【精校版】浙江省江山实验中学高一英语必修一导学案:导学案unit 3 必修二

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【精校版】浙江省江山实验中学高一英语必修一导学案:导学案unit 3 必修二_第1页
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【精校版】浙江省江山实验中学高一英语必修一导学案:导学案unit 3 必修二_第2页
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【精校版】浙江省江山实验中学高一英语必修一导学案:导学案unit 3 必修二_第3页
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人教版精品英语资料(精校版)学习目标:1.深入理解课文,掌握课文中的基础知识,培养快速阅读,整体理解的能力。2.自主学习,合作探究;学会按时间顺序理解文章进行深层理解。3.了解计算机的发展历程及其在当今社会的应用。重点:按时间的先后顺序了解机器人的发展过程。 难点:长难句分析。预习案使用说明和学法指导:1、在预习时,要把课文通读两遍,先读通教材,完成表层理解题,再找出文中的疑难点。2、完成时间30分钟。 背景展现In the past hundred years, people have set a new mind-blowing rate for the development of new technologies. New produce is being conceived every minute of every day, all of which will impact people in some respects. However, in all these technologies computers have the most important influences on people. Some people assert that computers have made life more complex and stressful, while some people believe that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Even though there may be one or two disadvantages to develop computers, the advantages fast outweigh them. With the development of computers, almost every job needs people who are well up in computer technology. People, who want to find a good job, must learn how to use computers. Computers can help people do many things, including complex computation, storing and searching information and some work that is dangerous for people to do. Another advantage of computers is that people can use them for entertainment in spare time. After a busy day, playing games is the favorite thing for many people. And in todays life, a lot of young people could have no television, but they must have a computer. Now many films display fascinating images by using computers to deal with them. In the reading passage, we will learn about the development of computers. 教材助读(二轮阅读)一.一轮阅读做题目学习建议:限时阅读,完成表层理解题。Read the passage and finish the following exercise.1. Decide whether the statements are True or False.(1) The computer began as a calculating machine in 1742. ( )(2) The analytical machine was made by Charles Babbage. ( )(3) Many new applications have been found for computers since the 1970s. ( )(4) Alan Turing wrote a book to describe how computers could be made smaller. ( )(5) In the past people thought the computer was simple-minded. ( )(6) In the 1960s the first family of computers was connected by a network. ( )(7) Computers could share information and express their feelings. ( )(8) Computers connect people all over the world together. ( )2. Find the topic sentences in each paragraph.Para 1:_Para 2:_Para 3:_ _二、二轮阅读找难点学习建议:在文中找出下列单词、短语和重点句型,并进行填空和结合语境理解其含义。1.单词(1)使简单化v. _ (2)总数;算术题;金额n._(3)操作员;接线员n._ (4)解决;解答v._(5)真实;事实;现实n._ (6)完全地;整个地adv._(7)network n._ (8)应用;用途;申请v._(9)finance n._ (10)探索;探究v._(11)I could think _ (合逻辑地) and produce an answer quicker than any person.(12)At that time it was considered a _ _(技术革命)and the start of my _ _ (人工智能).2.短语(1)sound simple_ (2) 作为开始_(3)solve/settle a problem_ (4) 一个头脑简单的人_(5)be totally changed_ (6)与共享_(7) serve the human race_3.句型_(随着时间的推移),I was made smaller.我的疑惑:请你将预习中未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,待课堂上与老师和同学探究解决。_探究案质疑探究探究点一:语篇探究学习建议:通过了解计算机的发展历程对文章进行深层理解。1. Look at the timeline below. Fill in the blanks with information from the reading above.1642:_1936:_1940s:_1960: The first family of computers was connected by a network.1970s:_Now: _2. What does the passage mainly about?_探究点二:重点句型与长难句1. I have been put into robots and used to make mobile phones as well as help with medical operations.翻译本句_2. But I was always so lonely standing there by myself, until in the early 1960s they gave me a family connected by a network.(1) standing there by myself的用法是_(2) connected by a network的用法是_(3)翻译本句_即时练习:1.