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中国会计制度科目英文对照表现金 Cash in hand 银行存款 Cash in bank 其他货币资金-外埠存款Other monetary assets - cash in other cities 其他货币资金-银行本票 Other monetary assets - cashiers check 其他货币资金-银行汇票 Other monetary assets - bank draft 其他货币资金-信用卡 Other monetary assets - credit cards 其他货币资金-信用证保证金 Other monetary assets - L/C deposit 其他货币资金-存出投资款 Other monetary assets - cash for investment短期投资-股票投资 Investments - Short term - stocks 短期投资-债券投资 Investments - Short term - bonds 短期投资-基金投资 Investments - Short term - funds 短期投资-其他投资 Investments - Short term - others 短期投资跌价准备 Provision for short-term investment 长期股权投资-股票投资 Long term equity investment - stocks 长期股权投资-其他股权投资 Longterm equity investment - others 长期债券投资-债券投资 Long term securities investemnt - bonds 长期债券投资-其他债权投资 Long term securities investment - others 长期投资减值准备 Provision for long-term investment 应收票据 Notes receivable 应收股利 Dividends receivable 应收利息 Interest receivable 应收帐款 Trade debtors 坏帐准备- 应收帐款 Provision for doubtful debts - trade debtors 预付帐款 Prepayment 应收补贴款Allowance receivable 其他应收款 Other debtors 坏帐准备- 其他应收款 Provision for doubtful debts - other debtors 其他流动资产 Other current assets 物资采购 Purchase 原材料 Raw materials 包装物 Packing materials 低值易耗品 Low value consumbles材料成本差异 Material cost difference 自制半成品 Self-manufactured goods 库存商品 Finished goods 商品进销差价 Difference between purchase & sales of commodities 委托加工物资 Consigned processiong material 委托代销商品 Consignment-out 受托代销商品 Consignment-in 分期收款发出商品 Goods on instalment sales 存货跌价准备 Provision for obsolete stocks 待摊费用 Prepaid expenses 待处理流动资产损益 Unsettled G/L on current assets 待处理固定资产损益 Unsettled G/L on fixed assets 委托贷款-本金 Consignment loan - principle 委托贷款-利息 Consignment loan - interest 委托贷款-减值准备 Consignment loan - provision 固定资产-房屋建筑物 Fixed assets - Buildings 固定资产-机器设备 Fixed assets - Plant and machinery 固定资产-电子设备、器具及家具 Fixed assets - Electronic Equipment, furniture and fixtures 固定资产-运输设备 Fixed assets - Automobiles 累计折旧 Accumulated depreciation 固定资产减值准备 Impairment of fixed assets工程物资-专用材料 Project material - specific materials 工程物资-专用设备 Project material - specific equipment 工程物资-预付大型设备款 Project material - prepaid for equipment 工程物资-为生产准备的工具及器具 Project material - tools and facilities for production 在建工程 Construction in progress 在建工程减值准备 Impairment of construction in progress 固定资产清理 Disposal of fixed assets 无形资产-专利权 Intangible assets - patent 无形资产-非专利技术 Intangible assets - industrial property and know-how 无形资产-商标权 Intangible assets - trademark rights 无形资产-土地使用权 Intangible assets - land use rights 无形资产-商誉 Intangible assets - goodwill 无形资产减值准备 Impairment of intangible assets 长期待摊费用 Deferred assets 未确认融资费用 Unrecognized finance fees 其他长期资产 Other long term assets 递延税款借项 Deferred assets debits 应付票据 Notes payable 应付帐款 Trade creditors 预收帐款 Adanvancesfrom customers 代销商品款 Consignment-in payables 其他应交款 Other payable to government 其他应付款 Other creditors 应付股利 Proposed dividends 待转资产价值 Donated assets预计负债 Accrued liabilities 应付短期债券 Short-term debentures payable 其他流动负债 Other current liabilities 预提费用 Accrued expenses 应付工资 Payroll payable 应付福利费 Welfare payable 短期借款-抵押借款 Bank