人教版高中英语必修四:随堂演练 53含答案解析

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人教版高中英语必修四:随堂演练 53含答案解析_第1页
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人教版高中英语必修四:随堂演练 53含答案解析_第3页
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精品资料随堂演练及时体验 巩固提升.用适当的介词填空1Did you take part _ the sports meeting held last weekend?答案in2What surprised us is that the girl in the painting came _ life and got married to the artist.答案to3Mary, together _ the teacher, went into the classroom.答案with4Tickets can be bought in the ticket office. They can also be bought _ advance on the Internet.答案in5He took a journey _ space and was pulled into a black hole.答案into6At home, we shouldnt put medicine _ the reach of small children.答案within7If you want to enter the zoo, you should buy tickets _ the entrance.答案at8There are many varieties _ flowers in the garden.答案of.短语填空take a journey, take part in, meet with, come to life, be available, in advance, uptodate, face to face, together with, get close to 1Did you _ the sports meeting held last weekend?答案take part in2I _ an old friend of mine on my way to work.答案met with3They _ long _ by plane from New York to Beijing.答案took a; journey4I had a talk with Tom _ yesterday.答案face to face5We are always kept informed of the _ information on the Internet.答案uptodate6What surprised us is that the girl in the painting _ and got married to the artist.答案came to life7Mary, _ the teacher, went into the classroom.答案together with8He _ the fire and kept himself warm.答案got close to9I should warn you _; we may be delayed.答案in advance10Tickets can be bought in the ticket office; they can also _ on the Internet.答案be available


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