(2010,福建)Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock, _ supplies to Yushu, Qinghai Province after the earthquake.A. sending B. to send C. having sent D. to have sent2. (2010,湖南) So far nobody has claimed the money _ in the library.A. discovered B. to be discovered C. discovering D. having discovered课文回顾根据课文内容完成以下短文学习建议:第二次阅读课文后,尝试不参照原文完成下列短文。I was born as a 1._ machine in 1642. When I was young, I was good at 2._ different sums. About two hundred years had passed before I could think 3._ and produce 4._answers. At that time, I was called an 5._ machine. In 1936, I was built as a 6._ machine. I had the ability to 7._any mathematical problem. From then on, I grew rapidly both in 8._ and in brainpower. After I stored my memory on 9._ instead of in 10._, I became 11._ in size but 12._ intelligence. As time went by, I became even smaller, for I put my memory on a very small 13._ , which made me become a PC and a laptop. In the 1960s, I could be connected with other computers by a 14._. From then on, I was able to share my knowledge with others through the 15. _ . After that, I had many new 16._. Now, I am glad to serve human beings as a 17._ and a pleasant 18._. 能力提升Should high school students surf the internet? Please give your reasons. 总结反刍学习建议:从课文理解和长难句分析方面对本节课的内容进行二次领会和记忆。课后学习指导:牢记课文中的基础知识并背诵课文。Period 2 Learning about Language学习目标:1.扎实掌握词汇与语法用法,提升自己的理解力、记忆力。2.自主学习,合作探究;学会分析与总结的方法,并能学以致用。3.激情投入,疯狂记忆,体验学习的快乐。 重点:arise, as a result等用法;现在完成时的被动语态。难点:现在完成时的被动语态。高频词汇:arise, solve, as a result, in a way, go by, watch over, deal with预习案一、词汇精粹学习建议:根据所列例句,理解并尝试总结下列词汇的用法。1. arise (arose, arisen) vi. 出现,发生(1) A new difficulty has risen. 新的困难出现了。(2) There are many problems arising out of/from the lack of communication.因为缺乏交流而导致出现了很多问题。2.solve vt.解决;解答(1) Who can solve this maths problem? 谁能解决这个数学题?(2)Did you solve the problem? 你解决问题了吗?3. as a result 结果(1)As a result, Chaplin got his first film part in the States.结果,卓别林就在美国得到了他的第一个电影角色。(2)All humans have suffered as a result of this dance.作为这一舞蹈的结果,所有人类都遭受了痛苦。拓展:(1)Her blindness of both eyes resulted from a traffic accident.她的双目失明是由一场交通事故造成的。(2)The dissatisfaction of the workmen resulted in a strike.工人的不满引起了一场罢工。4.in a way 从某种程度上说(1)The work is well done in a way. 从某种程度上说,这工作做得不错。(2) Someone has parked the car in the way. 有人把车子停在了路上,挡住了去路。(3)Can I help you in any way? 我可以在哪一方面帮助你吗?(4)The team slowly made their way through the forest. 这一队人缓缓地行走在森林中。(5) By the way, what was your worst subject? 顺便问一下,你最差的课程是什么?(6) He lost his way in the big city. 在这个大城市里,他迷失了方向。(7) On the way to that factory I visited a school. 在去那个工厂的路上,我参观了一所学校。(8) They are traveling to France by way of London. 他们经伦敦去法国旅游。5.go by (时间)过去,流逝As time goes by, my memory seems to get worse. 随着时间的流逝,我的记忆力变得越来越差。6. watch over 看守;监视Each country would have its own experts to watch over the changes. 每个国家都会有自己的专家来监视这些变化。7. deal with 处理;安排;对付How will we deal with this problem? 我们将怎么处理这个问题?比较:I dont know what to do with all the food thats left over. 我不知道怎么处理所有这些剩饭剩菜。二、语法聚焦-现在完成时的被动语态学习建议:根据所列例句,理解并尝试总结现在完成时的被动语态的用法。1.现在完成时的被动语态的构成(1)现在完成时被动语态肯定句主语+has/have been+p.p.+ (p.p.=动词的过去分词形式)Her motorbike has been stolen.她的摩托车被盗了。(2)现在完成时被动语态否定句主语+has/have+not+been+p.p.+The task has not been finished yet. 任务尚未完成。(3)现在完成时被动语态一般疑问句Has/Have+主语+been+p.p.+?Has a new computer been bought? 买了一台新电脑吗?(4)现在完成时被动语态特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+has/have+主语+been+p.p.+?What has been bought by Tom? 汤姆买什么了?2.现在完成时的被动语态的用法(1)表示一个被动的动作发生在说话之前,强调对现在造成的影响和结果。The door has been locked. 门已经被锁上了。(2)表示一个被动的动作或状态开始于过去,持续到现在,并可能持续下去,常与for或since引导的时间状语连用,或用于How long?句型中。The important problem has been discussed for nearly two weeks.这个重要问题已经被讨论了近两周了。3.