish and vegetables very much, but she doesnt like rice or noodles. And they all like fruit. ( )1. There are people in Han Meis family.A. two B. three C. four D. five( )2. What does Han Mei like to eat?.A. Vegetables B. NoodlesC. Rice D. Hamburgers( )3. What does Han Meis father like to eat? A. Vegetables B. Noodles and dumplings C. Rice D. Hamburgers( )4. What does Han Meis mother like to eat?A. Vegetables and fish B. Noodles and dumplingsC. Rice and fruit D. Hamburgers( )5. What do they like? .A. Vegetables B. DumplingsC. Hamburgers D. Fruit (B)There is a sports meeting(会) in our school. On the playground(操场), there are many students and players. Some boys are playing football over there, and many students are watching them. There is a big tree near the playground. Under the tree, some girls are playing table tennis. Liu Wei, Wei Hua and many other girls are playing volleyball behind the tree. Look! There are some boys in the tree. They are watching their classmates playing volleyball.根据以上短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F).( )1.Theres a sports meeting in our school.( )2. Therere many students and players in the classroom( )3. Liu Wei and Wei Hua are playing table tennis.( )4. There are some boys in the tree.( )5. Some girls are playing volleyball behind the tree.cRobert is a singer. He works very long hours. He usually gets up at 16:00. He brushes his teeth and has a shower. Then he eats his breakfast. After breakfast he plays his guitar, then he goes to work.To get to work, he takes the number 13 bus to a hotel. The bus usually takes him to work at 18:30. He works all night. People love to listen to him. He gets home at 7:00 in the morning, and he watches morning TV. He goes to bed at 8:30.( )6. Robert gets up _. A. at 7:00 in the morning B. at 16:00 C. at 8:30( )7. He eats breakfast _.A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. at a hotel( )8. Where does he work?A. At a hotel. B. In a school. C. At a store.( )9. Does he like music?A.No, he doesnt. B. Yes, he does. C. Sorry, I dont know.( )10. People _ to listen to him very much(非常).A. dont like B. doesnt like C. like 八作文(5分):根据已给信息写出Tom一家人的运动爱好及原因。60-100字之间。WhosportwhyTomvolleyballinterestingToms fatherPing-PongrelaxingToms motherswimmingfunnyToms brotherrunningexciting 3


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