loans - Short term - pledged 短期借款-信用借款 Bank loans - Short term - credit 短期借款-担保借款 Bank loans - Short term - guaranteed 一年内到期长期借款 Long term loans due within one year 一年内到期长期应付款 Long term payable due within one year 长期借款 Bank loans - Long term 应付债券-债券面值 Bond payable - Par value 应付债券-债券溢价 Bond payable - Excess 应付债券-债券折价 Bond payable - Discount 应付债券-应计利息 Bond payable - Accrued interest 长期应付款 Long term payable 专项应付款 Specific payable 其他长期负债 Other long term liabilities 应交税金-所得税 Tax payable - income tax 应交税金-增值税 Tax payable - VAT 应交税金-营业税 Tax payable - businesstax 应交税金-消费税 Tax payable - consumable tax 应交税金-其他 Tax payable - others 递延税款贷项 Deferred taxation credit 股本 Share capital 已归还投资 Investment returned 利润分配-其他转入 Profit appropriation -other transfer in 利润分配-提取法定盈余公积 Profit appropriation - statutory surplus reserve利润分配-提取法定公益金 Profit appropriation - statutory welfare reserve 利润分配-提取储备基金 Profit appropriation - reserve fund利润分配-提取企业发展基金 Profit appropriation - enterprise development fund利润分配-提取职工奖励及福利基金 Profit appropriation - staff bonus and welfare fund利润分配-利润归还投资 Profit appropriation - return investment by profit 利润分配-应付优先股股利 Profit appropriation - preference shares dividends 利润分配-提取任意盈余公积 Profit appropriation - other surplus reserve 利润分配-应付普通股股利 Profit appropriation - ordinary shares dividends 利润分配-转作股本的普通股股利 Profit appropriation - ordinary shares dividends converted to shares 期初未分配利润 Retained earnings, beginning of the year 资本公积-股本溢价 Capital surplus - share premium 资本公积-接受捐赠非现金资产准备 Capital surplus - donation reserve 资本公积-接受现金捐赠 Capital surplus - cash donation 资本公积-股权投资准备 Capital surplus - investment reserve 资本公积-拨款转入 Capital surplus - subsidiary 资本公积-外币资本折算差额 Capital surplus - foreign currency translation 资本公积-其他 Capital surplus - others 盈余公积-法定盈余公积金 Surplus reserve - statutory surplus reserve 盈余公积-任意盈余公积金 Surplus reserve - other surplus reserve 盈余公积-法定公益金 Surplus reserve - statutory welfare reserve 盈余公积-储备基金 Surplus reserve - reserve fund 盈余公积-企业发展基金 Surplus reserve - enterprise development fund 盈余公积-利润归还投资 Surplus reserve - reture investment by investment 主营业务收入 Sales 主营业务成本 Cost of sales 主营业务税金及附加 Sales tax 营业费用 Operating expenses 管理费用 General and administrative expenses 财务费用 Financial expenses 投资收益 Investment income 其他业务收入 Other operating income 营业外收入 Non-operating income 补贴收入 Subsidy income 其他业务支出 Other operating expenses 营业外支出 Non-operating expenses 所得税 Income tax中国国家机关名称 中英文对照中国国家机关名称Chinas State Organs全国人民代表大会National Peoples Congress (NPC)主席团Presidium常务委员会Standing Committee办公厅General Office秘书处Secretariat代表资格审查委员会Credentials Committee提案审查委员会Motions Examination Committee民族委员会Ethnic Affairs Committee法律委员会Law Committee财务经济委员会Finance Affairs Committee外事委员会Foreign and Economy Committee教育,科学,文化委员会Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee内务司法委员会Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs华侨委员会Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee法制委员会Commission of Legislative Affairs特定问题委员会Committee of Inquiry into Special Questions宪法修改委员会Committee for Revision of the Constitution中华人民共和国主席President of the Peoples Republic of China中央军事委员会Central