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新编商务英语精读2练习答案Unit 1 Reading IPre-reading:1. Brainstorming: (Key for reference)1) Words or expressions related with sports:Athletic sportsrace赛跑, relay race 接力赛跑, walking race 竞走, middle-distance race 中长跑, sprint 短跑 (AmE: dash), the 400 metre hurdles 400米栏, marathon 马拉松, decathlon 十项, cross-country race 越野跑, high jump 跳高, long jump 跳远(AmE: broad jump), triple jump / hop step and jump 三级跳, pole vault 撑竿跳, putting the shot / shot put 推铅球, throwing the discus 掷铁饼, throwing the hammer 掷链锤, throwing the javelin 掷标枪Individual sportsgymnastics 体操, horizontal bar 单杠, parallel bars 双杠,rings 吊环, side horse 鞍马, weight-lifting 举重, boxing 拳击, Greece-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤, judo 柔道, fencing 击剑Water / Ice sports swimming 游泳, medley relay 混合泳, crawl 爬泳, breaststroke 蛙式, backstroke 仰式, freestyle 自由式, butterfly 蝶泳, diving 跳水, water polo 水球, rowing 划船, canoe 划艇, boat race 赛艇, yacht 游艇, sailing 帆船运动, surfing 冲浪运动, skiing 滑雪, downhill race 速降滑雪赛/滑降, slalom 障碍滑雪, ski jump 跳高滑雪, ice skating 滑冰, figure skating 花样滑冰Ball sportsfootball 足球, soccer英式足球, rugby 橄榄球, basketball 篮球, volleyball 排球, tennis 网球, baseball 棒球, handball 手球, hockey 曲棍球, golf 高尔夫球, cricket 板球, table tennis 乒乓球Other termsstadium 运动场, track 跑道, ring 圈, ground / field 场地, pitch (足球、橄榄球)场地, court 网球场, gymnastic apparatus 体操器械, swimming pool 游泳池, athletic sports田径运动, competitive sport 竞技性运动, contact sport身体接触项目(足球, 摔跤等), individual sport 个人与个人比赛的项目/ 单项体育, indoor sport室内运动, outdoor sport 户外运动, interuniversity sports 大学校际运动会, national sport 民族体育; 本国最流行的运动项目, non-ball sport, 非球类运动, participating sport 群众广泛参加的运动项目, team sport 成队比赛的运动项目(篮球, 排球, 足球等), manager 经纪人, instructor/coach 教练,技术指导, guide 领队, trainer 助理教练, referee / umpire 裁判, sportsman / sportswoman / contestant / competitor / player / athlete 运动员, professional 职业运动员, amateur 业余运动员, enthusiast / fan 迷,爱好者, favorite 可望取胜者, outsider 无取胜希望者, champion 冠军, record 纪录, record holder 纪录创造者, Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会, Winter Olympics 冬季奥林匹克运动会2) Famous brands of sportswear:NikeReebokAdidasPumaMizunoFILAJansportUmbroBalenoPoloLi NingTorchWolfU2Athletes FeetExercises2. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.1. d 2. b 3. a 4. d 5. c1. Give the English word for the meaning provided.1.strategy 2.endorse 3.contract 4.reinforce 5.implement 6. giant 7.contribute 8.impose 9.logo 10.track 1.revenue 12.capitalise2. Put the following expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary.1. contracted out2. to be named after3. at the heart of 4. capitalized on 5. fair share of6. close to7. cashed in8. in turn 9. reinforces 10. Endorsed11. be retained 12. dreams of2. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the italicized words with appropriate words or phrases from the text.1. She capitalized on Toms mistake in judgment and won the game.2. The conqueror imposed the acceptance of the conditions of peace on the defeated enemy.3. Our shop contracted with a local clothing firm for 100 jackets a week.4. His proposal has long been accepted ,yet so far it has not been put into practice.5. The committees report fully endorses the governments proposals.6. Although he was quite well off, Allan didnt contribute money to a social welfare projects.7. The child was named after its father.Word study1.a. The county council has not yet given its consent to the imposition of any traffic regulations.b. The government is said to have imposed a heavy tax on the import of luxuries.c. Teachers should try to avoid imposing their own beliefs on their students.2. a. Local people were praised for their calm response to the crisis.b. Being able to praise yourself will give you power and control over your own life.c. The police deserve a lot of praise for the way they handled the situation.3. a. The dull boom of the cannons could be heard in the distance during the war.b. Service industry has been booming in that industrial country since the late 1970s.c. The impact of the property boom was first felt in the financial markets.4. a. Many young people have been contributing their time and energy to various kinds of social welfare projects.b. The governments new policy contributed greatly to the commercial growth to the country.c. Henry wrote on some journals, appealing for contributions to cancer research.5. a. He tried to implement his plan in a hurry and people were reluctant to accept it. b. At the end of the day most departments have to be left alone to implement policies.c. The