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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上长宁区 2019 学年度第一学期期末质量调研初三英语练习卷2020.01Part 1Listening(第一部分听力)Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分 语音、语法和词汇). Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)26. Which of the following words is pronounced as /sins/?A. thingsB. scienceC. sinceD. sense27. Middle school students usually have one-day spring outing in April or May.A. aB. anC. theD. /28. The little girl a yellow T-shirt is my cousin from Canada.A. ofB. inC. atD. by29. When I have problem with my ,I usually turn to my friend for .A. adviceB. opinionC. ideaD. point30. Drinking too much water before sleep does harm your health.A. withB. forC. atD. to31. Sorry, I am not able to answer your question. I know about it.A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little32. “You can read the comic strips, you must finish your homework first.” said Mom.A. forB. orC. soD. but33. The farmer sounded on the phone. He offered to give me a speech on planting seeds.A. gentlyB. friendlyC. sadlyD. kindly34. Students be careful when they do chemical experiments in the laboratory.A. mustB. mayC. needD. can35. Jack needed to change his unhealthy eating habits, he?A. dontB. isntC. doesntD. neednt36. With the help of computers, reading and writing do not seem so as they used to.A. difficultB. more difficultC. most difficultD. the mort difficult37. Ann and Christina next-door neighborhood since they came to Shanghai in 2016.A. wereB. will beC. had beenD. have been38. We used the link method we could remember these words easily.A. now thatB. as soon asC. so thatD. as long as39. The old man was sad because his favourite vase by his naughty granddaughter.A. brokeB. breaksC. is brokenD. was broken40. Alans mother advised him books instead of copying words again and again.A. readB. to readC. readingD. reads41. The boss made his workers over 10 hours a day. That was against the law.A. workedB. workingC. to workD. work42. Not only Tom but also Gail fond of watching football games every summer.专心-专注-专业A. isB. areC. wasD. were43. convenient it is to communicate with each other through Wechat!A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a44. I will visit the painting exhibition this weekend with my friend. Would you like to join us!- .A. Youre welcomeB. Id love toC. Well doneD. Thats right 45. - .-Thank you, I wont.A. Would you come and pick me up?B. Dont forget your raincoat. Its raining hard now.C. Could you help me with my suitcase?D. I promise never to make the same mistakes again. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)A. startedB. pressingC. availableD. satisfyingD. exactlyWhen the Internet become in the 1990s nobody had any idea of just how popular it was going to become. There are over 100,000,000 websites, although nobody knows how many there are, and there are billions of web pages. But what will the Internet be like in the future? Here, the experts give us their predictions.Internet and mobile phonesThe first mobile phone with Internet was in Finland in 1996, but it was very expensive so not many people used it. Japan the first mobile phone Internet service in 1999. By 2008, more people were using mobiles to access(接入) the Internet than computers. In the future, experts say well all use our mobiles to access the Internet. Mobile screens will probably get a little bigger, but not much. Of course, youll control all the function by the screen, not buttons.A. deliverB. differencesC. professionalD.machinesD. traditionalHow will people use the Internet?Soon, everything from your car to your fridge will be connected to the Internet, and will communicate with each other. Electrolux has already developed fridge that emails shopping list to a local supermarket and arranges a time for them to your shopping to your house! We will see a big change in the way people use it. Sixty- four percent of experts think people wont have to use the keyboard. We will have “virtual” (虚拟的) keyboards- people will be able to display these keyboards on any flat surface, such as a table.Work and rest time.Most people will also spend part of their day in virtual worlds, at home or at work. Finally, there wont be a big between work and rest time. People will be able to connect to the Internet anywhere and work where they are in the gym, a shop, at home or even in a virtual office. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)54. I cant do the question but I have finished doing the other. (four )55. Peters mother has promised to buy a Millet Bracelet(小米手环) as a present. (be)56. As a good detective, Ken looks for clues carefully and never jumps to .(conclusion)57. My partner was ill and she had an operation the day before yesterday. ( serious)58. Having done enough revision work, Joe is sure that hell in the final exam.(success)59. That shop sells a of unusual, fun model cars, many kids like to go there. (vary)60. Linda is a leader in our group. She is always active in dealing with problems.(confidence)61. When you feel tired or , you can look for something interesting to do.(happy). Complete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求完成下列句子,每题空格限填一词)62. Billy has to get up early to catch the first bus.(改为否定句) Billy to get up early to catch the first bus.63. The subway fare is three yuan from my home to the cinema.(对划线部分提问) is the subway fare from your home to the cinema?64. Students wanted to know when they would set off for the amusement park.