高二英语外研版选修六习题:课时卷三 含答案精修版

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高二英语外研版选修六习题:课时卷三 含答案精修版_第3页
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外研版英语精品资料(精修版)Module 1课下能力提升(三).根据提示写出单词的正确形式1What an amazing _ (巧合)! I was thinking about my cousin Lily when she phoned me.2Nowadays, smart cellphones have a lot of _ (功能), but I dont know how to use them.3Johnson decided to acknowledge him as his son _(不管怎样)4Mary is one of the _ (熟人) of mine and we have known each other for some time.5Li Gang was painfully aware of his own_ (短处) after that.6In the _ (absent) of the manager, I shall be in charge of the company.7Im _ (caution) about what I say because careless remarks are likely to hurt ones feelings. 8Well, if youre interested, please fill in our _ (apply) form where you will also find our list of prices. 9In the speech, the headmaster required that the Japanese government should make an _ (apologize) to us.10He _ (purpose) put the childs head in a position for her to see it.选词填空as a consequence, leave out, be aware of, take the lead, show off, cheer . up, be cautious about, on purpose1Susan _ three words when she copied the sentence so it was nonsense.2We must _the importance of protecting the environment and come up with solutions to it.3The player got injured in the training yesterday. _, he cant take part in the match next weekend.4With our manager _, we all worked hard and finished the task ahead of time. 5Sometimes a piece of music can _ ourselves _6Mothers all like to _their daughters and Mrs Yang is no exception. 7The manager _ taking on new staff.8Was it a mistake or did you kick it _?.完成句子1有人建议由于缺钱这项工作应该推迟。_ this work _ for lack of money.2互联网用户们被警示要拒绝接受任何要求发送现金或个人信息的消息,不管这些消息有多正规。The Internet users have been warned to reject any messages that ask you to send cash or personal information, _3我每次去北京,都会去参观长城。_, I would visit the Great Wall.4他不在时我决定看看他桌上有什么东西。_ I decided to see what was on his desk.5如果你专心去做你目前的工作,你将能很快地把它做完。If you _ the job in hand, youll soon finish it.完形填空When my husband and I got married, he worked as a mechanic (机修工) from midnight to 8 am. However, I worked during the _1_. So as he came home from work each morning, I was getting ready to _2_We had very little _3_ then, so when Valentines Day came around that first year, I knew we couldnt _4_ anything for each other. After he left to go to work the night before Valentines Day, I decided to _5_ and make a Valentines Day card for him. I _6_ wrote a poem on the front of the card. When he came home the next _7_, I felt foolish as I handed him the card, _8_ that he wouldnt laugh at it. When he had finished _9_ it, he slowly raised his head and looked at me. Then he reached down into his pocket. When he pulled his _10_ out, he was holding _11_. He told me that he had _12_ it for me during his lunch hour, but he had been _13_ to give it to me because he thought I might think it was _14_, and that I might laugh at it.It was a small heart made out of aluminum (铝). _15_ I had stayed up all night making him a valentine card, he had been cutting out a _16_ for me. I still have the aluminum heart, and I _17_ it in my desk. Every time I see it, all those _18_ come flooding back to me. Over the years, weve been able to buy each other very nice, _19_ presents for Valentines Day. But none has ever been as dear or _20_ as much as those handmade gifts made from our hearts the first year that we were married.1A.dayBnightCweekend Dholiday2A.cook BleaveCrest Dhelp3A.time BchanceCmoney Denergy4A.buy BchooseCfind Dborrow5A.look out Bcall backCslow down Dstay up6A.still BonlyCeven Dagain7A.morning BnoonCafternoon Devening8A.imagining BhopingCguessing Dnoticing9A.studying BreadingCexamining Dplaying10A.hand BfootCarm Dleg11A.everything BanythingCnothing Dsomething12A.written BdrawnCmade Dinvented13A.surprised BhappyCangry Dafraid14A.wrong BdifficultCdangerous Dsilly15A.Before BThoughCWhile DIf16A.heart BcardCtoy Dbook17A.change BkeepCcut Ddivide18A.problems BpainsCmemories Dchoices19A.strange BspecialCexpensive Dsatisfying20A.meant BprovedCinfluenced Dexplained.