two sides agreed upon an immediate implementation of the peace plan as soon as it was signed.Post reading:1)TimeDevelopment1964importing Japanese shoes and selling at school track meets1972beginning to design its own shoes and contracting production out to factories in Asia1973Nikes first star athlete, Steve Prefontaine endorsing its footwear1985Michael Jordan endorsing his first line of “Air Jordan” shoes1986selling close to $US 1 billion worth of sports shoes and creating its first sports clothes under the Nike label1996spending $US 642 million on advertising and promotion; with revenues of $US 6.4 billion and profits of $US 553 million2) The following are marketing strategies often adopted by some companies:a) to advertise the fine quality of a product and the benefit of using the productb) to increase advertising expenditures to match competitionc) to reduce price or provide price protectiond) to package in different sizes to meet different needse) to provide special services, superior delivery, broader distributionf) to use unique distribution channelsg) to offer better discounts to distributorh) to develop brand extensionsReading IIDictationA true sportsman is fair and generous. He is a good loser and a graceful winner. If a sportsman breaks a rule in sports, he is punished; if he is courageous and generous, he is respected by all. The winner is not expected to be proud, and the loser should have no reason to feel discouraged. Fair play is considered the spirit of sport. So everyone must obey the rules and the referee. Comprehension1. T2. T3. F4. T5. F6. T7. T8. NM9. F10. FVocabulary1. c2.a3. d4. a5. b6. b7. c8. d9. c10. bSpecial useI. The following sentences contain different expressions of a future event. Read them and explain the meaning of the italicized words in each sentence. 1. To talk about the future, we can use will in all persons. Shall is also possible in the first person (usually with the same meaning as will).2. Talking about intending to do something in the future, we often use will with I and we, but not shall.3. The present simple is used to talk about future events which are already on a program. This is particularly common when we refer to timetables.4. The present continuous indicates a future event, but it can also be about an existing present situation: an invitation has been given and accepted.5. Be going to + infinitive here indicates that something is going to happen because we can see it coming or we have present evidence.6. Be + infinitive is often used to talk about arrangements which have been planned for the future.7. Be going to + infinitive is used here to express arrangement for a future event.8. The future progressive can be used to indicate that an action will be in progress at a particular moment in the future.9. Be about + infinitive is often used to talk about action already planned or arranged.10. Be on the point of + -ing V is often used to talk about something that is going to happen very soon.II. Rewrite the following sentences with the suggested forms in the brackets. Make changes where necessary.1. We shall / will go back to see our childhood friends in the winter vacation.2. I will take care of the matter.3. The young man is going to take his girlfriend out on Sunday.4. I bet William will be working on Saturday.5. The New Year party is about to begin.6. The small ball is on the point of falling down from the desk.7. Im to go and see my dentist this afternoon.8. Look at those dark clouds in the sky. It is going to rain.9. Im seeing the doctor the day after tomorrow.10. Next Monday the Queen returns to London after her tour of the Commonwealth.III. Read the following story and use the verbs given in brackets to fill in the blanks. Make sure the verbs are in their appropriate (future) forms.1.is (Bob) coming/will (Bob) come2. ll (just) look/m (just) looking3.is arriving/will arrive4. leaves5.arrives6. ll go and meet7.wont know8. ll come9.re going10.ll take11. am going to drive/will be driving/will drive12. re going to play/will be playing/will play13. ll be14.ll be15. gets16.ll be17. ll be18. will wait/will be waiting 19. m (just) about to turn/m (just) turning20. ll beTranslation1. The network sales executive began to put his plans into practice after research and investigation.2. Because their mother didnt have her pension, the two sisters each contributed $500 a month to support her.3. Uncle Jim thought that a rise in the market would enable him to cash in.4. For years Robinson struggled hard, working in turn