现在完成时的被动语态需注意到几个问题(1)只有及物动词(组)才有被动语态,不及物动词(组)没有被动语态,如:happen, take place, die, appear, disappear, fail, remain, lie, last, sit, stand, break out, come true, belong to等都没有被动语态。What has happened to your brother? 你哥哥出什么事了?What has been happened to your brother?(2)The child has been taken good care of by Grandma all these years.这些年,这个孩子被祖母照料得很好。(3)The bridge was built last year. 这桥是去年建的。 The bridge has been built. 这桥已经建好了。(4)How long has this book been bought? How long ago was this book bought?这本书是多久以前买的? No books have been bought since last week. 自上周以来,没有人买过书。预习自测一、词汇精粹1.There are many problems arising_ (因为)the lack of communication.2.All humans have suffered_(作为这一舞蹈的结果).3.Her blindness of both eyes_(由于) a traffic accident.4.用what,how填空(1)_ will we deal with this problem? (2)_ do farmers do with your machines?5.As time_(流逝),my memory seems to get worse.二、语法聚焦Change the following sentences into the Present Perfect Passive Voice.1. We have completed all the preparations for the task._2. This company has produced new types of computers._3. They have interviewed several teachers for the job by them._4. George has sent some texts and pictures to his friends cellphone._5. They have developed some programs for the human resource department of their company._我的疑惑? 请你将预习中未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,待课堂上与老师和同学探究。探究案质疑探究探究点一 词汇用法探究1.(1)arise的同义词是_. (2)“因某事而产生,引起”这个短语的表达是_.2.result in与result from的区别是_3.由way构成的短语及含义是(1)_ (2)_(3)_ (4)_(5)_ (6)_ _(7)_ (8)_4.deal with与do with的区别是_探究点二 语法用法探究1、什么情况下不及物动词可以用于被动语态?短语动词用于被动语态时需注意什么?_2.一般过去时的被动语态与现在完成时的被动语态有什么区别?_3.什么情况下,瞬间性动词能表示延续性?_学以致用一、词汇运用1.再伟大的学者也没有办法解答这个难题。(solve)_2. With time going by, he becomes more and more intelligent._time _ _, he becomes more and more intelligent.3.由于大雪他迟到了。(as a result of)_4. How will you deal with the car accident? (同义句转换)_5. The terrible accident _ his carelessness.A. resulted from B. resulted in C. result from D. as a result二、语法专攻1.Whats happened in the new area? -New houses _ recently over there.A. are built B. built C. have built D. have been built2. This is a photo of the power station that _ in my hometown.A. has set up B. has been set up C. had set up D. will set up3. There is a police car in front of our neighbors house. What do you suppose _?A. did happen B. has happened C. is happen D. has been happened4. Every possible means _ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear.A. is used B. are used C. has been used D. have been used5. No permission _ for anyone to enter the building.A. has been given B. has given C. has to give D. has been giving6. The police found that the house _and a lot of things _.A. has broken into; has been stolen B. had broken into; had been stolen7. Every year a flood of farmers arrive in Shenzhen for the money-making job they _ before leaving their home-towns.A. promised B. were promised C. have promised D. have been promised 总结反刍学习建议:从词汇和语法方面回扣本节课的内容,进行二次领会和记忆。课堂小结:组织学生一对一互查,内容是词汇和语法的掌握情况。互查内容:deal with; result in; 由way构成的短语;瞬间性动词表示延续性的含义。课堂评价: 课后学习指导1.牢记本节课所学的词汇用法及其例句、语法知识及用法。2.运用本节课所学词汇自由造句,一词一句。Period 3 Using Language学习目标:1.深入理解课文,掌握课文中的基础知识,并运用写作培养综合能力。2.自主学习,合作探究,学会分析与总结的方法并在写作中灵活运用。 3.了解机器人的特殊用途,全力以赴投入本节课的学习。重点:理解课文。难点:用英语表达自己的观点并进行简单的理由阐述。预习案使用说明:1.先通读教材,完成表层理解题,再勾画出文中的疑难点,理解机器人的特殊用途。2.限时30分钟完成预习案。教材助读一、一轮阅读做题目1. Decide whether the following sentences are True or False.(1)Andy looks like a human. ( )(2)Andy can communicate with his teammates by using the human language. ( )(3)Andys first football competition was in Nagoya, Japan. ( )(4) Andy thought his opponents cheated, because they had a new kind of program, which had just been developed before the competition. ( )(5)Andy thought his programmer can create an even better system. ( )(6)The programmer programs moves so that Andy can use them in games. ( )(7)Andy is an android, so intelligence is all of them. ( )2. Answer the following questions.