年仁爱版九年级上册Unit 1 Topic 3 Section D讲学稿

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2020年精编仁爱版英语资料Unit 1 The changing world.Topic 3 The world has changed for the better Section D讲学稿学习目标与要求: 1.复习巩固现在完成时。 2. 学习构词法的相关知识。 3. 通过讨论希望工程体现社会的发展。 模块一 温故知新 (独立进行) 预时5 分钟( learnthenewbyrestudyingtheold)复习derivations(派生词)和compounds(合成词)。 (8) friend- friendship friendfriendly, friendlyunfriendly.1.观察上面3组词可知,第一组是friend与ship的_词,第二组和第三组是派生词,第二组中,_是后缀,第三组中,_ 是前缀。【练习】按构词法及要求写出下列单词的正确形式1)possible(反义词)_2)snow(名词)_3) peace(形容词)_4)rapid(副词词)_2.看书本P24-2a的第二个表格,读一读这些词并弄懂词中前缀和后缀的含义。 【练习】1.1. There are many organizations to offer help for the _ (home) people in China.1.2. AIDS is a serious _(ill). Taking drugs may cause it.1.3. With the _ (develop) of China, children can get a better education.模块二:自主学习(独立进行)预时25钟(Self-study & Self-exploration)学法指导&学习内容摘记Step 1 单词和短语的学习1.预习课本P126-(23)生词,默读并争取记忆。2. 请同学们在书本上找出以下短语或句型的答案,并写在横线处希望工程_ 社会服务项目_它的目标是._ 国内外_ 在过去的16年里_ 为付款_ Step 2 文章理解 P23-1a 1 带着下列数据,通看文章,了解文意。October 30th,1989 3 billion 2.5million 2.3million 2300 teachers 40 million2对照资料,理顺文章大意,然后完成书本P23-1b的练习。 Step 3 知识点归纳,自主学习,完成下面的内容,记得完成后再讨论。3.1 It has paid for the education of 2.5 million poor students. 它已资助了250万贫困生接受教育。【归纳 】_ “资助”,这个短语还可以意为“支付”。【复习】关于“花费”的词还有哪些?_I paid ten yuan for this book. It took me one hour to clean my room. I spent ten yuan on this book. I spent one hour (in) cleaning my room. The book cost me ten yuan. 我花了1小时扫房间这本书花了我10元。他们的搭配使用是:paid的原形是_, 短语是_ spent的原形是_, 短语是_cost的原形是_, 一般是_(人物)做主语。took的原形是_, 只用_做主语,结构是_“某人花了多长时间做某事”的结构是_【练习】3.1.1 我花了20美元买这本书。_3.1.2 他花了3个小时做家庭作业。_ 3.2 区分一般过去时和现在完成时两种时态。【归纳】1.含义的不同:一般过去时:表示过去所发生的事情。 现在完成时:表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,强调现在。2. 用法不同: Mr Wang bought a car last year. 王先生去年买了车。 Mr Wang has bought a car . 王先生已经买了车。(拥有车但没提什么时候买的)(1) 一般过去时常与 过去的时间状语连用,如昨天_,1小时前_,去年_在2012年_等。而现在完成时却不能。Have you ever come to France? 你曾经去过法国吗? I have kept the book for two weeks. 这本书我已经借了两周。 His father has dead. 他的父亲已经去世了。(2) 现在完成时能与ever连用,这类副词还有:已经_, 仍然_, 从不_等。还能和表示一段时间的状语连用,如:for+ _, since + _, since + _ +ago.【练习】2.3.1( ) To help the poor student, we _ a lot of money from the teachers and students in our school. A. have risen B. have raised C. kept D. lent2.3.2( ) - Mrs. Green, your hat looks nice. Is it new? -No, I _ it for two months. A. have had B. have bought C. bought D. had2.3.3( ) You _ my bike for two days. Could you please return it to me soon? A. have borrowed B. have lent C. have kept D. borrowed2.3.4( ) A serious flood _ in China in 1998. A. took place B. broke out C. happened D. has broken out模块三:交流研讨(小组合作、展示、精讲)预时15分钟(Cooperation , Exploration , Show & Improvement)展示内容&展示建议评价方案Step5 合作(10) 大组长组织,组员共同探讨下面研讨内容,并形成统一的组内意见;【研讨内容】讨讨论一:组长组织组员仔细检查核对模块二自主学习的单词和短语,并在下面给出评分和评价评分_ 评价_ 讨论二:组长组织组员仔细检查核对书本P23-1b的内容,并在下面给出评分和评价评分_ 评价_ 讨论三:核对模块二Step 3自主学习部分的“知识点归纳”答案。【大组展示方案】 展示任务一:模块二自主学习的单词和短 建议:在白板上工整的板书后又互动朗读练习。展示任务二:书本P23-1b的内容 建议: 在白板上工整的板书后再进行互动朗读练习。展示任务三:模块二 Step 3自主学习部分的“知识点归纳”答案。建议:板书工整,讲解清晰。课堂评价要素:1、 合理评价组员,全员参与,有序展示;2、 书写规范,工整美观,双色笔运用得当;3、 发音清晰,声音洪亮;模块四:精讲梳理(认真做好笔记)预时5分钟 一般现在时和现在完成时的区别:教学反思: 模块五:当堂反馈一根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。1.Project Hope _ _ (致力于) help poor children afford their education.2. Rose _ _ _ (为工作) this company since she came here.3._ _ _ (没有你的帮助), I cant finish my work on time.4.A large number of travelers from _ _ _ (国内外)come to Beijing every year.5.Sorry,Madam,you havent _ _ (付款)the bag. Its 45 yuan. 二单项选择。( ) 1._ you have a talk with him, you will know he is a good person. A. Though B. Once C. Because D. Unless( ) 2.Many poor families in China cant afford an education _ their children. They need help. A. as B. for C. to D. with( ) 3._ his pocket money, Bill bought many books for the poor children. A. Use B. In C. With D. Pay( ) 4. -Jane, what a nice coat youre wearing today! -Thanks. I_$200 on it.A. cost B. paid for C. spent D. took( ) 5.We are _ money to pay for a new hospital ward. A. raise B. raising C. risen D. rising( ) 6. I heard from a boy _Jack when I was in Canada. A. names B. is called C. named D. name is( ) 7.America provides free education _ the children. A. at B. with C. to D. for( )8.They are _ about the _ news. A. excited; exciting B. excited; excited C. exciting; excited D. exciting; exciting ( ) 9.I dont think _ possible for us to learn a foreign language well without hard work. A. them B. this C. it D. that( ) 10 ._ your help, I cant get information about Hawaii easily. A. With B. Under C. Without D. Below


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