Military Commission最高人民法院Supreme Peoples Court最高人民检察院Supreme Peoples Procuratorate国务院State Council(1)国务院部委Ministries and Commissions Directly under the State Council外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs国防部Ministry of National Defence国家发展计划委员State Development Planning Commission国家经济贸易委员会State Economic and Trade Commission教育部Ministry of Education科学技术部Ministry of Science and Technology国家科学技术工业委员会Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence国家民族事务委员会State Ethnic Affairs Commission公安部 Ministry of Public Security国家安全部 Ministry of State Security监察部 Ministry of Supervision民政部 Ministry of Civil Affairs司法部 Ministry of Justice财政部 Ministry of Finance人事部 Ministry of Personnel劳动和社会保障部 Ministry of Labour and Social Security国土资源部Ministry of Land and Resources建设部Ministry of Construction铁路部 Ministry of Railways交通部 Ministry of Communications信息产业部 Ministry of Information Industry水利部Ministry of Water Resources农业部Ministry of Agriculture对外贸易经济合作部Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation文化部Ministry of Culture卫生部Ministry of Public Health国家计划生育委员会State Family Planning Commission中国人民银行Peoples Bank of China国家审计署State Auditing Administration(2)国务院办事机构Offices under that State Council国务院办公厅General Office of the State Council侨务办公厅Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs港澳办公厅Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office台湾办公厅Taiwan Affairs Office法制办公厅Office of Legislative Affairs经济体制办公厅Office for Economic Restructuring国务院研究室Research Office of the State Council新闻办公室Information Office(3)国务院直属机构Departments Directly under the State Council海关总署General Administration of Customs国家税务总局State Taxation Administration国家环境保护总局State Environmental Protection Administration中国民用航空总局Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)国家广播电影电视总局State Administration of Radio, Film and Television国家体育总局State Physical Cultural Administration国家统计局State Statistics Bureau国家工商行政管理局State Administration of Industry and Commerce新闻出版署Press and Publication Administration国家版权局State Copyright Bureau国家林业局State Forestry Bureau国家质量技术监督局State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision国家药品监督管理局State Drug Administration (SDA)国家知识产权局State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO)国家旅游局National Tourism Administration国家宗教事务局State Bureau of Religious Affairs国务院参事室Counsellors Office of the State Council国务院机关事务管理局Government Offices Administration of the State Council(4)国务院直属事业单位Institutions Directly under the State Council新华通讯社Xinhua News Agency中国科学院Chinese Academy of Sciences中国社会科学院Chinese Academy of Social Sciences中国工程院Chinese Academy of Engineering国务院发展研究中心Development Research Centre of the State Council国家行政学院National School of Administration中国地震局China Seismological Bureau中国气象局China Meteorological Bureau中国证券监督管理委员会China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRS)(5)部委管理的国家局State Bureaux Administration by Ministration or Commission)国家粮食储备局(国家发展计划委员会)State Bureau of Grain Reserve (Under the State Development Planning Commission)国家国内贸易局 State Bureau of Internal Trade国家煤炭工业局 State Bureau of Coal Industry国家机械工业局State Bureau of