(1) What helps him to move and think like a human?_(2) What does the programmer do to Andy?_(3) What does Andy think about the team who beat them last year?Why?_二、二轮阅读找难点学习建议:在文中勾画出单词、短语、重点句型和交际用语,并结合语境猜测其含义。1.单词(1) striker n. _ (2) chip n. _(3) 就个人而言 adv. _(4) type n._(5) coach n. _ (6) 出现 v._(7) electronic adj._ (8) 可信赖的 adj._(9) 人造的;假的 adj._ (10)For example, I have learned to _(发出信号) to my teammates in computer language to give me the ball when I am open and have a good shot for a goal.2.短语(1)每年一次_ (2) be allowed to do _(3)聚在一起_ (4) for example _(5) second place_ (6)决心做 _(7) make up _ (8) after all _(9) _(在某种程度上) our programmer is like our coach.(10)After all,_(在帮助下)my electronic brain which never forget anything, using my intelligence is what Im all about!3.重点句型(1) Im as big as a human.翻译本句并注意划线部分的意思_(2) I have learned to signal my teammates in computer language to give me the ball when I am open and have a good shot for a goal.翻译本句并注意划线部分的意思_我的疑惑? 请你将预习中未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,待课堂上与老师和同学探究解决。探究案质疑探究Reading探究点一:语篇探究学习建议:阅读文章并理解机器人的特殊用途。1. According to the passage, the Android can do many things. Do you think they can do anything freely?_2. In the future, do you think Android can replace humans? Why or why not?_探究点二:重点句型与长难句学习建议:通过分析句子成分来理清句子结构。1. She programs us with all the possible moves she has seen while watching human games. (1)划线部分是省略句请将其补充完整_(2)翻译本句_2. After all, with the help of my electronic brain which never forgets anything, using my intelligence is what Im all about!(1)划线部分在句中的作用是_(2)翻译本句_学贵有疑我思考,我收获通过以上学习,请你把尚存的疑问写下来,与同学进一步探究。_Writing学习建议:请根据写作指导完成写作任务。Finish a composition according to the following information. The composition must be written about 120 words.1. Write down some things that the android can do for you according to your opinion._2. Accoding to the following information, make an outline about it.社会发展到了2080年,照顾老人成立一个突出的社会问题。你公司顺应社会需求适时推出了家用机器人。该机器人的主要功能有:(1)可以在固定的时间做饭,做饭时间可以根据个人需要进行调整。(2)可以陪老人聊天、下棋、做运动等。(3)可以及时处理突发事件,例如在老人突然病倒时及时拨打呼救电话等。请你根据以上内容写一篇发言稿,在新闻发布会上推荐你公司的这一新产品。注意:(1)词数:120左右(2)内容可以适当发挥,注意行文连贯(3)短文开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。(4)参考词汇:突出的,显著的prominentLadies and Gentlemen, thank you for attending our companys conference. As you know, _3.Have a discussion with your partners about the above information and look up some new words. Then polish your outline._4. Finish the composition according to the above outline.5. After finishing the composition, exchange your composition with your partners, and correct mistakes.6. Hand in your composition.好词好句take care of, cook meals, according to, have a chat, play chess, do exercise, deal with, emergencies, it would be a great help for you if总结反刍学习建议:回扣本节课的内容,从词汇和语法方面进行二次领会和记忆。课堂小结:组织学生总结10个词组4个句型基础知识,学生组织组内的范文互查。互查内容:admit, charge, deserve的用法;be to be done的三种含义;be going to be done的含义;will/shall get +动词过去分词的含义。课后学习指导1.背诵所给范文并记忆课文中的词组和句型。2.欣赏Debate,体会机器人和人类之间的关系。Will the androids replace humans in the future?G: I dont agree with that android will replace humans in the future because they are made and controlled by people.B: In my opinion, I agree with the point for the technology is developing faster and faster. I think they will kill people in the future.G: In fact, they cant live without people. For example, if they are broken, they need to be repaired by people. Besides, they dont fall in love with each other so they wont get married. As a result, they have no babies. They will die out soon.B: Although they are not able to give birth to a baby, they can copy themselves one after another.G: But there is no evidence can prove it.B: However, many resources of the world will be used up soon. Then people cant live on the earth. But robots are still alive.G: No, they nee


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