(改为简单句) Students wanted to know set off for the amusement park.65. Im not able to finish the task successfully within half an hour.(保持句意基本不变) for me to finish the task successfully within half an hour.66. “Has Mary put all the books on the book shelves yet?” The librarian asked me. (合并为一句)The librarian asked me if Mary put all the books on the book shelves.67. You should give the pet dog enough food and water every day.(改为被动语态) The pet dog should enough food and water every day.68. her new i-phone, because, looked upset, had lost, Angela, she (连词成句)Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分读写). Reading comprehension (阅读理解)A. Choose the best answer (根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)1. 2. Two high school students from California couldAn Australian teenager could fined(罚款) go to prison for crimes that some people might20,000 AUS $ for having a party while histhink are small and of little importance.family was on holiday. It was just a get -Prosecutors(检察官)said that Gary and Mike,together with a couple of mates at first and thenboth 18, had broken into their school andwe thought, why not have a bit of a party, 16-changed their own and others grades on theyear-old Corey told reporters. But it got a bit outschool computer network.of control.While Mike tried doing it once. Gary did itMore than 500 people came to Coreys houseseveral times. Gary could get more than 38 yearsandpolicewerecalledwhenneighborsin prison. Mike could get three years. There arecomplained about the nose. No one was arrestedvery serious crimes,said Prosecutor Li.but 30 police officers, a helicopter and a dogwere needed to break up the party. Police chiefChristine Nixon said that Corey would have topay for damage to neighbors cars and gardens.He needs to be taught a lesson. she said.Coreys mother, Jo Delaney, said: Were a goodfamily. Im just horrified that this has actuallyhappened.3. A teenage student was bitten by her dog as she celebrated a $7m lottery win. 18-year-old Amy was shocked when she heard the news. I was screaming so loudly with excitement that my dog, Brock, didnt know what was happening. So he bit me!Amy is now on a gap year between school and university, and has been working as a part - time waitress at a hotel near her home. She said she was planning to organize a holiday in Egypt for herself, her family and friends, and to buy her first car. After that, she said she was still planning to go to university to study law. I just plan to live like a normal student and not like a millionaire, she told reporters.69. Read the first line of each article and match the headlines to the articles (1-2-3)a. Dog bites student $7m lottery winnerb. Police fine teenager after large partyc. California teenagers face prison for hacking into school computersA. acbB. bcaC. cabD. cba70. Prosecutor Li in California thinks.A. these crimes are small and little importantB. Gary and Mike only changed their own gradesC. these crimes are very seriousD. its a bad situation for them to be in prison71. Corey could be fined 20,000 AUS$ because.A. she had a party with a couple of matesB. her party was out of control and does much damageC. she damaged her neighbors cars and gardensD. her mother felt terrible about what happened72. Amys dog .A. was shocked to hear the good newsB. used to bite people and be noisyC. was probably frightened by her behaviorD. felt as excited as her owner that day73. The three short articles all mentioned “ ”.A. teenagerB. dogC. motherD. police74. You can probably find the material from the section of the newspaper.A. Fun MemoriesB. True Life StoriesC. Amazing Detective StoriesD. Frightening AccidentsB. Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)A Simple Act of Gratitude tells a story of one mans journey to change his life. The book begins one December when the future looks 75 for John Kralik. His small law business is struggling(艰难的). Hes in the process of divorcing(离婚)his second wife. He doesnt have much of a relationship with his two sons. Hes living in a small, cheap flat, roasting in the summer and freezing in the winter. His ideal dreams for his law business and his 76 to become a judge are out of reach.On New Years Day, John goes hiking in the mountains near his California home. He gets lost and is stepping around in the wilderness when he hears a voice say, “ 77 you learn to be thankful for the things you have, you will not receive the things you want.” After thinking a while, he comes up with an idea. He decides to find one person to thank each day and write them a thank - you note. By the end of the year, he will have written 365 notes. They would be the way out of his disappointment.At first, John has trouble finding things to be thankful for. But day by day, he 78 people to thank for large and small things. He writes thank-yous for gifts and kindnesses. He writes notes to his sons. Writing thank-yous makes him realize he needs to change the way he views life and the people in it. He writes to college friends and doctors, Starbucks clerks, his daughters teacher and his apartment manager. He writes to anyone who 79 his life in even the smallest way. Almost immediately, surprising things begin to happen. He begins to have the benefit of a changed attitude. By the end of the book, his life isnt 80 , and he still doesnt have everything he wants.But he realizes that writing thank-you notes is a good thing to do and makes the world a better place.75. A.beautiful76. A. decisionB. darkB. talentC. attractiveC. choiceD. primaryD. desire77. A. IfB. ThoughC. UntilD. When78. A. takes upB. turns outC. breaks downD. thinks of79. A. touchesB. widensC. providesD. beats80. A. perfectB. meaningfulC. toughD. strangeC. Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词, 首字母已给)Free-diving is diving underwater, holding your breath, without the use of equipment. In ancient times people had to free-dive to get food, such as fish and shellfish. Free divers also c 81 treasures lying at the bottom of the ocean. The Mediterranean Sea, south of Europe, had many trading ships passing through. Often ships sank, sometimes because of storms. They would swim down to the shipwreck and try to lift the most precious pieces. In modern times, free-diving is part of many different a 82 such as underwater photography and spearfishing. Sports such as underwater football, rugby and hockey also involve free-diving.The most dangerous free-diving is practised by a small group of extreme sportsmen and sportswomen who swim very deep. They aim to go to great depths and d 83 for a long time on a single breath, wearing only a wetsuit. Deep under the water it is cold and black. The weight or pressure on your body is much h 84 than that at the surface. That weight, and going so long on only one breath, can cause a person to become unconscious(无意识的)because of a lack of oxygen, and then die.Why do people want to take part in a sport that is so dangerous?You need to be fit to swim so deep, but you also need to be very strong mentally(精神上). At first it is difficult to sink. You have to stay c _85 and even slow your thinking. But finally the air is pushed from your body, and you start to sink. It is as if the water were d 86 you down. This is a very peaceful feeling.Natalia wrote many poems about her love of being in the deep blue ocean. She felt at one with nature there, as if in an ancient space. She would go into a deep state of being quiet and thinking before she went into the water. She would leave b 87 her the stress of life, which she called “surface fuss”. According to Natalia, when you stop breathing, most of your bodys functions stop. It is as if time itself stopped.D. Answer the questions (根据以下内容回答问题)“O boys, dont throw stones at the poor bird,” said an old grey-headed man, “Sir,” said a little fellow, “she makes such a loud noise that we cant suffer from her.” “Yes, but she uses the voice which nature gave her, and I am afraid the stone will rebound(弹回), and hurt you as long as you live!” “Rebound! We dont understand you, sir!” “Well, come and I will tell you a story.”“Fifty years ago, I was a boy like you. I used to throw stones until I became very accurate. One day I went to work for an old couple. They were very kind to everybody and everything. Few had so many birds making their nests under the roofs of their houses. The birds seemed to love the couple. For seven years a bird had come, after the long winter was over, and built her nest in the same place, and raised her young chicks there. She and her mate had just returned when I went there to work, and the couple welcomed them heartily. The bird hopped hopped about as if glad to be back. During the day, I thought I would try my skill upon her. She sat on a pole and looked at me trustfully. I found a nice stone, and I threw it with my utmost skill. It struck the bird on the head and she drooped dead!”“I was sorry when I saw her fall. But the deed was done. I said nothing to the old couple about it. But one of their grandchildren told them what I had done. Though the couple never said a word to me, I knew that they weredeeply saddened by my cruelty. I could never look at them in the face afterwards. Oh, that I should have told them how sorry I was!”“They have been dead many years, and so has the poor bird; but dont you see how that stone rebounded, and hit me? How much the memory of it has hurt me! My dear boys, I would pay a great deal today if I could release from my present feeling! For fifty years I have remembered it. I have never spoken of it before; but if what my words will prevent you from throwing a stone that may rebound, I will be happy.”88. What kind of skill did he author get when he was a boy?89. How can we know that the bird was happy to meet the couple again?90. Why couldnt the author look at the couple in the face afterwards?91. According to the author, what would hurt the boy for lifetime if he threw stones at the bird?92. Why did the author tell his story to the boy?93. What would the boy probably do after hearing the authors words? (At least two things). Writing (作文)94. Write at least 60 words about the topic “My new way(s) to ” (请以“我 的新方法”为题, 写一篇不少于 60 个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)在你的日常的学习生活中,你习惯于老方法做某事。有一天你尝试使用新方法,结果发现效果更好。请你举例简单叙述使用什么新方法、做了什么事、介绍新方法的优点以及谈谈给你的感想。(注意:文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名以其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)参考答案II.26-30 CABAD31-35CADCDB41-45DACBB III.46-49 CEAB50-53 DAEB IV.54. fourth55. him56. conclusion57. seriously58. succeed59. variety60. confident61. unhappy V.62. doesnt have63. How much64. when to65. Its impossible66. had already 67. be given68. Angele looked upset because she had lost her new i-phone. VI.69. D70. C71. C72. C73. A 74. B75. B76. D77. C78. D79. A 80. A81. collected82. activities83. dive84. heavier85.calm86. dragging/ drawing87. behind88. He could throw stones accurately89. For seven years, she came back and built her nest under the roof of their houses.90. Because he knew that the couple were deeply saddened by his cruelty and he was very sorry.91. The memory of killing a bird.


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