Machine Building Industry国家冶金工业局State Bureau of Metallurgical Industry国家石油和化学工业局State Bureau of Petroleum and Chemical Industry国家轻工业局State Bureau of Light Industry国家纺织工业局State Bureau of Textile Industry国家建筑材料工业局State Bureau of Building Materials Industry国家烟草专卖局State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau国家有色金属工业局State Bureau of Nonferrous Metal Industry(以上由国家经贸委管理above are all under the State Economic and Trade Commission)国家外国专家局(人事部) State Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs (under the Ministry of Personnel)国家海洋局(国土资源部) State Bureau of Oceanic Administration (under the Ministry of Land and Resources)国家测绘局(国土资源部) State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping (ditto)国家邮政局(信息产业部) State Post Bureau (under the Ministry of Information Industry)国家文物局(文化部) State Cultural Relics Bureau (under the Ministry of Culture)国家中医药管理局(卫生部) State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (under the Ministry of Public Health)国家外汇管理局(中国人民银行总行) State Administration of Foreign Exchange (under the Peoples Bank of China)国家出入境检验检疫局(海关总署) State Administration for EntryExit Inspection and Quarantine (under the General Administration of Customs)分享财会名词汉英对照表!(1)会计与会计理论 会计 accounting决策人 Decision Maker 投资人 Investor 股东 Shareholder 债权人 Creditor 财务会计 Financial Accounting 管理会计 Management Accounting 成本会计 Cost Accounting 私业会计 Private Accounting 公众会计 Public Accounting 注册会计师 CPA Certified Public Accountant 国际会计准则委员会 IASC 美国注册会计师协会 AICPA 财务会计准则委员会 FASB 管理会计协会 IMA美国会计学会 AAA 税务稽核署 IRS 独资企业 Proprietorship 合伙人企业 Partnership 公司 Corporation 会计目标 Accounting Objectives 会计假设 Accounting Assumptions 会计要素 Accounting Elements 会计原则 Accounting Principles 会计实务过程 Accounting Procedures 财务报表 Financial Statements 财务分析 Financial Analysis 会计主体假设 Separate-entity Assumption 货币计量假设 Unit-of-measure Assumption 持续经营假设 Continuity(Going-concern) Assumption 会计分期假设 Time-period Assumption资产 Asset负债 Liability 业主权益 Owners Equity 收入 Revenue 费用 Expense 收益 Income 亏损 Loss 历史成本原则 Cost Principle 收入实现原则 Revenue Principle 配比原则 Matching Principle 全面披露原则 Full-disclosure (Reporting) principle 客观性原则 Objective Principle 一致性原则 Consistent Principle 可比性原则 Comparability Principle 重大性原则 Materiality Principle 稳健性原则 Conservatism Principle 权责发生制 Accrual Basis 现金收付制 Cash Basis 财务报告 Financial Report 流动资产 Current assets 流动负债 Current Liabilities 长期负债 Long-term Liabilities 投入资本 Contributed Capital 留存收益 Retained Earning (2)会计循环 会计循环 Accounting Procedure/Cycle 会计信息系统 Accounting information System 帐户 Ledger 会计科目 Account 会计分录 Journal entry 原始凭证 Source Document 日记帐 Journal 总分类帐 General Ledger 明细分类帐 Subsidiary Ledger 试算平衡 Trial Balance 现金收款日记帐 Cash receipt journal 现金付款日记帐 Cash disbursements journal 销售日记帐 Sales Journal 购货日记帐 Purchase Journal 普通日记帐 General Journal 工作底稿 Worksheet 调整分录 Adjusting entries 结帐 Closing entries (3)现金与应收帐款 现金 Cash 银行存款 Cash in bank 库存现金 Cash in hand 流动资产 Current assets 偿债基金 Sinking fund 定额备用金 Imprest petty cash 支票 Check(cheque) 银行对帐单 Bank statement 银行存款调节表 Bank reconciliation statement 在途存款 Outstanding deposit 在途支票 Outstanding check 应付凭单 Vouchers payable 应收帐款 Account receivable 应收票据 Note