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Oxford EnglishModule 1 Social communication 需要帮助的需要帮助的 in need 义务性工作义务性工作 voluntary work 报请批准报请批准 ask permission 因因受苦;受折磨受苦;受折磨 suffer from 目的在于,为了目的在于,为了 in order to短语复习短语复习主动提出做某事主动提出做某事 offer to do sth教某人做某事教某人做某事 teach sb to do sth帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事 help sb do sth继续做某事继续做某事 continue to do sth做某事有困难做某事有困难 have difficulty (in) doing sth需要做某事需要做某事 need to do sth喜欢做某事喜欢做某事 enjoy doing sth过去常常做某事过去常常做某事 used to do sth决定做某事决定做某事 decide to do sth要求某人做某事要求某人做某事 ask ab to do sth想要做某事想要做某事 would like to do sth 一、构成:动名词由一、构成:动名词由“动词原形动词原形 +ing”构成,构成,其变化规则与现在分词的变化规则相同。其变化规则与现在分词的变化规则相同。 二、用法:动名词既有名词的特征,也有动词二、用法:动名词既有名词的特征,也有动词的特征。它可以在句中作主语、宾语、表语和的特征。它可以在句中作主语、宾语、表语和定语。在本单元我们主要学习它作主语和宾语定语。在本单元我们主要学习它作主语和宾语的用法。的用法。Gerunds are nouns ending in ing. These nouns refer to actions and activities.We form gerunds from verbs.beginbeginningcommunicatecommunicatingdancedancingholdholdingsighsighingdouble the final consonant and add -ingdrop the e and add -ingadd -ing动名词在句子中可以充当动名词在句子中可以充当主语主语的作用。的作用。 In Western culture, making eye contact in conversations is necessary.动名词作主语时,动名词作主语时,谓语用单数形式谓语用单数形式Verb+-ing as subject (主语主语)Communicating is not just speaking. In many Asian cultures, avoiding eye contact shows respect. Staring at people is also considered rude.动名词作主语动名词作主语时,谓语用单时,谓语用单数形式数形式Communicating is not just speaking. Smiling shows that you are happy. Ballet training usually starts at an early age. Dancing is her favourite hobby. S1: What can shaking your closed hand show? S2: Shaking your closed hand can show that youre angry.1. shake your closed hand/angryIn pairs, ask and answer questions about the pictures. Follow the example.2. rest your head on your hand/boredS1: What can resting your head on your hand show?S2: Resting your head on your hand can show that youre bored.3. sigh/sadS1: What can sighing show?S2: Sighing can show that youre sad.4. close your eyes/thinkingS1: What can closing your eyes show?S2: Closing your eyes can show that youre thinking. 动名词(短语)作动词或介词的宾语。动名词(短语)作动词或介词的宾语。(1) 在及物动词后作宾语。例如:在及物动词后作宾语。例如:In countries like Spain, Italy and Greece, people like standing close to each other to talk.在一些国家,比如西班牙、意大利和希腊,人们在一些国家,比如西班牙、意大利和希腊,人们喜欢互相靠近讲话。喜欢互相靠近讲话。Verb+-ing as objects (宾宾语语) 动名词(短语)作动词或介词的宾语。动名词(短语)作动词或介词的宾语。(1) 在及物动词后作宾语。例如:在及物动词后作宾语。例如:In countries like Spain, Italy and Greece, people like standing close to each other to talk.在一些国家,比如西班牙、意大利和希腊,人们在一些国家,比如西班牙、意大利和希腊,人们喜欢互相靠近讲话。喜欢互相靠近讲话。He enjoys going for a walk every morning.他每天早上喜欢出去散散步。他每天早上喜欢出去散散步。(2) 在介词后作宾语。例如:在介词后作宾语。例如:Without hesitating she went to Simon and gave him a big smile. 她毫不犹豫地走向西蒙,并且给了他一个灿烂的她毫不犹豫地走向西蒙,并且给了他一个灿烂的微笑。微笑。 Debbie enjoys smiling and always looks friendly.We often use gerunds after these verbs.enjoy imagine practisefinish mind We often use gerunds after prepositions.Debbie is good at communicating with people.I am looking forward to going to Beijing.We often use gerunds after these phrases.be fond of be interested inbe used to keep on think ofbe good atbe tired of give up look forward toIn pairs, ask and answer questions about the pictures. Follow the example.S1: What does the boy enjoy?S2: He enjoys reading books.2. S1: What is the girl practising? S2: She is practising climbing mountains.3 S1: What is the girl good at? S2: She is good at skiing.4. S1: What is the girl interested in? S2: She is interested in playing chess.