as an accountant, an agent, and a project manager.5. Yesterday, a $500,000 worth of painting was stolen from the museum.6. The businessmen who came to take part in the East China Fair rolled in from all parts of the country.7. They naturally associated the matter with the promotional plan.8. The book focuses on concrete analysis of the feasibility of the program.9. After introducing advanced technology, we can put out 20 machines every month now.10. Scholarship students accounts for nearly three fifths of the whole enrollment in our college.Cloze1. business2. stars3. court4. pitch5. advertising6. products7. richest8. ring9. Sponsors10.image11.game12.popular13.prize money14.appearing15.publicityExtended activitiesA. Word formationI.New York New Yorkersail sailorcompute computerforeign foreignerdirect directorserve servantassist assistantcorrespond correspondentshop shoppersurvive survivorinvest investordefend defendantimmigrate immigrantreside resident lead leadersouthern southerner 1. shoppers2. immigrants 3. residents4. computer 5. survivors6. leader 7. assistant 8. sailors 9. southerners10.correspondentII. 1. engineer2. mountaineer 3. volunteer4. profiteer 5. trainee 6. appointee 7. interviewee 8. AbsenteeB. Function and Structure1.Complete the following dialogues: 1) Mr. King: If you dont mind my saying so, your daughter is a very charming young lady. Mrs. Smith: Its very kind of you to say so. 2) Susan is in a new blue sweater. Mary: What a beautiful sweater! Susan: Do you think it looks good on me? Mary: Yes, you look terrific in blue. Susan: Im so pleased to hear that. Mary: Look, it matches your pants extremely well. Susan: Oh, you flatter me. Mary: No, I do like it very much. It must be very expensive. Susan: You wont believe it, but it was really cheap. Mary: I wish I could find one just like it. 3) Maggie bought a new pair of shoes. Maggie: What do you think of my new shoes? Cathy: Theyre nice. Maggie: Im glad you like them. Cathy: I like the color too. They match your dress very well. Maggie: Thank you for saying that. I bought them at half price. Cathy: Thats incredible! It is very lucky of you to find them. 4) In an office Mr. Edward: You are a helpful assistant to me. I compliment you for your excellent work. Miss Simon: Its very kind of you to mention it. Mr. Edward: If I may say so, you are the most efficient secretary Ive ever met. Miss Simon: How kind of you to say so. Mr. Edward: You deserve it, really.5) Mr. Hunter: Id like to express my admiration for your efficiency, Miss Smith. Im wondering how you can manage to do all these in one day. Miss Smith: Im glad you think so. But I should say without my colleagues cooperation, I wouldnt have completed the job so soon.C. Practical reading1. PUMA “VORTEX”.2. UMBRO “TACTIC” FOOTBALL.3. MITRE “INFINITY PRO” FOOTBAL. Its made of synthetic.4. 6.5. ADIDAS “QUESTRA” ORBIT EUROPA FOOTBALL.6. Gilbert Rugby Ball.7. ADIDAS BASKETBALL. Its made of rubber.8. It has adjustable goal height; the base is fitted with two wheels for full portability; it can be delivered home free of charge.9. Cat. No. 300/1154.10. It doesnt contain a backboard.D. Additional vocabularyMatch the following words about sports with the Chinese equivalents.1.soccerj.足球2.judom.柔道3.wrestlingc.摔跤4.water polov.水球5.badmintonh.羽毛球6.figure skatinga花样滑冰7.golfr.高尔夫球8.baseballe棒球9.rugbyp.英式橄榄球10.cricketk.板球11.hockeys.(冰上)曲棍球12.boat raceu赛船13.softballb垒球14.mountaineeringi登山运动15.motor racingf摩托车竞赛16.boxingx拳击17.marathon racel马拉松赛跑18.skatingy滑冰19.skiingd滑雪20.bowlingo.保龄球21.gymnasticsg.体操22.chesst国际象棋23.weight-liftingq.举重24.martial artsn.武术25.shootingw射击Unit 2Reading IPre-reading:1. Brainstorming: write down businesses which belong to different types of ownership(In many countries all of the types of business can be privately owned. Students may have different opinions about the current situation in China. In any case, the economic policy in China has changed a lot in recent years.)Public ownershipMixed (private or public) ownershipRailroadRestaurant Telecommunication service / post officeRetail businessTelevision / radio stationHotelElectric power industryTravel agencyJournalism / publisherDepartment storeAir transport industryBankingOil companyStock marketFood manufacturerSupermarketAdvertising agencyRepair service2. Pairwork: 2) Ownership existing in China:state-owned, private ownership, public ownership, individual ownership, collective ownership, joint venture, foreign enterprise5) Before the introduction of the policies of reform and opening