阅读理解ASmall talk is conversation, typically about meaningless topics such as the weather or local sports, shared usually between two people. Small talk may occur to avoid awkwardness between two strangers (such as on a long elevator ride). People may also engage in small talk if they do not know each other well, because small talk allows safe and comfortable conversation topics as opposed to more debatable ones, such as politics and religion. The act of making small talk is considered polite.Small talk has several possible functions. People can engage in small talk to express an interest in others lives when they have a limited amount of time to speak because of work, family or social commitments. Some also choose to engage in small talk to ease potentially awkward situations. Small talk is also an acceptable means of establishing boundaries in conversation.Small talk includes banal (平淡乏味的) or meaningless everyday topics; it does not include philosophical topics, discussion of controversial topics or the divulging of details otherwise considered too personal. Common topics of small talk include sports, weather, local events, polite discussion of mutual acquaintances, and exchanging compliments on articles of clothing.Small talk is ideal for social situations requiring only a short time frame for a conversation. Conversations containing small talk usually do not exceed a few minutes. Examples of situations requiring small talk include bus rides, greeting an associate before discussing business, talking to coworkers before work or speaking with an acquaintance while waiting for a mutual friend to return to the dinner table.People who can hold small talk conversations are generally considered polite and sociable. One can also slowly get to know another by having a series of small talk conversations. This allows people to discover others interests at a slow pace.Small talk generally revolves around topics that are unremarkable, socially acceptable and experienced by all. The weather, for example, is not an unusual topic, though snow is an appropriate small talk topic as others can discuss how it has affected their days.1How does the writer put forward the subject of the passage?ABy providing examples.BBy making comparisons.CBy analyzing causes.DBy giving a definition.2In what situation may small talk most probably occur?AWhen people want to know better about each other.BIf two people have different opinions on a topic.CWhen strangers want to break the embarrassment.DIf people want to talk about something debatable.3The underlined word in Paragraph 3 probably means “_”Agiving awayBmaking upCspeaking out Dthinking about4We can learn from Paragraph 4 that _Asmall talk needs few requirementsBsmall talk doesnt need much timeCpeople need small talk in everyday lifeDsmall talk is useful in business dealBNick Hancock hopes to set a new record by living alone for 60 days on a small island in the Atlantic.Tom McClean, an SAS soldier who holds the solo record by occupying Rockall for 40 days in 1985, told Hancock that being isolated for two months on a volcanic rock 230 miles away from the Western Isles was the greatest challenge Hancock would have to face.“Im fully expecting it to be tough,” Nick Hancock said. “Im hoping that by doing my daily tasks fairly slowly, Im going to be able to keep most of my time busy. I think the worst times will be if Im cooped up for several days by bad weather.”Hancock hopes to land on Rockall in early June and will carry out the last tests of his boat with the Scottish Fire Brigades help next week before driving over to Harris in the Western Isles in three weeks.He has a small wind turbine (风力机) and a solar panel for power, more than two months food, a satellite phone and a laptop loaded with ebooks to keep him going. Hancock will update an expedition blog, texting messages out on Twitter and emailing his wife Pam and friends on mainland Scotland every day.Best known for its leading role in the Radio 4 shipping forecast, it has been occupied before, most famously by McClean but also by three Greenpeace campaigners, who set the longstay record of 42 days in 1997 by occupying the rock in protest at oil and gas exploration in the area.The last human inhabitants Hancock knows of were a small group of Belgian amateur radio enthusiasts, who specialize in broadcasting from distant islands; they were on Rockall overnight in late 2010.Hancock has no large support team behind him. Except for the coastguard, his only lifeline will be the Orca , the passenger boat which will take him from Harris on to Rockall. His main daily contact will be Ann Parry, who runs a bedandbreakfast in a forest just outside Glencoe village in the Highlands.Parrys task, helped by her husband, is to send Hancock daily weather reports from the Met Office, deal with media inquiries and help him update his expedition blog.Hancock calls Parry his expedition manager, and she admits to being nervous. “Im looking forward to it because its such an amazing thing that hes doing, and a scary one as well,” she said. “But its fantastic and I cant help but be positive and supportive of it.”5Nick Hancocks