receivable 起运点交货价 F.O.B shipping point 目的地交货价 F.O.B destination point 商业折扣 Trade discount 现金折扣 Cash discount 销售退回及折让 Sales return and allowance 坏帐费用 Bad debt expense 备抵法 Allowance method 备抵坏帐 Bad debt allowance 损益表法 Income statement approach 资产负债表法 Balance sheet approach 帐龄分析法 Aging analysis method 直接冲销法 Direct write-off method 带息票据 Interest bearing note 不带息票据 Non-interest bearing note 出票人 Maker 受款人 Payee 本金 Principal 利息率 Interest rate 到期日 Maturity date 本票 Promissory note 贴现 Discount 背书 Endorse 拒付费 Protest fee (4)存货 存货 Inventory 商品存货 Merchandise inventory 产成品存货 Finished goods inventory 在产品存货 Work in process inventory 原材料存货 Raw materials inventory 起运地离岸价格 F.O.B shipping point 目的地抵岸价格 F.O.B destination 寄销 Consignment 寄销人 Consignor 承销人 Consignee 定期盘存 Periodic inventory 永续盘存 Perpetual inventory购货 Purchase 购货折让和折扣 Purchase allowance and discounts 存货盈余或短缺 Inventory overages and shortages 分批认定法 Specific identification 加权平均法 Weighted average 先进先出法 First-in, first-out or FIFO 后进先出法 Lost-in, first-out or LIFO 移动平均法 Moving average 成本或市价孰低法 Lower of cost or market or LCM 市价 Market value 重置成本 Replacement cost 可变现净值 Net realizable value 上限 Upper limit 下限 Lower limit 毛利法 Gross margin method 零售价格法 Retail method 成本率 Cost ratio (5)长期投资 长期投资 Long-term investment 长期股票投资 Investment on stocks 长期债券投资 Investment on bonds 成本法 Cost method 权益法 Equity method 合并法 Consolidation method 股利宣布日 Declaration date 股权登记日 Date of record 除息日 Ex-dividend date 付息日 Payment date 债券面值 Face value, Par value 债券折价 Discount on bonds 债券溢价 Premium on bonds 票面利率 Contract interest rate, stated rate 市场利率 Market interest ratio, Effective rate 普通股 Common Stock 优先股 Preferred Stock 现金股利 Cash dividends 股票股利 Stock dividends 清算股利 Liquidating dividends 到期日 Maturity date 到期值 Maturity value 直线摊销法 Straight-Line method of amortization 实际利息摊销法 Effective-interest method of amortization (6)固定资产 固定资产 Plant assets or Fixed assets 原值 Original value 预计使用年限 Expected useful life 预计残值 Estimated residual value 折旧费用 Depreciation expense 累计折旧 Accumulated depreciation 帐面价值 Carrying value 应提折旧成本 Depreciation cost 净值 Net value 在建工程 Construction-in-process 磨损 Wear and tear 过时 Obsolescence 直线法 Straight-line method (SL) 工作量法 Units-of-production method (UOP) 加速折旧法 Accelerated depreciation method 双倍余额递减法 Double-declining balance method (DDB) 年数总和法 Sum-of-the-years-digits method (SYD) 以旧换新 Trade in 经营租赁 Operating lease 融资租赁 Capital lease 廉价购买权 Bargain purchase option (BPO) 资产负债表外筹资 Off-balance-sheet financing 最低租赁付款额 Minimum lease payments (7)无形资产 无形资产 Intangible assets 专利权 Patents 商标权 Trademarks, Trade names 著作权 Copyrights 特许权或专营权 Franchises 商誉 Goodwill 开办费 Organization cost 租赁权 Leasehold 摊销 Amortization (8)流动负债 负债 Liability 流动负债 Current liability 应付帐款 Account payable 应付票据 Notes payable 贴现票据 Discount notes 长期负债一年内到期部分 Current maturities of long-term liabilities 应付股利 Dividends payable 预收收益 Prepayments by customers 存入保证金 Refundable deposits 应付费用 Accrual expense 增值税 Value added tax 营业税 Business tax 应付所得税 Income tax payable 应付奖金 Bonuses payable 产品质量担保负债 Estimated liabilities under product warranties 赠品和兑换券 Premiums, coupons and trading stamps 或有事项 