拓展一拓展一 Pay attention to the forms of the verbs. Nodding your head in Chinese culture means “Yes”. In Western cultures, making eye contact in conversations is necessary. 时态和语态的选择时态和语态的选择重读闭音节重读闭音节 要注意双写要注意双写注意要去掉不发音的注意要去掉不发音的e时态时态/语态语态主动主动被动被动一般式一般式doingbeing done完成式完成式having done having been done拓展二拓展二有一些动词(短语)后面常接动名词作有一些动词(短语)后面常接动名词作宾语。如:宾语。如:finish, enjoy, mind, keep, suggest, avoid, miss, practise, admit, deny, cant help(情不自禁做某事)(情不自禁做某事)等。等。拓展三拓展三 常见的常见的“动词介词动词介词+动名词动名词”的短语有:的短语有: prefer. to, be / get used to, look forward to, feel like, give up, keep on, insist on, succeed in等。等。拓展四用于某些惯用法中。用于某些惯用法中。(1) be busy doing sth “忙于做某事忙于做某事”(2) be worth doing sth “值得做某事值得做某事”(3) Its no use / good doing sth“做做无用无用 / 无好处无好处”拓展五拓展五 forget doing sth. forget to do sth. go on doing sth. go on to do sth. remember doing sth. remember to do sth. stop doing sth. stop to do sth. try doing sth. try to do sth. see sb. do sth see sb. doing sth. hear sb. do sth. hear sb. doing sth.Exercises1.Reading (read)books makes one wise.2.Collecting (collect) stamps is interesting. 3.Walking (walk) is a good form of exercise for both young and old.4.Planting (plant) flowers needs constant watering.5.Learning (learn) a theory andand putting (put) it into practice are two different things. 一一. 用词的适当形式填空。用词的适当形式填空。6. I agree with playing (play) darts. 7. They apologize for being (be) late. 8. She doesnt believe in getting (get) lost in the wood. 9. They feel like going (go) to bed. 10.She complains about bullying (bully). 二二. 根据句意完成下列句子。根据句意完成下列句子。1. 叹气通常意味着不开心。叹气通常意味着不开心。 _ usually means the person is unhappy.2. 盯着别人看被认为是不礼貌的。盯着别人看被认为是不礼貌的。 _ _ people is considered impolite.SighingStaring at3. 吃东西前要洗手。吃东西前要洗手。 Wash your hands _ _.4. 这台机器是用来造纸的。这台机器是用来造纸的。 This machine is for _ _.5. 我想多知道些关于在美国学习的情况。我想多知道些关于在美国学习的情况。 I want to know more _ _ in America.before eatingmaking paperabout studying( ) 1. _English well is important to us. A. Learn B. To learn C. Learning D. Learned( ) 2. He was busy _ his homework. After a short rest, he went on _ it. A. to do, doing B. to do, with C. doing, with D. doing, to do( ) 3. Thank you for _ me _ some water. A. to help, to carry B. to help, carrying C. helping, carrying D. helping, to carry三三. 单项选择。单项选择。( ) 4. _ other students homework is wrong.A. Copying B. Copies C. Copied D. Copy( ) 5. At the weekend, I prefer _ at home to _ out.Astay, going B. staying, go C. staying, going D. to stay, go( ) 6. _ such a person to join us is a waste of time!A. Persuade B. Persuading C. Persuaded D. Persuades( ) 7. He is good at _.A. to swim B. swam C. swimming D. to swimming( ) 8. As is known to us, travelling is _.A. Interested B. interests C. interest D. interesting( ) 9. -Would you mind _ my pet dog I am away? -Sure, no problem.A. Take care of B. taking care of C. to take care of D. to taking care of( ) 10. -Mum, I am hungry. -What about _ to McDonalds _ fried chicken?A. To go, eat B. going, eat C. to go, to eat D. going, to eat1. 根据下列句子回答问题。根据下列句子回答问题。(1) Cycling is fun.(2) Karen likes reading.(3) David found the answer by looking in the encyclopedia.(4) An abacus is used for doing sums. In sentence 1, which word is the subject? In sentence 2, which word is the object? How did David find the answer? What is an abacus used for? 2. 完成完成练习册练习册第第19至至21页页Grammar的练的练习。习。


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