main goal is to _Aprotest at oil and gas exploration in the AtlanticBshow his ability of adapting himself to bad conditionsCprove broadcasting from distant islands can be possibleDchallenge the previous record of living alone on the Rockall6To keep his time busy on Rockall, Hancock will _Ado his daily tasks slowlyBkeep emailing his wifeCsend text messages to his friendsDread some ebooks7According to Tom McClean, which was the greatest challenge Hancock would face?ALoneliness. BBad weather.CLack of food. DCommunication.8We can learn from the passage that _ATom McClean was the first person to set foot on RockallBHancock will stay in Harris for three weeks before setting out Cthe last time Rockall was visited was in 2010 by some BelgiansDParry will provide food for Hancock during his stay on Rockall课下能力提升(三).1.coincidence2.functions3.anyhow4.acquaintances5.shortcomings6.absence7cautious8.application9.apology10.purposely.1.left out2.be aware of 3.As a consequence4.taking the lead5.cheer; up6show off 7.is cautious about8.on purpose.1.It is suggested that; (should) be put off2no matter how formal they are3.Every time I went to Beijing4.In his absence5apply yourself to.语篇解读:本文讲述的是结婚第一年,作者和丈夫由于经济拮据都没有钱给对方买情人节礼物,于是他们决定自己动手做礼物。1解析:选A根据文章第一段“When my husband and I got married, he worked as a mechanic (机修工) from midnight to 8 am.”及however可知作者应是在白天工作。day“白天”;night“夜晚”;weekend“周末”;holiday“假期”。2解析:选B丈夫在午夜到八点之间工作,而作者在白天工作,因此可推知丈夫每天下班回家时作者正准备离开。leave“离开”;cook“做饭”;rest“休息”;help“帮助”。3解析:选C根据下文“After he left to go to work the night before Valentines Day, I decided to _ and make a Valentines Day card for him.”可知作者夫妇当时没有什么钱,所以他们买不起情人节礼物。money“钱”;time“时间”;chance“机会”;energy“精力”。4解析:选A因为作者夫妇当时没有什么钱,所以他们买不起情人节礼物。buy“买”;choose“选择”;find“找到”;borrow“借”。5解析:选D根据下文“_ I had stayed up all night making him a valentine card, he had been cutting out a _ for me.”可知作者决定熬夜给丈夫制作一个情人节卡片。stay up“熬夜”;look out“当心”;call back“回电话”;slow down“减速”。6解析:选C除了卡片之外,作者甚至还写了一首诗。even“甚至”;still“仍然”;only“仅仅”;again“再,又”。7解析:选A根据文章第一段“When my husband and I got married, he worked as a mechanic (机修工) from midnight to 8 am.”和“So as he came home from work each morning, I was getting ready to _”可知。8解析:选B作者递给丈夫卡片时觉得自己很愚蠢,所以希望丈夫不会嘲笑她。hope“希望”;imagine“想象”;guess“猜测”;notice“注意到”。9解析:选B根据上文“I _ wrote a poem on the front of the card.”可知丈夫会阅读上面的诗。10解析:选A根据上句“Then he reached down into his pocket.”和下句中的holding可知能伸进口袋并能握东西的是手(hand)。11解析:选D根据最后一段“It was a small heart made out of aluminum (铝)”可知。12解析:选C根据文章最后一段“But none has ever been as dear or _ as much as those handmade gifts made from our hearts the first year that we were married.”可知。13解析:选D根据上文“I felt foolish as I handed him the card, _ that he wouldnt laugh at it”可知作者夫妇的担心是一样的,都害怕对方认为自己的礼物很傻,笑话自己。afraid“害怕的”;surprised“惊讶的”;happy“高兴的”;angry“生气的”。14解析:选D根据上文“I felt foolish as I handed him the card, _ that he wouldnt laugh at it.”可知。silly“愚蠢的”;wrong“错误的”;difficult“困难的”;dangerous“危险的”。15解析:选C此处指将作者熬夜给丈夫做卡片和丈夫为她做桃心进行对比。while“虽然”;before“在之前”;though“尽管”;if“如果”。16解析:选A根据下句“I still have the aluminum heart”可知。17解析:选B根据下文“Every time I see it, all those _ come flooding back to me.”可知作者把这颗桃心嵌入桌子里保存。keep“保存”;change“改变”;cut“砍”;divide“分开”。18解析:选C根据下文“Over the years, weve been able to buy each other very nice . our hearts the first year that we were married.”可知上文是作者的回忆。memory“记忆”;problem“问题”;pain“疼痛”;choice“选择”。19解析:选C这里是将多年后与作者夫妇婚后第一年进行对比,说明现在已经能够给对方买昂贵的情人节礼物了。expensive“昂贵的”;strange“奇怪的”;special“特殊的”;satisfying“令人满意的”。20解析:选A根据全文不难判断,作者夫妇婚后第一年自己制作的情人节礼物对他们意味着很多。mean“意味着”;prove“证明”;influence“影响”;explain“解释”。.语篇解读:本文主要讲了什么是闲聊,以及闲聊有助于打破陌生人之间的尴尬局面。1解析:选D细节理解题。从第一段的开头可以知道,作者是通过给small talk 定义的方式提出文章的主题的。2解析:选C细节理解题。从第一段中的“Small talk may occur to avoid awkwardness between two strangers (such as on a long elevator ride)”可知,有时候陌生人之间为了打破尴尬的局面而闲聊一些无关紧要的话题。3解析:选A词义猜测题。由前句“it does not include philosophical topics, discussion of controversial topics”可知,闲聊的话题不能包括哲理性的以及有争议性的问题,以及后面的considered too personal (被认为是太私人的问题),可以判断,这里指的是不能泄露私人问题。4解析:选B段落大意题。本段开头第一句话“. requiring only a short time .”点明了段落大意,接着进一步用“. usually do not exceed a few minutes”回应了主题。后面用在公交车上、在谈生意之前、在上班之前跟同事之间以及在餐桌旁等朋友这些具体的事例说明了“闲聊不需要很多的时间”这个主题。语篇解读:Nick Hancock挑战独自居住在没有人烟的Rockall上的前纪录。5解析:选D细节理解题。从文中第一段可知,Nick Hancock 此行的目的就是挑战独自居住在没有人烟的Rockall 上的前纪录。6解析:选A细节理解题。由第三段中的“Im hoping . to keep most of my time busy”可知,为了消磨在岛上的这段时间,Hancock 采取放慢做日常活动的速度,这样会觉得时间过得快一些。7解析:选A细节理解题。从第二段中的“being isolated for two months . challenge Hancock would have to face”可知,住在Rockall上最大的挑战就是孤独。8解析:选C推理判断题。由倒数第四段中的“The last human inhabitants . Belgian amateur”可知,人类最近登上Rockall 的时间是2010年,是由一群专门研究由遥远的岛屿传送节目的比利时人登上去的。


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