Contingency 或有负债 Contingent 或有损失 Loss contingencies 或有利得 Gain contingencies 永久性差异 Permanent difference 时间性差异 Timing difference 应付税款法 Taxes payable method 纳税影响会计法 Tax effect accounting method 递延所得税负债法 Deferred income tax liability method会计&财务术语的中英对照a payment or serious payments 一次或多次付款abatement 扣减absolute and unconditional payments 绝对和无条件付款accelerated payment 加速支付acceptance date 接受日acceptance 接受accession 加入accessories 附属设备accountability 承担责任的程度accounting benefits 会计利益accounting period 会计期间accounting policies 会计政策accounting principle 会计准则accounting treatment 会计处理accounts receivables 应收账款accounts 账项accredited investors 经备案的投资人accumulated allowance 累计准备金acknowledgement requirement 对承认的要求acquisition of assets 资产的取得acquisitions 兼并Act on Product Liability (德国)生产责任法action 诉讼actual ownership 事实上的所有权additional filings 补充备案additional margin 附加利差additional risk附加风险additions (设备的)附件adjusted tax basis 已调整税基adjustment of yield 对收益的调整administrative fee管理费Administrative Law(美国)行政法advance notice 事先通知advance 放款adverse tax consequences 不利的税收后果advertising 做广告affiliated group 联合团体affiliate 附属机构African Leasing Association 非洲租赁协会after-tax rate 税后利率aggregate rents 合计租金aggregate risk 合计风险agreement concerning rights of explore natural resources 涉及自然资源开发权的协议agreement 协议aircraft registry 飞机登记airframe (飞机的)机身airports 机场airworthiness directives (飞机的)适航指令alliances 联盟allocation of finance income 财务收益分配allowance for losses on receivables 应收款损失备抵金alternative uses 改换用途地使用amenability to foreign investment 外国投资的易受控制程度amendment 修改American Law Institute 美国法学会amortization of deferred loan fees and related consideration 递延的贷款费和相关的报酬的摊销amortization schedule 摊销进度表amortize 摊销amount of recourse 求偿金额amount of usage 使用量AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax) (美国)可替代最低税analogous to类推为annual budget appropriation 年度预算拨款appendix (契约性文件的)附件applicable law 适用法律applicable securities laws适用的证券法律applicable tax life 适用的应纳税寿命appraisal 评估appraisers 评估人员appreciation 溢价appropriation provisions 拨款条例appropriation 侵占approval authority 核准权approval 核准approximation近似arbitrary and artificially high value (承租人违约出租人收回租赁物时法官判决的)任意的和人为抬高的价值arbitration 仲裁arms length transaction 公平交易arrangement 安排arrest 扣留Article 2A 美国统一商法典关于法定融资租赁的条款articles of incorporation 公司章程AsiaLeaae 亚洲租赁协会assess 评估asset manager 设备经理asset risk insurance 资产风险保险asset securitization 资产证券化asset specificity 资产特点asset tracking 资产跟踪asset-backed financing 资产支持型融资asset-based lessor 立足于资产的出租人asset-oriented lessor (经营租赁中的)资产导向型出租人asset 资产assignee 受让人assignment 让与association 社团at the expiry 期限届满时ATT (automatic transfer of title) 所有权自动转移attachments 附着物attributes 属性auction sale 拍卖audits 审计authenticate 认证authentication 证实authority 当局authorize 认可availability of fixed rate medium-term financing 固定利率中期融资可得到的程度available-for-sale securities 正供出售证券average life 平均寿命average managed net financed assets 所管理的已筹资金资产净额平均值aviation authority 民航当局backed-up servicer 替补服务者backhoe反铲装载机balance sheet date 资产负债表日bandwidth 带宽bank affiliates 银行的下属机构bank quote 银行报价bankruptcy cost 破产成本bankruptcy court 破产法院bankruptcy law 破产法bankruptcy


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