to the outside world, China had a unitary public ownership economy, which lacked vitality. But since the reform and opening to the outside world, the Chinese government has encouraged the development of diversified economic elements while insisting on the primacy of public ownership. As a result, both the individual and private economies have developed rapidly. By the end of 1998, the registered industrial and commercial enterprises of individual and private ownership amounted to 32.4 million, and they had 78.24 million employees; Chinese-foreign joint ventures, Chinese-foreign cooperative enterprises and foreign ventures numbered 325,000, absorbing 265.6 billion yuan of foreign direct investments. The development and expansion of these enterprises have played important roles in many aspects, such as bringing convenience to peoples everyday lives, making up for the deficiency of construction funds, and introducing advanced technologies and management from abroad. At the same time the control of the public-ownership economy has been further strengthened. In 1999, the increased value of state-owned enterprises and industrial enterprises above a certain scale made up 24.7 percent of the notions total gross domestic. Now the mutual development pattern for diversified ownership with the public ownership economy as the mainstay has been basically formed.Exercise:2. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.1. b2. a 3. d 4. b 5. b6. b3. Give the English word for the meaning provided.1.proprietorship2.capital3.legal4.liability5.dividend6.withdrawal7.dissolve8.corporation 9.assets10.dominate 11.utility4. Put the following expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary.1. no more than 2. to go into debt 3. started, with 4. will have to close down 5. be defined, as 6. consisted of7. accounts for 8. are liable for 9. be offset 10. Running out of 11. in the extent of 12. formalities5. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the italicized words with appropriate words or phrases from the text.1.The annual output of the steel plant accounts for 40% of the total annual steel output of the country.2.He is not that old. I guess he is no more than 45.3. Because of inefficiency of the management, the factory has closed down.4.He had the advantage over other young people of being born into a wealthy and powerful family.5. In that wicked place, honest people were considered as fools.6. Any adult is liable for whatever he says or does.6. Word studyKey1. a. Theres a big difference between knowing that something is true, and being able to prove it. b. The heat in Arizona is different from the heat here, since its very dry. c. The two sides in the dispute still differ with each other over the question of pay. 2. a. In Oxford Dictionary, the sportsman is defined as a good fellow who is fair to opponents. b. People say that students are by definition idealistic and impatient. c. Each of us might define the concept of freedom in a slightly different way.3. a. This nation, with its developed industry, seemed likely to dominate the whole of Western Europe. b. After some discussion, peace and development were adopted as the dominant themes of the conference. c. As our dominance of the market is seriously threatened by this new product, efforts should be made to retain it. 4. a. The consequences of the recession in that country have extended beyond its borders. b. He is so fully occupied that his working day often extends well into the evening. c. With some acceptable reasons, the student has got an extension to finish writing his thesis. 5. a. Each of the classes will elect two students to represent for the conference. b. We discussed these issues with a senior representative of the company. c. In about 5years, the firm has established adequate representation in Europe.Post ReadingTask 1 Students can be guided to compare the three types of ownership in terms of: business scale, product range, business volume, employee motivation, corporate reliability, financial standing, financial support, business owners responsibility, corporate management, operation efficiency, operation cost, cash flowTask 2Reading IIDictationThe corporate form of ownership has several advantages. The first is its ability to attract financial resources. A second advantage is that if the corporation attracts a large amount of capital, it can make large investments in plants, equipment and research. A third advantage is that a corpor


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